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President Donald Ramotar speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony in September 2013 [Adrian Narine photo)

At Providence this week… Qualfon to open one of world’s largest call centres – 6,000 new jobs will be created

QUALFON, a leading global business process outsourcing (BPO) provider, will be opening the doors to one of the world’s largest Contact Centre campus at Lot 146 Plantation Providence, East Bank Demerara (behind the Guyana National Stadium) on Thursday (March 26).Slated to provide some 6,000 new jobs over a five-year period, the new multi-million-dollar, state-of-the-art, multi-building campus will also boast a university, facilities for milk subsidies, free medical services, worksite chaplains, library exchange and caring programmes

The Qualfon Contact Centre Campus at Providence was constructed on 10 acres of land and the first phase of construction will cost approximately US$4M.


At the opening ceremony, Qualfon executives and other distinguished invitees will speak following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which will signal the official opening of the campus.

There, invitees will get the opportunity to interact with BPO industry analysts and get their perspectives on the Guyana market.Qualfon-call-centre1

At the ceremony, those in attendance will get a first-hand look at the campus where the basic facilities being constructed are a contact centre, an administrative building and a second operations centre. The complex will boast solar power panels and “green” building materials, an indoor/outdoor cafeteria, an inter-faith chapel, an on-site waste water treatment facility, back-up generators, a water pond and landscaping and parking facilities.



On September 3, 2013, the sod-turning exercise took place, with President Donald Ramotar delivering the feature address at the ground-breaking ceremony.


At that event, President Ramotar underscored the importance of investment in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, which he said has penetrated into every single section of the economy.

He acknowledged that such a large investment in this enterprise was also important, because it puts Guyana on the cutting edge of present technology, and therefore augured well for the future development of the society.


President Ramotar also stressed the importance of ICT in broadening Guyana’s economy, so as to make it less dependent on only a few businesses.
“This has certainly made a major contribution in the direction of broadening the economy and that is why we have been trying our best to lay the foundation to make Guyana attractive for investment,” he said.

Site Director of the Providence Qualfon Campus, Mr. Mark Boyer, said the company already employs about 1,500 people in Guyana.

This Qualfon call centre campus at Providence will be one of the largest in the world

This Qualfon call centre campus at Providence will be one of the largest in the world


He said the new centre will generate 6,000 jobs, but this cannot be done by Qualfon alone; but rather with the support of the Government and other institutions and agencies.
Boyer posited that just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a country to put 6,000 people to work.
He disclosed that there are nine Qualfon centres worldwide, three in The Philippines, two in Columbia, one in Honduras, one in Guatemala, one in Belize and one in Guyana. Among these, he said, the Guyana centre is ranked at number one in virtually every category in the world.
Qualfon’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Mike Marrow, speaking at the sod-turning ceremony, said the event was an exciting one in the history of the investor and should also be one for the citizens of Guyana.
He said the Providence Campus will be one of the largest call centres in the world.


According to him: “That says something about Guyana.”
He said that, while Qualfon operates in countries worldwide, out of all, Guyana is the ideal place to put one of the largest call centres.
“Qualfon is making this major investment in Guyana because this is the country that has so much to offer. Guyana provides the perfect location for Qualfon. We find an exceedingly high-calibre workforce, a diverse and friendly culture, as well as a strong government leadership with unwavering dedication to economic growth,” Marrow remarked.


He said over the next few years, the Providence Campus will become the largest business hub for Qualfon and its most significant investment, to date, anywhere in the world.
Marrow declared that the company’s financial investment is also a commitment to Guyana, its people and its economy.
He explained that the campus will be a state-of-the-art complex, offering career opportunities and educational development for thousands of people in Guyana.


Additionally, the campus will ultimately offer an accredited university which would provide classes, career guidance, learning laboratories, arts and cultural programmes and a shared library system.
Marrow related that there will also be free medical services, vitamins, maternity care and milk subsidy programmes to benefit the children of its employees. Qualfon will also sponsor caring schemes and volunteer opportunities, so that employees may help those in need and give back to the community.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Additionally, the campus will ultimately offer an accredited university which would provide classes, career guidance, learning laboratories, arts and cultural programmes and a shared library system.


