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Former Member

Dr. Ramayya replies to the Prime Minister

Dear Editor,

For Mr Moses Nagamooto, as someone who has the responsibility for all ministries, to say I was incompetent as the REO, is a dishonest statement, and should have known better than to give me that responsibility. He said that I did not give him details about corruptions in Region 6. However, I indicated to him the following, the component of the tender board; single sourcing for medical supplies; the attitude of the CEO at New Amsterdam Hospital; the contract for the cleaning of septic tanks, which was again not tendered and costed about 2 million dollars and was discharged in the hospital yards by buckets.
I spoke to the PS about a contract given to an electrical contractor who was paid approximately one million dollars for wiring the hospital and health clinic; no consultation with the REO was done by the RHO Jevaughn Stephens. There are too many to cite, and the AFC leaders are not willing to ‘rock the boat”. They have to maintain the status quo at all cost
Moreover, if I had intended to simply enjoy the ride I would have had the two deputy REOs to do the work, and I would not have been deemed by Mr Nagamootoo, as incompetent. It was because I was attempting to get to the bottom of corruption everywhere and to save the poor taxpayers’ money which was is being misspent. Complaints were made to Mr. Nagamootoo and Mr. Ramjattan about me regarding job processes, and I indicated to the PM that protocols have to be followed but apparently it did not go down well.
I presumed that had the PM browsed the dailies and would have seen my attempts to stop the corrupt practices. However no one came to my assistance, thereby allowing state money to be abused. So I do not know how PM can state that from the inception, I rejected the coalition. He is trying to paint me as a racist. Mr. Nagamootoo, I do hope you can recall, when both yourself and Khemraj were on channel 8, prior to the elections, when you crossed from the PPP before nomination day and stated to the people of Berbice that the AFC will not (let me emphasize) associate itself with the PNC or the PPP because they are corrupt in nature, and had brought Guyana to where it is.
Both of you failed the people, but Ramayya stood his ground. My principles are more important than positions. Secondly, AFC was the strongest third force ever to be in Guyana, in a political culture that could have brought the greatest balance between the two major political parties and bad practices could have been corrected. This ideal was sold out.
When I joined the AFC in 2011, I asked a simple question; what was the elections result in Region 6 and 5? Ramayya’s strong financial input along with his charisma changed the output of 2011 and that was the formation, not the 2015 elections. Khemraj interestingly indicated to the press that the party owed not a dime to Ramayya. He (Khemraj) should tell the people of Guyana how they received 35,000 votes of which over 13,000 came from Region 6 and 5; how did they get it? I invested two new vehicles, two PA systems, over 40 foot soldiers. My wife cooked like a slave. My business closed for 4 months while both of them were still practicing their professions. On top of everything else Ramayya had to do battle in a war when they were sitting down in Georgetown. I simply asked Khemraj if 5 million dollars can run a campaign in Berbice, against the PPP regime.
I could rightfully state that Ramayya’s sacrifices gave AFC elites, titles for a good retirement pension. Thus, I gradually became a pariah within the coalition and the conspiracy to get rid of me had taken root. Just as a reminder; Ramayya will leaving because of his true principles as I have not betrayed my fellow Guyanese.
Veerasammy Ramayya  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.


the contract for the cleaning of septic tanks, which was again not tendered and costed about 2 million dollars and was discharged in the hospital yards by buckets.

This is disgusting!!! 

He (Khemraj) should tell the people of Guyana how they received 35,000 votes of which over 13,000 came from Region 6 and 5;

Watch out for a sharp reaction to this statement of fact from GNI's most prominent black nationalist, Carib DeBacoo. The PPP lost the elections by a few thousand votes.  The Indo votes lost to the AFC robbed the PPP of a simple majority.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

As long as he don't support the PPP he aright.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

As long as he don't support the PPP he aright.

FYI.. PNC is the reason Guyana cannot and will not make any progress. Their supporters are always takers and not doers.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

As long as he don't support the PPP he aright.

FYI.. PNC is the reason Guyana cannot and will not make any progress. Their supporters are always takers and not doers.

Bhai SHIT HEADS are just not capable of understanding basics.


Ok folks,

Gil has done the honourable thing by stating that the no longer supports the AFC.

The AFC headed by Moses and Ramjattan have proven to be a bunch of conmen. Many more will come forward in due course and expose these conmen. It is only a matter to time.

We must give due credit to Gil for speaking out. He declared that he is now a free agent and that is good enough for me. I insist that those who are attacking Gil to desist from doing so.

We cannot continue to behave in an old PPP mode of branding others when the PPP also have faults and those who left might come back home based on certain conditions.

