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Former Member
March 24, 2014

U.S. Whites More Solidly Republican in Recent Years

Party preferences more polarized by race and ethnicity under Obama

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Whites and nonwhites have long shown differing political party preferences, with nonwhites widely favoring the Democratic Party and whites typically favoring the Republican Party by at least a small margin. In recent years, however, the margins in favor of the Republican Party among whites have been some of the largest.

Democratic Advantage in Party Affiliation, Whites vs. Nonwhites, 1995-2013

The results are based on yearly aggregates of Gallup poll data since 1995, the first full year that Gallup regularly measured Hispanic ethnicity. For this analysis, Gallup defines whites as non-Hispanic whites, and nonwhites as blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and all other races combined.

The net Democratic advantage represents the percentage of each racial/ethnic group identifying as Democratic minus the percentage identifying as Republican. Positive scores indicate that a group is more Democratic than Republican; negative scores indicate the reverse. The full trends in party preferences for both racial groups are shown on page 2.

The trend lines in white and nonwhite party preferences often move in the same direction, but with a sizable gap maintained between them. For example, both racial groups drifted in a more Republican direction from 2001-2003, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Whites and nonwhites became increasingly Democratic in the last years of the Bush presidency, with whites as likely to favor the Democratic Party as the Republican Party from 2006-2008. Since 2009, whites and nonwhites have trended more Republican.

In recent years, party preferences have been more polarized than was the case in the 1990s and most of the 2000s. For example, in 2010, nonwhites' net party identification and leanings showed a 49-point Democratic advantage, and whites were 12 percentage points more Republican than Democratic. The resulting 61-point racial and ethnic gap in party preferences is the largest Gallup has measured in the last 20 years. Since 2008, the racial gaps in party preferences have been 55 points or higher each year; prior to 2008, the gaps reached as high as 55 points only in 1997 and 2000.

Party Preferences More Polarized Under Obama Than Under Bush or Clinton

The increasing racial polarization in party preferences is evident when comparing the data by presidential administration. Nonwhites' average party preferences have been quite stable across the last three administrations, consistently showing a roughly 47-point Democratic advantage under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. On average, 69% of nonwhites have identified as Democrats or said they were independents who leaned Democratic, and 21% have identified as Republicans or leaned Republican.

Meanwhile, whites have become increasingly Republican, moving from an average 4.1-point Republican advantage under Clinton to an average 9.5-point advantage under Obama.

Democratic Party Advantage, Whites vs. Nonwhites, 1995-2013

This polarization could ease by the time Obama's term finishes, in three years. However, given the already large racial gap in party preferences in his first five years, unless there is a dramatic shift among whites toward the Democratic Party or among nonwhites toward the GOP in the next three years, party preferences will end up more racially polarized in Obama's presidency than in his two predecessors' administrations.


Over the last two decades, whites have tended to favor the Republican Party and nonwhites have overwhelmingly favored the Democratic Party. During the last few years, those racial and ethnic divisions have grown, mostly because whites have drifted more toward the GOP. Thus, party preferences by race during the Obama years, though similar in nature to the past, have seen some movement that has resulted in slightly greater racial polarization than before.

It is unclear precisely what role Obama's race has played in these changes. However, the shifts do not appear to be an immediate reaction to his becoming president. Whites became slightly more Republican during 2009, the first year of Obama's presidency. However, the biggest movement came during the next year, when Obama signed the healthcare overhaul into law but saw his approval rating sink and his party lose its large majority in the House in that year's midterm elections. Further, whites were about as likely to favor the Republican Party at points during George W. Bush's presidency as they are now.

Whites are somewhat less likely to align with the Republican Party now than they were in 2010 and 2011, but they still show a roughly 10-point advantage in that direction. Although whites remain the majority racial group in the U.S., the Democrats' decisive advantage among racial and ethnic minorities allows them to more than offset the Republicans' advantage among whites, and thus enjoy the advantage, nationally.

