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Former Member

Look beyond that $50, 000 bonus

Dear Editor,
I humble request Guyana Times to publish this letter, bringing the Guyanese public up to speed with the manipulations by the APNU/AFC government in getting their votes in the upcoming Local Government Elections in March 2016.
The APNU/AFC government took 50 percent increases for themselves, gave the public sector 5 per cent, now another bonus $50,000 to public servants – Army, Police, Prisons, Immigration, Nurses, Teachers, Transportation, Marine and all other government employees where the majority are Afro-Guyanese.
The productive sectors such as Sugar and Rice received zilch, because they are PPP/C supporters even though they make up the majority of the electorate.
Fellow Guyanese – Amerindian, Chinese, Portuguese, Africans, Indians and others, please, do not be fooled, this de facto government says they care, but that is a big lie which can be proven if you examine their record after May 2015.
From the President David Granger, Joseph Harmon, Raphael Trotman, Basil Williams, Ronad Bulkhan, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, they have all lied to all of you.

The proof  is there – they claimed that the treasury was bankrupt, former government officials were corrupt, thieving and they will go to jail, they fired over 5000 fellow Guyanese denying them an  income to provide for their families, sending the economy into recession, spiralling brutal crimes, the breaching of Parliamentary norms, hiring of auditors without tendering, forcing bills through Parliament by denying debates and examinations of their contents, hiring unqualified party activists as REOs, withholding funds for needed  local government works, wasting money on the cleanup of illegal garbage disposal by city dwellers, and worst of all,  they talking about cohesion when there is ethnic cleansing unabated.
Free and fair elections and voting are constitutional human rights for all.
Therefore, rigging of elections, surfacing of fake Statements of Poll, kicking out other parties’ election officials, a bias Guyana Elections Commission, and voter’s intimidation, physical violence, police officers failing to act accordingly to uphold the laws, cannot and will never bridge the racial divide in Guyana.
Real change will only be achieved in Guyana when the APNU/AFC+PNC rethink their real purpose and find ways and means to stop carrying the chips on their shoulders.


Yours Sincerely,
Sheik Allu

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Quote "The APNU/AFC government took 50 percent increases for themselves, gave the public sector 5 per cent, now another bonus $50,000 to public servants – Army, Police, Prisons, Immigration, Nurses, Teachers, Transportation, Marine and all other government employees where the majority are Afro-Guyanese."unquote

Cobra posted:

Yuji, said someone told him that Granger have no racial bones in his body. I said everything started with him (Granger). There is one PNC with many dictators.

Cobra Bhai

You are misrepresenting what I said. I said that Granger does not have an ounce of bad bone. At least till now.

Granger has to clip the wings of the racists within the AFC/PNC party and I made it clear that I will await for a full year before I take off the political gloves and start calling a spade a spade with Granger.

Moses and Ramjattan are the anti Indo elements within the AFC/PNC party, they have not represented or defended Indos.

These two scumbags sold out Indos for a few ounces of gold and the title of Judas can now be extended to BOTH Moses and Ramjattan.

Not once has the AFC stood up and defended Indos. Not once.

Last edited by Former Member
asj posted:

Look beyond that $50, 000 bonus

. . .

Yours Sincerely,
Sheik Allu

the crude race baiting, pedestrian nature and gross illiteracy of this 'letter' to the Jagdeo Times can, i suppose, be explained by the fact that it was most likely put together by a PPP committee led by Rohee and overseen by the Patrice Lumumba U graduate ex-President with 4-5 fake doctorates


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Yuji, if they defend coolies, Granger will remove the bottom of their cups. There will be no more honey and milk. Dem kark guh duck bhai.

Skelly, the two AFC scumbags are in this for the money.

They only care about their own pocketbooks. Indos are being humiliated, fired, push around and harassed by a racist AFC/PNC government while these two scums remain silent.

They are fully aware that the AFC is deadmeat. And as such, they are riding the gravy train on the backs of Indos.

Last edited by Former Member
asj posted:

Look beyond that $50, 000 bonus

. . .

Yours Sincerely,
Sheik Allu

the crude race baiting, pedestrian nature and gross illiteracy of this 'letter' to the Jagdeo Times can, i suppose, be explained by the fact that it was most likely put together by a PPP committee led by Rohee and overseen by the Patrice Lumumba U graduate ex-President with 4-5 fake doctorates


Last edited by Former Member

I look forward to some one explaining how rice farmers became employees of the government, or why sugar workers need even more from the gov't after the gov't has spent BILLIONS to safe guard their jobs by preventing the collapse of Guysuco.

Maybe when Guysuco announced in May 12, that there was no money to meet the payroll due for may, the coalition gov;t should have told Guysuco to drop dead. Instead they scrambled together money to ensure tat Guysuco met its payroll obligations.

The ingratitude of some is amazing.

. Indos are being humiliated, fired, push around and harassed by a racist AFC/PNC government while these two scums remain silent.


So blacks suffered this from the PPP. Your point?

When the PPP apologizes to blacks for how it treated them, then they will earn the right to accuse others of racism.

asj posted:

Look beyond that $50, 000 bonus

The APNU/AFC government took 50 percent increases for themselves, gave the public sector 5 per cent, now another bonus $50,000 to public servants – Army, Police, Prisons, Immigration, Nurses, Teachers, Transportation, Marine and all other government employees where the majority are Afro-Guyanese.
The productive sectors such as Sugar and Rice received zilch, because they are PPP/C supporters even though they make up the majority of the electorate.

The bonus is for workers earning less than $500,000. In all the deacdes that the PPP was in power it rewarded its supporters in the rice and sugar industry. So those lot have been earning in excess of that amount. Now those greedy snakes want to get even richer! Worse still, they complaining that is only black people earn so little to make them qualify for the bonus. So is who been paying the black workers so little whilst overpaying the East Indians? Why were the black workers being forced to live on so little for 23 years whilst the PPP helped themselves as if they own the country? It was of course the racist PPP.


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