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Ramaya (with Cheers from Nagamootoo) said the AFC will vote any money, even $10 billion for the sugar industry, but not a cent until there is a clear and detailed justification document for every single cent.


He said the AFC leaders are not "pagalee" to follow the PPP into the Atlantic Ocean.


OW god, my belly ah bust here with laughter!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

LASH and mo Lash.


Ramaya says the $20 a day increase for the pensioners cannot even buy a butter flap, much less butter and cheese.


WHAT a finish.


Bravo Ramaya, well done.


Ask Ramaya about the million dollar cat fish and baigan. Where de money gone ?


A bunch of dirty and rotten politicians.


Ha Ha.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

LASH and mo Lash.


Ramaya says the $20 a day increase for the pensioners cannot even buy a butter flap, much less butter and cheese.


WHAT a finish.


Bravo Ramaya, well done.


Ask Ramaya about the million dollar cat fish and baigan. Where de money gone ?


A bunch of dirty and rotten politicians.


Ha Ha.

Ask all them PPP leaders about the PENSIOn and the MANSIONS from the sweat of the workers.


AFC’s Ramaya pillories $625 uptick for old age pensioners

Posted By Stabroek editor On April 1, 2014 @ 2:39 pm In Local News | No Comments

AFC MP Dr. Veerasammy Ramaya on Monday took aim at government’s proposed 5% increase in old age pension.

“The $21 increase a day for pensioners can’t even buy a butter flap, let alone cheese and butter to go inside. A three-year-old would refuse to accept that from their parents to go to school,” Ramaya said as the first day of budget debate commenced in the National Assembly.

Finance Minister Ashni Singh last Monday had announced that one of the measures in the proposed $220 billion budget was a 5% increase in old age pension, taking it to $13,125 from the current $12,500, with effect from May 1.

One of the AFC’s many action plans for this year, Ramaya said, calls for $15,000 per month to be paid to pensioners. According to Ramaya, “the poor, the unemployed, the elderly, the youth and the disabled are under the gutter with the 2014 budget.”

Veerasammy Ramaya

Veerasammy Ramaya

Ramaya contended that the budget was designed as a pre-elections budget, “to fool rural Guyanaâ€ĶI saw half of a cup which contains bitter coffee and no sugar or milk. To describe this budget and the absence of sugar and milk is the decline of GuySuCo, and the bread and butter will be taken away from sugar workers.”

Ramaya also charged that the “white elephant Skeldon Sugar estate is now an octopus. The over US$200M invested on it could have rehabilitated the estates country wide than to operate a factory below 35% production.”

According to Ramaya, one of the action plans of AFC could have seen a better budget, “whereby the sugar workers could have been given a decent increase in their wages so that the coffee could have been rich with nuff milk.”

His party, he said, will vote for funds for the sugar belt once there is a clear justification for the request. “The AFC will vote for any money for the sugar industry once there is clear justification for it, we are not pagalee (stupid),” he told the National Assembly.

Ramaya also challenged the government to call local government elections so that the people of the sugar belt can have direct consultations with them.

He added that since 2011, Singh had said that $10.5B has been injected into the sugar belt, but the industry continues to suffer. “He now have the audacity to come and say that after spending all that money in the sugar belt, that sugar production contracted to some 186,000 tonnes. This is the lowest production of the PPP budget. Even after the great floods of 2005 that injured GuySuCo, the industry produced over 250,000 tonnes of sugar,” he pointed out.

Ramaya also flayed the Health Ministry, stating that several persons utilizing public hospitals have complained about shortages of beds, shortages of medicine and several patients are even given prescriptions to buy their own drugs. APNU MP Vanessa Kissoon at this point shouted that it was “going towards fake awara. They putting the drugs in fake awara.”

He also questioned why a significant amount of money was being spent to build a Specialty Hospital, when it could have been spent to upgrade the current hospitals.

Meanwhile, regarding crime Ramaya said that the $17.3B that was allocated to enhancing public safety and security and the number of serious crimes that occurred in 2013, revealed that this was similar to the days of the “Fineman gang.”

“Some 4200 serious crimes were reported in 2013, which included 155 murders. So, what really did the PPP spend this $17.3B on? I ask the Honorable Minister where this money was spent. What really is the Ministry spending all this money on?” he said, while adding that if tourism is to go up, the current crime rate must go down.

