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Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand the reason why so many knuckleheads here see this protest as a waste of time. Apparently you guys have not learnt anything from the protests in other communities. We should be working with the police, while at the same time putting pressure to find the perpetrator. What if this guy had entered the home of people while committing these acts. 

Richmond Hill used to be a slum...Guyanese have rebuilt it from scratch so to speak...looks like a little Guyana from what I can see.  

In that same area, two sikhs were beaten, one after 9/11, because the perpetrator could not distinguish a sikh from other turban wearing people.

I live in the area, but I cannot go on that day, but would support the protesters.

One of the poster here, Mars, is attacking the messenger instead of the guys should be ashamed of yourselves...really. 

Numbnuts, the perpetrator of the crime is an evil man. That is a given. I'm reporting the facts as I see it and I'm entitled to my opinion just like everyone else. If you disagree with what I have to say then let's discuss it and stop acting like an idiot. If you're not man enough to handle it, then continue being a wimp. 

"That man looks for any excuse to get cheap publicity. Look how he prostituted the cop's death to get some recognition."

What does the above quote have to do with the protest? You are attacking the messenger.

I am basing my information on what I heard on the news between yesterday and today. The local TV and Radio stations reported it as a "hate crime", and one report said it was committed before...a little bit of pressure on the police will go a long way towards addressing the problem. 

If the person organizing the protest is only doing so for his own self gratification and he has no real reason to protest, then what does that say about the integrity of the protest? If you fail to see the connection then you're just a dumbass and I can't help you. You should have paid more attention to education during your formative years.

Sure it can be classified as a hate crime but why would you protest against the police? Did they burn the flags or are they doing something to hamper justice being served? Give them some time to investigate and arrest the perpetrator.  

Its not a protest against the police knucklehead....I would call it a gathering to highlight the issue....especially if this is not the first one.

You first condemned the event organized by VM and others regarding the shooting of the police officer because he was trying to get publicity? ...Iam assuming that was the Guyanese police officer you are referring to.

I was there, it was a beautiful did not bother me who organized it. 

Why you have to be such an idiot with the abusive language...?

Cobra posted:

Hindus must stand together and show the city that burning of Hindu religious flags will not be tolerated. For those of you who respond negatively to this rally and to think it's a waste of time, is considered anti-Hindu. If this one individual had burned a Qur'an, the Muslims would have called for a fatwa. So please, if you think Hindus don't have rights to voice their concerns in NYC, think again and stay out if you have nothing good to say.  Thank you!

Lots of people post negative stuff when Muslims complain, why should they stay out when it comes to Hindus?

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand the reason why so many knuckleheads here see this protest as a waste of time. Apparently you guys have not learnt anything from the protests in other communities. We should be working with the police, while at the same time putting pressure to find the perpetrator. What if this guy had entered the home of people while committing these acts. 

Richmond Hill used to be a slum...Guyanese have rebuilt it from scratch so to speak...looks like a little Guyana from what I can see.  

In that same area, two sikhs were beaten, one after 9/11, because the perpetrator could not distinguish a sikh from other turban wearing people.

I live in the area, but I cannot go on that day, but would support the protesters.

One of the poster here, Mars, is attacking the messenger instead of the guys should be ashamed of yourselves...really. 

Numbnuts, the perpetrator of the crime is an evil man. That is a given. I'm reporting the facts as I see it and I'm entitled to my opinion just like everyone else. If you disagree with what I have to say then let's discuss it and stop acting like an idiot. If you're not man enough to handle it, then continue being a wimp. 

"That man looks for any excuse to get cheap publicity. Look how he prostituted the cop's death to get some recognition."

What does the above quote have to do with the protest? You are attacking the messenger.

I am basing my information on what I heard on the news between yesterday and today. The local TV and Radio stations reported it as a "hate crime", and one report said it was committed before...a little bit of pressure on the police will go a long way towards addressing the problem. 

If the person organizing the protest is only doing so for his own self gratification and he has no real reason to protest, then what does that say about the integrity of the protest? If you fail to see the connection then you're just a dumbass and I can't help you. You should have paid more attention to education during your formative years.

Sure it can be classified as a hate crime but why would you protest against the police? Did they burn the flags or are they doing something to hamper justice being served? Give them some time to investigate and arrest the perpetrator.  

Its not a protest against the police knucklehead....I would call it a gathering to highlight the issue....especially if this is not the first one.

You first condemned the event organized by VM and others regarding the shooting of the police officer because he was trying to get publicity? ...Iam assuming that was the Guyanese police officer you are referring to.

I was there, it was a beautiful did not bother me who organized it. 

Why you have to be such an idiot with the abusive language...?

So if you're supporting a protest to put pressure on the police, is that not a protest against the police? You're one confused fool.

If RHEDC wanted to support the policeman and his family they should have gone to Brooklyn and joined the wake there. What does the cop have to do with the Richmond Hill community? 

Listen jackass, you started hurling the invectives by calling people knuckleheads in your first post. Respect is earned, not demanded. You want some then show some.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dummy, THis is what Mahabir stated

We should be working with the police, while at the same time putting pressure to find the perpetrator. W



You need me to explain it to ypur DUMB ASS????


Shithead, he is supporting a protest to put "a little bit of pressure on the police". Those are his words, not mine.

Let me rephrase...not to put "pressure" on the police, but to highlight the issue and make sure something is done...even Redux understands the issue pretty well. 

