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The PNCR’s prime motivation is to regain the reins of government, according to party chairman, Basil Williams. The party held its general council meeting today. Its press release follows:

The People’s National Congress Reform held its second General Council Meeting for 2014, today, Saturday 26th May 2014 at the Party’s Headquarters, Congress Place Sophia.


The General Council which was held under the theme: “Achieving Inclusionary Democracy and Respect for Workers through a Social Contract”, was called to order and chaired by Party Chairman, Mr. Basil Williams, MP.



In his welcome remarks, the Party Chairman reminded Party leaders that the welfare and wellbeing of ordinary people was of paramount importance and a founding principle of the PNCR.***** Ewegee is this True????


The Chairman said that after twenty one years the People’s Progressive Party/Civics’ 2014 Budget had nothing for the workers. ****Councieis this True????


He said that the PPP/C were aware of the following facts:

“We are the second poorest country in CARICOM; ****True

36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level; ****True

We have the lowest GDP per capita ranking in CARICOM; ****True

of 186 countries Guyana ranks fifth from the bottom on the lowest human development index,****True

and that more than 40,000 Guyanese are unemployed.” ****True

****Dis ah de thing dat Upset Comrade Nerhu


The Chairman said that after 21 years, “we cannot but realize that we can expect nothing from the PPP/C to improve our lives.”****Dis hard fuh Comrade Nerhu to Understand....thing was very good under PPP in 1992-1997


He said that the PNCR‘s primary motivation must be to win back the reins of Government.****Comrade Nerhu cannot Understand why Dem Thugs like Kwame & Lamumba gon tek over de Govt....Remember Nehru Na like Bandar....and he do not Practice or Support Buggery like Councie, EweGee and  Da Skeldan Fella.



General Secretary of the PNCR, Mr. Oscar Clarke presented the General Secretary’s Report.

In his report to Council, the General Secretary outlined the work of the Party’s Secretariat during the period between General Council meetings.

He reported on the work of the eleven Party regions and the Party’s Youth and Women’s arm.

The main thrust of his report was on s preparations for its ....

18th Biennial Congress scheduled for July 2014;

preparations for Local Government elections and

building and strengthening the Party structures.

Ah din see any mention up to now about de 3 Former AFC Dakta


The General Secretary said that the PNCR continues to prepare for Local Government Elections under the banner of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).


He noted that under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration unemployment, especially youth unemployment continues to be pervasive throughout the nation.


He reported that there were several complaints from Party regions of the PPP/C’s Administration engaging in selected infrastructure development projects based on political patronage.*****Nehru General Secretary na making any sense fuh abee deese



The feature address was delivered by Leader of the PNCR, Brigadier David Granger.

He reminded General Council that the heart of the Party organisation was the group. In a call for Party unity, Brigadier Granger said that every Party member must work to resist efforts internally and by external forces to divide the PNCR. ****Bhai Nehru yuh think Granga remember dem 3 Former AFC Dakta from Merica????

Brigadier Granger said that the PNCR must remain strong because it was the sword and the shield of the working man and woman in Guyana.

He said that it was not by accident that 2014 was designated year for workers.

He said that the PNCR will continue to work for unity in the labour movement.**** Bhai Nehru how we looking?????


General Council is the governing body and the second highest decision making forum of the PNCR between Biennial Congresses and meets once every quarter of each year.

Originally Posted by Chief:

today, Saturday 26th May 2014 at the Party’s Headquarters, Congress Place Sophia.

PNC getting before the time!!

Like they will clean up the PPP at this local government elections


The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


WhoG, Councie and.....

Da Fella From Skeldon

na think so.


Dem bhai believe between.....

Dem Black House of Isreal Thugs and Buggerism

PPP Today got de Advantage.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

Chief....yuh see dem Crab louse think Dem Black HOI Hindu gon build castle fuh dem.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

Chief....yuh see dem Crab louse think Dem Black HOI Hindu gon build castle fuh dem.

Dag nah bite de PPP. Dem black HOI thugs bild fuh de PNC.


Bhai Skeldon


Jalil lives in a mud flat and yuji lives in a mansion. To each his own.


Jaili's jealousy blinds his good judgement.


PPP until I die. You and I must never sell our souls to the dirty, rotten and corrupt AFC/PNC party.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Bhai Skeldon


Jalil lives in a mud flat and yuji lives in a mansion. To each his own.


Jaili's jealousy blinds his good judgement.


PPP until I die. You and I must never sell our souls to the dirty, rotten and corrupt AFC/PNC party.


Jalil can be fun to chat with. He needs to clean up some of his nouns, verbs and adjectives. I respect his political beliefs. I hope he can respect others. I can disagree with him yet be able to get along with him.

I will always be a PPP supporter. If the PPP is evil; so is and was the PNC. The PPP is the better of the 2 evils. The AFC is not a major player in Guyana's politics. It's in a decadent state.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level. If this isn't shocking, what is?

