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Former Member

Guyana needs to put some checks on the monopoly Oligarchies to ensure that there is not another Booker brothers situation.  There should be at least two rules in place.


1. If your company owns former state assets and/or you enjoy a business monopoly in Guyana as a Guyanese company and you relocate your head office to another country away from Guyana then you and your company have forfeited those assets back to the Guyana state.


2. If you enjoy a business monopoly in Guyana as a Guyanese company you have to get approval from majority vote in parliment before you can sell your company to a foreign interest. 


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Originally Posted by Wally:

Guyana needs to put some checks on the monopoly Oligarchies to ensure that there is not another Booker Brothers Type situation.  There should be at least two rules in place.


1. If your company owns former state assets and/or you enjoy a business monopoly in Guyana as a Guyanese company and you relocate your head office to another country away from Guyana then you and your company have forfeited those assets back to the Guyana state.


2. If you enjoy a business monopoly in Guyana as a Guyanese company you have to get approval from majority vote in parliment before you can sell your company to a foreign interest. 


Communist Russia here we come again. Al Yuh Gat NUFF LAFF Story.


You can laugh your head off here but when these companies start relocating their head offices in the Caribbean and Guyanese workers start losing their jobs it would be another matter then and it would not be a laughing matter.  There is nothing in place right now to keep these companies Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

You can laugh your head off here but when these companies start relocating their head offices in the Caribbean and Guyanese workers start losing their jobs it would be another matter then and it would not be a laughing matter.

bANNAS, tHAT IS LIVING IN THE PAST. You heard of Globalisation, right??? Technology enables a HQ to be in Bihar and still function to the Max.

Originally Posted by Wally:

You should ask the people at Huawei about the easy time they are having investing in the United States. Also read about the blocking of the sale of Potash Corp to BHP Billiton by a conservative Canadian government.  Once again I say to you Nehru don't be fooled by words such as Globalization. 

Bhai, Huawei is a Chinese Govt Operation trying to disguise as Civilian entity.


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