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VAT chop for Ramotar, AFC talks
Posted By Stabroek staff On January 26, 2012 @ 5:31 am In Local |
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is to meet with President Donald Ramotar tomorrow to further discuss issues related to the national budget and is optimistic that the two parties would be able to reach a compromise on issues such as the reduction in VAT and increases in public sector wages.
“We still have hope,” said Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, speaking at a press conference yesterday held at the Sidewalk Cafe. “We are saying that we would like to negotiate with [President Ramotar] the decrease of the VAT, so that all the workers and consumers of Guyana could benefit,” he said. Ramjattan would be engaging the President on behalf of the AFC tomorrow.
He said that this was a call made by a majority of the Guyanese and which was in the campaign manifestos of the political parties including the PPP. “So we in the AFC as part of our list of priorities have indicated that it drops to 12 percent (from 16 percent). We would like to see that and that is what we will go there for. We also want to see an increase (in wages) and we are asking for 20 percent increase. If it does not happen and we get an 8 or 10, fine, we will work along with that. We would want to see a rationale of why it can’t go higher,” he said.
“We would also want to see better governance in Parliament and a number of other things, which we will highlight to him as part of our list of priorities,” he said.
“We believe that if you want to work in this new dispensation there must be magnanimity on the part of all –APNU, AFC and PPP/C. I feel that there can be some concessions by virtue of with arguments and good rationalization,” he said. He added that the AFC would be willing to concede positions also as they strive to arrive at agreements.
Questioned about the Government’s concerns over talks between the AFC and APNU, Ramjattan said that Government need not concern itself about this. “When the AFC is talking with APNU it is talking about that which we want in the national interest and if when we talk in the national interest, the PPP must understand that that is going to be beneficial for their constituents,” he said. He said that Government’s apprehension does not have any foundation. “We are not going to do anything to damage the present regime or that would be untoward to what the new dispensation is,” he said. “We just want the PPP/C party to understand that it has to live with this new dispensation. We have tried to talk to them on very many issues and it looks like now we are going to talk,” he said.
Ramjattan accused Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon of playing brinkmanship and saying that nothing will happen.
The AFC had earlier urged President Ramotar to summon the meeting under the Tripartite Arrangement to examine the 2012 Budget. “The Budget is of critical importance and we urge the Government to treat this matter as ‘top-most’ priority,” the AFC said.
Article printed from Stabroek News:
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Copyright © 2010 Stabroek News. All rights reserved.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good to see AFC getting on with the people's businesss.
I would prefer to see a reduction in Income Taxes and restoration of allowances, such as mortgage interest, for tax payers. This would help the middle-class workers who are carrying the brunt of the tax burden.
Originally posted by Nehru:

Caribj will disagree. Wink
Originally posted by Gupta:
Ramotar, AFC and APNU will continue to have discussions moving Guyana Forward. Luncheon is the one whining and crying. Was he set up to do that?
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
- Stabroek News - -
VAT chop for Ramotar, AFC talks
Posted By Stabroek staff On January 26, 2012 @ 5:31 am In Local |
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is to meet with President Donald Ramotar tomorrow to further discuss issues related to the national budget and is optimistic that the two parties would be able to reach a compromise on issues such as the reduction in VAT and increases in public sector wages.
“We still have hope,” said Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, speaking at a press conference yesterday held at the Sidewalk Cafe. “We are saying that we would like to negotiate with [President Ramotar] the decrease of the VAT, so that all the workers and consumers of Guyana could benefit,” he said. Ramjattan would be engaging the President on behalf of the AFC tomorrow.
He said that this was a call made by a majority of the Guyanese and which was in the campaign manifestos of the political parties including the PPP. “So we in the AFC as part of our list of priorities have indicated that it drops to 12 percent (from 16 percent). We would like to see that and that is what we will go there for. We also want to see an increase (in wages) and we are asking for 20 percent increase. If it does not happen and we get an 8 or 10, fine, we will work along with that. We would want to see a rationale of why it can’t go higher,” he said.
“We would also want to see better governance in Parliament and a number of other things, which we will highlight to him as part of our list of priorities,” he said.
“We believe that if you want to work in this new dispensation there must be magnanimity on the part of all –APNU, AFC and PPP/C. I feel that there can be some concessions by virtue of with arguments and good rationalization,” he said. He added that the AFC would be willing to concede positions also as they strive to arrive at agreements.
Questioned about the Government’s concerns over talks between the AFC and APNU, Ramjattan said that Government need not concern itself about this. “When the AFC is talking with APNU it is talking about that which we want in the national interest and if when we talk in the national interest, the PPP must understand that that is going to be beneficial for their constituents,” he said. He said that Government’s apprehension does not have any foundation. “We are not going to do anything to damage the present regime or that would be untoward to what the new dispensation is,” he said. “We just want the PPP/C party to understand that it has to live with this new dispensation. We have tried to talk to them on very many issues and it looks like now we are going to talk,” he said.
Ramjattan accused Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon of playing brinkmanship and saying that nothing will happen.
The AFC had earlier urged President Ramotar to summon the meeting under the Tripartite Arrangement to examine the 2012 Budget. “The Budget is of critical importance and we urge the Government to treat this matter as ‘top-most’ priority,” the AFC said.
Article printed from Stabroek News:
URL to article:
Copyright © 2010 Stabroek News. All rights reserved.