With the U.S. becoming increasingly racially and ethnically diverse, the balance of political power may shift toward the Democrats unless Republicans increase their advantage among a shrinking white majority, or cut into Democrats' advantage among nonwhite voters.

Survey Methods

Results are based on yearly aggregated data from multiple day Gallup telephone polls conducted between 1995 and 2013. Each yearly aggregate is based on a minimum of 18,000 interviews with adults age 18 and older.

For results based on the total sample of national adults in any given year, the margin of sampling error is Âą1 percentage point at the 95% confidence level.

For results based on the total sample of non-Hispanic whites in any given year, the margin of sampling error is Âą1 percentage point at the 95% confidence level.

For results based on the total sample of nonwhites in any given year, the margin of sampling error is a maximum of Âą2 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.

For more details on Gallup's polling methodology, visit




Party Affiliation, Whites, 1995-2013

Party Affiliation, Nonwhites, 1995-2013

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Now show a comparable poll in Guyana.

Nobody in Guyana knows what a poll is...

Yes you do. The last poll was held in November 2011.  From that we know that Guyana is one of the most polarized nations in the worls when it comes to ethnoracial voting habits.  Even some one competely ignorant of Guyana would quickly deduce where Africans/Mixed and Indians live,k just by looing at where APNU and the PPP got their votes.


The Democrats got 40% of the white vote.  The PPP got less then 10% of the African/Mixed vote.  APNU no more than 5% of the Indian vote.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Obama did nothing for people of color.  That is why he was elected instead of a Jesse or a Sharpton.  Welcome to the Obama plantation. 

And you think that Jesse and Al have done anything for black people?  They are quite rich but I am not aware of how many blacks benefitted from their efforts.


Please inform.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Obama did nothing for people of color.  That is why he was elected instead of a Jesse or a Sharpton.  Welcome to the Obama plantation. 

And you think that Jesse and Al have done anything for black people?  They are quite rich but I am not aware of how many blacks benefitted from their efforts.


Please inform.

I can tell you specifically what Jesse has done... practically every political consultant etc came from Jesse university of practical politics. Plus, you got head way in car dealerships, distributorships etc because of him.  His most significant contribution is the made the black vote an effective political axe and because of that seeded the political lives of many of the nations black  representation on the local, state and national scene.He may not be your ideal but he did what most of us cannot do and what ever little is his contribution...let it be acknowledged.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Obama did nothing for people of color.  That is why he was elected instead of a Jesse or a Sharpton.  Welcome to the Obama plantation. 

And you think that Jesse and Al have done anything for black people?  They are quite rich but I am not aware of how many blacks benefitted from their efforts.


Please inform.

Caribj may have a point on the rich part.  One of Jesse's sons who is also a lawyer owned the Budweiser Beer distributorships for both Chicago’s North and Northwest sides when he was 28 years old.  That is some major revenue being generated every year there.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Obama did nothing for people of color.  That is why he was elected instead of a Jesse or a Sharpton.  Welcome to the Obama plantation. 

And you think that Jesse and Al have done anything for black people?  They are quite rich but I am not aware of how many blacks benefitted from their efforts.


Please inform.

I can tell you specifically what Jesse has done... practically every political consultant etc came from Jesse university of practical politics. Plus, you got head way in car dealerships, distributorships etc because of him.  His most significant contribution is the made the black vote an effective political axe and because of that seeded the political lives of many of the nations black  representation on the local, state and national scene.He may not be your ideal but he did what most of us cannot do and what ever little is his contribution...let it be acknowledged.



Jesse made his cut from private deals which benefitted private individuals.  Nothing wrong with that, but to suggest that the black community as a whole  has benefitted tremendously from him.  Pure lunacy.


Please don't get me started on the tremendously low caliber of most of our contemporary black politicians.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Obama did nothing for people of color.  That is why he was elected instead of a Jesse or a Sharpton.  Welcome to the Obama plantation. 

