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The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana

Written by Ralph Ramkarran

Sunday, June 25, 2013


Since the last elections several revelations have emerged of corrupt, and even potentially criminal, activities by persons currently or previously associated with the PPP and who have friends in the leadership or access thereto. Corruption has become so pervasive that it is no longer possible to keep the evidence away from the press and the police. And most important, none of them have come to light as a result of any action initiated by the government without prior exposure. It is now clear that the adamancy of the government and the PPP in refusing to acknowledge the level of corruption in the society, and to do something about it, is linked to where the corruption is located. It is not known whether government spokespersons are still so blind about corruption that they are still asking, where is the evidence? Guyana will soon qualify as The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana.


An important clarification needs to be made. There are thousands of public servants, businessmen, contractors and others who perform services of a high quality with dedication and integrity. In any discussion on the issue of corruption they must always be acknowledged.


When the PPP came to office in 1992 Cheddi Jagan perceptively suggested the creation of Community Development Committees (CDC). Party groups and district committees were given the task of establishing these but they were to comprise members of the community and their initial functions involved the monitoring of contracts as an exercise in popular democracy. They were to be given copies of contracts so that the works could be measured and approved and not left to engineers alone. A government agency was established to assist the establishment of these CDCs and to ensure that they functioned. After 1997 the state’s interest in the CDCs began to wane and eventually withered.


Even though the intention was not clearly articulated at the time, the CDCs would have assisted in the transformation of the functioning of party groups and bodies whose roles had to be reassessed in view of the collapse of socialism and the attainment of office by the party. At the same time Cheddi Jagan must have understood the great danger of the emergence of corruption which he had been fighting vehemently during the PNC years. At the same time, the focus of party groups needed to be shifted to development and service issues so as to keep their activities relevant to the new situation. All of that has now collapsed in the scramble which was allowed to develop for jobs, gun licences, house lots and contracts.


It is not known what percentage of roads, bridges, buildings and other infrastructure works are badly done. The complaints are plentiful. And it is not merely that the contractors are dishonest. They tell you openly that if they have to bribe so many officials, then there is not enough to spend on the works to complete them in accordance with the contracts and to make a profit for themselves at the same time. Of course, they willingly collaborate with this state of affairs. This situation is a direct result of the failure of the PPP to build on the work of Cheddi Jagan and to deal with corruption. Many of these contractors, businessmen and suppliers of goods and services have close links with the PPP, including members of the leadership.


The other group consists of bureaucrats. Lest some of these protest that they are being unfairly maligned, the range of bureaucrats is not listed here. Many bureaucrats are dedicated and honest. But many others are corrupt. These bureaucrats are usually in charge of funds, contracts, supplies and they easily manoeuvre around the regulations to enable them to perpetrate their corrupt deeds. They utilize their positions to manipulate contracts so that the rewards go to them directly or through surrogates. They establish companies with their friends or relatives and steer the contracts to these companies. This is a well-known practice that is widely engaged in. They also have friends in the party leadership or access thereto.


Above all of these is a group of wealthy and influential businessmen who have high political connections. They meet regularly to examine business opportunities and potential deals and map out strategies as to how their plans can go forward, and implement those plans. They have access, through their political connections, to information of the potential opportunities that are likely to emerge in the near to medium term and are in a position to make the investments now so as to cash in on those opportunities down the road. The PPP leadership is supported and financed by all of these groups and state decisions are influenced by their interests. The PPP is no longer motivated by working class ideology although it still clings to its historical connections.


The reason why the Public Procurement Commission, a vital instrument in the struggle against corruption, will never be established is that the PPP is a political organization that now represents a section of the petit bourgeoisie, those three parts of which are described above, whose interests are antagonistic to those of the working class and conflict with acceptable standards of integrity.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

June 23, 2013 Β·

It seems many moons ago since the PPP/C embarked on its odyssey in government, while the commitments and assurances it gave then sound to us now like the covenants from a simpler and less cynical era. In any event, it must be hard, even for those who dwell in Freedom House, to conjure up again that sense of euphoria tinged with uncertainty about the future, that accompanied their party’s victory at the 1992 polls.  If there was a certain amount of muddle when they started out – which is hardly surprising since they had been out of office for twenty-eight years – there was also a great deal of earnestness and good intentions, coupled with a genuine belief that they were there to improve the lives of the mass of Guyanese.

