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Former Member

Racism is embedded in all of us. We were born in a divided country with racial stigma. We grew up to dislike our friends and neighbors just because they are of a different race. But when you tried to find out how racism started, you would be shocked to know that our own government is built on racial division. 

When Guyana gained independence from Britain, one would believe that a small nation will finally be free to live in peace and harmony. "Divide and Conquer" has given us a racial culture and a divided society. 

How much can we blame ourselves for racism? Racism is like cancer without a cure. You hate it but you can't do anything about it. It still lives on to this day.

As a child, I was brought up in a predominantly Afro-Guyanese village. I had Godparents, Godbrother, and sister who protected and cared for me. As I grow older, I realized there were two kinds of Afro-Guyanese. One that would protect me and one that would dislike me because I am different. Walk a day in my shoes and you will know how Afro-Guyanese feels about us. 

Racism is a generational culture that was brought upon us by our own government. PPP and PNC are equally responsible for racism in Guyana. 


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Suriname and Trinidad has Indians and blacks as well and they don’t seem to have the race divide/ hate as Guyana. Let’s analyze this some and check out what the Guyanese experience to cause this hate and then solution can be addressed. First I will say from my experience what PNC dictatorship did to me that none of those countries never had 28 years of - never had to line up at party run KSi outlets for food items, never had to obtain a PNC card to get a job, leave the country with $25  because it was illegal to travel out with more. Etc... 

I could relate to the Vidio the young lady from linden posted on Facebook, her pain is real, I use to feel the same way when on the receiving end from PNC. A good fresh start would be for the PPP to implement some sort of affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities.....just my two cents

Last edited by sachin_05

Racism in Guyana. I use that model for all analytical endeavors.

Blacks in Guyana IS ALWAYS in power whether they are the government or not. Outside of Guyana, Blacks complain about racism, mainly from White ppl.

Power has alot to do with it. If yuh have the power then most likely it will be used prejudicially.

Tribalism is similar to racism.

Wild animals knows its territory, so also should humans. But we invade each others territory and then try to shame the invaded ppl as a guilt trip.

Canada, this peaceful place is about to explode. Black ppl in high positions government and financial are petty minds. Now, after decades dey complaining about the place they excelled.  

@sachin_05 posted:

Suriname and Trinidad has Indians and blacks as well and they don’t seem to have the race divide/ hate as Guyana. Let’s analyze this some and check out what the Guyanese experience to cause this hate and then solution can be addressed. First I will say from my experience what PNC dictatorship did to me that none of those countries never had 28 years of - never had to line up at party run KSi outlets for food items, never had to obtain a PNC card to get a job, leave the country with $25  because it was illegal to travel out with more. Etc... 

I could relate to the Vidio the young lady from linden posted on Facebook, her pain is real, I use to feel the same way when on the receiving end from PNC. A good fresh start would be for the PPP to implement some sort of affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities.....just my two cents

PNC planted the seeds of today's racism.  Just look, many Indians gave them the chance and what they did.  They alienated their Indian suporters and now try to steal the election and have their Afro base threaten Indians!

The world is watching how they egging them on.

The racists in Guyana have been unmasked!

@Former Member posted:

You can't blame Granger for fooling Indians. Indians are the biggest fools if they don't remember their history. I have seen threads upon threads of how Indians described Granger and still get fooled. You can make this stuff up, folks. If you believe in facts you must weigh them before you come here and cry racism. 

Pure sh1t talk.  So how do you break the cycle if you don't at least, give someone a chance to prove you right or wrong?

Granger is a big-time political con!

@Former Member posted:

You can't blame Granger for fooling Indians. Indians are the biggest fools if they don't remember their history. I have seen threads upon threads of how Indians described Granger and still get fooled. You can make this stuff up, folks. If you believe in facts you must weigh them before you come here and cry racism. 

If you were an East Indian soldier would you like an East Indian general who berate you in front of other soldiers or would you prefer Granger who treat you with respect and never raise his voice at you. Although in the end you as an East Indian may never get promoted by him.  There is no guarantee that the East Indian general would promote you either.

@Former Member posted:

Pure sh1t talk.  So how do you break the cycle if you don't at least, give someone a chance to prove you right or wrong?

Granger is a big-time political con!

Were you born yesterday? I agree that Granger is a conman, but he is also a soldier and a president of a country. That you cannot discount. Breaking the cycle of what, racism? 

@Prashad posted:

If you were an East Indian soldier would you like an East Indian general who berate you in front of other soldiers or would you prefer Granger who treat you with respect and never raise his voice at you. Although in the end you as an East Indian may never get promoted by him.  There is no guarantee that the East Indian general would promote you either.

I don't do reverse psychology. My National Service for two years made me a stronger person and to understand the people better than anyone. My fellow Afro-Guyanese is nothing close to Granger. What Granger puts out is his own ideology. You can't judge people from one barrel, to say, they are the same.

@kp posted:

We grew up to dislike our friends and neighbors just because they are of a different race.

  You are given the privilege to post on this Forum, but before you press the send button, please read what you type.   Dislike our Friends,   well, in the first place if you dislike them they are your enemy and not Friends.

I invite you to go back and read since you're so careful to point out my mistakes. 

@kp posted:

We grew up to dislike our friends and neighbors just because they are of a different race.

  You are given the privilege to post on this Forum, but before you press the send button, please read what you type.   Dislike our Friends,   well, in the first place if you dislike them they are your enemy and not Friends.

I grew up with Afros.  We went to school, playing cricket, fight, make up, Bush cook, etc. They have some good attributes and positives.  But when elections came around, you saw something else.

My parents said, the same friends who they laughed and talked with, lined up the wharf and cheered as the victims of Wismar were brought out with RH Car and being loaded into ambulances. Some wanted to attack them further but the police and British soldiers prevented them.

In Guyana today, some family there said they are surprised at the racism coming from some Blacks they knew for some time. They never saw that side until now.


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