Marrow related that there will also be free medical services, vitamins, maternity care and milk subsidy programmes to benefit the children of its employees. Qualfon will also sponsor caring schemes and volunteer opportunities, so that employees may help those in need and give back to the community.


The above is a sketch of a proposed Deep-Water Harbour for Nigeria

Deep-Water Harbour on the horizon for Guyana – High-level delegation expected to pursue feasibility study

WEEKS after Guyana would have recommenced its search for crude, the Office of the Prime Minister has announced that Government has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Chinese Company to undertake a Feasibility Study into the construction of a Deep-Water Harbour at the mouth of the Berbice River.The announcement came by way of a public missive, and detailed that Mr Zhile (David) Zhang, Chief Representative of the Overseas Operations of China State Construction Engineering Company Ltd in the Latin American and Caribbean Region will be in Guyana this week to follow-up on the MoU.

One of several Deep Water Harbours in China

One of several Deep Water Harbours in China

According to the announcement by the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Zhang will be followed by a technical team from his company, which will carry out the Preliminary Study, at the company’s expense and without any obligations on the part of the Government.


It was observed in Prime Minister Hinds’ statement, that over the years, there have been a number of interests in a Deep-Water Port in Guyana.
A number of Preliminary Studies/proposals were put to Government by Boskalis, a team sent by the Government of India and Oldendorff (the Germany-based shipping and barging company contracted to the Berbice bauxite operations, BCGI/RUSAL).


“During the recent visits of the President of China to CARICOM and the subsequent BRICS meeting in Brazil, there were announcements that China had committed large funds for infrastructure development in the Caribbean, Central and South American area. Chinese firms, aware of this financing and always on the search for new business opportunities (like all businesses) have been proposing to be partners in desired economic developments…The desired deep water harbour in Guyana is one such.”


According to the PM’s statement, “Government at this time is welcoming and facilitating offers to carry out and present Preliminary Studies/Proposals at no costs to and no obligations on the part of the Government.”


It advised too that a team from Dalian Port Corporation visited Guyana during the week of 15th September, 2014 and Prime Minister Hinds led a team on a return visit to Dalian over 10th to 13th October, 2014.
According to Hinds, “It may be recalled that in the mid-1990s, the Aroaima Operations of Reynold’s (ABC/AMC) Bauxite Operations constructed a Deep-Water Shipping Facility at the mouth of the Berbice River, which facility could have been seen as the first step towards a traditional PANAMAX (65,000-ton) sized port.”


The Government has advised that if a Deep-Water Port on a Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) basis was to appear to be feasible, Government at that stage would proceed by way of an open invitation for proposals.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana Chronicle 2015.03.22

The PPP don't have time for election gimmicks. These are heavy duty undertaken. They don't do five cent whine like the opposition in Queens, NY.

Still not answering about why part of election is babble about a deep water harbor.  Not located in region 3 or 4 where its most needed, but in region 6 where the PPP needs its votes.


lemme see...elections around de corna?


Guyana find oil suddenly (maybe...maybe not)

Big call center to open (maybe...maybe not)

Going to the moon (maybe...maybe not)

 Deep water harbour (maybe...maybe not)

talk about desperation hehehehe

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

lemme see...elections around de corna?


Guyana find oil suddenly (maybe...maybe not)

Big call center to open (maybe...maybe not)

Going to the moon (maybe...maybe not)

 Deep water harbour (maybe...maybe not)

talk about desperation hehehehe

Those are FACTS, why you think APNU/AFC want piece of the pie???



How can the opposition develop Guyana better than its current stage of development? The PNC, in their 28 years in power cannot get used to seeing developments. Everything things were nationalize. The railways and TATA bus were scraped. In recent days, they were speaking in parliament that big concrete houses and mansions are ugliness. They want people to live in Logies. That's why they can support an major project because they don't know about developments and long term investments.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana Chronicle 2015.03.22

The PPP don't have time for election gimmicks. These are heavy duty undertaken. They don't do five cent whine like the opposition in Queens, NY.

Still not answering about why part of election is babble about a deep water harbor.  Not located in region 3 or 4 where its most needed, but in region 6 where the PPP needs its votes.