Citizens born since 1992, as well as those born a few years before it, will have no direct remembrance of those first years and the hope they embodied for so many; all they will know is what they have seen in more recent times. For those who do remember, there must be an acute awareness of the disconnect between then and now, and some musing over why the party became so quickly severed from its roots. Some of those roots, of course, were inappropriate to the new soils of the globalised marketplace, although meaningless lip service is still paid to them.

As older supporters see the wealth now swirling around the higher echelons of the party and their associates, they will recall the austere lifestyle of the leader and his wife, and Dr Cheddi Jagan’s promotion of a β€˜dollar a year’ payment scheme for certain posts – never a practical suggestion, although Mrs Janet Jagan did represent the country briefly at the United Nations on that basis. The point is, however, that Dr Jagan’s emphasis was on service, not on personal gain, and under his successors that particular party ethic has been turned on its head.

There was one thing which Dr Jagan did not get right from the outset: he never evinced a great feel for talent and leaned towards those he felt were loyalists, or at least PPP supporters.  For all his talk prior to 1992 of square pegs in round holes, he showed no inhibitions about appointing his own rectangular pegs in circular holes, not least in the ministerial department, where party stalwarts who had accompanied him loyally through the wilderness years were preferred over appointees who skills might have been better suited to a post. In addition, he made the mistake of opening himself to charges of vindictiveness by securing the removal of genuinely competent PNC appointees sitting on international bodies; perhaps it was a function of his insecurity, given his perception of Guyana’s political history, and his fear that the incumbents would undermine his new government.

Certainly, Dr Jagan never trusted the public service going back to the days of the 1960s, which is the genesis of the plethora of loyal, PPP-approved consultants who nowadays crowd the corridors of the Office of the President (among other institutions), at least some of whom appear to have little to offer in terms of advice.

Since Dr Jagan’s day, the loyalty principle has become entrenched, and sometimes coupled with the belief that this should be rewarded financially (something to which Cheddi Jagan would not have subscribed) some strange decisions have been made in terms of personnel. Just to give two examples, there was the posting of Mr Kellawan Lall as Ambassador to Brasilia, a bizarre and most unsuitable appointment; and now there is the case of Mr Raj Singh, who is slated to be the Chairman of the GuySuCo board. For a man with apparently few credentials to oversee an industry in crisis, and who in any case lives abroad and therefore must be ferried to and from here and provided with accommodation at state expense β€’ not to mention a hefty salary β€’ this appointment appears inexplicable. It has not taken long for the critics to home in on the fact that he is the party’s chief New York fundraiser, and so far the government has said nothing to dispel the suspicions about the motives for selecting him.

What would certainly have appalled Dr Jagan would have been the current corruption at all levels, which has become embedded in the social fabric and distorted the economy. There is plenty anecdotal evidence indicating that some of this is close to the corridors of power, and as far as the public is concerned, the ruling party’s seeming refusal to acknowledge corruption, let alone take serious measures to confront it, merely confirms their perception that the party and government have their reasons not to want to deal with it.

All this is not to suggest that the PPP/C does not have some achievements to its credit; it is merely to say that in coming adrift from its own moral moorings it has precipitated a crisis for itself, whether it recognizes it or not.  No government in the modern era can go on indefinitely where corruption has contaminated its institutions and bureaucratic processes to any substantial degree; and no party can hope to sustain credibility unless people believe in the rightness of its cause – although there will always be those who join because of what they potentially could get out of the system. We are two decades past the stage where the PPP could trade on its wrongful exclusion from office by the PNC; Freedom House now has some serious ethical challenges of its own β€’ all of its own making.

The PNCR of course is even further along the road of becoming a shadow of its former self. The party machinery was probably already fairly degraded at the time Desmond Hoyte died, although that was not noticed then because he was such a dominant figure. There has been no one of his stature since, and while there has been a supposed move towards the democratization of the party, the allegations of rigging which have dogged it since 1968, have resurfaced in relation to some of the party ballots.  Although now in opposition for two decades, the PNC has failed to take the opportunity to regenerate itself or move to more secure ethical ground with an acknowledgement, at least, of its fraudulent past. Not surprisingly, therefore, it has not succeeded in achieving true credibility beyond its traditional voter base, and even that base can no longer be taken for granted.

The two major parties are undergoing change, in addition to which they are losing their relevance in the novel conditions of the twenty-first century. As such, their ability to continue as the same major political forces they once were, is waning. The ethnic pull which both parties exert at election times is still there, although its effectiveness can be blunted as was demonstrated to the PNCR in 2006, and the PPP/C in 2011.  As voters become more turned off  by the parties, the turn-out at general elections will eventually decline further.

