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Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
albert, I came over to this thread that you so graciously started for me and attempted to answer your questions.

Would you now continue to be gracious and attempt to answer some of our queries on this thread? wavey

GR you
lol There is hope for all of humanity, PB. Perhaps one day Dr albert will have a change of heart...assuming he has one...
Originally posted by Horse Man:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Hi Albert, who are the other 10 since you are one of the 11?

You fellas are like groupies why are you stalking albert?

This is tantamount to harassment.

Is that what it's now called, Stalking?

Albert shows up with all sorts of nonsensical statements spouting the beautiful work his party has done and when others question him on other matters, he clams up. This is what the readers see.
Dude, if you notice, Albert has not shown his face in this thread and do you know the reason for this?

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