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Former Member

PPP’s devious action in the Rupununi

May 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
There is a typical case here in the Rupununi of misplaced priorities by the PPP government. There is an intense campaign, almost an obsession by the party, to convert all and sundry to PPPites. This campaign has now shifted focus to the youths.
On most weekends the PPP operatives, mostly from Georgetown, visit villages on this divisive quest. The youths are lured to the meetings on the ruse of government officials seeking to ascertain the communities’ problems.

At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance.
But while millions of taxpayers’ dollars are being spent to fortify the position of the Party, the Police in the region are languishing without resources to fight crime.
The Rupununi is 23,000 square miles and consists of five Sub-Regions, each in itself, a huge expanse of land.
There are four Police Stations in the Region—one each in the Sub-Regions except the South-Central Sub-Region. The station at Aishalton is manned by two ranks. That area extends from Shea in the east, 42 miles from Aishalton, to Parabara in the West, which is some 57 miles away.
The area also takes in the mining area of Marudi mountains which is 38 miles to the South. This police station has no vehicle.

In examining Annai, the largest Sub-Region, the situation is no different. This area extends to Fairs View in the North, some 68 miles away. The communities in this Sub-Region are widely scattered and are hours driving from one village to the next. There are also communities along the Rupununi River like Apoteri, Rewa, Crash Water and Yakarinta. The police station at Annai does not have a vehicle or boat to access these communities.
The station at Karasabai is responsible for Yarong Paru in the East to Taushida in the West. This area is mountainous and probably requires an ATV to enable the police to access theses villages.
This leaves the Regional headquarters, Lethem.

The ranks at Lethem number no more than 15. They are responsible for the Central and South-Central Sub-Regions. This is one massive tract of land with villages widely scattered.  Apart from St. Ignatius Village which is 30 minutes walk from Lethem, the next village, Kumu, is seven miles. As you go to the next the distances increase to double figures. Sand Creek, the center of the South-Central Sub-Region, is at least 58 miles from Lethem and there are other villages further away.
The Police at present have no vehicles to patrol, much less to respond to crimes in these areas. Just before their vehicle became unserviceable, there were always five ranks in the vehicle whenever it left the compound. The reason? Whenever the vehicle was parked it had to be push-started. Hence the driver dared not venture too far least he will not be able to get a quick start. That in itself was an undesirable situation, not to mention a dangerous one.

I am quite certain that the condition of this vehicle would have been included in the station’s routine reports to the Division Command.
Additionally, the Rupununi has over 1,000 miles of border with Brazil. Hence one can appreciate the impossible mission the ranks have in policing the Region. In the meantime, illegal cross-border activities continue unabated. Even with one vehicle, the police were engaged in mission impossible.
One has to sympathise with the ranks here.
The government by not addressing these shortcomings has failed the residents of this very region which they are desperately trying to retain. It has neglected the residents in the same way they have neglected the sugar workers.

My advice therefore is that the government stops this wanton waste of scarce resources and spend it where it is needed. Leave the people to decide which party they want to be members of. That decision will be made in two years’ time.
Carl Parker Sr.
Regional Councillor,
Region 9

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The opposition are most welcome to solicit young Amerindians  voters.


Communist Gil, what is your problem ?

Yuji, this garbage was supplied by the toilet paper. This kind of stuff gets flushed down the shit sewer.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The opposition are most welcome to solicit young Amerindians  voters.


Communist Gil, what is your problem ?

yuji, this is my problem:

When I was a PPP member/activist thru the 1970s and 1980s our leader Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PYO vehemently condemned the PNC regime for requiring PNC/YSM cards for government jobs.

