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Sean posted:

Mirror Newspaper. No longer in circulation. 
Catholic Standard. No longer in circulation.

There you go DJ

Why is the Catholic Standard no longer in circulation ?   When they maintain a media team and editor, who plays sports most weekends with other political party members. 

Its only on GNI, some people think that one race is better than the other.

There you go Sean and find out the rest by yourself.   

Gilbakka posted:

Kaieteur News, because I can read it free of cost. A poor geezer like me can't afford to pay for Stabroek News. Therefore I thank our resident tycoon Django for sharing his subscription with us here.

Well bhai , my pocket money used to subscribe , i ain't no tycoon , no way !!!

Also NewsRoom doing some good reporting , check it out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Mirror Newspaper.

 No longer in circulation. 
Catholic Standard. No longer in circulation.

There you go DJ

The owners have Citizen Report , Radio , TV , plus B.Ramroop media enterprise. They propagating propaganda daily.

Bhai the same News Room you rated as 5 star would almost carry similar news reporting. 

BTW, did you see their reporting been challenged. So they must be speaking the truth rite . 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Mirror Newspaper.

 No longer in circulation. 
Catholic Standard. No longer in circulation.

There you go DJ

The owners have Citizen Report , Radio , TV , plus B.Ramroop media enterprise. They propagating propaganda daily.

Bhai the same News Room you rated as 5 star would almost carry similar news reporting. 

BTW, did you see their reporting been challenged. So they must be speaking the truth rite . 

That group of news medias are PPP mouth piece , the did a good gob of building the propaganda machine, hope it helps them.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Mirror Newspaper.

 No longer in circulation. 
Catholic Standard. No longer in circulation.

There you go DJ

The owners have Citizen Report , Radio , TV , plus B.Ramroop media enterprise. They propagating propaganda daily.

Bhai the same News Room you rated as 5 star would almost carry similar news reporting. 

BTW, did you see their reporting been challenged. So they must be speaking the truth rite . 

That group of news medias are PPP mouth piece , the did a good gob of building the propaganda machine, hope it helps them.

Your answer did not help because you avoid my questions. 

Regardless who they speak for, ARE THEY LIEING. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Mirror Newspaper.

 No longer in circulation. 
Catholic Standard. No longer in circulation.

There you go DJ

The owners have Citizen Report , Radio , TV , plus B.Ramroop media enterprise. They propagating propaganda daily.

Bhai the same News Room you rated as 5 star would almost carry similar news reporting. 

BTW, did you see their reporting been challenged. So they must be speaking the truth rite . 

That group of news medias are PPP mouth piece , the did a good gob of building the propaganda machine, hope it helps them.

Your answer did not help because you avoid my questions.

Regardless who they speak for, ARE THEY LIEING. 

What questions...questions.. you are asking ? politicians are known to twist the truth !!!

Zed posted:

Stabroek News seems to be the most credible to me. 

Though, I think they are supporting Badal and Hinds. For four consecutive days last week, they carried long articles on Change Guyana programme.

Those purtugee east Indians mix breeds maybe allowing Joey jughead to write all types of nonsense in their papers.

Last edited by Prashad

DJ, it is all about narrative. All newspaper have a particular narrative that they propagate. The reader has to be able to discern the narrative in a particular piece, and use the data from a variety of sources to come up with his/her own understanding. To depend on one news source for your news leads to a poor understanding of what is really happening.

Gilbakka posted:

Kaieteur News, because I can read it free of cost. A poor geezer like me can't afford to pay for Stabroek News. Therefore I thank our resident tycoon Django for sharing his subscription with us here.

I subscribe to three here then read the remainder, on line when time permits. I read the CBC and BBC on line for my international news. 


Back in Burnham’s time most of our news came from the Chronicle. There was a period when GNNL had no newsprint and had to resort to a type of poster material to print the Chronicle on. It was close to Christmas so people were joking about it being Burnham’s Christmas card.

Nowadays, people get their news from many different avenues so it doesn’t matter who is spreading bad news but rather who is accepting it. Guyana isn’t China or Cuba where the government even restrict internet content. Well, not yet and hopefully Guyanese wouldn’t allow the PNC to do so. Hopefully they haven’t given the PNC that opportunity back in 2015 when they misguidedly voted for the PNC dominated Coalition.

Zed posted:

DJ, it is all about narrative. All newspaper have a particular narrative that they propagate.

The reader has to be able to discern the narrative in a particular piece, and use the data from a variety of sources to come up with his/her own understanding.

To depend on one news source for your news leads to a poor understanding of what is really happening.

Agreed , i read  articles from a few news paper , if there are untruths , i would research the net to get the facts ,many times i can dispute what are told, wanted to present here , refrain from doing such , due to the attacks from the crew.

i Iollow social media and will watch live interviews presented by radio and television. Thanks to modern day technology , these media operators from the homeland are able to spread info far and wide. I usually record the Interviews and will play back to get the the facts.