Caribny, I never saw you before, but I would imagine you like dry, barren land in Africa, starving for water since you've been on GNI. You have a one track mind. Your paradise is a mud lake fit for an Ogre. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yes, Alena. The PPP never stop working for the people of Guyana. Give them five more and you will see wonders.

Five years is not enough jail time for dem PPP bannas.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yes, Alena. The PPP never stop working for the people of Guyana. Give them five more and you will see wonders.

Moses and Granger want the young folks to continue planting sugar and rice...This is a great alternative, work in a call center.

Originally Posted by alena06:

This is how you work, while Moses and Granger 'partying' in the USA.

Welcome to the land of the underclass...the new cane centers. If we depend on this as our job producers we are truly screwed. I also remember the promise of the deep water harbor, refinery, etc the last election. I believe the promise then was to produce 50000 new jobs. These bastards are truly in panic mode if they are going to choose the last month before an election to break ground on a rice crispie factory and tell us call centers are our next big move!


Rice and sugar is good, but modern technology needs to be introduced. Children needs to go to school and start working in the communication industry. Children must work with computer and learn different skills. Cane-harvesters must be re-trained to operate modern equipment and put down the blasted cutlass.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

This is how you work, while Moses and Granger 'partying' in the USA.

Welcome to the land of the underclass...the new cane centers. If we depend on this as our job producers we are truly screwed. I also remember the promise of the deep water harbor, refinery, etc the last election. I believe the promise then was to produce 50000 new jobs. These bastards are truly in panic mode if they are going to choose the last month before an election to break ground on a rice crispie factory and tell us call centers are our next big move!

Unfortunately, GY is INDEED underclass and a call center and cereal factory is much better than cutting cane and planting rice. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

This is how you work, while Moses and Granger 'partying' in the USA.

Welcome to the land of the underclass...the new cane centers. If we depend on this as our job producers we are truly screwed. I also remember the promise of the deep water harbor, refinery, etc the last election. I believe the promise then was to produce 50000 new jobs. These bastards are truly in panic mode if they are going to choose the last month before an election to break ground on a rice crispie factory and tell us call centers are our next big move!

Unfortunately, GY is INDEED underclass and a call center and cereal factory is much better than cutting cane and planting rice. 

The problem here is we need not be. Were we concerned with producing high value product from what we have available we would be producing finished products from our wamara and purple heart. One tree which we sell for possibly as low as a few dollar us could produce hundreds of thousand dollars as finished products. Cutting cane is indeed slave labor but it is worse than slave labor when it does not make a profit because of poor management. Rice crispies would not save rice. Turn the GRA over to private people, create a broker/assign/factoring system and let the farmers get paid directly after they cut their crops and you might have a chance. Call centers are the new sweat shops. There is no better here if you are going to perpetuate an underclass.

Originally Posted by TK:

When we see it we will believe it. Cobra bai every election we get these grand projects taking shape.

Some of these are recycled offering...I bet the promise of a paved road to Lethem will be recycled as well.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

lemme see...elections around de corna?


Guyana find oil suddenly (maybe...maybe not)

Big call center to open (maybe...maybe not)

Going to the moon (maybe...maybe not)

 Deep water harbour (maybe...maybe not)

talk about desperation hehehehe

Those are FACTS, why you think APNU/AFC want piece of the pie???

FACT.  In 2007 the PPP babbled about a deep water harbor.  FACT in 2015 there is NO CONSTRUCTION!  So tell us why not in EIGHT YEARS?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
.I bet the promise of a paved road to Lethem will be recycled as well.

No that is a PNC/R idea so must be rejected.  Better to build a trail to a creek where the water runs dry and pretend that it will ensure reliable electricity for Guyana.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Unfortunately, GY is INDEED underclass and a call center and cereal factory is much better than cutting cane and planting rice. 

True.  Now will this also be a perennial election promise like the deep water harbor? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
.. Call centers are the new sweat shops. There is no better here if you are going to perpetuate an underclass.

It might be but it is a stepping stone to more value added BPO services, but right now few Guyanese have those skills.  I suspect that the pay will be more akin to bank tellers and less like cashiers in small stores.


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