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Python slithers out of T.O. toilet

By Kevin Connor, Toronto Sun
First posted: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 07:21 PM EDT
Source - Toronto Sun

TORONTO - Ramdat Punnassie got the fright of his life when he went to use the bathroom and a python slithered out of the bowl Tuesday night.

“I have never seen one like that. In Guyana we have snakes in the water and they don’t bother me, but they are not like this,” said Punnassie, who has lived in his 220 Woolner Ave. apartment, in the Jane St.-St. Clair Ave. area, for 10 years.

“It wrapped itself up. It could jump up and kill you,” he said Wednesday.

“I couldn’t take the chance so I closed the door and called the cops ... and they came and got it.”

Punnassie said the snake was at least one metre long and 20 centimetres around.

Just a couple doors down the street, a corn snake was found in the walls.

Both snakes were captured and taken to animal facilities.

In 2010, an apartment tenant was brushing his teeth at the bathroom sink in the Wellesley-Jarvis Sts. area when a metre-long snake came up the drain.

The snake avoided capture for weeks.

These incidents can be blamed on irresponsible pet owners who don’t properly cage theiir pets, said Liam Grin, of Menagerie Pet Store, which specialized in reptiles.

“Generally these stories get blown out of proportion. These snakes are harmless to children and pets unless you are a mouse,” Grin said.

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