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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Start with the practices of the govt and hopefully the rest of the population will catch on.  That ain't happening though.  Racism is here to stay under this government.  It will be the survival of the fittest.  Just read the comments here on GNI and you will know exactly what I mean.


I know like Caribj saying well Jagdeo did it or Ray saying is Abee time now.  Or Brooklyn saying no more Election, DEm :Coolies" will never be back in Power(And this one on Video))

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Start with the practices of the govt

Do you think that the PPP was racist, or does racism only occur when a black dominated government is in power?

And what role have Indians played in creating this environment of racism. I ask you this because you are Indian, and I have frequently seen you accuse the PNC of racism, but never any Indo dominated entity.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Start with the practices of the govt

Do you think that the PPP was racist, or does racism only occur when a black dominated government is in power?

And what role have Indians played in creating this environment of racism. I ask you this because you are Indian, and I have frequently seen you accuse the PNC of racism, but never any Indo dominated entity.

I have detected racism with both governments.  My point is that someone will have to be the first to set the good example.  I was hoping Granger would be the one since I know the Granger men like a "certain type" of women, but that didn't happen.  We have to wait for the next leader to be the role model.  Hopefully!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have detected racism with both governments.  My point is that someone will have to be the first to set the good example.  I was hoping Granger would be the one since I know the Granger men like a "certain type" of women, but that didn't happen.  We have to wait for the next leader to be the role model.  Hopefully!

1. Indians were over represented in leadership positions in state controlled corporations under the PPP.  Most being incompetent, corrupt, and were appointed under the PPP "Friends and Family" plan. Do you suggest that they be kept?

2. Gilbakka furnished proof that quite a few Indians are in leadership slots under the current gov't, many clearly there only because of Nagamootoo.

I am not claiming that there isn't ethnic favoritism, which can be expected, given our racially polarized politics, but apparently this is less obvious than it was under the  PPP.

The way politics works is that leadership is always selected from within the ranks of the support base. We can only hope that these are competent people, with innovative ideas and integrity. NO WHERE in the world is this NOT the case.   How many Democrats served under George Bush?

Given this the solution does NOT lie in politics, but must lie within the population itself. Until politics in Guyana no longer aligns with race, there will always be racial favoritism, and with it revenge.

The AFC tried and failed to introduce race neutral politics. They got 7% of the vote in 2006, and 10% in 2011.  Clearly Guyanese don't want race neutral politics, as they had TWO opportunities to signal this.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Start with the practices of the govt

Do you think that the PPP was racist, or does racism only occur when a black dominated government is in power?

And what role have Indians played in creating this environment of racism. I ask you this because you are Indian, and I have frequently seen you accuse the PNC of racism, but never any Indo dominated entity.

I have detected racism with both governments.  My point is that someone will have to be the first to set the good example.  I was hoping Granger would be the one since I know the Granger men like a "certain type" of women, but that didn't happen.  We have to wait for the next leader to be the role model.  Hopefully!

Bibi you are doing your best to dance around the issue while blaming the government for racism and suggesting their choice of ladies has something to do with it.  

Please do tell us what  are your observational and explain your comment and relevance to racism.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Educate the ignorant and illiterate.  Keep speaking out against EVIL, wrong, corruption, Govt excesses.

Too many red ants living in Guyana. Education can't help people who determined to be racists. I use to believe there was hope for Guyana. Must admit. Caribj was right all along, Afros and Indos just doan like one another. And as the putagees, dem tek sodes wid the Afros.

Racism! Guyana wid never be rid of it.



Unity must start in school for the new generation. Only the children can male good examples to their parents. After a decade, racism will be wiped out of Guyana. However, this is not David G1 cup of tea to teach his old dogs new tricks. 

to answer Tola's question: I thought the coalition government is all about unity, and they have the racial problem covered by "all you can eat sow", Amna Ali, minister of social cohesion.

Cobra posted:

Unity must start in school for the new generation.

Guyanese kids of all races have always played with each other. As they mature into adulthood, and they begin to have to deal with the realities of life, that is when their ethnic identity becomes fixed, and then ethnic anxieties follow.

Folks need to examine the roots of ethnic insecurity, and the sources of INSTITUTIONAL racism, because that is where the problem is.

