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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Why someone on the first day deliver a box containing over one thousand rounds of high powered bullets without guns to used them. Is this a set up to give Ramjattan credit after he failed so many times?

Those are machine guns bullets that come from the army itself. Take sense from nonsense.

Ramjattan does not know that guns don't kill people.  People kill people.

take away their guns and crimes will still be multiplying.  Other methods will be used. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Why someone on the first day deliver a box containing over one thousand rounds of high powered bullets without guns to used them. Is this a set up to give Ramjattan credit after he failed so many times?

Those are machine guns bullets that come from the army itself. Take sense from nonsense.

Ramjattan does not know that guns don't kill people.  People kill people.

take away their guns and crimes will still be multiplying.  Other methods will be used. 

Ow Buddy he nah kno better. he CLUELESS like the PNC

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Why someone on the first day deliver a box containing over one thousand rounds of high powered bullets without guns to used them. Is this a set up to give Ramjattan credit after he failed so many times?

Those are machine guns bullets that come from the army itself. Take sense from nonsense.

I share your suspicion here, bro. That bag of bullets looks like a decoy to lure illegal guns and ammo. I hope it works.


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