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@VishMahabir posted:

I am not sure this was a question of fault with the government or Texiera.

I suspect this Minister really wanted the job so bad that she did not alert the PPP to all the facts. Now she and the govt is caught in a bind and its difficult to backtrack.

She should resign or the PPP should apologize on her behalf...but only if she provides the proof.

She is a crook and must be removed.  Gail is also a crook.


All she did was forgetting to give up her US citizenship in time for the elections. This is a more serious crime than attempting to rig elections and steal ballot boxes.  Mingo, Myers, and Lowenfield are heroes for the Coalition boys.  They did no wrong. Most of the AFC supporters committed treason by accusing the President and vice president of crimes they cannot prove. That is treasonous but it is not as severe as not declaring your US citizenship.

@cain posted:

This is the difference between APNU/AFC and PPP supporters, the PPP supporters find no fault ever when anyone in the party does something dishonest.

That is not correct. I have already pronounced on this matter. Many others have also.

Be mindful of the pedestal you are putting the APNU/AFC supporters on. I draw your attention to the many months that they openly supported the prospect of the APNU/AFC blatantly stealing the March 2020 elections. They still do today and are making up fake news fairy tales about elections fraud by the PPP when all evidence points to only the PNC attempting to defraud the voters of those elections. There are many other examples but that one alone shows the hypocrisy of the APNU/AFC posters.

Take for instance the case of Harmon yelling and screaming about this woman's citizenship status. Now consider that he apparently informed his lobbing agent JJ&L that Granger is a US citizen. I don't remember any of those APNU/AFC supporters either accusing Granger, Harmon or JJ&L of dishonesty. They were too busy supporting the APNU/AFC of continuously seeking to get away with stealing the elections.

@Former Member posted:

Take for instance the case of Harmon yelling and screaming about this woman's citizenship status.

Now consider that he apparently informed his lobbing agent JJ&L that Granger is a US citizen.

I don't remember any of those APNU/AFC supporters either accusing Granger, Harmon or JJ&L of dishonesty. They were too busy supporting the APNU/AFC of continuously seeking to get away with stealing the elections.

Do you'll copied views from each other to post ?

That was an error that bears no fruit.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

What do you mean by copycatting?

Are you suggesting that I am transcribing others writing?

It is laughable is you are.

You make my hand fall if you made such a rudimentary error bai.

Someone mentions something ,without verify the truth ,runs with it to bolster a view.


my noodle is intact ,things sticks , the day it becomes fuzzy ,would stop writing.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

All she did was forgetting to give up her US citizenship in time for the elections. This is a more serious crime than attempting to rig elections and steal ballot boxes.  Mingo, Myers, and Lowenfield are heroes for the Coalition boys.  They did no wrong. Most of the AFC supporters committed treason by accusing the President and vice president of crimes they cannot prove. That is treasonous but it is not as severe as not declaring your US citizenship.

Why couldn't you just say she did something wrong instead of bringing up the sins of others?

OK I know why, anything PPP does is never wrong, yeehhh right.

See what I'm talking about Ilum? PPP never wrong, nahhhh.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Why couldn't you just say she did something wrong instead of bringing up the sins of others?

OK I know why, anything PPP does is never wrong, yeehhh right.

See what I'm talking about Illium? PPP never wrong, nahhhh.

There a two RULES regarding the LAWS of Guyana ,one for the PPP and the other for the PNC.

What a backwater country ,no wealth can change the mindset of some people ,until they are purged from leading the country.

@Django posted:

Someone mentions something ,without verify the truth ,runs with it to bolster a view.


my noodle is intact ,things sticks , the day it becomes fuzzy ,would stop writing.

Bai, anyone who needs to keep repeating that their noodles are intact is demonstrating that they aren't.

Is just like Trump saying that he is the least racist person in the room. It demonstrated that he isn't.

@cain posted:

Why couldn't you just say she did something wrong instead of bringing up the sins of others?

OK I know why, anything PPP does is never wrong, yeehhh right.

See what I'm talking about Ilum? PPP never wrong, nahhhh.

