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Battle brews in 38th AD for district leader

Miller aide, community activist vie for position in September primary


Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:30 am by Domenick Rafter, Editor


 Dist 38


For years, voter turnout in the 38th Assembly District has been among the worst in the state.


But two men are looking to change that and will square off this fall in the race for Democratic district leader.


They’re hoping a competitive race will entice voters to become active.

Angel Vazquez, chief of staff to Assemblyman Mike Miller (D-Woodhaven), and Farouk Samaroo, a former candidate for Miller’s seat and veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, are both throwing their hat in the ring for the powerful party position.


“It’s unacceptable that we have such low turnout,” Vazquez said.

Samaroo expressed the same concern, saying he wants “to get people registered and get them involved.”


The district leader job — a party position whose holders pick the party’s chairman, help pick judges, hire poll workers and help get candidates on the ballot — was left open by Al Baldeo, who was stripped of his title by the Democratic Party in the wake of an alleged straw donor scandal stemming from his 2010 run for City Council.


“For a seat that is this important to South Queens, I think I’m a better fit,” Samaroo said, noting that he grew up and still lives in the district and has been politically active there since interning for former Rep. Floyd Flake at age 12.


Vazquez, who says he has the support of Miller, the district’s assemblyman, moved from his native East Elmhurst to Woodhaven last year, but noted that he has had family in the neighborhood his entire life.

“I’ve spent many holidays and have a lot of childhood memories from here,” he said.


Vazquez, who has worked in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and for Assemblyman David Weprin (D-Fresh Meadows), said being district leader would only supplement his current job.


“I think it’ll put me in a better position to represent the community directly and cut the red tape,” he said, further adding that as district leader, he would encourage “good people” from the communities in the district to pursue a career in public service.


Vazquez noted that through his job at Miller’s office, where he said he wears many hats, he recently helped a destitute veteran who had nothing get benefits.


“Working with the community, it’s amazing,” Vazquez said. “It’s one of the most amazing jobs I’ve ever had.”


Samaroo, who served in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan for a year and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for military merit, as well as six other decorations, said constituents in the district could count on him to fight for their causes.


“I would be the most vociferous,” he said. “I won’t back down.”

He took aim at the Queens Democratic Party, saying it works to avoid contested races to its detriment.


“The organization still has an allergic reaction to competitive races,” he said. “I think the Queens County organization will be stronger if they had competitive races. They would have the best and brightest running.”

The 38th Assembly District includes all of Woodhaven, most of Glendale and parts of Ridgewood, Richmond Hill and Ozone Park. Historically home to working-class conservative Italian, Irish and German populations — in 2001 it was the only district to vote for Republican Al Stabile over Democrat Helen Marshall for borough president — its demographics have shifted in the past decade, with fast-growing Hispanic and West Indian and South Asian populations moving in.


Some Democratic sources noted the district leader race, with Vazquez, a Hispanic, and Samaroo, who is Guyanese, is a test of which growing community can get voters out.


But Samaroo, who identifies as a Roman Catholic with a Hindu dad and a Muslim mother, said the race is not about ethnicity and rejected the notion that people should vote for him just on the idea that he is a West Indian running to replace a West Indian.


“I’m an American first and foremost,” Samaroo said.

Vazquez said the district leader needs to be accountable to everyone in the district.


“The community as a whole should be the ones choosing who their leaders are,” he said.


Petitioning for the Sept. 9 primary starts in the next few weeks.



Images (1)
  • Dist 38: Angel Vasquez and Farouk Samaroo

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Right out of the gates Vasquez has one big albatross (kinda rhymes with Albert-rass, ) is that he DOES NOT LIVE in the District. Worse yet, he works for an Assemblyman in Fresh Meadows (and works for the Manhattan DA).

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Question: Is Farouk Samaroo running or not. Who is telling truth and who is misinformed? Could it be that Farouk Samaroo is not forthcoming with Vishnu?