If what the PNC regime did at that time was deplorable, what the PPP regime is doing now in the Rupununi is just as deplorable.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Gil yuh have to understand the type and quality of supporters left in the PPP & PYO today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YouGee and Skeldon will reason with us that if Kwame & Jagdeo are in the Leadership xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and if Kwame & Jagdeo love, promote & Practice Buggery........ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yougee, Skeldon & Councie are just followers......they following their leader. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Gil yuh have to understand the type and quality of supporters left in the PPP & PYO today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YouGee and Skeldon will reason with us that if Kwame & Jagdeo are in the Leadership xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and if Kwame & Jagdeo love, promote & Practice Buggery........ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yougee, Skeldon & Councie are just followers......they following their leader. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jalil, I have nothing against homosexuals. That's their lifestyles.
I cannot condemn one for that; just as we don't comdemn one for one's religion. Like I said, we all have our prejudices and others should learn to live with it.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The opposition are most welcome to solicit young Amerindians  voters.


Communist Gil, what is your problem ?

yuji, this is my problem:

When I was a PPP member/activist thru the 1970s and 1980s our leader Dr Cheddi Jagan and the PYO vehemently condemned the PNC regime for requiring PNC/YSM cards for government jobs.

If what the PNC regime did at that time was deplorable, what the PPP regime is doing now in the Rupununi is just as deplorable.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. All else so far looks like he was foolish or just plain devious. Hiding his true self. The man rigged his own congress in favour of Benn and denied Balram Singh Rai a democratic privilize.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP’s devious action in the Rupununi

May 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
There is a typical case here in the Rupununi of misplaced priorities by the PPP government. There is an intense campaign, almost an obsession by the party, to convert all and sundry to PPPites. This campaign has now shifted focus to the youths.
On most weekends the PPP operatives, mostly from Georgetown, visit villages on this divisive quest. The youths are lured to the meetings on the ruse of government officials seeking to ascertain the communities’ problems.

At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance.
But while millions of taxpayers’ dollars are being spent to fortify the position of the Party, the Police in the region are languishing without resources to fight crime.
The Rupununi is 23,000 square miles and consists of five Sub-Regions, each in itself, a huge expanse of land.
There are four Police Stations in the Region—one each in the Sub-Regions except the South-Central Sub-Region. The station at Aishalton is manned by two ranks. That area extends from Shea in the east, 42 miles from Aishalton, to Parabara in the West, which is some 57 miles away.
The area also takes in the mining area of Marudi mountains which is 38 miles to the South. This police station has no vehicle.

In examining Annai, the largest Sub-Region, the situation is no different. This area extends to Fairs View in the North, some 68 miles away. The communities in this Sub-Region are widely scattered and are hours driving from one village to the next. There are also communities along the Rupununi River like Apoteri, Rewa, Crash Water and Yakarinta. The police station at Annai does not have a vehicle or boat to access these communities.
The station at Karasabai is responsible for Yarong Paru in the East to Taushida in the West. This area is mountainous and probably requires an ATV to enable the police to access theses villages.
This leaves the Regional headquarters, Lethem.

The ranks at Lethem number no more than 15. They are responsible for the Central and South-Central Sub-Regions. This is one massive tract of land with villages widely scattered.  Apart from St. Ignatius Village which is 30 minutes walk from Lethem, the next village, Kumu, is seven miles. As you go to the next the distances increase to double figures. Sand Creek, the center of the South-Central Sub-Region, is at least 58 miles from Lethem and there are other villages further away.
The Police at present have no vehicles to patrol, much less to respond to crimes in these areas. Just before their vehicle became unserviceable, there were always five ranks in the vehicle whenever it left the compound. The reason? Whenever the vehicle was parked it had to be push-started. Hence the driver dared not venture too far least he will not be able to get a quick start. That in itself was an undesirable situation, not to mention a dangerous one.

I am quite certain that the condition of this vehicle would have been included in the station’s routine reports to the Division Command.
Additionally, the Rupununi has over 1,000 miles of border with Brazil. Hence one can appreciate the impossible mission the ranks have in policing the Region. In the meantime, illegal cross-border activities continue unabated. Even with one vehicle, the police were engaged in mission impossible.
One has to sympathise with the ranks here.
The government by not addressing these shortcomings has failed the residents of this very region which they are desperately trying to retain. It has neglected the residents in the same way they have neglected the sugar workers.