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dummy, THis is what Mahabir stated

We should be working with the police, while at the same time putting pressure to find the perpetrator. W



You need me to explain it to ypur DUMB ASS????


Shithead, he is supporting a protest to put "a little bit of pressure on the police". Those are his words, not mine.

Let me rephrase...not to put "pressure" on the police, but to highlight the issue and make sure something is done...even Redux understands the issue pretty well. 

Write what you mean and we'll all understand you. I can't read anyone's mind and I can only go by what they write.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dummy, THis is what Mahabir stated

We should be working with the police, while at the same time putting pressure to find the perpetrator. W



You need me to explain it to ypur DUMB ASS????


Shithead, he is supporting a protest to put "a little bit of pressure on the police". Those are his words, not mine.

Let me rephrase...not to put "pressure" on the police, but to highlight the issue and make sure something is done...even Redux understands the issue pretty well. 

Go back to school and learn how to express your self properly. You call posters names and don't expect them to adress you in kind?

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

You ARE indeed a DUMB ASS.  End of story.  Where the HELL you see people calling to Protest the Police.  What a BLOODY IDIOT!!!!

I guess you're just as dumb as VishMahabir. Read what he said you illiterate fool. The man is calling for protest against the police. Engage your brains before you flap your jaws aimlessly.

i can finally conclude that this "MARS" is in outer space.

Re-read or ask a 3 rd grader to decipher it for you


"We are hosting a rally to protest the burning of the 40 Jhandi Flags on Friday Dec 4th at 7 PM - 80th St and 89th Ave

The suspect was seen on a video to burn 40 flags in the early morning hours at 80th St and 89th Ave on Thanksgiving day.

RHEDC ,Sadhana, ICA, Chhaya and many other civic groups are requesting your participation."


Where does anyone see this as an attack on our local police

Vish M
Vish M posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

You ARE indeed a DUMB ASS.  End of story.  Where the HELL you see people calling to Protest the Police.  What a BLOODY IDIOT!!!!

I guess you're just as dumb as VishMahabir. Read what he said you illiterate fool. The man is calling for protest against the police. Engage your brains before you flap your jaws aimlessly.

i can finally conclude that this "MARS" is in outer space.

Re-read or ask a 3 rd grader to decipher it for you


"We are hosting a rally to protest the burning of the 40 Jhandi Flags on Friday Dec 4th at 7 PM - 80th St and 89th Ave

The suspect was seen on a video to burn 40 flags in the early morning hours at 80th St and 89th Ave on Thanksgiving day.

RHEDC ,Sadhana, ICA, Chhaya and many other civic groups are requesting your participation."


Where does anyone see this as an attack on our local police

Read and understand properly because you start writing trash, Dumbass. I do not need anyone to decipher anything for me as it's quite obvious that my comprehension skills are a cut above yours. I was specifically referring to VishMahabir's post where he stated that he's supporting this protest to put pressure on the police. 

Vish M posted:

Just for information, this event will be covered by NY1 and many other media houses.


We were informed that the Qns Borough Office with attend, State Senator Sanders.


We are concern about the assault on our Culture and Religion.


We care less if the pontificators on GNI support.


It was posted for awareness.

Listen Moron, if you're going to tell someone about asking a 3rd grader to decipher the English Language you should at least know how to write it yourself.

"We are concern about the assault on our Culture and Religion".

I was writing better than this when I was in the equivalent of 3rd grade and you're a grown ass man and you still haven't grasped the basics of grammar.

Last edited by Mars
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

This protest is a waste of time. Why 40 flags in the front yard? it necessary to plant religous flags in the front yard?

from a little research mostly carribbean hundu do this.


My last trip to Guyana, I saw a house with about 30-40 flags. I was told that the people there was from the Hare Krishna group and every year they "juk" about 8-10 flags(different colors).


We Hare Krsnas do not "juk" flags. Not one single flag is used during our prayers, none, ZERO.

Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

no protest is a waste of time

Why is it a waste of time?? Only Muslims and Christians have a right to protect their Religion. Al Yuh friggin out of Al YUh friggin minds!!!!!!!!!

Black people protesting "black lives matter". Is that a waste of time? Maybe it's a waste of time on Black Friday.

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

no protest is a waste of time

Why is it a waste of time?? Only Muslims and Christians have a right to protect their Religion. Al Yuh friggin out of Al YUh friggin minds!!!!!!!!!

Black people protesting "black lives matter". Is that a waste of time? Maybe it's a waste of time on Black Friday.

Plenty black people get killed needlessly by Police...they right to protest...all you have here is just someone in the dead of night desecrating religious flags. Most likely the person has no clue about the meanings of the flags, just don't like them. 

I still think it's a waste of time

Your view is poisonous to our hindu community.
As a moderator, you should desist from posting your comments on items of Religion
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:
warrior posted:

no protest is a waste of time

Why is it a waste of time?? Only Muslims and Christians have a right to protect their Religion. Al Yuh friggin out of Al YUh friggin minds!!!!!!!!!

Black people protesting "black lives matter". Is that a waste of time? Maybe it's a waste of time on Black Friday.

Plenty black people get killed needlessly by Police...they right to protest...all you have here is just someone in the dead of night desecrating religious flags. Most likely the person has no clue about the meanings of the flags, just don't like them. 

I still think it's a waste of time


Vish M

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