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Haripaul writes:



As I read the reports in both the KN and SN of Ralph Ramkarran’s SN Sunday column of 3-30-14 in which he whined about how former President Jagdeo had seized control of the PPP and was now β€œ drooling” for a thirlid term, I kept looking for the paragraph where Ramkarran would acknowledge that he must bear great personal responsibility for the decay of the PPP but I saw no such paragraph.

Ramkarran should be ashamed of himself for criticizing Jagdeo’s seizure of the PPP. Ramkarran stated that Jagdeo had crushed independent thinking in the PPP and had surrounded himself with sychopants. But isn,t that how Cheddi and Janet Jagan kept control of the PPP ever since Balram Singh Rai was rigged out in the 1962 Congress?

Wasn’t Ramkarran an enthusiastic β€œrice eater” for Janet Jagan after the 1992 elections? That was my personal experience with Ramkarran when in 1993 he denied me my right to speak at a PPP membership conference at Annandale because I had openly disagreed with the Jagans on their β€œillogical” decision to keep Laurie Lewis as Commissioner of Police.

In 1994 Ramkarran berated me for writing β€œ against the government” in the SN and threaten me with expulsion.

Wasn’t Jagdeo employing the same methodology as Ramkarran? The problem was not Jagdeo but rather the undemocratic nature of the PPP and the Jagan’s nurturing of β€œyes men” around them.

Jagdeo returned from Russia when the Jagan’s dream world, the Soviet Union was collapsing, and the Jagans were in ideological confusion and depression. In pursuit of his ambitions Jagdeo inveigled himself to the Jagans by visiting them at their home and persuading them that the Russians had erred in implementing communism and that if those errors were not made then communism would have triumphed. He assured that communism would rise again. That endeared him to the Jagans especially Janet.

Janet Jagan loved new carriers and after the PPP was returned to power in 1992 Jagdeo played the role so well that by 1997 Janet nominated him to the A Team ahead of Ramkarran. And as we say the rest is history.

Were the PPP a democratic party I doubt that Jagdeo would have ever been elected to the group level leadership but the undemocratic nature of the PPP and the Jagan’s obsession with communism catapulted him from obscurity to Presidency in 7 years. Don’t blame Jagdeo. Blame the Jagans for creating a party founded on dictatorship and toadyism. Any con artist could have pulled of Jagdeo’s stunt.

Whilst Ramkarran had anointed himself as the heir prince and waited to be anointed king, Jagdeo stole his thunder by preying on the Jagan’s weaknesses.


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