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Qualfon woos Sales Solution Company to Guyana - could see ‘Fortune 500’ companies creating jobs through new call centre


Georgetown, GINA, January 22, 2013, Source - GINA


Investor confidence in Guyana continues to grow as Kipany Productions moves towards getting on board with Qualfon Guyana to establish links for a call centre business in Guyana. Representatives of the two companies met with Head of State, Donald Ramotar at the Office of the President today.


Kipany is a high performance sales solutions company specialising in the direct marketing of products and services exclusively for Fortune 500. The company’s prime focus is to measurably increase new customer acquisition, conversion and retention utilising a pay-for-performance model with high accountability.


Fortune 500 is a list compiled by Fortune magazine ranking the top 500 public corporations of the US as measured by their gross revenue. The names that grace the list however, command such power and wealth that it has come to define American business, as well as being defined by it.


Kip Colligan, Co-founder and Chief Operation Officer of Kipany Productions in an interview with the Government Information Agency expressed the hope that his company would be able to bring call centre business here. “This will be typically inbound telephone calls and customer service.”


President Donald Ramotar meets with Qualfon and Kipany representatives to discuss business opportunities in Guyana. Facing President Ramotar [wearing red tie) is Kip Colligan, Co-founder and Chief Operation Officer of Kipany Productions. To his left is Bob Dechant, Chief Sales, Marketing and Client Services Officer of Qualfon Guyana. Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh is on President Ramotar’s right.

President Donald Ramotar meets with Qualfon and Kipany representatives to discuss business opportunities in Guyana. Facing President Ramotar (wearing red tie) is Kip Colligan, Co-founder and Chief Operation Officer of Kipany Productions. To his left is Bob Dechant, Chief Sales, Marketing and Client Services Officer of Qualfon Guyana. Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh is on President Ramotar’s right.


Without stating names, Colligan hinted at the company’s client, a large telephone company in the United States, “and the thought is we might be able to bring telephone calls here and to have citizens of your country answer those calls and provide customer service.”


He explained that Kipany Productions has been in business for over 30 years and is focused on direct marketing services businesses. “It is our responsibility to design, develop and run large direct marketing programmes for large corporations and we also have a subsidiary company in Brazil where we do the same thing.”


Explaining the move to Guyana, Colligan said it was based on the unique relationship existing between Guyana and the US along with the fact that Guyana is an English speaking country. This, he pointed out, is obviously a tremendous advantage for doing business with US consumers.


“Then also the fact that from a cultural perspective, there is really friendliness and an openness of the Guyanese culture and US culture and it seems like a very natural fit,” he said.


He noted also the fact that Government is being very proactive in terms of developing the business.


The crowning endorsement however, was the fact that Qualfon operates in Guyana. The fact that Qualfon also has operations in other parts of the world and has also chosen Guyana “is another kind of endorsement of why we should come here and take a look. I have been very impressed, got here just about 14 hours ago and have been very impressed,” Colligan declared.


Kipany will be looking at options for their clients to bring significant jobs for call centre opportunities in Georgetown. Kipany is the single client of Qualfon, but serves 1,600 clients of its own.


Bob Dechant, Chief Sales, Marketing and Client Services Officer of Qualfon Guyana said the company is continuing its focus to expand the job market, and to bring progressive clients from the US into Georgetown for potential call centre opportunities. He noted that Qualfon is excited about the opportunities that could come out of having Kipany Productions on board.


Qualfon however, has plans to bring at least three more clients on board in 2013 with the expectation of expanding and creating maybe 1,000 more jobs by year–end.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is interesting to observe that Ramo can do these things yet Jagdeo was not keen unless there was an oligarchic rate of return. Steps in the right direction; we seem to be in for some interesting times.

Originally Posted by TK:

It is interesting to observe that Ramo can do these things yet Jagdeo was not keen unless there was an oligarchic rate of return. Steps in the right direction; we seem to be in for some interesting times.

Maybe, Indian women doan woork the night shift anymore. So Guyana with its English speaking population fills in nicely. 


Some good news as long as they keep up with the foreign news.


I once called in a problem to do with my phone and the girl on the other end told me that it was a small problem and if handy I could have it done in a jiffy. I was told to grab a ladder an a screwdriver,


I said  "Look here, I don't know where you're sitting but from where I am, there is a foot of snow and it's still coming down, send a techie"









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