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VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Let’s keep exposing them. Good job. πŸ‘

Hey dude...

Is it possible that Indos did not apply, or that they live far away from the recruiting location?

OR, is it possible that they will have more Indos apply in the areas in which they live predominantly?

just asking.

Or maybe the pnc operatives beat and threaten then when they show up and send them home. This has happened in the past and continues to happen. That is why Jagdeo has a valid point that you folks will exclude 10 people from each polling station in ppp dominated areas. And yall keep getting away with this as the abc's now tek your sides. I suspect that they realize that pnc/afc will be easily be pushed around to the abc's will while ppp will ask too much questions. 


 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training


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VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Let’s keep exposing them. Good job. πŸ‘

Hey dude...

Is it possible that Indos did not apply, or that they live far away from the recruiting location?

OR, is it possible that they will have more Indos apply in the areas in which they live predominantly?

just asking.

Or is it possible that racism is rife in the PNC Guyana?

randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

Damn...thats not right.

Whats with the RED tie?

And, what is the Opposition doing about this unfairness?

VishMahabir posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

Damn...thats not right.

Whats with the RED tie?

And, what is the Opposition doing about this unfairness?

Forget about what the Opposition will do about the unfairness. What are you doing about it? What do you propose? So far all you have been doing is asking stupid questions or promoting the PNC/APNU.

randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

This is not Guyana or a reflection of the population. What you are watching is naked racism. Looks like Amerindians, Indians, Chinese and the other ethnic groups but Afros exist in Guyana. Election rigging in full swing.

Dondadda posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

This is not Guyana or a reflection of the population. What you are watching is naked racism. Looks like Amerindians, Indians, Chinese and the other ethnic groups but Afros exist in Guyana. Election rigging in full swing.

It’s the total and absolute Africanization of Guyana. Haitians and Angolans will take precedence over Indians in Guyana.  

The PNC will be blatant in the run up to election. I think Guyana and Indians are heading into the valley of the shadow of doom.  

I see major conflict coming as Jagdeo will not be jagan.  And I will support him regardless of his flaws. 

Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

Damn...thats not right.

Whats with the RED tie?

And, what is the Opposition doing about this unfairness?

Forget about what the Opposition will do about the unfairness. What are you doing about it? What do you propose? So far all you have been doing is asking stupid questions or promoting the PNC/APNU.

I dont live in Guyana banna...I assume you live in Guyana.

I have a serious problem with this 34 being ABSOLUTE. 

However, I have been saying this over and over. 

The PNC knows how the Opposition and how Indos will behave. They are predictable. They have no respect for Jagdeo or the PPP because Jagdeo and the PPP have not done anything to earn their respect. 

Ask yourself this question: Why do Indos close down their business on election day or anytime there is a protest?

If people knew that Hitler and Mussolini were planning to do, they would have removed them from office before they attained total control and created a totalitarian state.

In Guyana, the majority of the people know, like you and Randolph, that something is afoot and the PNC is setting up a system to keep themselves in power for a long time...illegally, it now seems. The question is what are the leaders of the opposition doing about it. If all they are doing is boycotting Parliament, running and begging the courts, and picketing, that will only leave the PNC jumping for joy.

Yes,...Yall need to alert the ABCs, etc, but the most important thing is to disrupt the peace and tranquility and act like angry people who are tired of the nonsense and are willing to get arrested and take to the streets. Yall have to become like a hundred Walter Rodneys. It does not mean using violence, it means using the power that you have in numbers. If they cant do it in GT, then do it in Berbice and Essequibo.

You posting a picture here every time and crying foul will not stop the progress towards dictatorship. 

Baseman posted:
Dondadda posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

This is not Guyana or a reflection of the population. What you are watching is naked racism. Looks like Amerindians, Indians, Chinese and the other ethnic groups but Afros exist in Guyana. Election rigging in full swing.

It’s the total and absolute Africanization of Guyana. Haitians and Angolans will take precedence over Indians in Guyana.  