My advice therefore is that the government stops this wanton waste of scarce resources and spend it where it is needed. Leave the people to decide which party they want to be members of. That decision will be made in two years’ time.
Carl Parker Sr.
Regional Councillor,
Region 9

This is a damning validation that the PPP = PNC.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

The opposition are most welcome to solicit young Amerindians  voters.


Communist Gil, what is your problem ?

I see so when Burnham did this it was wrong, but its OK when the PPP uses the same party card system?


What a hypocrite!

Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. All else so far looks like he was foolish or just plain devious. Hiding his true self. The man rigged his own congress in favour of Benn and denied Balram Singh Rai a democratic privilize.


There's a lot of truth in those words.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

Mr Jagdeo rig his congress election to trow out Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Rankarran, no?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

Mr Jagdeo rig his congress election to trow out Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Rankarran, no?

We are talking about general elections. What happens inside the political parties is their business; not the peoples' business. They do what's best for the party.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

 Shallow man, RIGGING is a compendium of activities aimed at an unfair advantage. It is not limited to physically padding the ballot boxes,


It begins with a patronage system as constructed by the PPP for all kinds of duties formerly of the civil services down to its pay off of 2000 Amerindians for supposed training. Even the above strategy listed ie


  • At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance. rigging!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

Mr Jagdeo rig his congress election to trow out Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Rankarran, no?

We are talking about general elections. What happens inside the political parties is their business; not the peoples' business. They do what's best for the party.

Sir me dont agree with that. National party business is everybody business. Anybody who rig party election will rig national if change given. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

 Shallow man, RIGGING is a compendium of activities aimed at an unfair advantage. It is not limited to physically padding the ballot boxes,


It begins with a patronage system as constructed by the PPP for all kinds of duties formerly of the civil services down to its pay off of 2000 Amerindians for supposed training. Even the above strategy listed ie


  • At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance. rigging!

Thank you Mr. Einstein. Whatever you say. However, where is the proof? It's all hearsay.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

Mr Jagdeo rig his congress election to trow out Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Rankarran, no?

We are talking about general elections. What happens inside the political parties is their business; not the peoples' business. They do what's best for the party.

Skelly, I beg to disagree.

Political parties are not secret societies. They are public associations aiming to get political power with votes from the public.

If a political party rigs its own internal elections, there is no guarantee it would not want to rig national elections too. Public perceptions count heavily in voting preferences.

By now we have access to historical anecdotal records showing that the PPP has been habitually rigging its Congress elections since 1962.

There is some credence to Granger's allegation that the PPP rigged the 2011 general elections. I would say the PPP attempted to rig.

The officials tallying the votes at the Elactions Commission's HQ were first witnesses to a nail-biting finish in favour of the AFC and APNU combined.

Gocool Boodhoo jumped the gun and announced that the PPP had won by a one-seat majority. Alert observers in the opposition raised a ruckus and Gocool had to withdraw his claim. As we know now, the PPP indeed secured for the first time since 1992 less than 50 percent of total votes cast.

Rigging takes many forms. It doesn't happen only on voting day. It begins during the elections campaign.

Two weeks before the infamous 1973 general elections I was visiting a girlfriend at Nandy Park, East Bank Demerara. An ugly fellow named Joshua Chowritmootoo from Berbice, representing the PNC, turned up soliciting proxy votes from my girlfriend's parents. He left with two signed proxy votes after writing out a note for those people to get cooking oil and soap from a government outlet.

What the PYO is doing in the hinterland is laying the groundwork for buying PPP votes from Amerindians. Tell me it ain't so.




I have to disagree with you. 


I vote conservative. My neighbourhood is upscale and well maintained. It may appear that a lot of money is spent on infrastructure, schools, parks etc. It is no different than what is happening in Guyana. In politics, you take care of your political base and supporters. It is a fact of life in any country.


Guyana's election under the PPP were certified free and fair by recognized International election observers. The Election Commission is independent unlike the PNC days under Burhham and Hoyte who rigged every elections and stole all of  the ballot boxes.


