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Former Member

These idiots in office throw in the towel as they lack vision or moving Guyana forward. So far no new development under this incompetent govt with Jackass Granger at the helm selling his grandpa persona.

Home > TOP STORY > Gov’t cancels loan for Specialty Hospital
Minister of Finance Winston Jordan
Minister of Finance Winston Jordan

Gov’t cancels loan for Specialty Hospital


…courts India to modernise primary healthcare facilities

THE government has taken the decision to cancel the financing deal with India for the construction of a speciality hospital here, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan confirmed Friday.
The decision to terminate the line of credit was taken at Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, Jordan stated. The original financing, from India’s Exim Bank, was for US$18M, but funds were expended on the original contract to Surendra Engineering, leaving about US$14 million.
The previous PPP government was forced to terminate Surendra’s 2012 contract, citing fraud, and sought to recover the funds. The new government sought to salvage the project and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with another Indian firm, Fedders Lloyd, to design a new facility, keeping in mind the remaining amount.
When the APNU+AFC government came into office, it reviewed the project and concluded that since there was no existing contract that could be enforced, it was impractical to continue to keep the Line of Credit in its existing form, especially since it was attracting commitment fees.
The Ministry of Finance, however, noted that the government had requested the Exim Bank of India to cancel the Line of Credit for the specialty hospital and to re-allocate the balance of funds to a project to modernize three primary health-care facilities.
However, the Government of India (GoI) in its response, while indicating its no objection and support for the modernization of primary health-care facilities, suggested that the Guyana Goverment consider salvaging the specialty hospital, as it will complement primary health-care facilities in Guyana.
It was then that the government approached Fedders Lloyd, one of the original bidders, to explore the possibility of them completing the project and the MoU was signed. Fedders Lloyd expressed continued interest and was prepared to complete and fully equip the facility.
However, in mid-June, 2016, the government announced that India was not interested in pursuing the project with Fedders Lloyd, as the World Bank had blacklisted the company until 2020, because of its procurement policy.
Minister Jordan Friday said that the government decided to terminate the Line of Credit, because the time has already lapsed, and the uncertainty over when a new contractor could be sought to design, build and outfit the speciality hospital, would only result in further commitment fees, which essentially amounts to wasting money when no project exists at the time. He said that Fedders Lloyd owns the design it had come up with for the project.
The government’s decision to cancel the Line of Credit was communicated to the Indian High Commission Wednesday, Minister Jordan stated.
He said that the government is still engaging the Government of India to modernise the West Demerara Hospital, as well as the hospitals at Suddie on the Essequibo Coast, and Bartica in Region Seven.

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Drugb posted:

These idiots in office throw in the towel as they lack vision or moving Guyana forward. So far no new development under this incompetent govt with Jackass Granger at the helm selling his grandpa persona.

Home > TOP STORY > Gov’t cancels loan for Specialty Hospital
Minister of Finance Winston Jordan
Minister of Finance Winston Jordan

Gov’t cancels loan for Specialty Hospital


…courts India to modernise primary healthcare facilities

THE government has taken the decision to cancel the financing deal with India for the construction of a speciality hospital here, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan confirmed Friday.
The decision to terminate the line of credit was taken at Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, Jordan stated. The original financing, from India’s Exim Bank, was for US$18M, but funds were expended on the original contract to Surendra Engineering, leaving about US$14 million.
The previous PPP government was forced to terminate Surendra’s 2012 contract, citing fraud, and sought to recover the funds. The new government sought to salvage the project and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with another Indian firm, Fedders Lloyd, to design a new facility, keeping in mind the remaining amount.
When the APNU+AFC government came into office, it reviewed the project and concluded that since there was no existing contract that could be enforced, it was impractical to continue to keep the Line of Credit in its existing form, especially since it was attracting commitment fees.
The Ministry of Finance, however, noted that the government had requested the Exim Bank of India to cancel the Line of Credit for the specialty hospital and to re-allocate the balance of funds to a project to modernize three primary health-care facilities.
However, the Government of India (GoI) in its response, while indicating its no objection and support for the modernization of primary health-care facilities, suggested that the Guyana Goverment consider salvaging the specialty hospital, as it will complement primary health-care facilities in Guyana.
It was then that the government approached Fedders Lloyd, one of the original bidders, to explore the possibility of them completing the project and the MoU was signed. Fedders Lloyd expressed continued interest and was prepared to complete and fully equip the facility.
However, in mid-June, 2016, the government announced that India was not interested in pursuing the project with Fedders Lloyd, as the World Bank had blacklisted the company until 2020, because of its procurement policy.
Minister Jordan Friday said that the government decided to terminate the Line of Credit, because the time has already lapsed, and the uncertainty over when a new contractor could be sought to design, build and outfit the speciality hospital, would only result in further commitment fees, which essentially amounts to wasting money when no project exists at the time. He said that Fedders Lloyd owns the design it had come up with for the project.
The government’s decision to cancel the Line of Credit was communicated to the Indian High Commission Wednesday, Minister Jordan stated.
He said that the government is still engaging the Government of India to modernise the West Demerara Hospital, as well as the hospitals at Suddie on the Essequibo Coast, and Bartica in Region Seven.