The PNC will be blatant in the run up to election. I think Guyana and Indians are heading into the valley of the shadow of doom.  

I see major conflict coming as Jagdeo will not be jagan.  And I will support him regardless of his flaws. 

They say a hero die a thousand times, but a coward only dies once....what is the opposition planning to do about this and to stop it before is becomes too late?  Running to the court is not enough.

VishMahabir posted:
Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

Damn...thats not right.

Whats with the RED tie?

And, what is the Opposition doing about this unfairness?

Forget about what the Opposition will do about the unfairness. What are you doing about it? What do you propose? So far all you have been doing is asking stupid questions or promoting the PNC/APNU.

I dont live in Guyana banna...I assume you live in Guyana.

I have a serious problem with this 34 being ABSOLUTE. 

However, I have been saying this over and over. 

The PNC knows how the Opposition and how Indos will behave. They are predictable. They have no respect for Jagdeo or the PPP because Jagdeo and the PPP have not done anything to earn their respect. 

Ask yourself this question: Why do Indos close down their business on election day or anytime there is a protest?

If people knew that Hitler and Mussolini were planning to do, they would have removed them from office before they attained total control and created a totalitarian state.

In Guyana, the majority of the people know, like you and Randolph, that something is afoot and the PNC is setting up a system to keep themselves in power for a long time...illegally, it now seems. The question is what are the leaders of the opposition doing about it. If all they are doing is boycotting Parliament, running and begging the courts, and picketing, that will only leave the PNC jumping for joy.

Yes,...Yall need to alert the ABCs, etc, but the most important thing is to disrupt the peace and tranquility and act like angry people who are tired of the nonsense and are willing to get arrested and take to the streets. Yall have to become like a hundred Walter Rodneys. It does not mean using violence, it means using the power that you have in numbers. If they cant do it in GT, then do it in Berbice and Essequibo.

You posting a picture here every time and crying foul will not stop the progress towards dictatorship. 

Jagdeo should think outside the box. How about this?.

Declare the government illegal and claim that since the government is illegal and start protesting in front of Parliament everything there is a sitting, and prevent them Parliamentarians from going into the building. Call for a total boycott and shut down of everything. Advise Guyanese not to patronize businesses that support the government.....

Baseman posted:

Indians have to do what they did in the past.  stand your ground and like Kowsilla, some will die, but it will bring the attention to the neo-apartheid being resurrected under the noses of the civilized nations.  Even Venezuela is now more democratic and legitimate than Guyana!

NOW...yall mekkin sense.

Here is some more thinking outside the box for Dondada...

Jagdeo should declare the 2 judges incompetent, biased, partisan, out of order and make the case that they were making political decisions based on "kith and kin". That is what the PNC would have done. Given thew racial division in these pictures, which one of you here can convince me otherwise? And I dare anyone of you here to convince me that, given how this country is divided, that the government did not lobby their kith and kin on the court.

There I said it...but yall asking too many stupid questions about "OH MY GOD, THE SKY IS FALLING, WHAT CAN I DO?"...

The political leaders must lead, and have the followers fall in line...people are looking for leadership...Do the PPP leaders have the BALLS to really lead during these trying times...knowing that a dictatorship is in the making???


VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Indians have to do what they did in the past.  stand your ground and like Kowsilla, some will die, but it will bring the attention to the neo-apartheid being resurrected under the noses of the civilized nations.  Even Venezuela is now more democratic and legitimate than Guyana!

NOW...yall mekkin sense.

Here is some more thinking outside the box for Dondada...

Jagdeo should declare the 2 judges incompetent, biased, partisan, out of order and make the case that they were making political decisions based on "kith and kin". That is what the PNC would have done. Given thew racial division in these pictures, which one of you here can convince me otherwise? And I dare anyone of you here to convince me that, given how this country is divided, that the government did not lobby their kith and kin on the court.

There I said it...but yall asking too many stupid questions about "OH MY GOD, THE SKY IS FALLING, WHAT CAN I DO?"...