And you think that Jesse and Al have done anything for black people?  They are quite rich but I am not aware of how many blacks benefitted from their efforts.


Please inform.

I can tell you specifically what Jesse has done... practically every political consultant etc came from Jesse university of practical politics. Plus, you got head way in car dealerships, distributorships etc because of him.  His most significant contribution is the made the black vote an effective political axe and because of that seeded the political lives of many of the nations black  representation on the local, state and national scene.He may not be your ideal but he did what most of us cannot do and what ever little is his contribution...let it be acknowledged.



Jesse made his cut from private deals which benefitted private individuals.  Nothing wrong with that, but to suggest that the black community as a whole  has benefitted tremendously from him.  Pure lunacy.


Please don't get me started on the tremendously low caliber of most of our contemporary black politicians.

You are going beyond what you know. And every one of the blacp political operative from pollsters to canvassers were mobilized into action per his lead. I can name 50 political consultants and the entire listings of their clients which numbers into the hundreds who now are in political offices because of working for him and gaining experience and legitimacy from his lead. Obama would not have the place prepared for a black movement in the polls without these very people being in place. And what the hell are you speaking of low caliber of black politicians as opposed to what high caliber others?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are going beyond what you know. And every one of the blacp political operative from pollsters to canvassers were mobilized into action per his lead. I can name 50 political consultants and the entire listings of their clients which numbers into the hundreds who now are in political offices because of working for him and gaining experience and legitimacy from his lead. Obama would not have the place prepared for a black movement in the polls without these very people being in place. And what the hell are you speaking of low caliber of black politicians as opposed to what high caliber others?

You are talking to a man who isn't that impressed by Obama so don't tell me that we have him because of Jesse Jackson.  At the end of Obama's era black people will be WORSE off than we were at the beginning.  We have NO MORE input into how this country is being run, and no more access than we had before.


If you want to use Obama as a gauge to measure black progress the man is a waste.


So I really don't care that you credit Jesse for Obama.


Other groups don't need high caliber politicians because they have other access points to power.  Blacks and Hispanics lack this, so when our politicians are mediocre and corrupt, it hurts more.  Look at New Orleans as an example.  So now they have a white mayor, and I am not sure that they are worse off than they were under Nagin.


And yes now that the Democrats are terrified that they will lose the Senate, once again they will pull out their charts and lists to figure out how to scare black people out to vote.  That's their tactic.  I don't know if it works as well in mid term elections though.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are going beyond what you know. And every one of the blacp political operative from pollsters to canvassers were mobilized into action per his lead. I can name 50 political consultants and the entire listings of their clients which numbers into the hundreds who now are in political offices because of working for him and gaining experience and legitimacy from his lead. Obama would not have the place prepared for a black movement in the polls without these very people being in place. And what the hell are you speaking of low caliber of black politicians as opposed to what high caliber others?

You are talking to a man who isn't that impressed by Obama so don't tell me that we have him because of Jesse Jackson.  At the end of Obama's era black people will be WORSE off than we were at the beginning.  We have NO MORE input into how this country is being run, and no more access than we had before.


If you want to use Obama as a gauge to measure black progress the man is a waste.


So I really don't care that you credit Jesse for Obama.


Other groups don't need high caliber politicians because they have other access points to power.  Blacks and Hispanics lack this, so when our politicians are mediocre and corrupt, it hurts more.  Look at New Orleans as an example.  So now they have a white mayor, and I am not sure that they are worse off than they were under Nagin.


And yes now that the Democrats are terrified that they will lose the Senate, once again they will pull out their charts and lists to figure out how to scare black people out to vote.  That's their tactic.  I don't know if it works as well in mid term elections though.

I think you miss the point completely. I do not care what he thinks about whom but because he had dozens of operative trained under his guidance available to be conscripted into moving voters to the polls he was instrumental.