He also said that his party calls for a 20% salary increase across the board for all lawmen so that they can concentrate on solving crime and not “hustling a dollar.” The party also wants the reappointment of the Police Service Commission so that all eligible officers can be promoted accordingly, he noted.

He asserted that the party supports the establishment of the SWAT team but does not understand why the Government was so “slothful” in its establishment. Another establishment the party welcomes, he said, was that of the forensic lab. “Guyana has too many unsolved crimes. We have no confidence in Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee,” he added.

Further, he added that the police marine and air wings need to be operationalised and he noted that an AFC government would have put $120M to start this process.

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

All of you AFC supporters should ask why Moses was boasting about the PPP until he lost the bid to become the party's presidential candidate. Don't you think hot-tempered and power-hungry?


Moses made a crucial mistake. He became impatient and bitter and lost his chance of becoming President.


Look at him:


Rejected as Speaker in favour of Racist Trotman.


Rejected as Chairman and Leader of the AFC and has to settle as "Vice Chairman"


Indos in the AFC are ruled by Nigel, Trotman and Katty.


They have to settle as yard dogs and Dhobis (washer persons).


Pity the Indos in the AFC.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

He is now with people who once threw gander eggs in his face. When the gander egg smashed in his face he wiped it off and said "this is the PNC's policy. It stinks".  Moses suffered at the hands of the PNC when he was struggling with the PPP in the seventies and eighties.


He is now reduced to a dhobi (washer person). He has reduced himself to a PNC barking dog. 


He is the modern day definition of Neemakharam.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

He is now with people who once threw gander eggs in his face. When the gander egg smashed in his face he wiped it off and said "this is the PNC's policy. It stinks".  Moses suffered at the hands of the PNC when he was struggling with the PPP in the seventies and eighties.

You right. Isn't it sad how yall PPP rass does treat the man.

It's those with the mentality as that of the puke who posted after you that Moses got tired of and he skin all dem $#*nt up.

Last edited by cain

Justify request for $6B GuySuCo bailout – AFC


Government, through Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, has declared that sugar is too big to fail, but the Alliance For Change (AFC) has adopted the stance that if Government cannot justify its request for a more than $6B bailout, then that party will not support it.
This is according to Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya of the AFC who was the first representative of that party to make a presentation to the 2014 Budget debate on Monday last.
Dr. Ramayya described the 2014 Budget as “bitter coffee with no milk and sugar”. The AFC, he said, made the right decision to boycott the “fantasy speech” of the Minister of Finance when he presented the Budget
According to Dr. Ramayya, following a study of the 2014 budgetary estimates, it is clear that the needs of the majority of Guyanese will again go unmet “and the aspirations of our youth will continue to go unrealized.”
Dr. Ramayya told the House that the 2014 estimates were designed as a pre-electioneering Budget to fool rural Guyana. He drew reference to the decline of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and said that “the leakage of the cup is a decline of Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s legacy”.
In seeking to qualify the latter statement, he drew reference to a recent statement made by Dr. Jagan’s daughter, Nadira, when she said that certain elements of the party have separated themselves from the values Dr. Jagan shared, such as fighting for the working class citizens.
“When I look at some of the things happening I think my parents could have been turning in their graves if they were buried, but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers in which their ashes were thrown,” Dr. Ramayya quoted the former president’s daughter as expressing.
In speaking to the woes of the sugar industry, Dr. Ramayya was adamant that the more than US$200M spent on the Skeldon Sugar Factory could have rehabilitated all of the other estates countrywide, “rather than to keep this transfusion of taxpayers’ money to operate a factory below 25 per cent production and no electricity as boasted about from the inception.”
He stressed that it was poor management and administrative conduct that has sunk the sugar industry.
Dr. Ramayya reminded that in 2011 the House was told that more than $10B had been injected into the industry, but despite that, it continues to struggle.
“He (Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh) now has the audacity to now come and tell the nation that after spending all this money in the sugar belt, that sugar production contracted 15 per cent.”
According to Dr. Ramayya, the Skeldon Sugar factory remains the principal reason behind the expensive cost of production and no one is being held accountable.
“I challenge them to call the local government elections so that the people in the sugar belt can speak directly to them,” Dr. Ramayya said.
The AFC parliamentarian told the House that the current Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy was “given a basket to fetch water” when he assumed the portfolio, “but he cannot come here and ask for a further $6B without a clear and detailed plan on what this money will be used for.”
According to Dr. Ramayya, “the AFC in principle stands with the sugar workers and their families and we shall vote for any funds for the sugar belt once there is a clear justification for the request.”
He said that the AFC has always stood with the workers in the sugar belt, “but we are not pagalee,” to provide billions for Government to squander.