Who is Vishnu? A low lifer of zero achievement in terms of making a positive difference. If that's the type of guy you put your trust in then you are easily fooled.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Question: Is Farouk Samaroo running or not. Who is telling truth and who is misinformed? Could it be that Farouk Samaroo is not forthcoming with Vishnu?

Cobra, all Vishnu said is that his last conversation with Samaroo gave him one impression. Now he sees the newspaper article, and you've seen it too. So what ambiguity remains? Farouk Samaroo IS running for the office of District Leader of District 28.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Question: Is Farouk Samaroo running or not. Who is telling truth and who is misinformed? Could it be that Farouk Samaroo is not forthcoming with Vishnu?

Who is Vishnu? A low lifer of zero achievement in terms of making a positive difference. If that's the type of guy you put your trust in then you are easily fooled.

T, don't drag yourself to that level.


Vishnu Mahadeo is NOT a low lifer.


Vishnu HAS had achievements that have made a positive difference to the residents of District 28 and beyond.


I would put my trust in Vishnu any day than you, given what you've just written.


T, do you live in the Richmond Hill area?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Question: Is Farouk Samaroo running or not. Who is telling truth and who is misinformed? Could it be that Farouk Samaroo is not forthcoming with Vishnu?

Who is Vishnu? A low lifer of zero achievement in terms of making a positive difference. If that's the type of guy you put your trust in then you are easily fooled.

Please tell us what you have done to help anyone but yourself???  You can never be like Vish, NEVER!!!!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Question: Is Farouk Samaroo running or not. Who is telling truth and who is misinformed? Could it be that Farouk Samaroo is not forthcoming with Vishnu?

Cobra, all Vishnu said is that his last conversation with Samaroo gave him one impression. Now he sees the newspaper article, and you've seen it too. So what ambiguity remains? Farouk Samaroo IS running for the office of District Leader of District 28.

I believe the Article said District 38.

Last edited by Nehru

You're correct Nehru, The Assembly District is 38; I erroneously referred to City Council District which is 28 for the Richmond Hill area. The Assembly District covers a broader constituency.


thanks for the correction.

Originally Posted by Kari:

You're correct Nehru, The Assembly District is 38; I erroneously referred to City Council District which is 28 for the Richmond Hill area. The Assembly District covers a broader constituency.


thanks for the correction.

You are welcome but there was no need to thank me. This is hard nose GNI.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I want to say something but I think I will hold my comments.


However if Kari, Nehru and Cobra want to involve me in a discussion on this topic let's  do it in a private chat.

Chief Bhai, Why is that necessary.  Say what is on your mind and I will RESPECT you and what you want to state.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I want to say something but I think I will hold my comments.


However if Kari, Nehru and Cobra want to involve me in a discussion on this topic let's  do it in a private chat.

Chief Bhai, Why is that necessary.  Say what is on your mind and I will RESPECT you and what you want to state.

Buddy Nehru for now I will stay quiet.


But you are a man that knows politics and I can  bet that you  can read between the lines .

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I want to say something but I think I will hold my comments.


However if Kari, Nehru and Cobra want to involve me in a discussion on this topic let's  do it in a private chat.

Chief Bhai, Why is that necessary.  Say what is on your mind and I will RESPECT you and what you want to state.

Buddy Nehru for now I will stay quiet.


But you are a man that knows politics and I can  bet that you  can read between the lines .

OK Bhai. Let us leave it there.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I want to say something but I think I will hold my comments.


However if Kari, Nehru and Cobra want to involve me in a discussion on this topic let's  do it in a private chat.

Chief Bhai, Why is that necessary.  Say what is on your mind and I will RESPECT you and what you want to state.

Buddy Nehru for now I will stay quiet.


But you are a man that knows politics and I can  bet that you  can read between the lines .

OK Bhai. Let us leave it there.

My sixth sense tells me there's a Hindu-Muslim ding-dong-ting-a-ling ring to this cryptic exchange between Chief and Nehru.

Iman following allyuh conversation from me Toronto den, nevamind me ent a New Yarker.

Seriously, I wish Farouk Samaroo success in his campaign.


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