I see no evidence that Guyanese routinely hate their neighbors merely because they have a different ethnicity.  The way our foods, and music tastes blend is evidence of this.


And in fact the current behavior of the PPP and Wales is evidence about our problems.

1.  Jagdeo is fully aware of the problems of Guysuco.

2.  Jagdeo is fully aware that the gov't does NOT have the cash to continue to sustain Guysuco's tremendous losses, especially as gold prices plummet, so revenues from that source decline.

3.  Jagdeo is fully aware that Guysuco can only survive if it drastically reduces its production costs to be in line with the drastically lower prices that it can receive, given that the days of EU price subsidies are over.

Does Jagdeo attempt to help sugar workers, the vast majority being his support base?  This by developing alternative solutions as Guysuco as forced to shed workers?  Then ensuring that displaced workers are given help from the gov't in transitioning?

NO. He goes to them and screams "blackman bad, and black man want ayoo to starve".  Ironically he did not have those concerns about displaced bauxite workers, nor does he care that the drop in gold prices has displaced many in that industry as well.

Jagdeo is doing NOTHING to deal with this problem, and in fact is now the leading source of the problem!

And once again Jagdeo shoots himself in the foot.  Just as he did when he EXPANDED sugar production, rather than diversifying. The PPP CANNOT survive as a "coolie people party".  How does Jagdeo's current behavior broaden its base?

Last edited by Former Member

Tola, lemme be honest with you. Racism will be a central feature of Guyana's political culture for a long-long time.

Jagan's 1957-64 government failed to end racism. Burnham's and Hoyte's 1964-92 governments failed to end racism. And the post-1992 PPP governments failed to end racism. 

Racism is more ingrained now than it ever was. Gilbakka won't preach here how to end racism. I can only state truthfully that as an Indo I have always given full respect to Afros regardless of their politics. And I shall never utter the derogatory things I read in GNI Political on Afros. We have to erase racial prejudice from our minds individually, and then we shall make some progress. But I'm not optimistic.

Gilbakka posted:

Tola, lemme be honest with you. Racism will be a central feature of Guyana's political culture for a long-long time.

Jagan's 1957-64 government failed to end racism. Burnham's and Hoyte's 1964-92 governments failed to end racism. And the post-1992 PPP governments failed to end racism. 

Racism is more ingrained now than it ever was. Gilbakka won't preach here how to end racism. I can only state truthfully that as an Indo I have always given full respect to Afros regardless of their politics. And I shall never utter the derogatory things I read in GNI Political on Afros. We have to erase racial prejudice from our minds individually, and then we shall make some progress. But I'm not optimistic.

How do you consider Caribj? I hope u r going to give me an answer.

seignet posted:

How do you consider Caribj? I hope u r going to give me an answer.

How do you consider yourself.  YOU are the one who

1. screamed that blacks are lazy

2. screamed that blacks are violent

3. screamed that the only productive people in Guyana are Indians

4. screamed that Lindeners should be cursed by God to remain poor.

Then you are bold faced enough to call me racist because I will NOT let you get away with this unchallenged.


In Guyana everything is race issue. Even the most distant ones. People just feel they can say anything negative about Indians and East Indians should accept their insults. As some would put it, we came from lower caste. How they ever arrived at that conclusion, is a mystery.

I doan care how nasty the Indo KKK sounds, they are my race. I embrace them.

I always read with interest Caribj. For years he said the exactly the same things. Over and over. I wondered at time where he grew up.

After the elections, Afros were repeating the same things he said for decades. My conclusion, these people really hate East Indians. Their words paint us as a hateful bunch of people in Guyana. 

Priya Manichand have said on TV, "we know they doan like us." Her words are true when you hear the things Afro-Guyanese say about Indo-Guyanese.



I do not think this is a useless topic. For Indians it is 177 years old. And for Afros too, it is just as old.  

People must be angry enough to say what's on their minds. It is anger that makes Afros say the things they do. 

Indians needs to hear it. It is the only form of Truth and Reconciliation in Guyana. As Foreign Based Guyanese, it is not an issue for us, but the Home Based Guyanese, it is an issue for generations.

seignet posted:

In Guyana everything is race issue. Even the most distant ones. People just feel they can say anything negative about Indians and East Indians should accept their insults. As some would put it, we came from lower caste. How they ever arrived at that conclusion, is a mystery.

