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Jindal decided he'd be better off committing political suicide by pandering to racists within the GOP to curry favor with them as we move toward 2016.

It’s incredibly pathetic and sad when a politician with so much promise decides to pander to the most hateful elements in our society. In the aftermath of the 2012 election, Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal declared that the GOP needs to “stop being the stupid party.” However, that moment of sanity, and Jindal’s political career, went down in flames on Sunday after he blamed minorities for racism in America, claiming thatracism wouldn't exist if they would just forget about who they are and start acting more like white people.



In an op-ed published by Politico, Jindal lashed out at minorities to mark the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. Instead of standing up against the many acts of racism that have been perpetrated by his own party and by conservatives around the nation, Jindal declared that minorities are responsible for the racism in this country.

“We still place far too much emphasis on our ‘separateness,’ our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of hyphenated Americans: Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Native Americans, to name just a few. Here’s an idea: How about just ‘Americans?’ That has a nice ring to it, if you ask me.          


Placing undue emphasis on our ‘separateness’ is a step backward. Bring back the melting pot. There is nothing wrong with people being proud of their different heritages. We have a long tradition of folks from all different backgrounds incorporating their traditions into the American experience, but we must resist the politically correct trend of changing the melting pot into a salad bowl. E pluribus Unum.”


To translate, it appears Jindal is actually blaming minorities for causing white people to be racist towards them, and is calling on minorities to end racism by conforming to American life as white people see it. In short, minorities should be more like white people if they want racism to stop.


So rather than call out the blatant racism of his own party, Jindal essentially decided that he’d be better off committing political suicide by pandering to the racists within the GOP to curry favor with them as we move toward 2016. This is yet another example of a Republican blaming victims for their own oppression.  


In reality, racists will not stop being racists if minorities decide to do as Jindal suggests. That’s because racists hate minorities simply because of the color of their skin, and that includes Jindal, which is why he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever capturing his party’s nomination for president.


Hypocritically enough, not even a day went by before Jindal violated his own call to action and proudly accepted being referred to as the first Indian-American Governor by David Gregory on “Face The Nation.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Prince:

Jindal is a GOP white Indian. He don't eat South Indian chapati and curry. 

what is a white indian?

The opposite of black Indian like you.

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Prince:

Jindal is a GOP white Indian. He don't eat South Indian chapati and curry. 

what is a white indian?

The opposite of black Indian like you.

I don't even know what is a black way ahead in the brain area

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Prince:

Jindal is a GOP white Indian. He don't eat South Indian chapati and curry. 

what is a white indian?

The opposite of black Indian like you.

I don't even know what is a black way ahead in the brain area

You want me to cuss you for being stupid with me? Don't get technical! 


“We still place far too much emphasis on our ‘separateness,’ our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of hyphenated Americans: Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Native Americans, to name just a few. Here’s an idea: How about just ‘Americans?’ That has a nice ring to it, if you ask me.          




The man is such an ass.  He thinks he is an assimilated American?



Jindal should go to the website stormfront and find out what those American neo-nazis think about him.  Not even Savitri Devi would be able to save him from their wrath for being a brown governor of a Southern state.


True to the Republican template, Bobby Jindal is indulging in over-simplification of a complex problem. Remember his fellow Republican George W Bush: "if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists."

Historically, Republicans have always blamed victims, not aggressors. In their book, poor people are poor because they're lazy. Unemployed people are jobless not because of employers/corporate expediency but because they're lazy too, hence no welfare benefits for them.

So, in the same vein Jindal says minorities are responsible for racism. In the US context, the main hallmarks of racism like prejudice and discrimination are manifested by the actions of the majority race, whites, and not by the relatively powerless minorities.

White majority has might; white is right.


Hypocritically enough, not even a day went by before Jindal violated his own call to action and proudly accepted being referred to as the first Indian-American Governor by David Gregory on “Face The Nation.”


****** boy Piyush had a privileged upbringing, went to the best schools, and has been in the political limelight.  He wants to be the first Indian-American President. 




Jindal was actually laughed at by fellow Republicans .


Remember this:


Touted as a rising GOP star, and a possible contender for the White House in 2012, the 37-year-old governor quickly learned the spotlight can singe just as easily as illuminate.


"It's a little like when a movie has a huge buildup and you expect too much," said Bruce Cain, a political science professor at UC Berkeley. "He's supposed to be the boy genius and the next political superstar. By that standard, the speech was disappointing."


Fellow conservatives criticized Jindal's mannerisms, his sing-song delivery, the backdrop for his 10-minute speech (a spiral staircase in the governor's mansion in Baton Rouge).



He's Roman Catholic.  His wife is like a moviestar and was on Vanity Fair's list of top 10 best-dressed political wives.  She's astutely working her way to First Lady. 


However, that moment of sanity, and Jindal’s political career, went down in flames on Sunday after he blamed minorities for racism in America, claiming that racism wouldn't exist if they would just forget about who they are and start acting more like white people.


Jindal decided he'd be better off committing political suicide by pandering to racists within the GOP to curry favor with them as we move toward 2016.

Continued nonsensical and idiotic views of Piyush Jindal.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Someone fooled him that his hairstyle reminds folks of Bobby Kennedy.  Wasn't me.   

Hopefully, it is not you.


However, Jindal was infatuated with the Brady Bunch programme to the extent that he insisted on being called Bobby, one of the characters on the show.


Bobby Jindal may well be the next president of the United States. He's also on target on the root cause of racism. Minorities must follow good examples by the superior whites.  

Originally Posted by Prince:

Would you disagree with me if I say Gov. Bobby Jindal is 100% correct when he said racism would not exist if minorities act like decent white people?


I agree with him!   