The political leaders must lead, and have the followers fall in line...people are looking for leadership...Do the PPP leaders have the BALLS to really lead during these trying times...knowing that a dictatorship is in the making???


Great write Vish.. like these  two Afro racist judge , did more harm for APNU. 


VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:

Let’s keep exposing them. Good job. πŸ‘

Hey dude...

Is it possible that Indos did not apply, or that they live far away from the recruiting location?

OR, is it possible that they will have more Indos apply in the areas in which they live predominantly?

just asking.

Or is it possible that the PPP is telling Indos not to apply because they dont want a House to House.

Its amazing that when people complained about the under representation of blacks in top leadership slots under the PPP blacks were blamed, but now under representation of Indos is blamed again on blacks.

Dondadda posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

This is not Guyana or a reflection of the population. What you are watching is naked racism. Looks like Amerindians, Indians, Chinese and the other ethnic groups but Afros exist in Guyana. Election rigging in full swing.

Did Indos show up for these jobs and were refused?

I bet Jagdeo is telling them not to apply and then will scream racism.  This is as silly as blaming Indians because blacks dont want to plant rice.  People do what they want to do.

Drugb posted:

Or maybe the pnc operatives beat and threaten then when they show up and send them home. This has happened in the past and continues to happen. That is why Jagdeo has a valid point that you folks will exclude 10 people from each polling station in ppp dominated areas. And yall keep getting away with this as the abc's now tek your sides. I suspect that they realize that pnc/afc will be easily be pushed around to the abc's will while ppp will ask too much questions. 

This is interesting because I remember you used to laugh at low level public service jobs and screamed that only lazy black people would want them because Indos had more ambition.

You cannot ride two horses in two different directions at the same time and not seriously hurt yourself druggie.

Besides this should be fertile ground for you in your haste to find young, healthy and virile black vegetables.  You must be upset that you aren't there.

VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo should declare the 2 judges incompetent, biased, partisan, out of order and make the case that they were making political decisions based on "kith and kin". 


So Vushmahabir we should call Charrandas and Jagdeo two black hating racists for collaborating to pull down a government that black people voted for.

Apparently in the safety of your North American abodes you seem to want a tribal war.  Because from  where I sit BOTH races just engaged in behavior that seems quite tribal in nature.

Vish clearly you hate the black side of your family because your comments clearly almost always show Indo bias.

randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. 

Good so now you know how black people feel when they want a job in a company like Muneshwers.  How many black managers or professionals work in that company? You all keep us out of the private sector and we will do the same in the public sector.  That seems quite fair to me. 

Since I have appeared on GNI I have been talking about racist exclusion of blacks from mid and upper ranks in much of the private sector, especially where Indians either own or have decision making capabilities.

So you now know how the boot of exclusion feels.

caribny posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. 

Good so now you know how black people feel when they want a job in a company like Muneshwers.  How many black managers or professionals work in that company? You all keep us out of the private sector and we will do the same in the public sector.  That seems quite fair to me. 

Since I have appeared on GNI I have been talking about racist exclusion of blacks from mid and upper ranks in much of the private sector, especially where Indians either own or have decision making capabilities.

So you now know how the boot of exclusion feels.

The govt employs thousands of people and is the largest employer In Guyana.  How many people does a family owned business like Muneshwars employ?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. 

Good so now you know how black people feel when they want a job in a company like Muneshwers.  How many black managers or professionals work in that company? You all keep us out of the private sector and we will do the same in the public sector.  That seems quite fair to me. 

Since I have appeared on GNI I have been talking about racist exclusion of blacks from mid and upper ranks in much of the private sector, especially where Indians either own or have decision making capabilities.

So you now know how the boot of exclusion feels.

The govt employs thousands of people and is the largest employer In Guyana.  How many people does a family owned business like Muneshwars employ?

Morn girl.   Cribby just digging for excuses where he knows there is none.  This is a racist government and Volda’s plans are playing out.  

