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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

He is travelling..... off to the Ganges to wash away his trangressions.

I think he went to Gy to do a seminar  titled "Subterfuges and Ruses for he fully operational Customs Crook". and subtitled "If you cannot achieve full graft potential under this crooked administration then you simply cannot cut it as a Customs man"...


OK Guys.


I am back !


Hey Roar/AFC reject, I live in Woodbridge. Home of the mansions. Brampton is not for me. Just Google Woodbridge and see for yourself.


BTW, how does it feel being a reject and lecturing at a second grade University ?


I will have to read up before I start posting. Looks like the the mud slinging has started on this forum.


To those who started it, you better be able to take it back.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Guys.


I am back !


Hey Roar/AFC reject, I live in Woodbridge. Home of the mansions. Brampton is not for me. Just Google Woodbridge and see for yourself.


BTW, how does it feel being a reject and lecturing at a second grade University ?


I will have to read up before I start posting. Looks like the the mud slinging has started on this forum.


To those who started it, you better be able to take it back.



I am just curious because I am a UG student. What is a second grade university? 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Guys.


I am back !


Hey Roar/AFC reject, I live in Woodbridge. Home of the mansions. Brampton is not for me. Just Google Woodbridge and see for yourself.


BTW, how does it feel being a reject and lecturing at a second grade University ?


I will have to read up before I start posting. Looks like the the mud slinging has started on this forum.


To those who started it, you better be able to take it back.



I am just curious because I am a UG student. What is a second grade university? 

The one that TK lectures at.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Guys.


I am back !


Hey Roar/AFC reject, I live in Woodbridge. Home of the mansions. Brampton is not for me. Just Google Woodbridge and see for yourself.


BTW, how does it feel being a reject and lecturing at a second grade University ?


I will have to read up before I start posting. Looks like the the mud slinging has started on this forum.


To those who started it, you better be able to take it back.



I am just curious because I am a UG student. What is a second grade university? 

The one that TK lectures at.

It is probably true that my workplace is second tier depending on which media ranking you look it. It is the best four year college in Florida, which is by itself a state with 27 mill people and a GDP many times larger than CARICOM combined. It is the honors college of the State University System of Florida (SUSF). Do you know what honors college means Brahmin Yuji? From the perspective of the United States, it is typically ranked in the top 100 college out of a total 1400+. In that case it would be second tier compared with the private ones like Vassar, Swarthmore, Amherst, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Haverford and so on. Since it is a public college (the 12th campus of the SUSF), it is considered top tier (actually #3 in the entire US) when they rank education value by price. You get the same education as in Swarthmore, Haverford, Amherst, etc but for quarter the price – hence its absolute top best value ranking. In that case it is first tier. It has the highest per capita Fulbright awards for the US. Do you know how hard it is to get a Fulbright Brahmin Yuji? The typical incoming freshman will average 1400 on the SAT and have a high school GPA of 3.8/4. He/she will know two languages, know to play at least one musical instrument and possess a vibrant political attitude. I hope since you came from Brahmin non-onion/garlic/meat eating lineage you will be have pickneys who exceed dem these pickneys. BTW, Brahmin Yuji, when I was on the academic market 5 years ago (the most competitive market on the planet), I was interviewed by both Vassar and Haverford but chose to live 20 mins drive away from the best beach in America.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK Guys.


I am back !


Hey Roar/AFC reject, I live in Woodbridge. Home of the mansions. Brampton is not for me. Just Google Woodbridge and see for yourself.


BTW, how does it feel being a reject and lecturing at a second grade University ?


I will have to read up before I start posting. Looks like the the mud slinging has started on this forum.


To those who started it, you better be able to take it back.



I am just curious because I am a UG student. What is a second grade university? 

The one that TK lectures at.

It is probably true that my workplace is second tier depending on which media ranking you look it. It is the best four year college in Florida, which is by itself a state with 27 mill people and a GDP many times larger than CARICOM combined. It is the honors college of the State University System of Florida (SUSF). Do you know what honors college means Brahmin Yuji? From the perspective of the United States, it is typically ranked in the top 100 college out of a total 1400+. In that case it would be second tier compared with the private ones like Vassar, Swarthmore, Amherst, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Haverford and so on. Since it is a public college (the 12th campus of the SUSF), it is considered top tier (actually #3 in the entire US) when they rank education value by price. You get the same education as in Swarthmore, Haverford, Amherst, etc but for quarter the price – hence its absolute top best value ranking. In that case it is first tier. It has the highest per capita Fulbright awards for the US. Do you know how hard it is to get a Fulbright Brahmin Yuji? The typical incoming freshman will average 1400 on the SAT and have a high school GPA of 3.8/4. He/she will know two languages, know to play at least one musical instrument and possess a vibrant political attitude. I hope since you came from Brahmin non-onion/garlic/meat eating lineage you will be have pickneys who exceed dem these pickneys. BTW, Brahmin Yuji, when I was on the academic market 5 years ago (the most competitive market on the planet), I was interviewed by both Vassar and Haverford but chose to live 20 mins drive away from the best beach in America.



Dont spin this any and every way. By your own admission, your university is second grade. End of story.