I doan care how nasty the Indo KKK sounds, they are my race. I embrace them.

I always read with interest Caribj. For years he said the exactly the same things. Over and over. I wondered at time where he grew up.

After the elections, Afros were repeating the same things he said for decades. My conclusion, these people really hate East Indians. Their words paint us as a hateful bunch of people in Guyana. 

Priya Manichand have said on TV, "we know they doan like us." Her words are true when you hear the things Afro-Guyanese say about Indo-Guyanese.


Siggy seriously is it a one way street when it comes to afro and indos don't like each other.

Tola posted:

Racism is a refuge for the ignorant.

It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out.  -  Pierre Berton.

How do we resolve racism in Guyana ?

Look, our leaders have failed to address this issue.  Rather, they use it as strategy to win elections. BJ had 20 plus years to make a difference but choose to enshrine racism into the PPP election playbook and constitution. History will record this as one of his key failures.  Had he been more fair in his dealings with other ethnic groups the PPP might still be the government. It was definitely a missed opportunity to pursue an inclusive strategy rather than marginalizing blacks. Power does corrupt.

Hope the current govt is cognizant of this and  don't  adopt the view it our time now. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Nehru posted:

Educate the ignorant and illiterate.  Keep speaking out against EVIL, wrong, corruption, Govt excesses.

Too many red ants living in Guyana. Education can't help people who determined to be racists. I use to believe there was hope for Guyana. Must admit. Caribj was right all along, Afros and Indos just doan like one another. And as the putagees, dem tek sodes wid the Afros.

Racism! Guyana wid never be rid of it.


What the rant you saying banna? The Portuguese did not vote for nor against a race, they voted against Communism.

seignet posted:

I do not think this is a useless topic. For Indians it is 177 years old. And for Afros too, it is just as old.  

People must be angry enough to say what's on their minds. It is anger that makes Afros say the things they do. 

Indians needs to hear it. It is the only form of Truth and Reconciliation in Guyana. As Foreign Based Guyanese, it is not an issue for us, but the Home Based Guyanese, it is an issue for generations.

How about others, or is only black people

seignet posted:


Priya Manichand have said on TV, "we know they doan like us." Her words are true when you hear the things Afro-Guyanese say about Indo-Guyanese.


And there you go again with your refrain....."blackman bad, Indian good, so black man have to apologize".

Well until you get it into your head that BOTH are guilty of racism and that BOTH have suffered from racism I will bang this into your head.

When Priya went to the anti black hatefest at Babu John every year and heard Jagdeo screaming coded language which aimed paint blacks as savages, what did she say? 

When the Chronicle, then controlled by the PPP, wrote an entire editorial on black laziness, criminality, and savagery, what did she say.

When the PPP almost completely pushed blacks out of the top leadership roles and assigned them to mid and low level order takers, what did she say?


Amazingly with all this said she then wonders why blacks must like the PPP?

Blacks have no more reason to like the PPP than do Indians have a reason to like Burnham!

And I will continue saying this until either GNI is shut down, or you change your attitude and admit that when it comes to racism Indians are NO MORE INNOCENT than are blacks!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

How do you consider Caribj? I hope u r going to give me an answer.

Easy...caribny hates Muslims and the religion of Islam......see...easypeazy

Kari you lack the ability to refute my arguments so you resort to Nehru levels of stupidity.

Interesting that several Muslims here agreed with me, including those who tangle with me over issues of race in Guyana.

Are these self hating Muslims?   I don't think so.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
seignet posted:
Nehru posted:

Educate the ignorant and illiterate.  Keep speaking out against EVIL, wrong, corruption, Govt excesses.

Too many red ants living in Guyana. Education can't help people who determined to be racists. I use to believe there was hope for Guyana. Must admit. Caribj was right all along, Afros and Indos just doan like one another. And as the putagees, dem tek sodes wid the Afros.

Racism! Guyana wid never be rid of it.


What the rant you saying banna? The Portuguese did not vote for nor against a race, they voted against Communism.

Actually the Portuguese were very much involved in issues concerning race and skin color in Guyana, and this is why middle class blacks didn't trust them, so voted PNC instead.