I thought that the negotiations of wage increases for Public Servants was the responsibilty of GPSU. Did Ramjattan tear up the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between GPSU and the Guyana Government? Are Public Servants now paying Union Dues to the AFC? Why are Public Servants more deserving than Cane and Rice Farmers and other hard working Guyanese. Ramjattan, why not make a case for them too. They produce the real wealth for Guyana.
Ow Bhai leh dem man shine lil nah. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
- Stabroek News - -
VAT chop for Ramotar, AFC talks
Posted By Stabroek staff On January 26, 2012 @ 5:31 am In Local |
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is to meet with President Donald Ramotar tomorrow to further discuss issues related to the national budget and is optimistic that the two parties would be able to reach a compromise on issues such as the reduction in VAT and increases in public sector wages.
“We still have hope,” said Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, speaking at a press conference yesterday held at the Sidewalk Cafe. “We are saying that we would like to negotiate with [President Ramotar] the decrease of the VAT, so that all the workers and consumers of Guyana could benefit,” he said. Ramjattan would be engaging the President on behalf of the AFC tomorrow.
He said that this was a call made by a majority of the Guyanese and which was in the campaign manifestos of the political parties including the PPP. “So we in the AFC as part of our list of priorities have indicated that it drops to 12 percent (from 16 percent). We would like to see that and that is what we will go there for. We also want to see an increase (in wages) and we are asking for 20 percent increase. If it does not happen and we get an 8 or 10, fine, we will work along with that. We would want to see a rationale of why it can’t go higher,” he said.
“We would also want to see better governance in Parliament and a number of other things, which we will highlight to him as part of our list of priorities,” he said.
“We believe that if you want to work in this new dispensation there must be magnanimity on the part of all –APNU, AFC and PPP/C. I feel that there can be some concessions by virtue of with arguments and good rationalization,” he said. He added that the AFC would be willing to concede positions also as they strive to arrive at agreements.
Questioned about the Government’s concerns over talks between the AFC and APNU, Ramjattan said that Government need not concern itself about this. “When the AFC is talking with APNU it is talking about that which we want in the national interest and if when we talk in the national interest, the PPP must understand that that is going to be beneficial for their constituents,” he said. He said that Government’s apprehension does not have any foundation. “We are not going to do anything to damage the present regime or that would be untoward to what the new dispensation is,” he said. “We just want the PPP/C party to understand that it has to live with this new dispensation. We have tried to talk to them on very many issues and it looks like now we are going to talk,” he said.
Ramjattan accused Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon of playing brinkmanship and saying that nothing will happen.
The AFC had earlier urged President Ramotar to summon the meeting under the Tripartite Arrangement to examine the 2012 Budget. “The Budget is of critical importance and we urge the Government to treat this matter as ‘top-most’ priority,” the AFC said.
Article printed from Stabroek News:
URL to article:
Copyright © 2010 Stabroek News. All rights reserved.

I thought that the negotiations of wage increases for Public Servants was the responsibilty of GPSU. Did Ramjattan tear up the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between GPSU and the Guyana Government? Are Public Servants now paying Union Dues to the AFC? Why are Public Servants more deserving than Cane and Rice Farmers and other hard working Guyanese. Ramjattan, why not make a case for them too. They produce the real wealth for Guyana.
GTUC against salary negotiations at tripartite level PDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles
Thursday, 26 January 2012 18:34
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FLASHBACK: The three parties meeting on December 1 at Parliament Building.

