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"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may learn self-restraint."
Holy Quran

My dear respected brothers and sisters,

Assalam O Alaikum

Almighty Allah has once again blessed us to witness this holy month of Ramadan. I urge myself and all of you to make maximum use of this month, for just like a visitor , this month will come and leave us very quickly. Let's pray all our salaat, keep all our roja and pay our zakaat as prescribed.

This is the month of Quran, for in this month the holy Quran was revealed to our noble Prophet(owbp), read and listen to as much Quran as possible. Also Our beloved Prophet (uwbp) advised for us to seek the night of power, Lilatul Qadar, in the last 10 nights of this month.

Finally, we are living in an environment where over 52% of the citizens of NYC agreed with the NYPD to spy on muslims. More than ever, reach out to your non muslim neighbors and friends and invite them to iftar, to break the fast with you, at the same time explain to them about Ramadan.

On behalf of my parents wife , children,  and my three grand kids  I pray for all of you to have a blessed and enjoyable Ramadan 1433.

Bro Chief

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