Evidently, those who live in mansions don't care about 36.1 percent of Guyanese.


Bhai Gilly,

I always said on this board..I grew up poor. I never thought it would be used to classify me as low class. I have always said "I will never forget where I came from".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level. If this isn't shocking, what is?

Evidently, those who live in mansions don't care about 36.1 percent of Guyanese.





50 million of Americans live off food stamps today. That is almost 1.5 times the population of Canada.


I have a conscience but I worked very hard to get where I am. I did not depend on any handouts from anyone or any government. I am a capitalist and in capitalism you do not look for handouts, you work and take investment risks to succeed.


I respect the fact that you are an admitted socialist and that handouts are a part of socialism but socialism has failed.


Most posts from people who complain the most about the PPP are left leaning political individuals who believe that government has the solution for all economic problems.


What about hard work ? 





Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.

All political leaders are corrupt. I think the PPP has realised they have taken things for granted and are taking steps to correct this.
It's like a marriage: We take our wives for granted until they call us out.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.




I do not deny the fact that corruption exists under the PPP. As skeldon  said, the PPP became too comfortable and took things for granted.


The PPP has a lot a work to do in areas of corruption and transparency.


How about corruption in the AFC ? These guys are not even in office and corruption in the AFC are rampant and disgraceful, yet these guys in the AFC cover it up. Politicians are always corrupt.


The PPP is finally heading in the right direction, and I am optimistic that transparency will become a reality.


We all care about Guyana and want it to succeed. That is why we are having a political discussion.


We now have free and fair elections and the People of Guyana will decide at the ballot box, unlike the PNC which stole the ballot boxes and rigged for 28 years.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.

All political leaders are corrupt. I think the PPP has realised they have taken thing for granted and are taking steps to correct this.
It's like a marriage: We take our wives for granted until they call us out.


Many times it ends up in divorce.

In this instance the people will not only divorce the PPP they will want them prosecuted for theft.

Originally Posted by yuji22:




I do not deny the fact that corruption exists under the PPP. As skeldon  said, the PPP became too comfortable and took things for granted.


The PPP has a lot a work to do in areas of corruption and transparency.


How about corruption in the AFC ? These guys are not even in office and corruption in the AFC are rampant and disgraceful, yet these guys in the AFC cover it up. Politicians are always corrupt.


The PPP is finally heading in the right direction, and I am optimistic that transparency will become a reality.


We all care about Guyana and want it to succeed. That is why we are having a political discussion.


We now have free and fair elections and the People of Guyana will decide at the ballot box, unlike the PNC which stole the ballot boxes and rigged for 28 years.



 How can the people decide when the PPP just like the PNC did not call local Government elections in more than 20 years?


 The PPP IS  afraid that the grass roots will remove them from all the village and Town councils.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level. If this isn't shocking, what is?

Evidently, those who live in mansions don't care about 36.1 percent of Guyanese.





50 million of Americans live off food stamps today. That is almost 1.5 times the population of Canada.


I have a conscience but I worked very hard to get where I am. I did not depend on any handouts from anyone or any government. I am a capitalist and in capitalism you do not look for handouts, you work and take investment risks to succeed.


I respect the fact that you are an admitted socialist and that handouts are a part of socialism but socialism has failed.


Most posts from people who complain the most about the PPP are left leaning political individuals who believe that government has the solution for all economic problems.


What about hard work ? 





"Poverty is the worst form of violence." -- Mahatma Gandhi


"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." --Conf.u.cius


"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." -- Frederick Douglass

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I do not deny the fact that corruption exists under the PPP. As skeldon  said, the PPP became too comfortable and took things for granted.


The PPP has a lot a work to do in areas of corruption and transparency.


How about corruption in the AFC ? These guys are not even in office and corruption in the AFC are rampant and disgraceful, yet these guys in the AFC cover it up. Politicians are always corrupt.


The PPP is finally heading in the right direction, and I am optimistic that transparency will become a reality.


We all care about Guyana and want it to succeed. That is why we are having a political discussion.


We now have free and fair elections and the People of Guyana will decide at the ballot box, unlike the PNC which stole the ballot boxes and rigged for 28 years.



 How can the people decide when the PPP just like the PNC did not call local Government elections in more than 20 years?


 The PPP IS  afraid that the grass roots will remove them from all the village and Town councils.






We will have Local elections soon and National Elections in a not too distance future. I gladly await the results.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level. If this isn't shocking, what is?

Evidently, those who live in mansions don't care about 36.1 percent of Guyanese.





50 million of Americans live off food stamps today. That is almost 1.5 times the population of Canada.


I have a conscience but I worked very hard to get where I am. I did not depend on any handouts from anyone or any government. I am a capitalist and in capitalism you do not look for handouts, you work and take investment risks to succeed.


