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Vice-Chairman of the AFC Moses Nagamootoo is the front-runner to be the party’s presidential candidate in the next general elections and he has gained the support of party leader Khemraj Ramjattan who has also endorsed AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes as the prime ministerial candidate.

β€œThose two candidates will be hugely popular,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News yesterday. He said that he β€œabsolutely” supports the duo even as he emphasised that he was speaking in his personal capacity.


PPP losing sleep over Moses & AFC.


Chain of Events:


Moses and AFC will Sucessfully move a Vote of No-Confidence against PPP forcing them to immediately Resign and call Fresh Elections in 90 days.


Moses & AFC will make mince meat out of PPP & PNC.

PPP will be left High and Dry

(3) Humilating Defeat at the Polls

Moses & AFC will deliver the first defeat to the PPP which is today taken over by Corruption, Crime, Narco, Smuggleing and Bareface Buggery.

(4) Put Guyana Back on Track for Development.

Moses & The AFC will haul all those involved in Thiefing, Corruption & Wrongdoing...before the Courts and clean up Dirty Officials holding Official Positions.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Moses Nagamootoo declare himself as presidential candidate for the AFC? I haven't read this anywhere in any of Guyana news prints. This is what KishanB and others have been saying on GNI. Please update me accordingly.




Cobs, you remind me of the guy who, after the horses started running, asked if the race was official.

Official or not, Naga and Nigel will run the PPP out of office.

All good decent incorruptible PPP members like Cobra are welcome to join the AFC winning team.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

PPP losing sleep over Moses & AFC.


Chain of Events:


Moses and AFC will Sucessfully move a Vote of No-Confidence against PPP forcing them to immediately Resign and call Fresh Elections in 90 days.


Moses & AFC will make mince meat out of PPP & PNC.

PPP will be left High and Dry

(3) Humilating Defeat at the Polls

Moses & AFC will deliver the first defeat to the PPP which is today taken over by Corruption, Crime, Narco, Smuggleing and Bareface Buggery.

(4) Put Guyana Back on Track for Development.

Moses & The AFC will haul all those involved in Thiefing, Corruption & Wrongdoing...before the Courts and clean up Dirty Officials holding Official Positions.


This post should be the head post. I might ask to have it pinned to the top.

What you say there DG? Agree?


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