Yes we should behave like the impoverished red necks of West Virginia.  Large families, no respect for education, and a pride in being ignorant.   That and worshipping snakes.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bobby Jindal may well be the next president of the United States. He's also on target on the root cause of racism. Minorities must follow good examples by the superior whites.  

He will not be.  Sorry the people who he panders to dont like him because he is "too Indian".  Given a choice between a "ggod old (white) boy and him, he loses.  Rubio stands a better chance.


That plus ugly, skinny men usually dont stand a chance in today's media oriented election competitions.

Originally Posted by seignet:

i agree with him. just get the azz up and work to make life better rather than fighting for eating at the same counter with white folks. less visibility and more independent life style.


Of course seignet they fought for equality and thanks to them the USA ended its race based quotas for immigrants, allowing you the right to enter.


If I were a black American I would hate folks like you who, rather than thanking them, join the ranks of people who had no use for people like you until the Civil Rights movement acknowledged your right to migrate to the USA.


You see this is why Bajans do not like Indo Guyanese, as you arrive in other people's countries with your hatred for blacks intact.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bobby Jindal may well be the next president of the United States. He's also on target on the root cause of racism. Minorities must follow good examples by the superior whites.  

I assume that you are joking.  Otherwise I am left to believe that you are a Christian, hate Bollywood music, and refuse to eat anything with curry in it.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bobby Jindal may well be the next president of the United States. He's also on target on the root cause of racism. Minorities must follow good examples by the superior whites.  

He follows Palin.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

However, that moment of sanity, and Jindal’s political career, went down in flames on Sunday after he blamed minorities for racism in America, claiming that racism wouldn't exist if they would just forget about who they are and start acting more like white people.


Jindal decided he'd be better off committing political suicide by pandering to racists within the GOP to curry favor with them as we move toward 2016.

Continued nonsensical and idiotic views of Piyush Jindal.

That is the name of a Parsi.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

i agree with him. just get the azz up and work to make life better rather than fighting for eating at the same counter with white folks. less visibility and more independent life style.


Of course seignet they fought for equality and thanks to them the USA ended its race based quotas for immigrants, allowing you the right to enter.


If I were a black American I would hate folks like you who, rather than thanking them, join the ranks of people who had no use for people like you until the Civil Rights movement acknowledged your right to migrate to the USA.


You see this is why Bajans do not like Indo Guyanese, as you arrive in other people's countries with your hatred for blacks intact.

Wherever in the world the white man go to, they do damn good. They operate with little care for natives. And when the Chinese and sikhs came to America, they did pretty good by being smart and stay away from conflicts. And they came during the days of African slavery. In Uganada when de black leader wanted to discriminate against indoes they same indoes came to America and do good. Suh, y afro-american doan do the same.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

However, that moment of sanity, and Jindal’s political career, went down in flames on Sunday after he blamed minorities for racism in America, claiming that racism wouldn't exist if they would just forget about who they are and start acting more like white people.


Jindal decided he'd be better off committing political suicide by pandering to racists within the GOP to curry favor with them as we move toward 2016.

Continued nonsensical and idiotic views of Piyush Jindal.

That is the name of a Parsi.

Naah! It's hindi derivative. Piyush ==> nectar for the Gods. Jindal ==> life or vital (jinda).


I take it that in the lead post of this thread by Prince everything in quotation marks are the actual words spoken by Governor Jindal. Prince stated that Jindal wrote an opinion in a Politico Op-Ed.


This is what Jindal is reported to have said:


“We still place far too much emphasis on our ‘separateness,’ our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of hyphenated Americans: Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Native Americans, to name just a few. Here’s an idea: How about just ‘Americans?’ That has a nice ring to it, if you ask me.          


Placing undue emphasis on our ‘separateness’ is a step backward. Bring back the melting pot. There is nothing wrong with people being proud of their different heritages. We have a long tradition of folks from all different backgrounds incorporating their traditions into the American experience, but we must resist the politically correct trend of changing the melting pot into a salad bowl. E pluribus Unum.”



This piece doesn't not sound to me that the Governor is blaming any ethnic group in particular. Remember all ethnic groups have a hyphenated description, German-Americans, Irish-Americans. He could have been speaking that these groups, by the use of their hyphenated description and not just "American" are taking a backward step.


Where does Jindal's quoted statements approximate to this?:


he blamed minorities for racism in America, claiming thatracism wouldn't exist if they would just forget about who they are and start acting more like white people.


There is nowhere in that Politico opinion page that says he blames minorities for racism.


Where, Prince, can I look for these comments ascribed to Bobby Jindal?




Originally Posted by seignet:
, y afro-american doan do the same.

More ignorance from seignet.  Why dont you pick up a book, learn about Jim Crow and other forms of abuse of blacks in this country, and learn that theuir struggles for fairness is what allowed YOU to migarte here.


Oh yes you can come and be quiet and benefit from the results of their struggles.  Lucky for you they didnt have the dsame opinion.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

caribny, stop acting like yourself and start acting like decent Indos.  

And here brays the Indo KKK chorus.  Another racist who pretends as if struggles by black Americans didnt open a whole host of opportunities for you.


Tell them thank you.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Prince...PRINCE......tell us how Bobby Jindal is saying minorities are racists.


You came and put shit in this thread, now clean it up.......PRINCE!!!!!!

Did Jindal condemn those who commemorated the MLK speech or not?  Whether he did or did not accuse minorities of causing racism is tied up into that.

FM have access to the same politico opinion page article as all of us. Also look at the quotes right in this thread above.


If you cannot come to a conclusion as to whether Jindal criticized those who commemorated the speech or not, it is clear that he DID NOT. English can't be that hard. Don't get suckered by Prince's egregious declaration. That is HIS declaration, not any US journalist.


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