The PPP are not without sins too. Let them deal with that. The electorate will have to either hold them responsible or not. That said, it is not irrelevant to point out the hypocrisy of the PNC/APNU/AFC.

@Django posted:

There a two RULES regarding the LAWS of Guyana ,one for the PPP and the other for the PNC.

What a backwater country ,no wealth can change the mindset of some people ,until they are purged from leading the country.

Well, we saw how the PNC were ruling before they were forced to abide by the laws of Guyana and decency. They were hell bent on continuing to squat illegally in office and just like how Trump likes to denigrate anyone who speak out against his diabolical behavior they also did the same. Now they are out there begging those same countries for help when only a few months ago they were telling those countries to butt out.

@Former Member posted:

Well, we saw how the PNC were ruling before they were forced to abide by the laws of Guyana and decency. They were hell bent on continuing to squat illegally in office and just like how Trump likes to denigrate anyone who speak out against his diabolical behavior they also did the same.

Now they are out there begging those same countries for help when only a few months ago they were telling those countries to butt out.

The Politicians in Guyana are weak ,they are allowing Foreign Countries to dictate how the country should be govern.

They need to sit down and ironed out the issues ,until then the Country remains divided and Foreigners dictates. The carpetbaggers becomes more wealthy from proceeds of the Natural Resources and Guyana still remain a poor country.

By the way take a cue form the recent elections in Bolivia.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

You may think so !!!

Regarding POTUS that's a different story ,come next week he may be a one term President.

I hope he is gone next week. But I see this going to the courts as the vast number of mail in ballots will undoubtedly create many questions regarding qualifications of ballots. One would think that people with the luxury of time and in the comfort of their own surroundings would be in a better frame of mind to assure that their ballot is completed accurately but from most of the reporting it seems that there are a lot of rejected votes already. Other than that the numbers of the already accounted ballots largely favors Biden.

@Django posted:

The Politicians in Guyana are weak ,they are allowing Foreign Countries to dictate how the country should be govern.

They need to sit down and ironed out the issues ,until then the Country remains divided and Foreigners dictates.

By the way take a cue form the recent elections in Bolivia.

I agree. The trouble is that Guyana does not yet possess the political maturity to iron out things on their own so they need other who have the necessary skills to help them. Guyana is not unique in this regard. Many other countries also have that need. Guyana may need at least one more help from persons external to Guyana to help them craft a workable and fair constitution as the people in Guyana have shown that they are incapable of accomplishing that. As an American citizen I consider the United States a trusted benefactor of any country that suffers the level of political disunity as Guyana does and it would be it Guyana's long term benefit to seek the US help in crafting a constitution that accommodates all citizens of Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

I agree. The trouble is that Guyana does not yet possess the political maturity to iron out things on their own so they need other who have the necessary skills to help them. Guyana is not unique in this regard. Many other countries also have that need. Guyana may need at least one more help from persons external to Guyana to help them craft a workable and fair constitution as the people in Guyana have shown that they are incapable of accomplishing that.

As an American citizen  I consider the United States a trusted benefactor of any country that suffers the level of political disunity as Guyana does and it would be it Guyana's long term benefit to seek the US help in crafting a constitution that accommodates all citizens of Guyana.

Same here ,don't forget we have Interest not Friends ,we put on pedestal and cuts you down. Our foreign policy sometimes are tainted.

Regarding Guyana Constitution ,that document need to be thrown in the fire. The UN can assist to draft a new one after explaining to the people of the unworthiness.

@Django posted:

Same here ,don't forget we have Interest not Friends ,we put on pedestal and cuts you down. Our foreign policy sometimes are tainted.

Regarding Guyana Constitution ,that document need to be thrown in the fire. The UN can assist to draft a new one after explaining to the people of the unworthiness.

Nothing wrong with us having interests. That is a human tendency. People who fight amongst themselves only squander their energies on things that don't benefit them. It is not America's blame if others around the world chose that option.

And yes, the UN can help with the Constitution but Guyana would be well served if the representatives from countries as defective as Guyana are muted.


APNU+AFC prepared to take legal action against Minister Walrond over dual citizenship controversy – Forde

The Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond-Allicock has found herself in hot water following inquires made regarding her citizenship status and eligibility to serve as a Member of Parliament (MP).