Showdown is coming and fast.  BJ cannot follow CBJ’s plans.  Indians have to fight for their rights in Guyana.  They did it before Against greater odds.  They can do it again.  They have allies inside and outside.  

VishMahabir posted:
Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
randolph posted:

 Indos are applying for all jobs and opportunities that exist. The names stands out and are rejected immediately. Look at all the examination results and Indos are highly successful, but cannot get a job under this government, Imagine BIT trained 121 persons in Berbice and less that 3% are Indos. It's institutionalized racism. look at the Public Service College below - staff is 100% afro and students 98% Afro and all of Sandra Granger training

Damn...thats not right.

Whats with the RED tie?

And, what is the Opposition doing about this unfairness?

Forget about what the Opposition will do about the unfairness. What are you doing about it? What do you propose? So far all you have been doing is asking stupid questions or promoting the PNC/APNU.

I dont live in Guyana banna...I assume you live in Guyana.

I have a serious problem with this 34 being ABSOLUTE. 

However, I have been saying this over and over. 

The PNC knows how the Opposition and how Indos will behave. They are predictable. They have no respect for Jagdeo or the PPP because Jagdeo and the PPP have not done anything to earn their respect. 

Ask yourself this question: Why do Indos close down their business on election day or anytime there is a protest?

If people knew that Hitler and Mussolini were planning to do, they would have removed them from office before they attained total control and created a totalitarian state.

In Guyana, the majority of the people know, like you and Randolph, that something is afoot and the PNC is setting up a system to keep themselves in power for a long time...illegally, it now seems. The question is what are the leaders of the opposition doing about it. If all they are doing is boycotting Parliament, running and begging the courts, and picketing, that will only leave the PNC jumping for joy.

Yes,...Yall need to alert the ABCs, etc, but the most important thing is to disrupt the peace and tranquility and act like angry people who are tired of the nonsense and are willing to get arrested and take to the streets. Yall have to become like a hundred Walter Rodneys. It does not mean using violence, it means using the power that you have in numbers. If they cant do it in GT, then do it in Berbice and Essequibo.

You posting a picture here every time and crying foul will not stop the progress towards dictatorship. 

You do not know what struggles are taking place in Guyana, not everything make it to the newspapers. It is nice to make all these suggestions from the safety of your house in US. Well, there is a harsh reality here in Guyana and until ALL can translate good words to actual action, we will move towards dictatorship. 

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo should declare the 2 judges incompetent, biased, partisan, out of order and make the case that they were making political decisions based on "kith and kin". 


So Vushmahabir we should call Charrandas and Jagdeo two black hating racists for collaborating to pull down a government that black people voted for.

Apparently in the safety of your North American abodes you seem to want a tribal war.  Because from  where I sit BOTH races just engaged in behavior that seems quite tribal in nature.

Vish clearly you hate the black side of your family because your comments clearly almost always show Indo bias.

Guyanese cant always play a game of tit for tat. Sanity has to start here, not in the past.

Private and public sectors are different. Clearly, no one wants discrimination in either place.

People who work for private sector should speak out when and where discrimination rears its head.

However, government is the largest provider of jobs. Given the nature of Guyanese society and the racial problems, ESPECIALLY, in this climate, government has a clear responsibility to show that there is nothing underhanded being contemplated and there is no plans to rig the election. It does not have a great record in this area.

...otherwise it opens itself to more criticisms. These pictures, if true, tell a disturbing tale, of what might very well be a hidden agenda at work. The PNC has delayed election because it has a plan to concoct. No amount of spin can change the fact that they are planning to rig. AND, the 34 absolute majority is simply pure BS. 

Opposition groups have an obligation to disrupt the peace and tranquility until free and fair elections can be held. Kith and kin was at work in this court case. Anyone who believe otherwise need their heads examined.

I dont understand why other groups are not speaking out against this treasonour act.... 


And, by the way....judges are not above the law. People have a right to criticize their decisions. They make mistakes. Their judgment about the 34 absolute is not defended by any least they did not make a strong case for such. When the judges in the US Plessy v Ferguson made a decision that segregation was OK, it was wrong.