Recently  statement was made in Canada by the LOP ,regarding the Carbon Credits payouts  to Guyana .which are erroneous , i can bet most folks believed his message. I have the recording of his presentation and can pinpoint many untruths. Well as mentioned if i do , i am considered a hater.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

DJ, it is all about narrative. All newspaper have a particular narrative that they propagate.

The reader has to be able to discern the narrative in a particular piece, and use the data from a variety of sources to come up with his/her own understanding.

To depend on one news source for your news leads to a poor understanding of what is really happening.

Agreed , i read  articles from a few news paper , if there are untruths , i would research the net to get the facts ,many times i can dispute what are told, wanted to present here , refrain from doing such , due to the attacks from the crew.

i Iollow social media and will watch live interviews presented by radio and television. Thanks to modern day technology , these media operators from the homeland are able to spread info far and wide. I usually record the Interviews and will play back to get the the facts.

Recently  statement was made in Canada by the LOP ,regarding the Carbon Credits payouts  to Guyana .which are erroneous , i can bet most folks believed his message. I have the recording of his presentation and can pinpoint many untruths. Well as mentioned if i do , i am considered a hater.

Thanks for providing your data, but bhai this is a full time job and I am sure their is some form of reward. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

DJ, it is all about narrative. All newspaper have a particular narrative that they propagate.

The reader has to be able to discern the narrative in a particular piece, and use the data from a variety of sources to come up with his/her own understanding.

To depend on one news source for your news leads to a poor understanding of what is really happening.

Agreed , i read  articles from a few news paper , if there are untruths , i would research the net to get the facts ,many times i can dispute what are told, wanted to present here , refrain from doing such , due to the attacks from the crew.

i Iollow social media and will watch live interviews presented by radio and television. Thanks to modern day technology , these media operators from the homeland are able to spread info far and wide. I usually record the Interviews and will play back to get the the facts.

Recently  statement was made in Canada by the LOP ,regarding the Carbon Credits payouts  to Guyana .which are erroneous , i can bet most folks believed his message. I have the recording of his presentation and can pinpoint many untruths. Well as mentioned if i do , i am considered a hater.

Thanks for providing your data, but bhai this is a full time job and I am sure their is some form of reward. 

No reward ,it's just for personal pass time.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

DJ, it is all about narrative. All newspaper have a particular narrative that they propagate.

The reader has to be able to discern the narrative in a particular piece, and use the data from a variety of sources to come up with his/her own understanding.

To depend on one news source for your news leads to a poor understanding of what is really happening.

Agreed , i read  articles from a few news paper , if there are untruths , i would research the net to get the facts ,many times i can dispute what are told, wanted to present here , refrain from doing such , due to the attacks from the crew.

i Iollow social media and will watch live interviews presented by radio and television. Thanks to modern day technology , these media operators from the homeland are able to spread info far and wide. I usually record the Interviews and will play back to get the the facts.

Recently  statement was made in Canada by the LOP ,regarding the Carbon Credits payouts  to Guyana .which are erroneous , i can bet most folks believed his message. I have the recording of his presentation and can pinpoint many untruths. Well as mentioned if i do , i am considered a hater.

Thanks for providing your data, but bhai this is a full time job and I am sure their is some form of reward. 

No reward ,it's just for personal pass time.

Bai, yuh got too much time pun yuh hand. 😀 Truthfully, I don’t care that much for what happens in Guyana to worry about who is doing what. I just write things here for effect and because I don’t like the PNC. I am not into digging deep like you do although I don’t see anything wrong with doing so. Plus it is not a bad way to pass time and no one can say that you are not good at using the internet. 😎

Prashad posted:

For me.  Father Morrison and the Catholic Standard plus Ricky Singh and The Caribbean Contact.

Father Morrison was anti PPP because he hated communism. His comments on Burnham was through the lens of a fallen Christian who can be rehabilitated and never as one to be repudiated for being a bitch and a tyrant.  We get reporting from more than a perspective of reporting what happened. Stabroeknews edit me mercilessly on my remarks about the APNU but they are considered anti APNU by granger. 

Amral posted:

What about those tv newscast out from Guyana. Are they trustworthy? 

Very few of the reporters have communications degrees and they are constrained by for whom they write. Svetlana for example is a great writer but her writing is distilled PNC agit prop. The chronicle prize her kind of writing. 

Last edited by Former Member

For as long as I have been here, many rely on Guyana print media to be informed, but Guyanese still depend on the grandfather's pusser-pusser source for fair and balance news. I believe in it as a source one would die for. It's highly recommended for GNI puss-mouth coolies.  

Last edited by Former Member

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