The rest wastes time with the obvious but not pertinent to what I said.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I think you miss the point completely. I do not care what he thinks about whom but because he had dozens of operative trained under his guidans available to be constricted into moving voters to the polls he was instrumental.


The rest wastes time with the obvious but not pertinent to what I said.

  You haven't suggested any benefits that black people have gained, so I guess you cant refute my points.  The fact that some people got elected, and others earned a living getting elected is irrelevant if few benefit.


The Democratic party wins elections because they scare minorities to voting for them.  They than take those blocs for granted while they pander to white gays and white females.


Maybe we should sit out an election to teach them a lesson.  Its not as if we got anything from them post 2008, because as I said blacks are worse off now, and I don't see any sign that the next two years will be different.

Last edited by Former Member

I recently visited Schenectady New York and saw conditions that Afro Americans living under that is worse than third world countries.


It was very sad and makes you wonder how can politicians be so detached from reality in America regarding the plight of Afro Americans ?


Bill Clinton did more for Afro Americans than what Obama did. Obama is all talk and sweet talk.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I think you miss the point completely. I do not care what he thinks about whom but because he had dozens of operative trained under his guidans available to be constricted into moving voters to the polls he was instrumental.


The rest wastes time with the obvious but not pertinent to what I said.

  You haven't suggested any benefits that black people have gained, so I guess you cant refute my points.  The fact that some people got elected, and others earned a living getting elected is irrelevant if few benefit.


The Democratic party wins elections because they scare minorities to voting for them.  They than take those blocs for granted while they pander to white gays and white females.


Maybe we should sit out an election to teach them a lesson.  Its not as if we got anything from them post 2008, because as I said blacks are worse off now, and I don't see any sign that the next two years will be different.

The benefit is representation for good or worse. I think the better because I see it.


That democrats win elections by scaring minorities is bullshit. They are scared of republicans who come up with all sorts of idiotic notions to limit their access.


you can sit out the election if you want. There is too much at stake for the concerned.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The benefit is representation for good or worse. I think the better because I see it.


That democrats win elections by scaring minorities is bullshit. They are scared of republicans who come up with all sorts of idiotic notions to limit their access.


you can sit out the election if you want. There is too much at stake for the concerned.

Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters sat out 2010 and the GOP won the House.  Continue to think that its only a caribj issue.



Yes the GOP are ridiculous and the Democratic party makes sure that we know of this, rather than spending time ensuring that there will be increased opportunities for their core base.  Without this base the Democratic party will be nothing, as they never win more than 40% of wthe white vote.


Black people showed up to vote in large numbers in 2008 and in 2012.  WHAT DID THEY GET FOR THAT?  Nothing while Obama and his cronies pander to the WHITE female and WHITE gay voters.



Do you know that since Obama has been floating around 15% of black home owners have lost their homes, and 40% of the long term unemployed are black.  The black middle class is dying while Obama cries for Ukraine!



Running all over Europe to assure the GOP that he is a "tough" guy, when the Germans ensure that their people are educated, and we continue to produce a nation of semi skilled semi literates.  Good going.


There is NO representation.  Just people gettinmg paid under false pretenses.  Look how many of them in the NY area are now going to jail, rather than providing leadsership in communities which have sore need for this.


Given that black people are worse off now than five years ago, despite having the "first black president" as he loves to bill himself when ever he thinks he needs our vote, nothing will be lost, I can assure you.  Scare tactics stop working after a while, and November's results will prove evidence of this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I recently visited Schenectady New York and saw conditions that Afro Americans living under that is worse than third world countries.


It was very sad and makes you wonder how can politicians be so detached from reality in America regarding the plight of Afro Americans ?


Bill Clinton did more for Afro Americans than what Obama did. Obama is all talk and sweet talk.

A lady from Ethiopia got really angry with me recently because I said that Obama has done nothing for people of color. I asked her to give me an example of something good he has done for people of color.  The red sister said that Obama gave a damn good speech at the Mandela memorial

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The benefit is representation for good or worse. I think the better because I see it.