The fact that ONE judge dissented on the 3 panel court  is enough for the opposition to cry foul...and question the biased kith an kin decision made by these 2 judges....

its also amazing that people in Guyana seem to accept this outrageous decision.

Where is the outrage???

VishMahabir posted:

And, by the way....judges are not above the law. People have a right to criticize their decisions. They make mistakes. Their judgment about the 34 absolute is not defended by any least they did not make a strong case for such. When the judges in the US Plessy v Ferguson made a decision that segregation was OK, it was wrong.

The fact that ONE judge dissented on the 3 panel court  is enough for the opposition to cry foul...and question the biased kith an kin decision made by these 2 judges....

its also amazing that people in Guyana seem to accept this outrageous decision.

Where is the outrage???

I don’t think people accept the decision, it goes to the CCJ.  You cannot jump the gun!

VishMahabir posted:

However, government is the largest provider of jobs. Given the nature of Guyanese society and the racial problems, ESPECIALLY, in this climate, government has a clear responsibility to show that there is nothing underhanded being contemplated and there is no plans to rig the election. It does not have a great record in this area.

...otherwise it opens itself to more criticisms. These pictures, if true, tell a disturbing tale, of what might very well be a hidden agenda at work.

The PNC has delayed election because it has a plan to concoct. No amount of spin can change the fact that they are planning to rig.

Hogwash, there is no need for the coalition government to rig elections. Peddling words from Freedom House. Seems like one half of the genes kicking in.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

And, by the way....judges are not above the law. People have a right to criticize their decisions. They make mistakes. Their judgment about the 34 absolute is not defended by any least they did not make a strong case for such. When the judges in the US Plessy v Ferguson made a decision that segregation was OK, it was wrong.

The fact that ONE judge dissented on the 3 panel court  is enough for the opposition to cry foul...and question the biased kith an kin decision made by these 2 judges....

its also amazing that people in Guyana seem to accept this outrageous decision.

Where is the outrage???

I don’t think people accept the decision, it goes to the CCJ.  You cannot jump the gun!

The decision by the appellate court Judges are flawed, what they did was to save the government.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

And, by the way....judges are not above the law. People have a right to criticize their decisions. They make mistakes. Their judgment about the 34 absolute is not defended by any least they did not make a strong case for such. When the judges in the US Plessy v Ferguson made a decision that segregation was OK, it was wrong.

The fact that ONE judge dissented on the 3 panel court  is enough for the opposition to cry foul...and question the biased kith an kin decision made by these 2 judges....

its also amazing that people in Guyana seem to accept this outrageous decision.

Where is the outrage???

I don’t think people accept the decision, it goes to the CCJ.  You cannot jump the gun!

The decision by the appellate court Judges are flawed, what they did was to save the government.

What the did was to thwart the constitution and democracy!

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

And, by the way....judges are not above the law. People have a right to criticize their decisions. They make mistakes. Their judgment about the 34 absolute is not defended by any least they did not make a strong case for such. When the judges in the US Plessy v Ferguson made a decision that segregation was OK, it was wrong.

The fact that ONE judge dissented on the 3 panel court  is enough for the opposition to cry foul...and question the biased kith an kin decision made by these 2 judges....

its also amazing that people in Guyana seem to accept this outrageous decision.

Where is the outrage???

I don’t think people accept the decision, it goes to the CCJ.  You cannot jump the gun!

The decision by the appellate court Judges are flawed, what they did was to save the government.

The 'decision' by these so called judges mek Irfaan look like he gun definitely correct the facts of this bumbling, hapless coalition regime 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

 Well, there is a harsh reality here in Guyana and until ALL can translate good words to actual action, we will move towards dictatorship

How is that possible ? who are behind such move ?

Why you asking stupid questions this morning?

Bhai don't be jokey !!! different times, not the days when Burnham was allowed to  rigged elections.

Last edited by Django

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