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'Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or Islamophobia are poisoning our societies' – UN chief

16 August 2017 –

16 August 2017 – Urging people everywhere to speak out against hate speech and hate crimes, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today reiterated his call for tolerance, respect for the other and the importance of recognizing diversity.

“Racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or Islamophobia are, as I mentioned yesterday, poisoning our societies,” the Secretary-General told journalists today at a briefing at the UN Headquarters in New York.

“It is absolutely essential for us all to stand up against them everywhere and every time,” he added.

Addressing questions from a journalist about the situation in the US, where a weekend protest and counter-protest over the removal of a Civil War statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, sparked discussions about race, Mr. Guterres said “these demons are appearing a little bit everywhere.”

A Portuguese national, Mr. Guterres said that as a European, he is proud that Europe created the values of Enlightenment: tolerance, the respect for the other, and the importance of recognition of diversity.

“To be able to stand for these values and to… at the same time, to condemn all forms of irrationality that undermine those values is essential, at the present moment, be it in the United States or everywhere else in the world,” the head of the UN said.

Demerara_Guy posted:


A Portuguese national, Mr. Guterres said that as a European, he is proud that Europe created the values of Enlightenment: tolerance, the respect for the other, and the importance of recognition of diversity.


Really.  Europe is packed with the same racist lunatics that the USA has and its immigrant descended populations are considerably worse off.

I would like to see the European country were illegal immigrants would be bold enough to OPENLY complain about being deported.  Many of these people in the USA own homes and businesses.  In most of Europe they live in tents.


The UN chief should go church. It is the end of times as we knew it. 

People now, have to look at a human regardless of race and color and wonder what is that person thinking. Could that person be carrying a bomb or decides to use a vehicle as an implement of destruction.

People are no different than the wild animals, one is simply a food chain for the other. While humans will not devour their fellow human, they certainly have a vast number of hates.

There were always those humans who despise other races of people simply because they look different.

Some hate on religious grounds.

Suffering is an imposition delegated to humans upon humans. And the different races that are in America must have done things to anger one another.


caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:


A Portuguese national, Mr. Guterres said that as a European, he is proud that Europe created the values of Enlightenment: tolerance, the respect for the other, and the importance of recognition of diversity.


Really.  Europe is packed with the same racist lunatics that the USA has and its immigrant descended populations are considerably worse off.

I would like to see the European country were illegal immigrants would be bold enough to OPENLY complain about being deported.  Many of these people in the USA own homes and businesses.  In most of Europe they live in tents.

You sure these racists lunatics are not coolie Guyanese? 


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