Article 155 of the Constitution of Guyana bars MPs from having dual citizenship status. But Walrond-Allicock, in a statement today, stated that when she was sworn in as an MP on September, 2020, she was already in receipt of her renunciation of citizenship certificate from U.S. authorities. She said that she was over with the renunciation process by August 27.

However, she was sworn in as a Minister on August 5, which means Walrond-Allicock was still a dual citizen.

She further stated that based on counsel she received from attorneys, provisions relating to the barring of dual citizens from being MPs, do not apply to technocrat ministers.

Opposition MP, Roysdale Forde S.C., during a press conference today, said that there is no distinguishment between an MP and Minister, since Ministers are MP. Notably, not all MPs are ministers. Further, he argued that technocrat ministers are not exempt from non-dual citizenship requirements.

Forde argues that Walrond-Allicock is therefore in breach of the Constitution, and should she refuse to resign, the main Parliamentary Opposition, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), will β€œcertainly consider the institution of legal proceedings”.


Tourism Minister says she renounced U.S. citizenship before becoming MP

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond has responded to comments regarding her citizenship status and her eligibility to be a Member of Parliament.

See full statement below:

It is with considerable disappointment that I respond to comments in the public domain regarding my citizenship status and my eligibility to sit in the National Assembly. It was sobering to me, to see how, based on a statement that was nothing more than speculation and innuendo, the discourse on social media immediately descended into racial and sexual abuse.

It appears that too many of us Guyanese are not inclined to have reasoned and respectful disagreement on any issue. The statement placed in the public domain alleged that I may be a citizen of the United States of America. The statement further said that other unnamed persons have called on the Clerk of the National Assembly to verify my eligibility.

I acknowledge that the eligibility of persons who sit in the National Assembly is an issue that Guyanese have a right to be concerned about. I further acknowledge that the public has a right to know that the persons who sit in the National Assembly are qualified to do so.

On August 5, I was invited by His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Irfaan Ali to serve in his Cabinet. I accepted because I consider the opportunity to serve my people and my country at this capacity as both an honour and privilege.

As an Attorney-at-Law and being mindful of my status as a US Citizen, I sought the counsel of other attorneys on whether the sections of the constitution prohibiting elected members from being dual citizens applied to me as a technocrat minister. Despite advice that this provision did not extend to technocrats, out of an abundance of caution, I decided to renounce my citizenship to put the matter beyond all doubt and avoid any distraction to the good work of the government.

I wrote to the US Consular Office on August 18, renouncing my citizenship to the United States of America with immediate effect. I was thereof informed of the administrative procedure I must comply with to obtain a Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States. I complied with that process by August 27.

I have since received the Certificate of Loss of Nationality.

I took the oath to the National Assembly on September 1. That was after I renounced my citizenship of the United States of America. I do hope that the above serves to clarify any questions that may have been raised in light of the comments in the public domain, and I publicly commit myself to work tirelessly to ensure that in the future, our Guyanese citizenship becomes one of the most sought after statuses in the world.

In closing, I reiterate that the most disappointing thing to me as a Guyanese citizen was to see the extent to which persons on social media sought to attack and vilify each other as they took positions on the issue. I want to use this moment to ask all of us to commit to doing our part in raising the standard of how we interact with each other in our everyday lives. That is an essential part of the effort of building the kind of nation that we would all choose to live in above any other.


Minister Walrond’s status

It boggles the mind that after all the upheaval created by the dual citizenship of former MP Charrandass Persaud which forced the resignation from Parliament of the current Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon, the current Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge that we are facing yet again a similar situation. Yet, here we are again deliberating on the circumstance of the current Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond.

The constitution has always been pellucid that dual citizens are proscribed from sitting in the House.  Article 155 (1) says β€œNo person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who – (a) is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state”. This injunction had been flagrantly dishonoured by all parties and neither the Speaker nor Parliament ensured that the Constitution was complied with. Matters were brought to a head when APNU+AFC desperately challenged then MP Persaud’s standing in a futile bid to overturn the successful December 21, 2018 motion of no confidence. The Caribbean Court of Justice accepted on June 18, 2019 that the constitution prohibited dual citizens from being elected to Parliament while not adjudicating on whether Mr Persaud was disqualified at the time of his election.