That democrats win elections by scaring minorities is bullshit. They are scared of republicans who come up with all sorts of idiotic notions to limit their access.


you can sit out the election if you want. There is too much at stake for the concerned.

Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters sat out 2010 and the GOP won the House.  Continue to think that its only a caribj issue.



Yes the GOP are ridiculous and the Democratic party makes sure that we know of this, rather than spending time ensuring that there will be increased opportunities for their core base.  Without this base the Democratic party will be nothing, as they never win more than 40% of wthe white vote.


Black people showed up to vote in large numbers in 2008 and in 2012.  WHAT DID THEY GET FOR THAT?  Nothing while Obama and his cronies pander to the WHITE female and WHITE gay voters.



Do you know that since Obama has been floating around 15% of black home owners have lost their homes, and 40% of the long term unemployed are black.  The black middle class is dying while Obama cries for Ukraine!



Running all over Europe to assure the GOP that he is a "tough" guy, when the Germans ensure that their people are educated, and we continue to produce a nation of semi skilled semi literates.  Good going.


There is NO representation.  Just people gettinmg paid under false pretenses.  Look how many of them in the NY area are now going to jail, rather than providing leadsership in communities which have sore need for this.


Given that black people are worse off now than five years ago, despite having the "first black president" as he loves to bill himself when ever he thinks he needs our vote, nothing will be lost, I can assure you.  Scare tactics stop working after a while, and November's results will prove evidence of this.

I did not bother to read your post since you opted to change the subject completely.

Originally Posted by Wally:
. I asked her to give me an example of something good he has done for people of color.  The red sister said that Obama gave a damn good speech at the Mandela memorial

Typical reaction from the Obamaniac group.  They can never respond to the fact that 15% of blacks lost their homes since Obama became president, and he would rather rant about Ukraine which has NOTHING to do with him.


Let the Germans and the Poles deal with the Russians!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Given that black people are worse off now than five years ago, despite having the "first black president" as he loves to bill himself when ever he thinks he needs our vote, nothing will be lost, I can assure you.  Scare tactics stop working after a while, and November's results will prove evidence of this.

I did not bother to read your post since you opted to change the subject completely.

  You wish to define the subject narrowly in terms of setting up mechanisms to scare blacks out to vote.  Personally I think that is a subject that you and the Democrats wouldnt want to discuss.  Because really that is all I see has been accomplished, and you seem unable to prove me wrong.


Like a typical Obamaniac you cannot justify what Obama, or most black politicians do for blacks, even though they are only in power because of massive black voter turn out.


I see every time the "Preacher in Chief" makes a pretty speech we must all applaud.  Well I am not one of them.


The WHITE leaders in the Democratic party make their plans, based on scaring blacks to vote.  They already have their mailing lists ready for November.  So if we are so vital to them why do they take us for granted?


Even now with this Obamacare registration fiasco its once again to the loyal black base to get them to show up to save the day.  With 15% losing their homes, accounting for 40% of the long term unemployed, and with effective unemployment rate (including discouraged workers and involuntarily part time works) of well over 20% I suggest that most black people have deeper problems than salvaging Obama's legacy.


Not ONCE has Obama bothered to address the problems faced by much of the black middle class today.  You see like most white liberals (he is one despite his skin color) he can only see us through the lens of ghetto pathologies, so his comments about us are confined to that issue.  Well if the black middle class is in peril why will the black poor have the faith that their efforts will be rewarded by a system which is fair?

Last edited by Former Member


This is for Democrats who think that blacks are dummies who will always support them.  Let a reasonable GOP moderate show up and the shock might be that he/she gets more than the usual black votes in an election where many blacks fail to vote. 


The Democrats disrespect the black vote much as the PPP disrespects the Indian vote. Both will now being stung by lower voter turnouts, and by higher % of those who do vote supporting others when more agreeable candidates are available.