Be fair for once. You can do a lot better when you are impartial. It is not in your character to to post inaccurate information.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Guyana's election under the PPP were certified free and fair by recognized International election observers. The Election Commission is independent unlike the PNC days under Burhham and Hoyte who rigged every elections and stole all of  the ballot boxes.


Be fair for once. You can do a lot better when you are impartial. It is not in your character to to post inaccurate information.



Up to now the PPP operated under the premise that its core base Indians, accounted for more far voters than blacks.  45% vs 32%.  So it is easier for them to top up with a few other votes.


The problem that the PPP now faces is that it has lost control of the parliament and so cannot do as the wish. So the next election, not onluy will they be paranoid about losing control again, but theu will see that demographic is not in its favor as the Indian vote is shrinking.  And more terrifying to them, they dont exert the control over younger Indian voters than they did over their parents.


The PPP wants to win at all costs, because they know that a loss to APNU means that people are going to jail. APNU will have to do this, because people will expect them to do so, given the blatant and extreme corruption that people cannot turn a blind eye to as they did in the Burnham era. 


The huge mansions that people who were poor before entry into politics is just too obvious and shows pure unadulerated arrogance.  There is no way that Jagdeo, on his president's salary and allowances, could have become the wealthy man that he now clearly is.  He comes from a poor bacdkground, so this is inherited family wealth either.


So the PPP will rig, because they have to guarantee victory, and cannot assume that they will win parliamentary control, given that they lost it in 2011.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Guyana's election under the PPP were certified free and fair by recognized International election observers. The Election Commission is independent unlike the PNC days under Burhham and Hoyte who rigged every elections and stole all of  the ballot boxes.


Be fair for once. You can do a lot better when you are impartial. It is not in your character to to post inaccurate information.



Up to now the PPP operated under the premise that its core base Indians, accounted for more far voters than blacks.  45% vs 32%.  So it is easier for them to top up with a few other votes.


The problem that the PPP now faces is that it has lost control of the parliament and so cannot do as the wish. So the next election, not onluy will they be paranoid about losing control again, but theu will see that demographic is not in its favor as the Indian vote is shrinking.  And more terrifying to them, they dont exert the control over younger Indian voters than they did over their parents.


The PPP wants to win at all costs, because they know that a loss to APNU means that people are going to jail. APNU will have to do this, because people will expect them to do so, given the blatant and extreme corruption that people cannot turn a blind eye to as they did in the Burnham era. 


The huge mansions that people who were poor before entry into politics is just too obvious and shows pure unadulerated arrogance.  There is no way that Jagdeo, on his president's salary and allowances, could have become the wealthy man that he now clearly is.  He comes from a poor bacdkground, so this is inherited family wealth either.


So the PPP will rig, because they have to guarantee victory, and cannot assume that they will win parliamentary control, given that they lost it in 2011.


Here is where I disagree with you. You are already setting up yourself for defeat by claiming that the PPP will rig.


ALL elections in Guyana under the PPP have been CERTIFIED free and fair. The Election Commission is independent. Now Now, stop preparing for a possible loot and burn situation.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP’s devious action in the Rupununi

May 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
There is a typical case here in the Rupununi of misplaced priorities by the PPP government. There is an intense campaign, almost an obsession by the party, to convert all and sundry to PPPites. This campaign has now shifted focus to the youths.
On most weekends the PPP operatives, mostly from Georgetown, visit villages on this divisive quest. The youths are lured to the meetings on the ruse of government officials seeking to ascertain the communities’ problems.

At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance.
But while millions of taxpayers’ dollars are being spent to fortify the position of the Party, the Police in the region are languishing without resources to fight crime.
The Rupununi is 23,000 square miles and consists of five Sub-Regions, each in itself, a huge expanse of land.
There are four Police Stations in the Region—one each in the Sub-Regions except the South-Central Sub-Region. The station at Aishalton is manned by two ranks. That area extends from Shea in the east, 42 miles from Aishalton, to Parabara in the West, which is some 57 miles away.
The area also takes in the mining area of Marudi mountains which is 38 miles to the South. This police station has no vehicle.

