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Former Member

Claudette Singh tipped to be new Speaker

By Staff Writer On May 20, 2015 @ 5:29 am In Local News

Claudette Singh Claudette Singh

Former Justice of Appeal Claudette Singh has been tipped to replace Raphael Trotman as Speaker of the National Assembly, according to sources in the APNU+AFC coalition.

Stabroek News understands that Singh was proposed by APNU while former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran was floated by the Alliance For Change.

Under the Cummingsburg Accord formalising the alliance between the two parties the Speaker has to come from civil society.

Singh was last year appointed Legal Advisor to the Guyana Police Force by the Office of the President and has since been serving in that capacity. She has previously been proposed by the PNCR for higher judicial positions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Was there any promise in the Cummingsburg agreement that AFC would get this slot?  NO!


It does appear as if you would rather APNU hand every thing over to the AFC in order to prove something to yourself.


Given Nagamootoo's ties to the sugar and rice industries why wouldn't it not make sense for him to oversee those industries.   You would rather some idiot like Claude Saul of the Burnham ere destroy those industries?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Was there any promise in the Cummingsburg agreement that AFC would get this slot?  NO!


It does appear as if you would rather APNU hand every thing over to the AFC in order to prove something to yourself.


Given Nagamootoo's ties to the sugar and rice industries why wouldn't it not make sense for him to oversee those industries.   You would rather some idiot like Claude Saul of the Burnham ere destroy those industries?


Was there anything in the Cummingsburg Accord about a "Minister of State" operating a Ministry of Ministries?


I know you're doing your best to put forward the best argument for what's going on but it's not gonna work. Facts are facts. And the trend seems to be one of monoracial rule. Lemme quote one enthusiastic APNU supporter "coolie time done." Indians are once again to be on the margins of government save for some select window dressing.


I want you to note that your previous screams of Indo domination in Guyana has turned out to be nonsense as right now all them Indo "elite" and contract workers are climbing over each other to snitch on each other and pay homage at Congress Place. This "Indo domination" fell in less than 72 hours. Some apartheid regime them coolies had going. Crumbled in under 72 hours.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books,

First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!

Chief while Anil Sperm Exchange Partner spreading Goatshit APNU/AFC is forging ahead with their Business.


Ralph Ramkarran has other Important things to do for the Govt.

Remember he has the Gun Powder on the Cabal.

Dhar Poke is one of the first persons going to Jail.....

and he is hauling some of them who

benefit from the Article 163 Sperm Exchange.

Chandra feels they should be Jailed...

Ow Bhai you must be Happy



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Was there any promise in the Cummingsburg agreement that AFC would get this slot?  NO!


It does appear as if you would rather APNU hand every thing over to the AFC in order to prove something to yourself.


Given Nagamootoo's ties to the sugar and rice industries why wouldn't it not make sense for him to oversee those industries.   You would rather some idiot like Claude Saul of the Burnham ere destroy those industries?


Was there anything in the Cummingsburg Accord about a "Minister of State" operating a Ministry of Ministries?


I know you're doing your best to put forward the best argument for what's going on but it's not gonna work. Facts are facts. And the trend seems to be one of monoracial rule. Lemme quote one enthusiastic APNU supporter "coolie time done." Indians are once again to be on the margins of government save for some select window dressing.


I want you to note that your previous screams of Indo domination in Guyana has turned out to be nonsense as right now all them Indo "elite" and contract workers are climbing over each other to snitch on each other and pay homage at Congress Place. This "Indo domination" fell in less than 72 hours. Some apartheid regime them coolies had going. Crumbled in under 72 hours.

CaribJ & Chief

everytime the chap open his mouth

is samething....

He mouth like a Goat BT

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Was there anything in the Cummingsburg Accord about a "Minister of State" operating a Ministry of Ministries?



No which is why there is nothing that prevents the APNU from doing so.


Now tell me again how Harmon will be able to prevent Nagamootoo from leaving and taking his 12 seats with him?  Of course triggering an instant and valid PPP MONC. Guess what, even if the AFC abstains from this vote the PPP 32 vs APNU 21 means that govt will be dissolved and elections with a certain PPP victory.


Maybe Harmon's role is to ensure that Moses is kept happy and that Granger is responsive to him.  Bet you didn't think of that.


Its a pity that once Indians aren't in control of something, so many of them cannot participate.  Its like the teacher who tells a parent about their kid who is unable to play with the other kids.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Shaitaan Bhai


I see a very troubling trend as the AFC is being muscled and backed into a corner by the PNC. They better push back since they are being outfoxed by the PNC.


First, Moses being outfoxed by President Granger who created a new ministry and acquiring a right hand man, leaving Moses and Ramjattan to tend to the cane fields.


It will be interesting to see what happens in the first 100 days. I will pass judgement then.


As an Indo Guyanese, I do not like what I see so far.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Indians are once again to be on the margins of government save for some select window dressing.



Shaitaan Guyana is a market led economy.  The wealth is in the hands of an Indo elite.  That Indo elite will remain quite powerful.  In market led economies the role of the government is to do what the elites demand that they do, and they have various methods to enforce this.


Now as to the grass roots Indians. What can I say.  Its a pity that they trapped themselves to the PPP which has proven to be quite arrogant and disdainful of them.  I suspect that APNU isn't going to treat them any worse.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Shaitaan Bhai


I see a very troubling trend as the AFC is being muscled and backed into a corner by the PNC. They better push back since they are being outfoxed by the PNC.


First, Moses being outfoxed by President Granger who created a new ministry and acquiring a right hand man, leaving Moses and Ramjattan to tend to the cane fields.


It will be interesting to see what happens in the first 100 days.

I will pass judgement then.

 That's reasonable Yuji....

yuh can talk as much as yuh want....

No one Listening to you...

No one dealing with Goatshit.



As an Indo Guyanese,

I do not like what I see so far.


100 Days....Count....OK



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Shaitaan Bhai


I see a very troubling trend as the AFC is being muscled and backed into a corner by the PNC. They better push back since they are being outfoxed by the PNC.


First, Moses being outfoxed by President Granger who created a new ministry and acquiring a right hand man, leaving Moses and Ramjattan to tend to the cane fields.


It will be interesting to see what happens in the first 100 days. I will pass judgement then.


As an Indo Guyanese, I do not like what I see so far.


I see the Shaitaan panic is working.


Here is the deal.  If Moses doesn't like what he says he can tell Granger that he will take his 12 seats and go.  The PPP can then cease sulking and proceed to resume stealing from the taxpayers.  early indications is that they didn't leave anything behind when they headed out the door, stealing right through to the end.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think this will be one for the history books, First female speaker!!

Long live APNU/AFC!!


It's a good choice. She's obviously qualified. However, her appointment is just another indication that this is a PNC Government with some AFC window dressing.


The AFC will be confined to the cane fields and the rice fields. The two places no PNCite wishes to be.

Shaitaan Bhai


I see a very troubling trend as the AFC is being muscled and backed into a corner by the PNC. They better push back since they are being outfoxed by the PNC.


First, Moses being outfoxed [has been] by President Granger who created a new ministry and acquiring a right hand man, leaving Moses and Ramjattan to tend to the cane fields. [Cane cutting, c00lie domain]


It will be interesting to see what happens in the first 100 days. I will pass judgement then.


As an Indo Guyanese, I do not like what I see so far. [PPP caused it all, stupid asses].



Last edited by Former Member

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