Druggie I know that you are a clown so you don't know how lines of credit work.   Now suppose you had a credit card which you weren't using, but had to pay fees on the balance available for use?  Would you keep the credit card.

Given that the two contractors involved in the project are discredited there is currently no project, and so to pay commitment fees until such time as a new project can be designed makes no sense.


That chap does shout before looking in to all the details,oh skites one more just show up.

Amelia + Specialty Hospital are bungled projects pushed by the PPP/C,look at the outcome Skeldon,Billions wasted on a poor functioning factory.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

That chap does shout before looking in to all the details.

Amelia + Specialty Hospital are bungled projects pushed by the PPP/C,look at the outcome Skeldon,Billions wasted on a poor functioning factory.

Druggie lacks the literacy to read and understand the details.  He doesn't even know what commitment fees are, so cannot understand why keeping an unused line of credit makes no sense.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

That chap does shout before looking in to all the details.

Amelia + Specialty Hospital are bungled projects pushed by the PPP/C,look at the outcome Skeldon,Billions wasted on a poor functioning factory.

Druggie lacks the literacy to read and understand the details.  He doesn't even know what commitment fees are, so cannot understand why keeping an unused line of credit makes no sense.

Does happen when someone lacks business sense.

Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

That chap does shout before looking in to all the details.

Amelia + Specialty Hospital are bungled projects pushed by the PPP/C,look at the outcome Skeldon,Billions wasted on a poor functioning factory.

Druggie lacks the literacy to read and understand the details.  He doesn't even know what commitment fees are, so cannot understand why keeping an unused line of credit makes no sense.

Does happen when someone lacks business sense.

Dem people lacking common sense also. No sense trying to discuss anything with them, their minds are made up to stay ignorant of facts.

cain posted:

Dem people lacking common sense also. No sense trying to discuss anything with them, their minds are made up to stay ignorant of facts.

Their biggest pride and joy is their stupidity.  They don't even try to sound intelligent.



They drag their feet after a year, now they bail out with commitment fees as an excuse. Before they didn't complain about commitment fees nor did they give any further details about these fees. I have to give you both kudos though, for in the face of adversity you still continue to support these clowns in office who have not to date put forward any plans for developing the nation. They are waiting for Exxon royalties to kick in so they can thief. 

Drugb posted:


They drag their feet after a year, now they bail out with commitment fees as an excuse. Before they didn't complain about commitment fees nor did they give any further details about these fees. I have to give you both kudos though, for in the face of adversity you still continue to support these clowns in office who have not to date put forward any plans for developing the nation. They are waiting for Exxon royalties to kick in so they can thief. 

That is like you still supporting a corrupt racist party that continues to show no change, one that will be in opposition for a long time should they keep the status quo.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:


They drag their feet after a year, now they bail out with commitment fees as an excuse. Before they didn't complain about commitment fees nor did they give any further details about these fees. I have to give you both kudos though, for in the face of adversity you still continue to support these clowns in office who have not to date put forward any plans for developing the nation. They are waiting for Exxon royalties to kick in so they can thief. 

That is like you still supporting a corrupt racist party that continues to show no change, one that will be in opposition for a long time should they keep the status quo.

Those are subjective statements. No evidence exist that the PPP were racist. In fact many Indians complained that they bent over backwards to give the Blacks a leg up.  Now Blacks have two legs up under the PNC and Indians have a boot on their head pushing them into the mud. 

Drugb posted:


They drag their feet after a year, now they bail out with commitment fees as an excuse. Before they didn't complain about commitment fees nor did they give any further details about these fees... 

They gave the process a year, and it isn't going any where because the contractors that the PPP attracted were all corrupt.  So they must begin the process again.

Now if Granger ended up spending millions on commitment fees for funds that they weren't using you would scream that he is wasting money.

He discontinues the line as to continue it will incur additional expenses.

Now explain why Jagdeo borrowed $$$ to build a white elephant stadium that generates almost no foreign exchange. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:


They drag their feet after a year, now they bail out with commitment fees as an excuse. Before they didn't complain about commitment fees nor did they give any further details about these fees... 

