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says cabinet’s failure to resign could lead to uncertainty, constitutional crisis

Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram

Charted Accountant and attorney-at-law Christopher Ram has filed legal proceedings in the High Court to validate the recently passed no confidence motion and have Government comply with constitutional provisions to demit office and call elections no later than March of this year.

As Government continues to hold fast to its 34 majority argument as one of its justifications for not demitting office, attorney and outspoken political commentator Christopher Ram is asking to High Court to do just that – declare that the President and the Cabinet resign in keeping with article 106 (6) of Guyana’s Constitution.

With the Attorney General Basil Williams and Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo as the named respondents; Ram wants the December 21, 2018 no confidence motion declared by the court as validly and lawfully passed, adding that Government should resign with convenient speed.

The case further outlines that Government should remain in office after the President takes the oath of office in 90 days or an extended period as agreed by two-thirds of the National Assembly as 106 (7) requires.

Ram’s legal argument makes it clear that elections must be held no later than March 21 and he is further seeking the court to declare that these proceedings be dealt with urgency.

His grounds of appeal seeking relief under the constitution state that government was defeated with 33 votes against 32; 18 days have passed and government has given no indication to resign and that cabinet’s failure to resign could lead to uncertainty and constitutional crisis.

Ram filed his writ this afternoon through attorney Kamal Ramkarran who heads the Guyana Bar Association – a body which has already supported the validity of no confidence motion.

Article 106 (6) of the Constitution states: “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”

Meanwhile, clause (7) goes on to state that, “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people.

If only you all got rid of Jagdeo, Anil and Irfaan.  They really cannot deal with those 3.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people 


Provide facts to support your claim of abused by PPP against blacks 

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people.

If only you all got rid of Jagdeo, Anil and Irfaan.  They really cannot deal with those 3.

Maybe PNC can also get rid of 50% of their leadership as well

Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

yesss, it's a "pressure" tactic

absurd in law or anything sane

but he's enjoying his star turn

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people.

If only you all got rid of Jagdeo, Anil and Irfaan.  They really cannot deal with those 3.

Maybe PNC can also get rid of 50% of their leadership as well

Perhaps 70 to 80% would be a reasonable amount.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people 


Provide facts to support your claim of abused by PPP against blacks 

I have no need to provide proof. Kwekwe drums beating hard.  If you refuse to listen to them that is your issue.

Ray posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people.

If only you all got rid of Jagdeo, Anil and Irfaan.  They really cannot deal with those 3.

Maybe PNC can also get rid of 50% of their leadership as well

The PNC is going to lose and you know it and are quite happy.

If you do not know what is happening in France, please acquaint yourself because unless the PPP is careful that might also be Guyana.  The PPP provoked a crisis so the onus is now on them to deal with the repercussions.

ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

yesss, it's a "pressure" tactic

absurd in law or anything sane

but he's enjoying his star turn

I hope those who boast about "pressure" can really take "pressure".  I can see why Cathy Hughes had to make her comments and if I were people I would take her seriously.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people


Provide facts to support your claim of abused by PPP against blacks 

I have no need to provide proof. Kwekwe drums beating hard.  If you refuse to listen to them that is your issue.

Banna, according to Jimmy Carter, PNC supporters were ready for violence on election day in 1992 when they had not yet experienced any PPP rule. Why do you think anything the PPP do can change their attitude? Even if Jesus was leading the PPP, PNC supporters would behave the same way.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ram finally came home.

Tassa drums and Kwekwe drums beating loud. Tribal war!

Who are you supporting? The Mandinka Warriors?

This racist skunk is beating the drums of tribal war and making references to Marcon yellow vest protest . 

These are the people who will instigate the fools back home while they enjoy the good life in Uncle Sam. 


ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people


Provide facts to support your claim of abused by PPP against blacks 

I have no need to provide proof. Kwekwe drums beating hard.  If you refuse to listen to them that is your issue.

Banna, according to Jimmy Carter, PNC supporters were ready for violence on election day in 1992 when they had not yet experienced any PPP rule. Why do you think anything the PPP do can change their attitude? Even if Jesus was leading the PPP, PNC supporters would behave the same way.

They started the voilence on coal street heading toward Gecom office . It was US President who phone Desmond Hoyte to have his goons off the street . And he so and Green hates him for this. 

yuji22 posted:

Ram finally came home.

Yuji, it is not a matter of coming home. He is very Independent. It is about JUSTICE, FAIRNESS, LAWS and Regulations. The entire Caribbean and others know how stupid the PNC are looking but they are using Diplomatic languages so not to INSULT the dumb PNC. The Jamaican PM said Guyana has a Constitutional Crisis but did not elaborate for diplomatic reasons. Trinis and others are calling on the Govt to " Respect the process and Constitution"

We are saying 33>32 and the World knows it.

Dave posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ram finally came home.

Tassa drums and Kwekwe drums beating loud. Tribal war!

Who are you supporting? The Mandinka Warriors?

This racist skunk is beating the drums of tribal war and making references to Marcon yellow vest protest . 

These are the people who will instigate the fools back home while they enjoy the good life in Uncle Sam. 


And when brother Gajraj crack some heads he run hide and halla like a Dummy!!!

caribny posted:
Ray posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Christopher Ram's court action is welcome. It adds pressure for validation of BJ's NCM that was passed on December 21. Way to go, Chris!

Kwekwe drums beating loud now.  You really think that the PPP can outreach without explaining its past abuse of black people.

If only you all got rid of Jagdeo, Anil and Irfaan.  They really cannot deal with those 3.

Maybe PNC can also get rid of 50% of their leadership as well

The PNC is going to lose and you know it and are quite happy.

If you do not know what is happening in France, please acquaint yourself because unless the PPP is careful that might also be Guyana.  The PPP provoked a crisis so the onus is now on them to deal with the repercussions.

Bannas...let the people decide, you too worked up over this. Yes, I'll be happy if they lose...just like I was happy when PPP lost the last time...

If you can't perform, then you should lose...that's the only way change happens...not one party being in power forever

PNC operated like they had a huge mandate...the difference was only one seat


Nehru posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ram finally came home.

Yuji, it is not a matter of coming home. He is very Independent. It is about JUSTICE, FAIRNESS, LAWS and Regulations. The entire Caribbean and others know how stupid the PNC are looking but they are using Diplomatic languages so not to INSULT the dumb PNC. The Jamaican PM said Guyana has a Constitutional Crisis but did not elaborate for diplomatic reasons. Trinis and others are calling on the Govt to " Respect the process and Constitution"

We are saying 33>32 and the World knows it.

Golding should explain why he was forced to resign instead of making pronouncements


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