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Ramjattan: AFC Congress will be held after vote on no-confidence motion


Ramjattan: AFC Congress will be held after vote on no-confidence motion
President Donald Ramotar

THE Alliance for Change (AFC) Congress, which was billed for October 25, will be held “as soon as the no-confidence motion” is passed, according to the party’s leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. 


Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader


“As soon as the no-confidence motion is approved, the AFC’s Congress will be held,” he told the Guyana Chronicle, in an invited comment.

The AFC had previously said that postponement of its Congress was due to the fact that a date had not been set for the reconvening of the National Assembly.

The House has not met since it came out of recess on October 10 and prior to going into its annual two-month recess on August 10, there had been no sitting since July 10.

However, a November sitting, according to the Clerk of the House, Mr. Sherlock Isaacs, is not unprecedented, as this has been the case in the last several years.

Since the hullaballoo over the reconvening of the House and the consequent difference of opinions of who had the authority to call a sitting, President Donald Ramotar on Saturday directed that steps be taken to convene a sitting of the National Assembly within the next 14 days.


Sherlock Isaacs

Sherlock Isaacs


The Clerk had also confirmed that the authority to call a sitting lies with the Central Government. Since the President’s instruction, the Government has reiterated its position that the convening of a sitting of the National Assembly must be done in accordance with the Standing Orders and long cherished parliamentary practices. The Government had a number of pending legislative matters to be brought before the House prior to the annual recess. Further, there are important financial papers relating to the development of the country and growth of the economy that need to be urgently addressed.


The hot-button issue up for consideration is the Alliance for Change (AFC) sponsored no-confidence motion against the current Administration.

The first inkling the public had that the AFC planned moving a no-confidence motion against the Government was back in mid-June, when party Vice-Chairman Mr. Moses Nagamootoo hinted at it.

He did so by way of an article published in the Stabroek News and headlined, “AFC considering no-confidence motion against Gov’t.” He, however, acknowledged that to do so would require the support of the main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

The AFC’s position was strengthened on Tuesday, August 5, when APNU Leader Brigadier (rtd.) David Granger publicly confirmed that his party was fully behind the no-confidence motion.

The first page of the Motion reads: “Be it resolved that this National Assembly has no confidence in the Government.” It was seconded by AFC Executive Member and Member of Parliament (MP) Mrs. Cathy Hughes.


As stated in Section 106 (6) of the Constitution: “The Cabinet and President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of the majority of all Members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”

This is made even clearer in Section 106 (7), which states: “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office, and shall hold an election within three months or such longer period as the National Assembly shall, by resolution supported by no less than two-thirds of all elected members of the National Assembly, (approve); and shall resign after a new President takes the oath of office following the election.”


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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
THE Alliance for Change (AFC) Congress, which was billed for October 25, will be held “as soon as the no-confidence motion” is passed, according to the party’s leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. 


“As soon as the no-confidence motion is approved, the AFC’s Congress will be held,” he told the Guyana Chronicle, in an invited comment.

The AFC had previously said that postponement of its Congress was due to the fact that a date had not been set for the reconvening of the National Assembly.


Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader


With its dwindling support, perhaps the AFC can hold its Congress in any confined location that has capacity for about 25 individuals. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
THE Alliance for Change (AFC) Congress, which was billed for October 25, will be held “as soon as the no-confidence motion” is passed, according to the party’s leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. 


“As soon as the no-confidence motion is approved, the AFC’s Congress will be held,” he told the Guyana Chronicle, in an invited comment.

The AFC had previously said that postponement of its Congress was due to the fact that a date had not been set for the reconvening of the National Assembly.


Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader

Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Leader


With its dwindling support, perhaps the AFC can hold its Congress in any confined location that has capacity for about 25 individuals. 

Dwindling support based on what data?


Could it be that the PPP has in their possession poll data that shows the AFC surging and this is why they are in a panic and they are trying their best to dodge the No confidence vote? 




Simple matter .. AFC can proceed with the no-confidence vote.


In the meantime, the PPP/C will continue to govern and provide the services to Guyanese.


Should the no-confidence motion be approved in the legislature, it is well known that elections must be held within ninety days, or it could be longer based on legislative approval of no less than two-thirds of all the members.


AFC wants to take credit for bringing down the PPP govt by their no confidence motion because that's all they get to flaunt about. They failed to realize that the motion will take time during the debate and its a big question (if it will ever pass). The PPP always have the option to dissolved parliament and go back to the poll to bring home the trophy. Ramjattan will never get the benefit to hold its own congress. It's like pouring water on duck's back.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP always have the option to dissolved parliament and go back to the poll to bring home the trophy.

Correct; it will occur as time permits but it will never be forced on the PPP/C.


The minority government you stubbornly claimed holds the executive power in Guyana. They won the largest block of votes among the three independent parties. APNU comes in second, and AFC as the smallest of them all. The PPP has one seat less than the combine opposition. This wouldn't happen again.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The minority government you stubbornly claimed holds the executive power in Guyana. They won the largest block of votes among the three independent parties. APNU comes in second, and AFC as the smallest of them all. The PPP has one seat less than the combine opposition. This wouldn't happen again.

If Ramotar hold so much power why is he hiding and bluffing? go and call the bloody elections now and stop being a Burger man party. Show some testicular fortitude for a change and stop hiding behind poor lil johnnie.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

What is this......

De PNC HYDRO-SEED Engineer....

Talking about dwindling Support....


Mits it look like this chap.....

Hoping fuh Count His Hydro Seed as PPP Support

Eeee Believe eee Godey is a full Ballot Box.....

How will he convert a Godey into Votes....



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