They gave the process a year, and it isn't going any where because the contractors that the PPP attracted were all corrupt.  So they must begin the process again.

Now if Granger ended up spending millions on commitment fees for funds that they weren't using you would scream that he is wasting money.

He discontinues the line as to continue it will incur additional expenses.

Now explain why Jagdeo borrowed $$$ to build a white elephant stadium that generates almost no foreign exchange. 

lies, what are the commitment fees, let us know the source also as you are a known liar.  

Jackass Granger has no clue, his witch doctor advise him to retire to a nursing home   Stadiums throughout the world suffer from the same ills, it is not for profit and has to be supported by the tax payers for the greater good of the nation. What about that monstrosity that Granger built at the republic square with bent up wood now collecting dust. Is that generating foreign exchange dummy?

Drugb posted:

Those are subjective statements. No evidence exist that the PPP were racist. In .

What Indians think that blacks got under the PPP is irrelevant, especially as they view blacks as an undeserving and unproductive people.

Should I tell you that many blacks think that Indians did perfectly fine under Burnham, and will furnish the names of business people who thrived under the PNC?  They will swear that Burnham bent over backwards for Indians, and left blacks to starve. .......

So what the average Indian thinks about how blacks were treated under the PPP is irrelevant.

Lists of blacks who were dismissed by the PPP have been provided.  Lists of blacks who were left in acting positions for years, and therefore ending up with lower pensions, has been provided.  Lists of blacks forced to retire at 55 has also been provided.

Luncheon was asked why in 2011 there were no appointed overseas heads of mission.  Luncheon claimed that maybe they weren't qualified. I wonder what qualification Killaman, best known for getting drunk and beating up PPP supporters, had. And he wasn't the one.

37 state controlled corporations, committees and commissions were headed by Indians, vs. no more than 2 headed by blacks.  When asked why, Luncheon said that he didn't know.

The Chronicle under the PPP control wrote an ENTIRE editorial lambasting blacks as lazy, violent, and criminal, and of no use to Guyana.  We NEVER heard an apology from the PPP.  A daughter of a top PPP official wrote racist nonsense about blacks on her FB page. Her father whined that he couldn't control what his daughter wrote.

So you see not only do the vast majority of the black and mixed populations think that the PPP was racist but evidence of this racism was presented.  The PPP was NOT able to refute this evidence.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

lies, what are the commitment fees,

Lines of credit ALWAYS have commitment fees.  This is a fact so the onus will be on YOU to prove that this case was an exception to the rule.

I invite your continued displays of ignorance.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

lies, what are the commitment fees,

Lines of credit ALWAYS have commitment fees.  This is a fact so the onus will be on YOU to prove that this case was an exception to the rule.

I invite your continued displays of ignorance.

Lies, tell us the fees and show the source. They bailed out after the couldn't collect bribe money from Fedder Lloyd. 

Drugb posted:
Stadiums throughout the world suffer from the same ills?

So why does a poor country waste foreign exchange on such useless edifices.  Fund them from local sources or just don't bother.

As it is Guyana is not a favored location for international cricket. Even tiny St Lucia and St Kitts get more games.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Stadiums throughout the world suffer from the same ills?

So why does a poor country waste foreign exchange on such useless edifices.  Fund them from local sources or just don't bother.

As it is Guyana is not a favored location for international cricket. Even tiny St Lucia and St Kitts get more games.

Too much PNC choke and rob, besides there is no evidence that St Lucia stadium gets more usage than Guyana. You making this shyte up as you go along. 

Drugb posted:

Too much PNC choke and rob, besides there is no evidence that St Lucia stadium gets more usage than Guyana. You making this shyte up as you go along.

Imagine even the India tour didn't include Guyana.  StL though.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Too much PNC choke and rob, besides there is no evidence that St Lucia stadium gets more usage than Guyana. You making this shyte up as you go along.

Imagine even the India tour didn't include Guyana.  StL though.

Like I mentioned, the Indians are aware of pnc bandits looking to choke and rob people.  Before the PPP were in power, all test matches made stops in Guyana. Thiefman Granger et al drive away the people. Even you and Caine refuse to visit Guyana even thought you got your noses up Granger ass sniffing dry shyte. 

Drugb posted:

Speak with rebuttals instead of being a heckler with no valuable input. 

It is a waste of time trying to school someone with a one track mind as is evident here. Your input is as valuable as a piece of snot in your wallet.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:

Speak with rebuttals instead of being a heckler with no valuable input. 

It is a waste of time trying to school someone with a one track mind as is evident here. Your input is as valuable as a piece of snot in your wallet.