Therefore no aspirant to membership of Parliament or a leader entrusted with determining its members of the House could be dismissive of what the constitution says. It seems, however, that that is exactly what transpired in the case of Minister Walrond becoming a Member of Parliament. In her own words on Saturday the minister said that on August 5 she was invited by President Ali to serve in his Cabinet.

β€œI accepted because I consider the opportunity to serve my people and my country at this capacity as both an honour and privilege. As an Attorney-at-Law and being mindful of my status as a US Citizen, I sought the counsel of other attorneys on whether the sections of the constitution prohibiting elected members from being dual citizens applied to me as a technocrat minister. Despite advice that this provision did not extend to technocrats, out of an abundance of caution, I decided to renounce my citizenship to put the matter beyond all doubt and avoid any distraction to the good work of the government”.

She added β€œI wrote to the US Consular Office on August 18, renouncing my citizenship to the United States of America with immediate effect. I was thereof informed of the administrative procedure I must comply with to obtain a Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the United States. I complied with that process by August 27.

I have since received the Certificate of Loss of Nationality. I took the oath to the National Assembly on September 1. That was after I renounced my citizenship of the United States of America”.

If we now all accept that the Constitution forbids dual citizenship for MPs then Minister Walrond has no business being in Parliament. If President Ali was aware of Ms Walrond’s dual citizenship status he should never have offered her the post. If he was unaware then it was Ms Walrond’s responsibility to advise him of her status at which point he should have withdrawn the offer.

One cannot conveniently be exclusively a Guyanese citizen when it suits them particularly as it relates to service in the law-making body of the land and where the people are represented. The letter and spirit of the constitution forbids dual citizens – whether technocrat or elected  – and until such time as there is reform to the charter there should be the fullest respect shown for its stipulations. Ms Walrond’s renunciation upon being invited to be a Minister and MP jars with the constitution and so soon after the fiasco with Mr Persaud’s status it must mean that the PPP/C is not learning its lessons or it is simply disdainful of them.

Ms Walrond has thus far kept one fact from public scrutiny i.e. the date of her renunciation certificate. She must release this. If the certificate is dated after her swearing in as a technocratic Minister then she must do the honourable thing and resign from the House.


"Ms Walrond has thus far kept one fact from public scrutiny i.e. the date of her renunciation certificate. She must release this. If the certificate is dated after her swearing in as a technocratic Minister then she must do the honourable thing and resign from the House."   This is the crux of the matter.  It is highly unlikely that she had the renunciation certificate when she was sworn in as a parliamentarian.  It is also reported that she , a lawyer, consulted other lawyers about the implications of her dual citizenship vis-a-vis being a technocrat minister and formed the opinion that she was allowed to be a dual citizen and a technocrat minister. However, being the latter means being an MP and it is clear that a dual citizen cannot be an MP.  I wouldn't hire Walrond and her lawyer friends to defend a traffic ticket.

@Former Member posted:

As much as I applauded the PPP for inviting some of the PNC people into their administration, ie Greenidge and Walrond, it seems like the PPP should have just stuck to their own members. This is how easy it is for someone associated with Granger and his diabolical cabal to contaminate anything.

Nah teck worries. Yuh is nat dat smaat.


President β€œcomfortable” with Tourism Minister’s statement on dual citizenship

President Irfaan Ali while admitting that he has not seen a copy of the certificate of renunciation of US Citizenship for his Tourism Minister, indicated today that he is comfortable with her explanation on the issue.

β€œShe is an honourable woman”, the President told reporters on Monday morning as he explained that he believes she did what had to be done with regards to her US citizenship as she took up a post in his cabinet.

β€œShe advised the President of what had to be done in terms of the Constitution and I can tell you that she did it and she has her certificate and Minister Oneidge Waldron is an honourable woman”, President Ali said.

When questioned on whether she has provided a copy of her renunciation certificate to the Clerk of the National Assembly like other former dual citizens did, the President said he is unaware of that.

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