Originally Posted by KishanB:

Justify request for $6B GuySuCo bailout – AFC


Government, through Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, has declared that sugar is too big to fail, but the Alliance For Change (AFC) has adopted the stance that if Government cannot justify its request for a more than $6B bailout, then that party will not support it.
This is according to Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya of the AFC who was the first representative of that party to make a presentation to the 2014 Budget debate on Monday last.
Dr. Ramayya described the 2014 Budget as “bitter coffee with no milk and sugar”. The AFC, he said, made the right decision to boycott the “fantasy speech” of the Minister of Finance when he presented the Budget
According to Dr. Ramayya, following a study of the 2014 budgetary estimates, it is clear that the needs of the majority of Guyanese will again go unmet “and the aspirations of our youth will continue to go unrealized.”
Dr. Ramayya told the House that the 2014 estimates were designed as a pre-electioneering Budget to fool rural Guyana. He drew reference to the decline of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and said that “the leakage of the cup is a decline of Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s legacy”.
In seeking to qualify the latter statement, he drew reference to a recent statement made by Dr. Jagan’s daughter, Nadira, when she said that certain elements of the party have separated themselves from the values Dr. Jagan shared, such as fighting for the working class citizens.
“When I look at some of the things happening I think my parents could have been turning in their graves if they were buried, but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers in which their ashes were thrown,” Dr. Ramayya quoted the former president’s daughter as expressing.
In speaking to the woes of the sugar industry, Dr. Ramayya was adamant that the more than US$200M spent on the Skeldon Sugar Factory could have rehabilitated all of the other estates countrywide, “rather than to keep this transfusion of taxpayers’ money to operate a factory below 25 per cent production and no electricity as boasted about from the inception.”
He stressed that it was poor management and administrative conduct that has sunk the sugar industry.
Dr. Ramayya reminded that in 2011 the House was told that more than $10B had been injected into the industry, but despite that, it continues to struggle.
“He (Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh) now has the audacity to now come and tell the nation that after spending all this money in the sugar belt, that sugar production contracted 15 per cent.”
According to Dr. Ramayya, the Skeldon Sugar factory remains the principal reason behind the expensive cost of production and no one is being held accountable.
“I challenge them to call the local government elections so that the people in the sugar belt can speak directly to them,” Dr. Ramayya said.
The AFC parliamentarian told the House that the current Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy was “given a basket to fetch water” when he assumed the portfolio, “but he cannot come here and ask for a further $6B without a clear and detailed plan on what this money will be used for.”
According to Dr. Ramayya, “the AFC in principle stands with the sugar workers and their families and we shall vote for any funds for the sugar belt once there is a clear justification for the request.”
He said that the AFC has always stood with the workers in the sugar belt, “but we are not pagalee,” to provide billions for Government to squander.


Veerasammy Ramaya

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

He is now with people who once threw gander eggs in his face. When the gander egg smashed in his face he wiped it off and said "this is the PNC's policy. It stinks".  Moses suffered at the hands of the PNC when he was struggling with the PPP in the seventies and eighties.


He is now reduced to a dhobi (washer person). He has reduced himself to a PNC barking dog. 


He is the modern day definition of Neemakharam.

MOSES struggle for a better country with honest people,not help with little devils

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

He is now with people who once threw gander eggs in his face. When the gander egg smashed in his face he wiped it off and said "this is the PNC's policy. It stinks".  Moses suffered at the hands of the PNC when he was struggling with the PPP in the seventies and eighties.


He is now reduced to a dhobi (washer person). He has reduced himself to a PNC barking dog. 


He is the modern day definition of Neemakharam.

MOSES struggle for a better country with honest people,not help with little devils

I got news for you. No POLITICIAN has anybody's interest at heart. He/she is there to better himself/herself only. Think!!!


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