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Former Member
Can the the Guyana Budget Act 2012 repeal other Acts of Parliament dealing with money matters?

How long does one have to be the Leader of the Oppositin before he/she collects a Pension under the Budget Act 2009? If he she serves for a day and resigns the next day can he/she collect?

Is/are there any provision/s in the Guyana Constitution that states that every citizen of Guyana is to be treated equally before and under the law and is entitled to equal bentifits under the law?

Is/are there any provision/s under to Guyana Constitution that states that Politicians can receive benefits above an beyond what other citizens receive?

Love to hear your thoughts.

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Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.


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