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Former Member

Why do you continue to being a skont hole?


Why did you delete my post of "Money, Money, Everywhere"


At the time of writing this, I see that another post only started 28 minutes ago and mine which started hours ago, I can see that you deleted mine without checking which were the earlier post:


As I said you are appearing to be do a shitty job here, just like a square peg.


It is time that you resign if you  cannot appear to fair on this board:


I will be looking out for other duplicated post, which you seems to screw up most of the time.


I am waiting for an answer: of why my post which was done earlier was deleted.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by asj:

If you are going to delete posts, then be fair about it, because seems like your eyes are bothering you, as all you do look for is asj posts, which an intention to delete:

dude...i did not delete your post


last I checked, you had about 10 topics started

I looked back at that post, and saw it was there. If I did not then I would have had a doubt.


Originally Posted by asj:

And then again, why do you allow double posts?


I perfectly point out one issue here.


You do not have any answer.

Maybe some of you should read the topics before's not a matter of me allowing or not allowing double posts. i cannot come to your desk and tell you to take your fuggin hand off the keyboard before yuh start typing

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by asj:

You are fudging, you are not answering the question, you deleted my post yesterday, and today there are other double posts and you allowed. Why the double standard? rest yuself

Is that what you can come up with instead of a satisfactory/non satisfactory answer?



Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj

The last I checked I was more senior than Yuji:


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asj asj is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
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How are long serving member defined,number of post
or length of membership???
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj

The last I checked I was more senior than Yuji:


147,900 Community Points:


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Django Django is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
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asj asj is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
Joined: 9/22/04 3:15 PM
Last Visit: October 8, 2015 at 8:15 AM
How are long serving member defined,number of post
or length of membership???

The little bit that I can gather re:


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