Only reason why this isn't an issue is that the Portuguese have left Guyana, so are no longer relevant.

I definitely recall who was and who wasn't allowed to work in customer service and management positions up to the mid 60s at the banks, insurance companies, Fogarty's, and Bookers Universal. 

The blacks were the sweepers and the watch men. I don't even recall any darker Indians around.  In fact only Indians like the Luckhoos MIGHT have been able to work in those places.

No one darker than a paper bag.

British Guiana was a very racist and skin color conscious place.  As was every where else in the Caribbean during that era.  Filled with people with unexpressed resentments and feelings of being treated unfairly.


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:


Siggy seriously is it a one way street when it comes to afro and indos don't like each other.

Seignet is an Indo KKK so he thinks that to say that blacks are violent and unproductive and should be cursed into  unending poverty isn't racist.'

What he thinks is racist is any one who confronts him on that bigotry!

caribny posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:
Nehru posted:

Educate the ignorant and illiterate.  Keep speaking out against EVIL, wrong, corruption, Govt excesses.

Too many red ants living in Guyana. Education can't help people who determined to be racists. I use to believe there was hope for Guyana. Must admit. Caribj was right all along, Afros and Indos just doan like one another. And as the putagees, dem tek sodes wid the Afros.

Racism! Guyana wid never be rid of it.


What the rant you saying banna? The Portuguese did not vote for nor against a race, they voted against Communism.

Actually the Portuguese were very much involved in issues concerning race and skin color in Guyana, and this is why middle class blacks didn't trust them, so voted PNC instead.

Only reason why this isn't an issue is that the Portuguese have left Guyana, so are no longer relevant.

I definitely recall who was and who wasn't allowed to work in customer service and management positions up to the mid 60s at the banks, insurance companies, Fogarty's, and Bookers Universal. 

The blacks were the sweepers and the watch men. I don't even recall any darker Indians around.  In fact only Indians like the Luckhoos MIGHT have been able to work in those places.

No one darker than a paper bag.

British Guiana was a very racist and skin color conscious place.  As was every where else in the Caribbean during that era.  Filled with people with unexpressed resentments and feelings of being treated unfairly.


So how did the Portuguese happen to side with blacks to oust the PPP if the above is really true? You don't think it has something to do with the fear of Communism and all the propaganda that went with it?

cain posted:

So how did the Portuguese happen to side with blacks to oust the PPP if the above is really true? You don't think it has something to do with the fear of Communism and all the propaganda that went with it?

Portuguese were afraid of communism and the blacks were afraid of Indo domination.  Lesser of two evils on both sides.

If the black middle class trusted the Portuguese they would have joined the UF.  They didn't because of Portuguese skin colorism.

The British did an excellent job in dividing the Portuguese/red people vs., the blacks, and both vs. the more numerous and non Christian Indians.  And all of the above considering Amerindians to be a species of jungle animal.

And of course the British never regarded the Portuguese as fellow white Europeans.

Do you really think that all blacks wanted to do was to take low paying civil service jobs, and that some didn't want to work in the better paying private sector?

I personally know several older folks in my family who used to talk about the favoritism towards light skinned folks.  I also remember walking through Bookers Universal and Fogarty's and asking why none of the sales girls were black.

BG was a mess!

Django posted:
seignet posted:

In Guyana everything is race issue. Even the most distant ones. People just feel they can say anything negative about Indians and East Indians should accept their insults. As some would put it, we came from lower caste. How they ever arrived at that conclusion, is a mystery.

I doan care how nasty the Indo KKK sounds, they are my race. I embrace them.

I always read with interest Caribj. For years he said the exactly the same things. Over and over. I wondered at time where he grew up.

After the elections, Afros were repeating the same things he said for decades. My conclusion, these people really hate East Indians. Their words paint us as a hateful bunch of people in Guyana. 

Priya Manichand have said on TV, "we know they doan like us." Her words are true when you hear the things Afro-Guyanese say about Indo-Guyanese.


Siggy seriously is it a one way street when it comes to afro and indos don't like each other.

