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Ralph Ramkarran

(Eyewitness) Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran’s name got “called” in a rather unsavoury matter the other day. Seems that former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Sir Sridath Ramphal; Kads Khan of the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R), Ramphal’s son-in-law, former ambassador of Antigua; and Ramkarran were all partners in a logging company Tigerwood back in 2007.


Now you may raise your eyebrows that these fellows – not exactly the lumberjack types ─ would be chopping down trees in the forests of Guyana. But this was no ordinary logging company. This one would be performing a miracle in the bush – saving our forests by cutting down trees from the Iwokrama Centre for Forest Conservation.


Sort of like fighting fire with fire, we guess. But that wasn’t all that these normally office-bound types roused themselves to do. They were going to “add value” to the logs that would come from the felled trees. After all, the biggest criticism of the “exploitation of our forests ─ and the reason why it needed to be conserved by outfits like Iwokrama – was that we were cutting trees and not “adding value”.


Turns out the “value added” was to square the sides of the logs! That’s right and if you go on Tigerwood’s website you’ll see them still advertising squared greenheart from Guyana. We won’t ask how much value was added, because we know these office types might not know xylem from phloem but they know their profits. Question is: How the heck did they land a contract to harvest timber from Iwokrama?


Was the project advertised and tendered? Did they have to show they had more experience than Fip Motilall to build a road? Anyhow, now to the story at hand. Seems that Kads Khan, then PNC/R, and Ramkarran, then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) – in an example of the benefits Guyana could accrue if we practised “power-sharing” as advocated by Ramkarran – sold their shares to one of the other partners.


Kads was awarded $104 million…yes, millions…as the balance on his five per cent share he’d sold. He’d already received $30 million at the time of the sale. The question, of course, is how much of the “filthy lucre” did ex-Speaker Ramkarran receive…since he didn’t even have to utter a squeak. And for what? The trees at Iwokrama only had to be felled and “squared” by locals.


The only asset, it seems, was to receive the timber concession. We wonder why the opposition and its media supporters aren’t up in arms. Different strokes for different folks?

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Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran’s name got “called” in a rather unsavoury matter the other day. Seems that former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Sir Sridath Ramphal; Kads Khan of the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R), Ramphal’s son-in-law, former ambassador of Antigua; and Ramkarran were all partners in a logging company Tigerwood back in 2007.


Kads was awarded $104 million…yes, millions…as the balance on his five per cent share he’d sold. He’d already received $30 million at the time of the sale. The question, of course, is how much of the “filthy lucre” did ex-Speaker Ramkarran receive…since he didn’t even have to utter a squeak. And for what? The trees at Iwokrama only had to be felled and “squared” by locals.


Thieves tend to cooperate for the common good. But eventually they turn on each other. This goes to show that Ramkarran was flirting with the PNC/AFC way back in 2007 until he developed a "conscience" and left the PPP. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

guyana is a sick place everybody hustling i wonder who the hell you can trust in guyana

First, you can't trust Ramjattan and the entire AFC because they are day time thieves.


Is the AFC still looking to recruit innocent Ramkarran to tell them that the PPP are thieves? Next time look after your own thieving business before looking into the PPP pockets.

Originally Posted by Prince:

 Question is: How the heck did they land a contract to harvest timber from Iwokrama? . . .

lines i imagine . . . Iwokrama is governed by an international board of trustees, i understand


but remind me again what all this have to do with tiefin taxpayer money a la Fip Motilall and Babby dem


but wait . . . i fughet that i talking to the likes of Cobra, Conscience and drugabeer - all three very, very stupid and very, very eager to shill full-out antiman style for their masters @ Freedom House

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prince:

 Question is: How the heck did they land a contract to harvest timber from Iwokrama? . . .

lines i imagine . . . Iwokrama is governed by an international board of trustees, i understand


but remind me again what all this have to do with tiefin taxpayer money a la Fip Motilall and Babby dem


but wait . . .

i fughet that i talking to the likes of

Cobra, Conscience and drugabeer -

all three very, very stupid Crab Louse and

 very, very eager to shill full-out antiman style for their masters @ Freedom House

Cobra.................. Conscience ....... drugabeer

- all three........ very, very stupid Crab Louse


Last edited by Former Member

Ralph should know this was comming...ha ha ha....I wonder if Brazzie will give us a few checks to ralph....that bad ralph....the very one the PPP said they want and would welcome back with open arms only a few months ago.....


AFC was investing in Ralph that one day he would allow himself to be recruited like Moses. Ralph is no Saint neither Moses. Ralph's career has started to decay from this news.

Originally Posted by Prince:

AFC was investing in Ralph that one day he would allow himself to be recruited like Moses. Ralph is no Saint neither Moses. Ralph's career has started to decay from this news.

Prince.....Moses or Ralph are different from dem Black House of Isreal PNC Thugs and aya Crab Louse, Vultures & Cokaroach.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Anyone that left the PPP and join APNU/AFC are thieves like MOSES who still carries the NICIL brand on his forehead. 

Anyone with shit for brains can usually come up with asinine posts as the above.


Ralph days on politics is swiftly reaching the twilight years, its time he fade into the shadows, he's attempting to open a can of worms, that will shade a dim light on himself, its a fact, he aint on Sunday school boy either....

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:

guyana is a sick place everybody hustling i wonder who the hell you can trust in guyana

First, you can't trust Ramjattan and the entire AFC because they are day time thieves.


Is the AFC still looking to recruit innocent Ramkarran to tell them that the PPP are thieves? Next time look after your own thieving business before looking into the PPP pockets.

i see we have a stupid snake


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