Whether either party is capable at the moment of effecting genuine reform is in doubt; quite often these things play out over a longer time-frame and may require more visionary leadership than appears to be in the offing at the moment.  Owing to the structure of this society, in their heyday both entities were more than just political parties to their constituents; they were as well social organizations and to some extent social welfare organizations too. But those days have gone, and it remains to be seen whether either of them can transform itself in any radical way


Dem boys seh… De thiefing Republic of Guyana


Ralph is one of de people who been in de system and who now really talking about wha dem boys been saying all de time. Cheddi know bout de thiefing people he had to wuk wid suh he plan a thing he call community development council. Dem was de people who would look to see that all who get contract would do a proper job.
Well that last till Cheddi dead and Bharrat tek over. De community development council dead like Cheddi and thiefing really tek off like a rocket. De contractor talk how dem got to pay so much bribe that dem ain’t got money to finish de project.
Ralph talk bout dem big businessmen who decide to get involve because dem know wheh de money deh. He even talk bout dem big politicians who collect either directly or through people who collecting de money and passing it over.
Dem boys know bout a man who carry a briefcase full of foreign currency to a big man who dem boys does call de King Bee. Ralph know these things but he ain’t calling name. He end up saying that Guyana could soon be called de Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana. That is a big word but what it mean is that de big ones picking up every cent that poor people wuk hard to collect fuh build de country.
In other words, Guyana gun be known as de country wheh every big one is thief and when dem stop another one gun tek over.
Dem boys know this and when dem talk dem use to get cuss. Some of dem even get threaten. But dem continue to talk. But everybody know that when something is true dem who does do de thiefing does shut dem mouth. Nobody ain’t write a word about Ralph. De Hard Times paper use to cuss when people talk bout Barbie.
De time coming soon. De matter going to parliament and some people got to answer. But even some people got a plan. Dem planning to move de Minister who controlling de drugs and put in somebody who can’t talk because he don’t know nutten.
Talk half and report all who thiefing


Indeed there is massive corruption and bribery at every level of society in Guyana. Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Trotman are masters at the art of collecting bribe and shaking down their clients. Look now Ramjattan rob the 14year old burn victim who is alleged to have killed Ramnauth Bisram. These 3 mouseketeers have taken kickbacks all their lives and not expect us to believe they know what is best for Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Indeed there is massive corruption and bribery at every level of society in Guyana. Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Trotman are masters at the art of collecting bribe and shaking down their clients. Look now Ramjattan rob the 14year old burn victim who is alleged to have killed Ramnauth Bisram. These 3 mouseketeers have taken kickbacks all their lives and not expect us to believe they know what is best for Guyana. 

wile e coyote: "dis blocking ting is a fitting tribute to my genius"


har de har har harr 




Definitions of 'kleptocratic'         

 [klep-tok-ruh-see]                      - (Showing 1 definitions)         


1. government or state in which those in power .......
exploit national resources and steal;
rule by a thief or thieves

According to Ralph.....

"After 1997 the PPP is.....

P -  run, financed and controlled....

P - by Crab Louse, Cock-a-roach, Parasites.......

P -  and....... Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs"





Never mind that for 50 years Ralph Ramkarran watched and praised every action of the PPP that he now finds fault with. Never mind that only when he was considered unworthy for the Presidency and did not get the Speakership of the National Assembly he found his road to Damascus moment. But in in his last Sunday column Ramkarran took the cake when he weighed in on the β€œkleptocracy” that Guyana has  supposedly become under the PPP.

For us, and we're sure for many others out there though, Ramkarran would’ve been much more credible if he’d addressed the following:

(1) How did he and Sir Shridath Ramphal became owners of Tigerwood that cut timber in Iwokrama?

(2) How much he was bought out for as opposed to Kads Khan’s $130 million?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Never mind that for 50 years Ralph Ramkarran watched and praised every action of the PPP that he now finds fault with. Never mind that only when he was considered unworthy for the Presidency and did not get the Speakership of the National Assembly he found his road to Damascus moment. But in in his last Sunday column Ramkarran took the cake when he weighed in on the β€œkleptocracy” that Guyana has  supposedly become under the PPP.

For us, and we're sure for many others out there though, Ramkarran would’ve been much more credible if he’d addressed the following:

(1) How did he and Sir Shridath Ramphal became owners of Tigerwood that cut timber in Iwokrama?

(2) How much he was bought out for as opposed to Kads Khan’s $130 million?

If any of that happened under whose watch did it occur.....the PPP kleptocracy?



