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Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by albert: Even worse is the fact that many of them did not declare their income and assets to the Integrity Commission as is required for certain categories of Public Servants. These pagans of virtue should've been at the front of the line demonstrating how "corruption free" they truly are. Bo no!
Khemraj Ramjattan has been making his declarations year after year. albert, please furnish me the list of PPP MPs who have complied. I am sure OP would be more than happy to give you the info. Thank you.
Waiting, albert.
Still waiting, albert.
Originally posted by Wally:
It look like Albert is missing in action. He has become an (M.I.A.). I hope he did not ask his guy at Freedom house for an increase in pocket money because of the up coming election and inflation in New York.

Albert has got to remember them guys at Freedom House are magicians they can make your A-S disappear.
Big Grin
Today Dr "albert" proclaimed the PPP a working class party and said the they do their best for the vulnerable of our country. In our discourse, here: and here: , I asked Dr "albert" a number of questions, none of which he answered. And so, I have put them on this special thread dedicated to all his unanswered questions. It must be noted that "albert" is no fool. He pretends to be so as to hide is identity. He even deliberately mispells my name.

albert: It shows the administration is a pro working class one...that puts the interest of the people first and will continue to invest billions of dollars in the social sector...thus the socio-economic conditions well be improved

Gerhard: Pro working class like this: and this: ?

Doesn't corruption affect the working class the most? Please see: . Please also tell us what the PPP has done to combat corruption. Let's hear about persecutions and reparations.

albert: The Government will continue to invest billions of billions in the social sector...improving the lives of the citizens....the critics have to say all the Government fulfills the needs of the most vulnerable in society...

Gerhard: That's right. Letting the sugar industry languish so lands can be practically given away to those connected to the Gov't. That is how the needs of the most vulnerable are fulfilled.

Not implementing any significant reforms in the security and justice sector has served the vulnerable well.

Allowing contractors to work in depressed areas without conditions to significantly employ locals is serving the vulnerable.

Not finding ways to keep our nurses and teachers is serving the vulnerable.

What about the p u s s yfooting around Rusal? The vulnerable are being served right?

Employing people at super-salaries, some reputed at US$220,000 annually, to spout propaganda serves the vulnerable, right?

albert: (Gave a long GINA list of monies the Gov't spent)

Gerhard: I never said the Gov't does nothing, and hasn't done anything.

Imagine how much more can be done, by cutting corruption and super salaries such as those at US$220,000 per year.

Imagine, too, how much less would have to be spent if the vulnerable are given more job opportunities and access to education and healthcare.

Empty schools and hospitals do nothing. The security situation continues to make our people run, not no globalisation.

How hard is it for the Gov't to set up specific housing for nurses, teachers and police? How hard is it to give them tax exemptions? Every year, I repeat every year, since the introduction of VAT, tax revenue estimates have been exceeded. If you are so working-class, Dr "albert", as you claim, why not give something back?

Gerhard: Dr "albert", why is there no internship programme for UG students? How hard would it be to do something like that? The Gov't sector can take many and the all you have to do is grant tax concessions to the private sector for each intern. That would be giving real opportunities to the vulnerable as opposed to hand outs.

Gerhard: What about the Berbice bridge Dr "albert"? You are making the poor pay for infrastructure that is of benefit to the whole country. On top of that by the bridge's location you have denied opportunities to the vulnerable on the banks of the Berbice River, including New Amsterdam. By the choice of bridge which will lead to a faster rate of siltation than the Demerara river, you are dooming even more of our vulnerable who live upriver.

albert: The administration is at full throttle in improving the socio-economic conditions in society...yes it will not be easy and yes the Government is up to the task of completely eradicating poverty from the society the concerns of the most vulnerable in society is on the front burner of the administration...

Gerhard: Rubbish!!!

Too many are being left behind!

What has been done curtail corruption?!

Why are there more than 20 Ministries when Dr Jagan, who had almost 12 years of experience governing the country and 50 years as politician on the ground, said we only need 13?

Why are there super salaries such as US$220,000 per year when Dr Jagan said we do not need to pay so much?

Why does infrastructure break almost as fast it is being built? Has anybody been held accountable for the Charity wharf and the Supenaam stelling?

Uncle Tola: Why is it taking 19 years to do this, while the poor are losing hope struggling to pay for daily food items and commiting suicide in large numbers?

albert: Gerald is following a thread of the A.F.C...No new ideas and they are criticizing the administration to remind relevant in the news...without their crazy assertions they will become extinct in the minds of many...with or without your crazy assertions Gerald...the A.F.C will not make it back to the National Assembly...

Gerhard: I don't care. Those in the PPP, the old ones, the genuine ones, not you, the new ones who sell their souls to the highest bidder, know that my politics has never been about seeking position. If the AFC fails I won't stop speaking out for my people, and I will never become someone like you. US$220,000 may sound like a lot of money, but it can never bring happiness when your conscience kicks in more and more as you age. You will live to see too how Guyana will shrug you all off like a dog shakes its fleas, whether under the AFC or another party. It is simply a matter of time.

You will be among the fist to run seeking greener pastures. However, your deeds on GNI are now public record, and most reputable Universities will not want you.

albert: (He mentions the most commendable GBTI's Women of Worth (WOW) loan scheme)

Gerhard: Indeed these are wonderful initiatives and I am proud of Shaleeza, my QC classmate.

However, I never said the Gov't does nothing, and hasn't done anything.

Imagine how much more can be done, by cutting corruption and super salaries such as those at US$220,000 per year.

Imagine, too, how much less would have to be spent if the vulnerable are given more job opportunities and access to education and healthcare.

Empty schools and hospitals do nothing. The security situation continues to make our people run, not no globalisation.

How hard is it for the Gov't to set up specific housing for nurses, teachers and police? How hard is it to give them tax exemptions? Every year, I repeat every year, since the introduction of VAT, tax revenue estimates have been exceeded. If you are so working-class, Dr "albert", as you claim, why not give something back?

Gerhard: Dr "albert" please tell us how opportunities for women have changed over the past 19 years.

Here, take a look at plastic city: and A "city" born solely under the PPP.


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