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Mitwah posted:

Ksaz, is wuh yuh gonna do when yuh feel irritable, fatigue, have difficulty concentrating at times ? Peeping in could be therapeutic. 


Bai Mits, I don't experience things like irritation, fatigue etc. If you follow my trajectory which for you own sanity shouldn't  I am very random. I don't allow things to affect who I am. What I do here is a faΓ§ade. I am true to one thing mostly. I am very determined and when I make a particular decision, I stick to my part of that decision but don't impose my decisions on others. 15 years is a good enough run for me on GNI.

Mitwah posted:

Ksaz, why did you choose April 4th over April 1st? Platinum respect. 

I didn't chose April 4th. I had mentioned a few months ago that I will leave after the elections. That should have already taken place but the Coalition is dragging their feet in conceding the elections. However, since I joined on April 4th and am generally a person who appreciates symbolism, April 4th seems ideal.

Mitwah posted:

Are the contesting Parties not required to await the announcement by GECOM before they concede or crown themselves?

GECOM could have made a valid declaration since March 4th had one of those contesting party not influenced Mingo's fraud. Guyana is in an impasse and it will not end well. Granger and his cabal is setting Guyana up for some very dangerous circumstances. While you and I exchange our opinions from our safety, the people who live there will be the ones carrying the scars of the Coalition's illegal behavior. I don't think the people who live there will just roll over and play dead. They will rise up and they will get mowed down but every time one is mowed down others will rise up. That is the reality of the near future in Guyana.


Racism started with the use of divide and conquer tactics by foreign actors. Throughout history the main political parties have carried on this tradition as means to gain and hold onto power. To date that phenomena has perpetuated by the current leaders. Jagdeo says PPP is a a β€œcoolie” party and invoke the black bogeyman to keep his winning ways. Granger does the same. You got to support us because if PPP get in black people are going to suffer badly. 

As such, to date none of our political leaders have really addressed this number 1 issue that haunts  the nation.instead, they practice tokenism whereby we include a few people from the other race group. Look here your people are included. But this does not translate to policy decisions that address the root cause of the problem and address people fears. Instead it promotes fear and mistrust. I ask when  last you heard the leader of the two major parties identified fighting  racism  as their objective. Look at the current standoff, it is all about power, who is going to dominate whom based on race.

 In all of this the electorate is at fault for being duped by these conmen.

 To address racism leaders have to make this a core objective of their government and not use it as a means to win elections and then sweep it under the table until the next election.


Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...Ohhhhh...when blackman rig eleckshun foh keep coolie out dem blackman is good chuch people one lover and social cohesion people? All dem blackman who deh pon FB foh defend de apartheid against coolies dem is good chuch peopkle? Hey hey hey...Hey hey hey...and what one ignar coolie pon FB  seh mek dem coolie peopkle de racialist? Hey hey hey...meh IQ low but ee na suh low. Hey hey hey...Oh lord...apartheid lovers is now one lovers...hey hey hey. 

Mitwah posted:

Ksaz, am for a total recount; in the presence of the Carter Centre people and the CARICOM observers. Mingo should be a spectator from inside a cage.

That would be best for the whole country. Let's face it, Guyanese still trust foreigners more than their own.  Plus Mingo has really fvcked up everything and brought disgrace to the people of GT.

Ramakant-P posted:

I lived and worked among blacks in Guyana. In front of my face they cursed Indian People without giving a rat's what I think. Racism always existed in that country. It is a state of mind.

Quite so.. Quites so.  But while blacks openly voice their racism, indians on the other hand do so behind closed doors. I can tell u this because I've witnessed it. 

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Exactly. Blacks never want to take responsibility for their racism. Whatever they do is always someone else's fault.

When you confront Guyanese blacks, you are a racist. They also want reparations.


Thankfully I don't give a rats ass about what anyone thinks. Like Django said, who vex, vex. 

I related the incident where a black man stole a car and broke through a police road block but did not get too far as the police deposited a bullet in his head. Everyone was moaning and groaning that the police is wrong to shoot a person in their back. I am glad the police did what they did because that is one less person I have to worry about trying to steal anything from me or anyone else. It is no different from me not losing any sleep over Bin Laden being dumped to the bottom of the ocean. I have no interest in drinking anyone's KoolAid.


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