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January 18, 2016 |Source

Ralph Ramkarran sends a message to Black people

I have repeatedly said that Ralph Ramkarran and Henry Jeffrey owe it to the Guyanese people to add to the country’s historical understanding of the role the PPP played in and out of office.  The former has forty years of experience with both the PPP in opposition and the PPP in government. Henry Jeffrey has less experience both inside the oppositional corridors of the PPP and as a PPP Cabinet Minister but he has chalked up sixteen years as a Minister, a status Ramkarran never achieved.

For a man who has been writing a weekly column for years now, Jeffrey stays away from any analysis, however ephemeral and tiny, about the key players, major events, wrong roads, right pathways, shocking moments and the negatives and positives of his sixteen years with the PPP Cabinet. In any country, when a former Minister begins to criticize the government that he served for sixteen years, the nation would expect some controlled opinions and factual adumbrations from him/her about those days in power.

There is only one critical statement on the nature of the PPP that Jeffrey has given since he left the PPP Government. In an interview with Denis Chabrol, he said during his time as a Minister that there wasn’t a separate, organization entity named the Civic Component.  Jeffrey felt that Jagan would not have approved of such a formation and it was best to leave the issue alone. This is another historical gold nugget because it adds to the picture of who Cheddi Jagan really was.  When it comes to Ramkarran, he is the completely opposite of Jeffrey. Whereas Jeffrey has given us one historical piece of diamond, Ramkarran has given us several. It would be a shame if Ramkarran does not publish his memoirs

Ramkarran continues to contribute to our comprehension of the complexities and Machiavellianism that comprise the physiology of the PPP. He informed us that after Cheddi Jagan died, Luncheon put forward himself as the presidential candidate for the 1997 elections and Mrs. Jagan used the competitive disagreement in the PPP to claim the slot for herself. There are several other exposures in his ongoing commentaries that the historians would consider important in the recording of the main currents in the modern, political landscape of Guyana. His latest revelations come within that pattern

Ramkarran describes for us a conspiracy of Mr. Jagdeo during the 2011 election year that undoubtedly all political observers knew – Mr. Jagdeo circumvented democratic voting and handpicked Ramotar as the presidential candidate. But Ramkarran didn’t leave it at that. He went on to elaborate on the Jagdeoite conspiracy that has lasting consequences for Black people in this country.  Ramkarran explained how he went to Berbice and canvassed high level PPP leaders for their support for his candidacy (Ramkarran, that is). The Berbecian hierarchy told him that they were unhappy with the Ramotar choice but they were helpless to act in the face of the Jagdeo Juggernaut

What Ramkarran failed to mention and he should have done so because there are lessons for African Guyanese, is why Jagdeo chose Ramotar, knowing that Ramotar was not the right candidate. It has to do with race. Jagdeo would have chosen any East Indian he wanted because he knew Indians had no alternative – it is an Indian from the PPP facing an African from the PNC. It didn’t matter if it was Samotar, Manotar or Abbatoir. Once it was an Indian as the PPP candidate Indian opposing an African from the PNC, Indians had no choice. This is where the lessons for Black people lie. African Guyanese should avoid the pitfalls that allowed the PPP to reduce Indians to slavery among whom were rich Indians, educated Indians and decent Indians.

African Guyanese may well face their Jagdeo moment when PNC (not APNU- the WPA would never play that game) when African leaders will choose their own candidate rather than the best choice (as when Jagdeo selected Ramotar ahead of the more eligible Ramkarran) and when Black constituencies protest, they will be told that the alternative is an Indian from the PPP. I don’t have the answer as to how Black people could collectively stop this if it happens in the PNC. But the PPP played that game and it gave them 23 years of power but those years did little for progress in Berbice. One hopes it never comes to this in the PNC in 2020 if Granger isn’t running again. In the end, the PNC must select the candidate that has the better qualities and greater chance of wining. The 2020 poll should be about issues not ethnicities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad posted:

Ramkaran should meet with his leader Granger.

He stuck with the PPP until he was denied the speakership. Another neemakharam. Guyana will always vote ethnicity rather than the issues. This is due to the fact that both indians and negroes have a deep mistrust for each other. Just ask the Guyana race expert Carib.

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

Ramkaran should meet with his leader Granger.

He stuck with the PPP until he was denied the speakership. Another neemakharam. Guyana will always vote ethnicity rather than the issues. This is due to the fact that both indians and negroes have a deep mistrust for each other. Just ask the Guyana race expert Carib.

Oii Skelly how can we change the mistrust bhai? which janam we will trust each other?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

Ramkaran should meet with his leader Granger.

He stuck with the PPP until he was denied the speakership. Another neemakharam. Guyana will always vote ethnicity rather than the issues. This is due to the fact that both indians and negroes have a deep mistrust for each other. Just ask the Guyana race expert Carib.