You are also a ROAR and AFC reject. Will you now accept the facts ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are now like your AFC paid poster friend D2/Storm/God. Confused is an understatement. It is advisable that you keep your job at the second grade university.

Dummy, If you care to note I defend the AFC and I am absolutely against the crooks in the PPP. I am guyanese and no one has to pay me for my opinions. They are mine and they happen to be what I believe to be close to the truth.


What university did you go to in Canada that is first rate?  In any event, it is patently absurd for you, presumptively a graduate of a first class institution, to have internalized their culture. You obviously did not abstract their values and hardly can be said to display the institutional character of such a school. You are as pedestrian as they come.

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.

 Since you are into helping these fools clarify identity , you can do the same for God. I do not know thew man and he is not me...definitely not me since I have an aversion for gods. You can check the IP and tell these fools so the do not pretend they know more than they do which is often more  the case than not.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.



Thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to seeing uncle Ramacan't again

Will you now offer an apology ? Man up.


Oh sureâ€ĶI have no problem apologizing for referring to uncle Rama as Yuji. If it means that much to you then my apology.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.



Thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to seeing uncle Ramacan't again

Will you now offer an apology ? Man up.


Oh sureâ€ĶI have no problem apologizing for referring to uncle Rama as Yuji. If it means that much to you then my apology.


Your Ego will one day become your downfall. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.



Thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to seeing uncle Ramacan't again

Will you now offer an apology ? Man up.


Oh sureâ€ĶI have no problem apologizing for referring to uncle Rama as Yuji. If it means that much to you then my apology.


Your Ego will one day become your downfall. 



You are confusing my factual and researched criticisms of the PPP as ego. I am still waiting years for a reasonable rebuttal from upper hierarchy of the PPP to the points I have made over the years. All I get is a senior Indo man writing as Elizabeth Daly, Kimberly Edwards, etc, attacking me personally and confirmed idiots like you attacking me here on GNI. Give me some reasonable rebuttals. I have been waiting for years.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.



Thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to seeing uncle Ramacan't again

Will you now offer an apology ? Man up.


Oh sureâ€ĶI have no problem apologizing for referring to uncle Rama as Yuji. If it means that much to you then my apology.


Your Ego will one day become your downfall. 



You are confusing my factual and researched criticisms of the PPP as ego. I am still waiting years for a reasonable rebuttal from upper hierarchy of the PPP to the points I have made over the years. All I get is a senior Indo man writing as Elizabeth Daly, Kimberly Edwards, etc, attacking me personally and confirmed idiots like you attacking me here on GNI. Give me some reasonable rebuttals. I have been waiting for years.

Your ego will be your downfall.

Just sit back and read this post. It stinks of ego.

Who do you think you are ? You were rejected when you were with ROAR and now AFC.

What will be the new political part that you will join ? Your views are insignificant and have no value whatsoever. If they were, people would have listened to you and your political views.

You are failed politician and a political reject.

Can you not learn ?



Who do you think you are ? You were rejected when you were with ROAR and now AFC."


You don’t seem to get it. I am a political independent and not a slave to a party.I don’t need a political party for personal legitimacy and survival. I had a chance to be a PPP it is just that I cannot follow the path of devious propaganda and sycophancy. I even went to PPP ideology known as Accrebre.  I have done well for myself by myself. I don’t ever need a lil PPP wuk and hand out. There is nothing you idiots can teach me.   I can join/leave a party as I desire. I am usually paid for my views. Can you say the same for yourself?

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


Who do you think you are ? You were rejected when you were with ROAR and now AFC."


You don’t seem to get it. I am a political independent and not a slave to a party.I don’t need a political party for personal legitimacy and survival. I had a chance to be a PPP it is just that I cannot follow the path of devious propaganda and sycophancy. I even went to PPP ideology known as Accrebre.  I have done well for myself by myself. I don’t ever need a lil PPP wuk and hand out. There is nothing you idiots can teach me.   I can join/leave a party as I desire. I am usually paid for my views. Can you say the same for yourself?

Your ego will be your downfall. Remember this. 

Say whatever you want but the fact remains, you are a political reject. Keep spinning.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.

 Since you are into helping these fools clarify identity , you can do the same for God. I do not know thew man and he is not me...definitely not me since I have an aversion for gods. You can check the IP and tell these fools so the do not pretend they know more than they do which is often more  the case than not.

Stormborn is not God and does not post under any other alias here.

Originally Posted by Sunil:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.

 Since you are into helping these fools clarify identity , you can do the same for God. I do not know thew man and he is not me...definitely not me since I have an aversion for gods. You can check the IP and tell these fools so the do not pretend they know more than they do which is often more  the case than not.

Stormborn is not God and does not post under any other alias here.

Where is that Loonie Henry? I hope he's reading what the admin is saying here.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Sunil:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Rama is not Yuji.

 Since you are into helping these fools clarify identity , you can do the same for God. I do not know thew man and he is not me...definitely not me since I have an aversion for gods. You can check the IP and tell these fools so the do not pretend they know more than they do which is often more  the case than not.

Stormborn is not God and does not post under any other alias here.

Where is that Loonie Henry? I hope he's reading what the admin is saying here.



Henry is most likely pamazetting himself right now .


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