Anyway. I need your comment here. Benn jr likes to beat women and being a very dedicated anti woman abuser I would like to hear from the horses mouth since he is one of you associate. You folks used to "tag team post" here


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her.

Obviously traumatized by an abusive relationship, a crying Seenauth said that on hearing someone knock on the door she opened thinking that it was her brother whom she had been expecting. She said when her brother arrived later, she sent him away because she did not want him to see her face.

When told of the alleged occurrence, the younger Benn’s mother sounded quite distressed.

Seenauth said police at Brickdam Police station declined to take a report immediately although she had obtained a medical certificate from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). 

However, she intends to return to the station on Monday to make a report as part of steps to have Benn Jr. charged and the court issue a restraining order to stay away from her.

The woman said that Benn called her later on Sunday, apologising for what he had done to her. 

Seenauth did not deny that she had begged for him in the past after having reporting previous instances of alleged assault to the police. But this time, she is determined to let him face the full force of the law.

Sunday’s incident came two days before she had been due to give birth to their baby which she miscarried allegedly because Benn had kicked her several months ago at her home. During that incident, she had stabbed him once at her home resulting in him being hospitalized for several days at the GPHC.

They had been in a relationship for almost one year now until it ended when she was assaulted during the pregnancy. The woman lamented repeatedly that she has lost her baby and she would be going to a function at an orphanage without her child.

Already receiving support from Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness (CADVA), the woman expressed reluctance seeking assistance from other women’s rights organisations or counsellors.


Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" you appears to be in desperation mode, throwing red herrings left, right in center.....

No just want an answer and until I get one you will see this on every thread of yours.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her.

Obviously traumatized by an abusive relationship, a crying Seenauth said that on hearing someone knock on the door she opened thinking that it was her brother whom she had been expecting. She said when her brother arrived later, she sent him away because she did not want him to see her face.

When told of the alleged occurrence, the younger Benn’s mother sounded quite distressed.

Seenauth said police at Brickdam Police station declined to take a report immediately although she had obtained a medical certificate from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). 

However, she intends to return to the station on Monday to make a report as part of steps to have Benn Jr. charged and the court issue a restraining order to stay away from her.

The woman said that Benn called her later on Sunday, apologising for what he had done to her. 

Seenauth did not deny that she had begged for him in the past after having reporting previous instances of alleged assault to the police. But this time, she is determined to let him face the full force of the law.

Sunday’s incident came two days before she had been due to give birth to their baby which she miscarried allegedly because Benn had kicked her several months ago at her home. During that incident, she had stabbed him once at her home resulting in him being hospitalized for several days at the GPHC.

They had been in a relationship for almost one year now until it ended when she was assaulted during the pregnancy. The woman lamented repeatedly that she has lost her baby and she would be going to a function at an orphanage without her child.

Already receiving support from Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness (CADVA), the woman expressed reluctance seeking assistance from other women’s rights organisations or counsellors.

Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

There is a thread open by "God" that deals with this issue, lets share our views there, come on Danyeal don't spam the board, this thread is dealing with Ramkarran

 I need a comment about this serial abuser from you since he works with you and you know him personally.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its not good to point fingers and falsely accuse me of knowing him, perhaps you should comment on the poor Amerindians you exploitation on your farm.....should be ashamed of yourself



I do not have Amerindians working on my farm. I have a couple of cousins living on the property because we are co owners. They hire people from time to time but they are local villagers. I never had Amerinds working for me. I raise cows, sheep and plant rice.


If you do not know him then say,"I do not know this creep" etc Still need a comment.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.



AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its not good to point fingers and falsely accuse me of knowing him, perhaps you should comment on the poor Amerindians you exploitation on your farm.....should be ashamed of yourself



I do not have Amerindians working on my farm. I have a couple of cousins living on the property because we are co owners. They hire people from time to time but they are local villagers. I never had Amerinds working for me. I raise cows, sheep and plant rice.


If you do not know him then say,"I do not know this creep" etc Still need a comment.


Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend

Govt minister's son allegedly assaults ex-girlfriend


The son of a government minister has allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, leaving her with a swollen right eye and tender head just days before she had been due to give birth to their baby.

27-year old Vanisha Seenauth alleged that Robeson Benn Jr. barged into her home during the pre-dawn hours of Sunday when she opened the door and assaulted her......



Now virtually a recluse because of her traumatic experiences, Seenauth said that on one occasion she had decided to go to Hibiscus, Middle Street where she was allegedly assaulted in public by Benn.


Councee is unable to deny.


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