Oii Skelly how can we change the mistrust bhai? which janam we will trust each other?

Carib will tell us that when there are no more coolies left in Guyana and the country is predominantly black and dougla.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:

Ramkaran should meet with his leader Granger.

He stuck with the PPP until he was denied the speakership. Another neemakharam. Guyana will always vote ethnicity rather than the issues. This is due to the fact that both indians and negroes have a deep mistrust for each other. Just ask the Guyana race expert Carib.

Oii Skelly how can we change the mistrust bhai? which janam we will trust each other?

Carib will tell us that when there are no more coolies left in Guyana and the country is predominantly black and dougla.

Oww bhai don't be so harsh on the brother CARIBNY,tha bhai got some good in him.


So hear nuh, I'm gonna get a putagee group together, go back to Guyana and take the bull by the horns to make the country nice nice. Looks like yall people failed miserably. Matter of fact I might even crank up the UF an invite Carib put he in a sub committee, he does talk the truth. I gonna also get some of the Dirty Indian guys here and all other dirty people together.

 When all dis done we gonna sit down an smoke the piece pipe and together we dirty people gonna clean up Guyana.

Last edited by cain
skeldon_man posted:

Carib will tell us that when there are no more coolies left in Guyana and the country is predominantly black and dougla.

Carib celebrates the fact that Guyana is multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious.

The mere fact that you don't accept douglas as people who are part Indian just indicates that you prefer a monolithic cocoon where you can be isolated from the rest of us.  Living in your pretend India.

VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand Freddie point in this article.

His point is to warn blacks not to allow the PNC to trap them with a bad leader, who they will feel forced to support, merely because he is black.

How many Indians don't like the PPP leadership, but still support them purely for racial reasons?

That is Freddie's point.

cain posted:

So hear nuh, I'm gonna get a putagee group together, go back to Guyana and take the bull by the horns to make the country nice nice. Looks like yall people failed miserably. Matter of fact I might even crank up the UF an invite Carib put he in a sub committee, he does talk the truth. I gonna also get some of the Dirty Indian guys here and all other dirty people together.

 When all dis done we gonna sit down an smoke the piece pipe and together we dirty people gonna clean up Guyana.

In fact Carib was going to support the UF, before they sublimated themselves to the PPP.

But I got the impression that the then Indian leadership didn't want blacks around.  Cannot remember the man, but he was another one of those Indian men who are terrified of blacks, unless he can control them.

I was speaking to an aunt of mine, who is almost 100.  So she remembers lots of colonial British Guiana with much of the racial and skin color tensions.  And the resentments which developed, some even WITHIN families.

Unless Guyanese become honest about this, then we have no where to go.  But we either finger point, or pretend that it is only the politicians who are to blame.

The fact remains is that every group, with the exception of the Amerindians, has played a role in fostering our ethnic mess. That was the intension of the British, and they truly excelled at this.


"African Guyanese may well face their Jagdeo moment when PNC (not APNU- the WPA would never play that game) when African leaders will choose their own candidate rather than the best choice (as when Jagdeo selected Ramotar ahead of the more eligible Ramkarran) and when Black constituencies protest, they will be told that the alternative is an Indian from the PPP.

I don’t have the answer as to how Black people could collectively stop this if it happens in the PNC. But the PPP played that game and it gave them 23 years of power but those years did little for progress in Berbice.

One hopes it never comes to this in the PNC in 2020 if Granger isn’t running again. In the end, the PNC must select the candidate that has the better qualities and greater chance of wining. The 2020 poll should be about issues not ethnicities."


Some good insights from Freddie.


I am tired of reading about the political divide in Guyana and who is responsible and who has the solution.  We hear them say that the PPP caused the racial problem therefore they should go. Then we hear it's the PPP that has the solution to the problem. If they have the solution then why should they go? Whose responsibility is it to build trust among our many peoples? It's one country with six races and change or no change( LOL). The economic pie has gotten bigger over the last two decades and some have prospered more than others. One can rightfully argue that a small group have really prospered. This is true for every country that instituted market oriented economy. Deng Xiaping said "let the some people get rich first". He said this because he knew that it is inevitable in a growing economy. Guyana is no different from China or any other country that carried out serious economic reforms in this respect. We must face the fact that there have always been disparities in income and wealth through human existence. Today's world is not much different from that of ancient times. We can never have a society where the distribution of wealth will be fair to all. You gonna always have disgruntled people and politicians playing on it for advance their agenda. Freddie writes as if a utopian society is possible and Guyana surely has the untapped potential for it. Don't take this academic serious. He is at UG and KN for reason other than to advance people's political thinking.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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