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@Former Member posted:

The former speaker, Ralph Ramkarran said that Claudette Singh can declare the election result with or without Lowenfield's report, or something to this nature. 

How good it that in a time like today?

Ralph is an idiot...he is now telling the coalition that they can go to the court to issue an injunction....that will drag this on for a long time...

@Former Member posted:

Guyana has some real dinosaurs in the current political arena, namely Ramkarran, Granger, Nagamootoo and Ramotar. These guys should retire and give younger, brighter and more energetic people a chance. Can you imagine if ANUG had made a big splash and won the election? -- All his relatives would get fancy jobs and perks, they will boast till eternity about their 200-year bloodline to the throne, etc. Hahaha//

I haven't witnessed any party exempted from family enrichment in the political arena. They are all the same. I said it before and I am saying it again. But the PNC since the sixties and up to Granger hasn't done squat to develop Guyana in any shape or form. 


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