And you don't think Redux, Carib and Stormy/D2/Daniellya are one way streets? I think they are dead end streets with no room to turn around.

skeldon_man posted:

And you don't think Redux, Carib and Stormy/D2/Daniellya are one way streets? I think they are dead end streets with no room to turn around.

All of the persons named, and I can add Itaname, have stated that the PNC was racist towards Indians, and that African racism towards Indians is a fact of life.

What we object to is the fact that the Indo KKK AND the socalled Indo moderates peddle the scream that "blackman bad, Indo good, so blackman have to apologize".    

 TK, Riffraff, Django, and a few other Indians admit that racism is a two way street. This view is very unpopular on GNI.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And you don't think Redux, Carib and Stormy/D2/Daniellya are one way streets? I think they are dead end streets with no room to turn around.

All of the persons named, and I can add Itaname, have stated that the PNC was racist towards Indians, and that African racism towards Indians is a fact of life.

What we object to is the fact that the Indo KKK AND the socalled Indo moderates peddle the scream that "blackman bad, Indo good, so blackman have to apologize".    

 TK, Riffraff, Django, and a few other Indians admit that racism is a two way street. This view is very unpopular on GNI.

caribny, we'll flog a dead horse again, because of your naivetÃĐ towards the racial condition in Guyana.

For you to object to "blackman bad, Indo good, so blackman have to apologize", you have to show the following:

  • Enumerate the policies of the Jagan and Jagdeo administrations (including Janet and Donald's stints) were racist? List land reforms, economic policies, fiscal policies, education and health care, etc.
  • List the laws enacted by these governments that are racist


While you do these consider the practices under the Burnham regime - I'll exclude the Hoyte administration (other than the inexplicable 2 year delay at the end of his term and in his opposition years of embracing Blackie London).

Reflect also on what you consider racism by Jagdeo - (i) the drug mob violence) and Jagdeo's call to his (largely) Indian base in the last election campaigning to consider the Burnham years.


caribny, you seem to have a lacuna (blind spot) when it comes to this notion that both the PPP and PNC ar racist political organizations and while you admin Blackman bad, Indians should also acknowledge Indo bad. You have the same OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) when addressing Muslims and Islam and Indians all over for its culture of Bollywood and other things Indians when there is caste systems and Caribbean Indians being seen as inferior. You are so outdated in your understanding of such matters. You even have a disregard for the last election results where the PPP can legitimately claim victory and yet you talk of a vanishing Indo electorate without paying cognizance to its non-Indo support.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Start with the practices of the govt and hopefully the rest of the population will catch on.  That ain't happening though.  Racism is here to stay under this government.  It will be the survival of the fittest.  Just read the comments here on GNI and you will know exactly what I mean.


The PPP institutionalized racism in its short tenure. They had the opportunity to transition to a democracy but instead fortified an ethnic autocracy.


Do not despair that the APNU will take similar liberties. Given the accumulation of wealth by plundering the state assets by the PPP  for its friends and family, they have lots of catching up to do.


That you now yap like a frightened curs that they may be doing what was done to them is laughable. I guess someone should take Misir's piece of agit prop against complaint of Black marginalization at the hands of the PPP and throw it back into your  faces!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

In Guyana everything is race issue. Even the most distant ones. People just feel they can say anything negative about Indians and East Indians should accept their insults. As some would put it, we came from lower caste. How they ever arrived at that conclusion, is a mystery.

I doan care how nasty the Indo KKK sounds, they are my race. I embrace them.

I always read with interest Caribj. For years he said the exactly the same things. Over and over. I wondered at time where he grew up.

After the elections, Afros were repeating the same things he said for decades. My conclusion, these people really hate East Indians. Their words paint us as a hateful bunch of people in Guyana. 

Priya Manichand have said on TV, "we know they doan like us." Her words are true when you hear the things Afro-Guyanese say about Indo-Guyanese.


Siggy seriously is it a one way street when it comes to afro and indos don't like each other.

And you don't think Redux, Carib and Stormy/D2/Daniellya are one way streets? I think they are dead end streets with no room to turn around.

Whatever street you perceives me to be; it is not one where we may find an aged racist, piggie at the tail-end of his life, is still clinging to repudiated beliefs like a crab. Life has not afforded you much broad based experience to arrive on what is ubiquitous understanding on that matter by now.


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