I respect the fact that you are an admitted socialist and that handouts are a part of socialism but socialism has failed.


Most posts from people who complain the most about the PPP are left leaning political individuals who believe that government has the solution for all economic problems.


What about hard work ? 





"Poverty is the worst form of violence." -- Mahatma Gandhi


"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." --Conf.u.cius


"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." -- Frederick Douglass




I live in Canada and I am not ashamed to call myself Canadian.


I am also Guyanese and I am not ashamed to say that I love Guyana.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.

All political leaders are corrupt. I think the PPP has realised they have taken thing for granted and are taking steps to correct this.
It's like a marriage: We take our wives for granted until they call us out.


Many times it ends up in divorce.

In this instance the people will not only divorce the PPP they will want them prosecuted for theft.

This Debate is a Mismatch....

Chief is hammering UGee and Skeldon in dem Backside...

Ow Bhai use lil Vasciline pun dem na...

or 2 drop coconut oil.....

Chief it loollike dem Hardline PPP Gal like um....Ow Bhai

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

The Guyana  political parties should study some history from Trnidad.  PNM and Dr Eric Williams  held on to power for a very long time and the only way the PNM was removed was by the  combined opposition.


PPP is beatable and they can be removed at the next elections.


dat is wishful thinking bhai.

That's right. Wishful thinking and day dreaming. It's nice to build castles in the air.

I understand you both are loyal to the PPP regardless of how corrupt the leaders are.


Wishful thinking or not at this time the majority of Guyanese are kind of tired with this regime.

I spoke to school friend( Indo) who is working at GEOCOM and inquired what she think about the present political climate in Guyana. Her reply was that the PPP is being too comfortable and taking things and people for granted.

All political leaders are corrupt. I think the PPP has realised they have taken thing for granted and are taking steps to correct this.
It's like a marriage: We take our wives for granted until they call us out.


Many times it ends up in divorce.

In this instance the people will not only divorce the PPP they will want them prosecuted for theft.

Not all of these situations end up in divorce. Same might be with the PPP.
Whan a member of the PPP is prosecuted and convicted for theft, then we can discuss theft. Don't believe anything you HEAR. Hearsay in a court of law is inadmissable.

How many spouses have been caught cheating and how many end up in divorce?
You agree not all of them?



I hate to go over the same thing with you 100 times.


No living President under the current constitution can be prosecuted.

Jagdeo came back from Russia he became a Minister then Presient and within that short period of time he became a millionaire in terms of US $$.


yOU ARE  DAFT AND FOOLISH TO SAY THAT UNTILL THEY ARE PROSECUTED THEN YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM AS THIEVES. tHE ENTIRE cRABWOOD CREEK KNOWS THAT Chinee son house was shot up by Boutserse son from Suriname, the assault lasted some 45 minutes and residents were scared for their lives. Up to this day Chinee nor  any one of his family were never charged for dealing with drugs. So did the Suriname drug cartel just feel like coming to Guyana and shoot up a house.

Either you born stupid or you knock your head when you were little.

Originally Posted by Chief:


I hate to go over the same thing with you 100 times.


No living President under the current constitution can be prosecuted.

Jagdeo came back from Russia he became a Minister then Presient and within that short period of time he became a millionaire in terms of US $$.


yOU ARE  DAFT AND FOOLISH TO SAY THAT UNTILL THEY ARE PROSECUTED THEN YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM AS THIEVES. tHE ENTIRE cRABWOOD CREEK KNOWS THAT Chinee son house was shot up by Boutserse son from Suriname, the assault lasted some 45 minutes and residents were scared for their lives. Up to this day Chinee nor  any one of his family were never charged for dealing with drugs. So did the Suriname drug cartel just feel like coming to Guyana and shoot up a house.

Either you born stupid or you knock your head when you were little.

What does Chinee son's house have to do with govt stealing? Did you ever think that Chinee must have done something wrong to the Dutch? I am not going to stoop to your worm level to call you names. Name calling is a juvenile trait. I am not being foolish; I am just being objective.

Originally Posted by Chief:


I hate to go over the same thing with you 100 times.


No living President under the current constitution can be prosecuted.

Jagdeo came back from Russia he became a Minister then Presient and within that short period of time he became a millionaire in terms of US $$.

(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)



(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)




(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)


tHE ENTIRE cRABWOOD CREEK KNOWS THAT Chinee son house was shot up by Boutserse son from Suriname, the assault lasted some 45 minutes and residents were scared for their lives.

(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)




Up to this day Chinee nor  any one of his family were never charged for dealing with drugs.

(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)



So did the Suriname drug cartel just feel like coming to Guyana and shoot up a house.

(De Skeldon Fella na answer....eee get Quiet)



Either you born stupid or you knock your head when you were little.

Chief eee knock ee head blowing Kwame.



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