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Quite a messy affair!PDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Tuesday, 12 June 2012 20:32
WHEN the last general and regional elections concluded, there was much rejoicing in the opposition's camp (APNU and AFC) when they realised that they held a majority in parliament. The result was greeted with much fanfare that "we are in charge, we are the boss" and an immediate plan was put in place to frustrate the government in every way possible. The grand plan became apparent when the national budget was tabled. The opposition forces were up to the task of instituting massive cuts to government's spending. They created a gridlock situation where all attempts at development would have been stymied and the completion of the people's business a nullity.
Again these moves were meant to embarrass and frustrate the PPP/C party in government, relegating them into a position of nothingness. But little did these fools know that they were creating a situation where persons aligned to the opposition would have been adversely affected also.
In their blinding fury they forgot to take into consideration that in making these cuts they would have inherently affected public sector workers, persons of a certain ethnicity who form the bulk of the public service and that these people would definitely be on the breadline. So overwhelming was their foolishness that they failed to take into consideration that the same government they were bashing is the main employer of public servants, many of whom are staunch supporters of the opposition party.

So when this stark reality dawned on Granger he was forced to backpedal and tone down the rhetoric saying he is now willing to reinstate certain budgetary cuts. He made these comments at a recently held meeting with the Public Service Union.  But here again he has dug a deeper hole for himself; there cannot be the reinstitution of one set of finances at the exclusion of others. It just does not work that way; it has to be a restoration of the entire amount.
Let me refer to an old Guyanese proverb for its apt precision. The good old smart flies in the opposition are now locked away snugly in the "cow's anatomy", a position in which they revel, after all, it is sweet revenge to hold the government to ransom. It is called β€˜getting us into the gridlock mess that we are in’. However, it never entered their minds that getting out would be so painful, hence it is the devil's own job for them to worm their way out of it. Quite a messy affair!

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