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Burnham cannot be both brilliant and a failure; was he a brilliant failure?

Dear Editor,

Revisionists are fond of touting Norman Girvan and PNC founder leader Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham as brilliant. But both respectively bankrupted Jamaica’s and Guyana’s economies.

Burnham killed his opponents, subverted democracy, rigged elections, caused starvation and forced Guyana’s best brains to run away! Can anyone be both brilliant and a failure at the same time?

Writing a book, acquiring a PhD, or being a political leader with followers cannot automatically earn anyone the “brilliant” title. If so, it would certainly elevate Nigeria’s Boko Haram as better than Uganda’s President General Idi Amin and Libya’s Colonel Muammar Gadaffi.

Kidnapping nearly 300 innocent girl children and reportedly selling them for US$12 as sex slaves is an abomination which only sullies Africa’s image.

 Claims that Burnham was brilliant, but only made minor mistakes which kept the PPP alive are most laughable. Raping Indo Guyanese women at the compulsory Guyana National Service, banning food items used daily by Indo Guyanese, rigging elections and orchestrating kick-down-the-door banditry cannot be the paragon of virtues of any noteworthy leader to emulate.

Yet some still go down that road, while they are still silent on Boko Haram’s insanity.

Interesting was Trinidad’s Dr Eric Williams. Williams knew how far he could go to limit his racism. As Prime Minister, he understood the critical importance of Indo Trinidadians in sustaining the country’s economy. He did not embark on a policy of sweeping destruction of Indians.

In flirting with the worldwide socialist wave at that time, Williams nationalised companies and regulated the prices of goods without favouring any race group. Not so with Burnham’s PNC.

Williams understood the importance of the Opposition DLP/UNC which was supported by most, not all, Indo Trinidadians and did not forcefully seek their extinction. In fact, Williams swiftly changed course when things were not working out. Eventually, he went capitalist all the way.

 For Girvan to be considered brilliant is whitewashing the facts that his economic policies bankrupted Jamaica’s economy when adopted by Prime Minister Norman Manley. Can national bankruptcy be the new PNC definition of “brilliant”?

The PNC/AFC/WPA cabal can learn from both Belize’s and Trinidad’s Opposition parties if they can be so “brilliant” and patriotic. Belize’s Opposition put aside their party’s interest and voted for the national good by supporting their country’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Bill.

Trinidad’s Opposition Leader, Dr Keith Rowley paid his own expenses and visited India to make a point. He also condemned his PNM predecessor Prime Minister Patrick Manning and the PNM’s s old guard for all its past wrongs.

Rowley has even publicly condemned the crime wave in Trinidad and demanded that the armed forces crack down on the criminals. Compare Brigadier General David Granger’s PNC, which criticises the Police for being proactive on crime.

Before all hands can be washed clean, Granger and his PNC has to break from the PNC’s shameful past, admit to the PNC’s involvement in Dr Walter Rodney’s murder, and clean up the PNC’s nasty image. Their party’s future depends on it. Brilliant is not only reacting to history but shaping it.

Any child without having a PhD can connect all the dots to move Guyana forward. Either Granger walks away in a pact with faded glory Carl Greenidge and ensures the PNC gets a newcomer like the PPP sprung with President Bharrat Jagdeo, or it sell its soul again to outsiders and forever remain in the Opposition.

Their hope that the WPA will earn them dividends is a fantasy. Failure to approve the AML/CFT Bill will eviscerate the AFC at the next elections. Brilliant Burnham!! Really!  Give me a break.



Vassan Ramracha

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does anyone know if the PNC papers of the day (New Nation, Chronicle, Graphic) even approched the Goebbelsian level of BIG LIES, RACIAL CONTEMPT FOR THE OTHER, VILENESS and CORRUPTION finding space today in the pages of the Guyana Times and the PPP Chronicle?


this is a rhetorical question to underline the obvious




Originally Posted by redux:

does anyone know if the PNC papers of the day (New Nation, Chronicle, Graphic) even approched the Goebbelsian level of BIG LIES, RACIAL CONTEMPT FOR THE OTHER, VILENESS and CORRUPTION finding space today in the pages of the Guyana Times and the PPP Chronicle?


this is a rhetorical question to underline the obvious




Banna dem peopkle na gat shame. Dem is political wh0res.