Originally Posted by caribny:


This is for Democrats who think that blacks are dummies who will always support them.  Let a reasonable GOP moderate show up and the shock might be that he/she gets more than the usual black votes in an election where many blacks fail to vote. 


The Democrats disrespect the black vote much as the PPP disrespects the Indian vote. Both will now being stung by lower voter turnouts, and by higher % of those who do vote supporting others when more agreeable candidates are available.

African Americans were solid supporters of the Republican party.  It was only when Truman intergrated the American Armed Forces after ww2 that African Americans started to go over to the Democratic party.  After the civil war the Democratic party was mostly known as a southern party that the kkk supported.  In fact when George Bush sr first ran for congress as a republican in the deep south most of his campaign supporters were African American and he (bush) had some death threats from the kkk who supported his democratic opponent.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Given that black people are worse off now than five years ago, despite having the "first black president" as he loves to bill himself when ever he thinks he needs our vote, nothing will be lost, I can assure you.  Scare tactics stop working after a while, and November's results will prove evidence of this.

I did not bother to read your post since you opted to change the subject completely.

  You wish to define the subject narrowly in terms of setting up mechanisms to scare blacks out to vote.  Personally I think that is a subject that you and the Democrats wouldnt want to discuss.  Because really that is all I see has been accomplished, and you seem unable to prove me wrong.


Like a typical Obamaniac you cannot justify what Obama, or most black politicians do for blacks, even though they are only in power because of massive black voter turn out.


I see every time the "Preacher in Chief" makes a pretty speech we must all applaud.  Well I am not one of them.


The WHITE leaders in the Democratic party make their plans, based on scaring blacks to vote.  They already have their mailing lists ready for November.  So if we are so vital to them why do they take us for granted?


Even now with this Obamacare registration fiasco its once again to the loyal black base to get them to show up to save the day.  With 15% losing their homes, accounting for 40% of the long term unemployed, and with effective unemployment rate (including discouraged workers and involuntarily part time works) of well over 20% I suggest that most black people have deeper problems than salvaging Obama's legacy.


Not ONCE has Obama bothered to address the problems faced by much of the black middle class today.  You see like most white liberals (he is one despite his skin color) he can only see us through the lens of ghetto pathologies, so his comments about us are confined to that issue.  Well if the black middle class is in peril why will the black poor have the faith that their efforts will be rewarded by a system which is fair?

you are schizoid. Never mentioned what Obama accomplished or not. Spoke to the value of Jesse to the black community and the reality that he still can mobilize more of them to action o n any issue than any other.


Your problem with obama is your problem.  All I know is I would never turn my back on a republican. Nonwhite republicans are fooling themselves. White republicans can do nothing for me except lose at the polls.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you are schizoid. Never mentioned what Obama accomplished or not. Spoke to the value of Jesse to the black community and the reality that he still can mobilize more of them to action o n any issue than any other.


Your problem with obama is your problem.  All I know is I would never turn my back on a republican. Nonwhite republicans are fooling themselves. White republicans can do nothing for me except lose at the polls.

You defined Jesse Jackson's contribution to the political infra structure that you claimed elected Obama.  You discussed some deals which he made and where he earned his fee.  How that is of any relevance to black people as a whole is beyond me.  The man is rich and good for him, but then you should also claim that blacks who own investment banks are also heroes, because they don't do any less then Jesse did.


Jesse mobilizing blacks in 2014 is a joke.  The man is a stock topic on many black comedian circuits now.  His son is headed to jail and I don't hear any huge moans as a result.


The GOP controls the House, and might well take the Senate. They already control the Supreme Court. Continue to smirk at them at your peril.  My point to you is that the Democrats no longer win the white vote, and so if blacks and Hispanics tire of them and stay home, as they did in 2010, their goose is cooked.  They do tend not to vote in mid term elections.

Last edited by Former Member

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