Let us work with independents, free agents and other like minded individuals in continuing to expose the AFC which lied to Guyanese.

Ramayya is doing the honourable thing and it further exposes the Neemahkaram Moses. We have been proven right that Moses is a fraud and neemakharam.

Moving forward, we need to welcome and work in with those in alliance and opposed to the AFC. It is the right thing to do. The PPP now has to elect a new leader and move beyond Jagdeo. He served honourably and is a two term democratically elected leader. Like it or not.

The PPP now needs to elect a new leader who is opposed to corruption, wants to make the PPP democratic, inclusive, transparent and a multi racial party. Doing so will bring in the moderates like Gil back to the PPP.

This is good news for us. We must act and behave civilized and good things will come back to us in 2020.

Granger has also acted unprofessionally by not raining some of the crooks. it is only a matter of time before it becomes a boiling point.



Last edited by Former Member

Quote by Billy:

"Watch out for a sharp reaction to this statement of fact from GNI's most prominent black nationalist, Carib DeBacoo."


Be careful and mindful of Bacist Black Nationalits like DeBacoo Carib who is spreading hate and anti Indo sentiment at GNI.  He is the only one left with a pack of very racist cards in his hands. He played and conned Indo AFC supporters and is now showing his true racist colours.

He can fool them one but not twice.

yuji22 posted:

Quote by Billy:

"Watch out for a sharp reaction to this statement of fact from GNI's most prominent black nationalist, Carib DeBacoo."


Be careful and mindful of Bacist Black Nationalits like DeBacoo Carib who is spreading hate and anti Indo sentiment at GNI.  He is the only one left with a pack of very racist cards in his hands. He played and conned Indo AFC supporters and is now showing his true racist colours.

He can fool them one but not twice.

I hope so but a few seems incapable of avoiding being fooled again and again!!!!!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

Read de orange line, bai. Na play chuppit. If yuh don't know wha "No-Go" means, consult Warria.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Gilbakka, are you ready to get on your knees and beg the PPP and the Indians for forgiveness? Don't be ashamed my brother. I was once a neemakaram, too. 

I don't have to beg the PPP for anything. I ceased being a card-carrying PPP member since May 1992. I was not an AFC member. Only a supporter. Party membership in PPP, PNC, AFC etc is a No-Go. I am a free agent.

So are you a full fledged PNC supporter now?

Read de orange line, bai. Na play chuppit. If yuh don't know wha "No-Go" means, consult Warria.

Bai me see you rite dat you give critical suppoat to APNU. Either you suppoat or you don't? Nah worry wid warria. Look like de man deh in prison. No word from you side kick dis lang?


Tipping my hat to Ramayya


"I could rightfully state that Ramayya’s sacrifices gave AFC elites, titles for a good retirement pension. Thus, I gradually became a pariah within the coalition and the conspiracy to get rid of me had taken root. Just as a reminder; Ramayya will leaving because of his true principles as I have not betrayed my fellow Guyanese."

He fought for his party and was stabbed in the back by Moses and Ramjattan. His response in this letter exposes the true character of Moses and Ramajattan.I



In the end, Moses left the PPP because of power and his own self interest. Yes there was corruption but he only used that as an excuse for his selfish gain.

The same can be said of Ramjattan.

These two selfish individuals have abandoned those who toiled to get them where they are today and like true Neemakharams, they stabbed everyone in the back.

Shame on Moses and Ramjattan.

2020 will be the moment of truth. They probably will be firmly rooted at Congress Place and will be busy stuffing ballot boxes. They have no dignity left.

Paging Gerhard, what are your thoughts ? You are the only person whom I trusted in the AFC.

Paging Gerhard.

Paging T.K. You were always talking about fighting corruption and dignity. 

Paging T.K

Is this what both of you fought for ?


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

In the end, Moses left the PPP because of power and his own self interest. Yes there was corruption but he only used that as an excuse for his selfish gain.

The same can be said of Ramjattan.

These two selfish individuals have abandoned those who toiled to get them where they are today and like true Neemakharams, they stabbed everyone in the back.

Shame on Moses and Ramjattan.

2020 will be the moment of truth. They probably will be firmly rooted at Congress Place and will be busy stuffing ballot boxes. They have no dignity left.

Paging Gerhard, what are your thoughts ? You are the only person whom I trusted in the AFC.

Paging Gerhard.

Paging T.K. You were always talking about fighting corruption and dignity. 

Paging T.K

Is this what both of you fought for ?


Yuji, get serious. Money has blinded these fools. They sold their souls for less than 17 pieces of silver.


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