Originally Posted by redux:

does anyone know if the PNC papers of the day (New Nation, Chronicle, Graphic) even approched the Goebbelsian level of BIG LIES, RACIAL CONTEMPT FOR THE OTHER, VILENESS and CORRUPTION finding space today in the pages of the Guyana Times and the PPP Chronicle?


this is a rhetorical question to underline the obvious




The New Nation was the PNC's equivalent of the PPP's Mirror. We can set them aside.

The Graphic was privately owned, its last owner being Lord Thompson of Fleet Street, before it was acquired by the PNC government which merged it with the Chronicle. So, we can excuse the Graphic too.

The PNC government bought the Chronicle from Peter D'Aguiar and made it the national newspaper, using public funds and government ads to sustain it.

True, the Chronicle became the PNC regime's mouthpiece and didn't publish letters, news and articles critical of the government.

But there was one glaring exception. During a routine consultation between President Burnham and the Opposition Leader, Dr Jagan pointed out that he was entitled to some space in the Chronicle as he held a constitutional office. I don't know the details of the deal but Dr Jagan succeeded in getting fair coverage for his weekly press conferences.

Unfortunately, the present PPP-controlled Chronicle doesn't give fair coverage to Opposition Leader David Granger's press conferences.



I do not even have to read the piece to know it is bilge. It sets up a false dichotomy. Were his conclusion inevitable one would expect every successful person to be brilliant and that is not the case. Further, his  teleology may not coincide with Burnhams. His use of his brilliance was directed to covet the office of the state and he definitely did that. This fellow failed to establish his ground rules as to what constitute brilliance. He needed to say brilliance must come concurrent with moral integrity as its platform and that is circumscribed by meeting necessary communal ends among other things.


This thread is about racist PNC dinosaurs getting together and joined by turncoats like Gil.


Carry on but the PPP will govern for another 100 years. Indo Guyanese survived an attempt by the racist PNC to exterminate them. 


To date, the PNC has never apologized.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:

does anyone know if the PNC papers of the day (New Nation, Chronicle, Graphic) even approched the Goebbelsian level of BIG LIES, RACIAL CONTEMPT FOR THE OTHER, VILENESS and CORRUPTION finding space today in the pages of the Guyana Times and the PPP Chronicle?


this is a rhetorical question to underline the obvious




The New Nation was the PNC's equivalent of the PPP's Mirror. We can set them aside.

The Graphic was privately owned, its last owner being Lord Thompson of Fleet Street, before it was acquired by the PNC government which merged it with the Chronicle. So, we can excuse the Graphic too.

The PNC government bought the Chronicle from Peter D'Aguiar and made it the national newspaper, using public funds and government ads to sustain it.

True, the Chronicle became the PNC regime's mouthpiece and didn't publish letters, news and articles critical of the government.

But there was one glaring exception. During a routine consultation between President Burnham and the Opposition Leader, Dr Jagan pointed out that he was entitled to some space in the Chronicle as he held a constitutional office. I don't know the details of the deal but Dr Jagan succeeded in getting fair coverage for his weekly press conferences.

Unfortunately, the present PPP-controlled Chronicle doesn't give fair coverage to Opposition Leader David Granger's press conferences.


Gilbakka, thanks for the clarification re the Graphic. I was under the impression that it continued publishing as a separate newspaper after nationalization before being folded into the Chronicle.


now, i actually wasn't speaking to the lack of democratic coverage of events in media funded by taxpayer dollars [although the bit about equal time for the PPP is fascinating]; rather, i was focusing on the purposeful picking at the nation's racial scabs by Vassan Ramracha with his horrendous, provocative falsehoods such as Burnham sanctioning (committing??) mass Rape of "Indo Guyanese women at the compulsory Guyana National Service" and "embark[ing] on a policy of sweeping destruction of Indians" . . . slyly working "extinction" into the mix to make sure the existential 'message' is fully understood


all in service to a 'no compromise' PPP race strategy predicated on a thoroughly frightened, herded (monolithic) Indian vote


i rather doubt that the "T. King" letter featured prominently last week in the Chronicle where Freedom House's favorite ghost writer pronounces the 15-year old shot-in-the-mouth kid a "terrorist" would have been allowed by any PNC editor at any time during the dictatorship

Last edited by Former Member

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