In examining Annai, the largest Sub-Region, the situation is no different. This area extends to Fairs View in the North, some 68 miles away. The communities in this Sub-Region are widely scattered and are hours driving from one village to the next. There are also communities along the Rupununi River like Apoteri, Rewa, Crash Water and Yakarinta. The police station at Annai does not have a vehicle or boat to access these communities.
The station at Karasabai is responsible for Yarong Paru in the East to Taushida in the West. This area is mountainous and probably requires an ATV to enable the police to access theses villages.
This leaves the Regional headquarters, Lethem.

The ranks at Lethem number no more than 15. They are responsible for the Central and South-Central Sub-Regions. This is one massive tract of land with villages widely scattered.  Apart from St. Ignatius Village which is 30 minutes walk from Lethem, the next village, Kumu, is seven miles. As you go to the next the distances increase to double figures. Sand Creek, the center of the South-Central Sub-Region, is at least 58 miles from Lethem and there are other villages further away.
The Police at present have no vehicles to patrol, much less to respond to crimes in these areas. Just before their vehicle became unserviceable, there were always five ranks in the vehicle whenever it left the compound. The reason? Whenever the vehicle was parked it had to be push-started. Hence the driver dared not venture too far least he will not be able to get a quick start. That in itself was an undesirable situation, not to mention a dangerous one.

I am quite certain that the condition of this vehicle would have been included in the station’s routine reports to the Division Command.
Additionally, the Rupununi has over 1,000 miles of border with Brazil. Hence one can appreciate the impossible mission the ranks have in policing the Region. In the meantime, illegal cross-border activities continue unabated. Even with one vehicle, the police were engaged in mission impossible.
One has to sympathise with the ranks here.
The government by not addressing these shortcomings has failed the residents of this very region which they are desperately trying to retain. It has neglected the residents in the same way they have neglected the sugar workers.

My advice therefore is that the government stops this wanton waste of scarce resources and spend it where it is needed. Leave the people to decide which party they want to be members of. That decision will be made in two years’ time.
Carl Parker Sr.
Regional Councillor,
Region 9

Well said Carl... addressing the issues objectively without any racist vitriol as is expected of a former military officer.

Last edited by antabanta
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie gave us corruptible men in high offices. Yuh think, he wouldn't have given preferences to PYO members. He made poorly trained PYO members, teachers back in the 60s. 

You are absolutely correct and by doing so he heightened the insecurities of the black and mixed civil servants and the broad swath of the business sector.  All those clowns were good for was to spout Marxist Leninist garbage.


Burnham came and merely copied what the Jagans started with this party card nonsense and putting square pegs in round holes and destroying the country with ideologies which are alien to Guyanese culture.


PPP=PNC.  If there were fewer Indians the PPP would have also rigged their way to power.  Indeed in 2016 I fully expect them to attempt to do so in order to ensure that they regain control of the parliament.


So true. They will try to rig come 2016/

The PPP might be guilty of frigging; will not be rigging. Rigging was perfected by the PNC since 1968. They hold the patent rights for that.

 Shallow man, RIGGING is a compendium of activities aimed at an unfair advantage. It is not limited to physically padding the ballot boxes,


It begins with a patronage system as constructed by the PPP for all kinds of duties formerly of the civil services down to its pay off of 2000 Amerindians for supposed training. Even the above strategy listed ie


  • At these meetings the youths are given forms to complete and their induction into the PYO is finalised. What deviousness! What happens next demonstrates the lack of patriotism and crookishness of the Party. For anyone to have access to a job in the village, whether it be the dubious and confrontational Community Support Officers (CSOs), or Health Worker, or teacher, one has to be a PYO member. Qualifications or suitability are of no importance. rigging!

Thank you Mr. Einstein. Whatever you say. However, where is the proof? It's all hearsay.

Facts do nothing to overcome overwhelm willful ignorance. People like you would look Spring to the face and call  her Summer.


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