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Shocking that Queens Atlantic Inc. paid no VAT in 2009 and $38,647 in VAT in 2010

May 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
Kaieteur News reported that the business owned by Jagdeo’s personal friend, Bobby Ramroop, paid no VAT in 2009 and a miserly $38,647 in 2010. If this is true, working class families in Guyana paid more than Bobby Ramroop’s $3.6 billion company in 2009. It means that anyone who paid $1 in VAT in 2009 paid more Queens Atlantic.

It is the grossest form of absurdity that a company with $3.6 billion worth of assets would pay $0 in VAT in 2009. A street vagrant paid more VAT than QAII in 2009. A Guyanese working class family buying a few pieces of household items at Courts paid more VAT than QAII in 2010.

Queens Atlantic is stating that as a $7.9 billion corporation, it somehow spent a ridiculously low $241,544 on VAT-rated items in 2010. When the smell test is applied to it, it just does not smell right. When will Khurshid Sattaur stop spewing bilge in the public newspapers defending the imposition of VAT upon the vast underclass of poor people the PPP has created by its favoritism, cronyism, nepotism and corruption and commence an audit of QAII to find out exactly why a major corporation with assets of $3.6 billion in 2009 and $7.9 billion in 2010 paid zero, zilch, nada, nothing in VAT in 2009 and just $38,647 in 2010?
All this nonsense from Sattaur about VAT being a fairer tax blah blah is taking on the shape of horse manure when we get reports like QAII’s $38,647 in VAT paid in two years.

For the PPP and its henchmen to defend the continued imposition of a 16 per cent VAT upon the poor people of this nation including many poor PPP supporters struggling in rural Guyana and the sugar belt, while a multi-billion-dollar corporation owned by one of the PPP’s inner circle’s closest friends pays no VAT in 2009 is clear cut evidence of the inequality the PPP has created in this nation.
The good is for one small set of people while the rest of society must live like animals, working for nothing and still handing over 16 per cent of it to the select set of friends and comrades who further enrich themselves.

This bloody set of PPP nation wreckers spent $400 million of taxpayers’ money fixing up the Ruimveldt property to sell it to a company that paid a whopping $38,647 of VAT in two years. That is the PPP for you in this paradise called Guyana.

M. Maxwell


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This company is getting tax exemptions for everything they buy. It would be interesting to know what the other big companies are paying? VAT is a tax on final consumption, which is a reason why they are not going to pay a lot of VAT. Companies buy intermediate goods and not final goods. They must be getting lots of breaks from import duties, etc, which is a different type of tax. I want to know how much tax are they paying...not necessarily VAT. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Maxwell is aware that VAT is a Tax on Consumption???



TK want to know how much taxes Bobby Ramroop pays?


Nigel Hughes pays $5 million in taxes a year.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Maxwell is aware that VAT is a Tax on Consumption???



TK want to know how much taxes Bobby Ramroop pays?


Nigel Hughes pays $5 million in taxes a year.

Is wha dem does call yuh "Jumpin Jack". Or you are an expert of mixing Apples and Oranges.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Maxwell is aware that VAT is a Tax on Consumption???



TK want to know how much taxes Bobby Ramroop pays?


Nigel Hughes pays $5 million in taxes a year.

I have no reason to doubt Nigel pays $5 mill a year in taxes. I am also sure he pays VAT on top of that when he goes to the supermarket, restaurants, etc. However we are talking about VAT here? 


These are just recycled lies by mitwanda and the rest of the gay crew. Queens Atlantic is just a parent company which has minimal income. The companies under Queens Atlantic paid their fair share of VAT. 


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