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

Drugb posted:

Like I mentioned, the Indians are aware of pnc bandits looking to choke and rob people.  Before the PPP were in power, all test matches made stops in Guyana. Thiefman Granger et al drive away the people. Even you and Caine refuse to visit Guyana even thought you got your noses up Granger ass sniffing dry shyte.

Druggie I have to apologize.  Even DOMINICA is getting more matches than Guyana.   Now Dominica does NOT get jet service and doesn't have any large hotels.

Druggie. I already know that you are an idiot, so you can stop trying to prove to me that you are.  Severe brain damage from the serious thrashings.

Jamaica and Trinidad are way more dangerous than Guyana so you can put aside your excuses about "PNC" criminals.  If Jagdeo had to deal with Jamaicans, or Trinidadians, instead of docile Guyanese he would be running way bawling for his MUMMY!



Drugb posted:

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

You need to follow your own advice.  The only person who is more stupid than you is Nehru.   And this even includes the rest of the brown KKK who are best characterized by being mentally challenged.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

You need to follow your own advice.  The only person who is more stupid than you is Nehru.   And this even includes the rest of the brown KKK who are best characterized by being mentally challenged.

This is your opinion, you lie so much that you now believe your own lies.  And how come you have become Cain's mouth piece? Is he not smart enough to represent himself that he needs the help of the village idiot?

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

You need to follow your own advice.  The only person who is more stupid than you is Nehru.   And this even includes the rest of the brown KKK who are best characterized by being mentally challenged.

This is your opinion, you lie so much that you now believe your own lies.  And how come you have become Cain's mouth piece? Is he not smart enough to represent himself that he needs the help of the village idiot?

Cain and I agree on 99% where as Cain and you agree on ZERO.  Clearly it was you who he was referring to.  A man so ignorant that he doesn't know that lines of credit ALWAYS have commitment fees.  And so proudly stupid that he broadcasts that he doesn't know this.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

You need to follow your own advice.  The only person who is more stupid than you is Nehru.   And this even includes the rest of the brown KKK who are best characterized by being mentally challenged.

This is your opinion, you lie so much that you now believe your own lies.  And how come you have become Cain's mouth piece? Is he not smart enough to represent himself that he needs the help of the village idiot?

He has the patience to argue with an idiot such as yourself, I have no patience for fools.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Then stay off the thread you fraud and leave the commentary to those with stronger mental capabilities. 

You need to follow your own advice.  The only person who is more stupid than you is Nehru.   And this even includes the rest of the brown KKK who are best characterized by being mentally challenged.

This is your opinion, you lie so much that you now believe your own lies.  And how come you have become Cain's mouth piece? Is he not smart enough to represent himself that he needs the help of the village idiot?

Cain and I agree on 99% where as Cain and you agree on ZERO.  Clearly it was you who he was referring to.  A man so ignorant that he doesn't know that lines of credit ALWAYS have commitment fees.  And so proudly stupid that he broadcasts that he doesn't know this.

Could it be that you two are paid PNC operatives with jobs at the OP similar to what you accused others? It makes sense, you both fill in for each other, sort of like shift work on GNI.

Drugb posted:

Could it be that you two are paid PNC operatives

No Jagdeo is the one paying you.  He never spends his own money and the PPP has so little this days.  As one can see you spend peanuts you get monkeys, and so all they have is you, yuji, and the others to make the PPP look like a den of racist idiots.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Could it be that you two are paid PNC operatives

No Jagdeo is the one paying you.  He never spends his own money and the PPP has so little this days.  As one can see you spend peanuts you get monkeys, and so all they have is you, yuji, and the others to make the PPP look like a den of racist idiots.

Your motives and identity are questionable, as you are the only self professed black remaining on GNI.  Most Black Guyanese would not show their face here as they know that the PNC destroyed the nation. Only you are bare faced enough to do so,  a clear indication that you are TK under cover. 

Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:

Carib sometimes reminds me of TK.  

I would not be surprised if CaribJ is TK's alter ego, as a venue to say what he can not say as a professor. 

I am far from being a professor, but given your dim intellect I can see why you might think so.

Drugb posted:

.  Most Black Guyanese would not show their face here as they know that the PNC destroyed the nation. . 

Most of them left because they don't see why wasting time with you is worthy of their time.

I stay here because I see how often this site pops up when people do random google searches on Guyana.  The few weeks I was away this site descended into a Indo-supremacist site, with all the screams against blacks that one would see on a KKK site. D2 refused to post during that period, so much of the normal push back against you lot didn't occur.

I must admire the shamelessness of you PPP freaks though.  Your president allows his drug dealer friend to kill a PPP minister, and that minister's family says that this is their belief.  Yet you all still boast to be PPP freaks.  Members of a criminal enterprise.

Last edited by Former Member

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