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We have to continue the struggle so we do not become a dictatorship. “A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single person or party has absolute power. This means that the ruler or party has complete control and the rights of the people are suppressed.”  We have witnessed the gradual creeping of the dictatorship by his actions after the successful NCM, the selection of the past Gecom Chair and a host of other things. Now with this rigging the dictator is fully installed as evidenced by the actions of Gecom staff.

If we allow Guyana to become a dictatorship again under the PNC we will lose every protection for the people. All government policies is at the whim and fancy of the dictator: who lives and who dies, who gets healthcare, who has a job, even who gets to eat, who you can talk to, what you can read, who can run a business and the list goes on.

People can’t simply hide, stay quiet and hope this will pass and life will return to normal. We must all pay attention to the facts, the reality of what good hard-working fair minded and truthful people have witnessed. To quote MLK – “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

When A President can control the body that is tasked for delivering credible elections ( his own words) when he is not held accountable for breaking the law and defying the Constitution, when the balance of power is removed from Parliament, the Judiciary and other State Institutions, we essentially become a dictatorship.

In order for a dictatorship to form, all opponents of the dictator ultimately need to be removed.” WE MUST STOP THIS NOW!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rise up Guyanese peacefully for democracy and free and fair elections !!!!

Jagdeo, stop playing softball !!!!!!!

Cuffy rose up, Berbicians Rise Up !!!!!!!!! There is always a price for freedom !!!!

Gandhi and MLK didn’t stand down, they rose up !!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo is calling for peace while democracy is burning Down !!!!!

PPP told their supporters that PNC can’t rig, well they are doing the frig. Act now !!!!!

Rise up Kulie and have your votes counted !!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

That is why I speak out so vociferously about the PNC. The truth is that my circumstances did not place me in a position where the PNC can be abusive to me but not because I was not personally affected by their evil regimes, that does not gave me the freedom to not condemn them for it. The AFC had a golden opportunity to hold both the PPP and PNC responsibility to the people of Guyana but unfortunately they had that kiss of death with the PNC and today, they are worthless.

But while Granger may end up being sworn in as president, he will lead a country who sells a valuable product to the world but never receives payment for it. And he will still be responsible for paying Exxon that half billion dollars because that was incurred before any sanctions on Guyana.


If PPP tried this shyte On PNC, They would have burnt down GT.

Jagdeo is calling for peace while democracy is burning.

Kuile a dawg.

Rise up peacefully Kulie, this is your LAST chance.

Last edited by Former Member

Bai, blacks brain are wired strangely. Back in the days in Guyana, a black kid passing a mango tree and seeing a mango would rip off the whole limb, pull the mango off and drop the limb on the ground. The Indian kid would take the mango and leave the limb on the tree for the next mango. The PNC have a lot of black supporters with this kind of mentality so it is not surprising that they have a tendency to be destructive.


I want to see what actions the international community will take against this dictatorial regime.  They witnessed a fraudulent elections conducted by the PNC. We don't have to send envoys to each country to convince them of this fraud.  They saw it for themselves.  It's time they do something to punish this regime.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Enough of the peace and tact, it’s been 11 days and it’s not working. The International community knows. Time to take the fight to the racist darkies and give them a good beat down.  THEIR WAY.


I believe that America will impose sanctions on Guyana and the principals of the PNC regime. I believe that Guyana isn't seeing any of that oil money for now and I also believe that Nigel and Cathy's business in Houston will be in jeopardy. I believe that major travel restrictions are coming down and Granger isn't getting another invitation from the Queen. I believe that Granger will again have a visit with his cancer and he will die a very painful and disgraceful death.


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