As the parliamentary political parties prepare for the tripartite talks set to begin on Friday one trade union group is taking the AFC to task for having wages and salary increases for public servants on its agenda.

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday invited the two opposition parties to meet and the AFC identified the budget and salary increases as two of its concerns.

According to party chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, they will be pushing for a 20 percent increase but would settle for eight or 10 percent with reason. On Thursday the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) commended the party for taking on board Labour’s interests but added that it wished to record “serious concern for its modus operandi in achieving these objectives outside of the realm of discussions, negotiations and agreement with the GTUC and /or the public sector represented unions.”

“According to the a statement from GTUC General Secretary Lincoln Lewis their commendable intent are in conflict with the Constitution, the Trade Union Recognition Act, and ILO Conventions.

“AFC must also be aware that its actions may also be interpreted as being supportive of poor governance, breach of industrial practices, and giving President Ramotar encouragement to micro manage by ignoring the respective Ministerial portfolios. Importantly, such actions also leave no room to appeal to the presidential office if and when the need arises,” Lewis stated.

According to him, Labour would welcome the political support but disregarding the trade unions right to self-determination is “tantamount to violating fundamental rights, undermining the labour movement and continuing the spate of lawlessness which Guyana is still reeling from.”

Lewis said it is this they expect the AFC to change in order to ensure accountability, peaceful co-existence and national development.

“GTUC while recognizing the need for public sector salaries and wages increases is not prepared to have any organization, group or individual regardless of our common interest, usurp the authority of unions and undermine labour’s role in representing workers.

We expect the AFC not to join forces with President Ramotar to transgress workers’ rights, undermine ministerial portfolios, and violate our laws whether knowingly or unknowingly,” Lewis declared.

He called on the AFC to postpone such salary talks until it has had proper engagement with the unions and worker representatives to hash out a plan with the bodies playing their rightful role with support from the party.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition and APNU chairman David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News ( on Thursday that the coalition is looking forward to the start of the tripartite talks which it believes is important to advance the programme of governance.

Acknowledging that the meeting is being held at the invitation of the president, Granger said they will be going with an open mind but nevertheless they will be looking to put certain things on the table.

These include the improvement of public financial management, constitutional reform and the strengthening of public institutions.

Friday’s meeting is set for 3PM at the Office of the President.
Originally posted by Dondadda:
GTUC against salary negotiations at tripartite level PDF | Print |
Written by Kwesi Isles
Thursday, 26 January 2012 18:34
AddThis Social Bookmark Button
FLASHBACK: The three parties meeting on December 1 at Parliament Building.

As the parliamentary political parties prepare for the tripartite talks set to begin on Friday one trade union group is taking the AFC to task for having wages and salary increases for public servants on its agenda.

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday invited the two opposition parties to meet and the AFC identified the budget and salary increases as two of its concerns.

According to party chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, they will be pushing for a 20 percent increase but would settle for eight or 10 percent with reason. On Thursday the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) commended the party for taking on board Labour’s interests but added that it wished to record “serious concern for its modus operandi in achieving these objectives outside of the realm of discussions, negotiations and agreement with the GTUC and /or the public sector represented unions.”

“According to the a statement from GTUC General Secretary Lincoln Lewis their commendable intent are in conflict with the Constitution, the Trade Union Recognition Act, and ILO Conventions.

“AFC must also be aware that its actions may also be interpreted as being supportive of poor governance, breach of industrial practices, and giving President Ramotar encouragement to micro manage by ignoring the respective Ministerial portfolios. Importantly, such actions also leave no room to appeal to the presidential office if and when the need arises,” Lewis stated.

According to him, Labour would welcome the political support but disregarding the trade unions right to self-determination is “tantamount to violating fundamental rights, undermining the labour movement and continuing the spate of lawlessness which Guyana is still reeling from.”

Lewis said it is this they expect the AFC to change in order to ensure accountability, peaceful co-existence and national development.

“GTUC while recognizing the need for public sector salaries and wages increases is not prepared to have any organization, group or individual regardless of our common interest, usurp the authority of unions and undermine labour’s role in representing workers.

We expect the AFC not to join forces with President Ramotar to transgress workers’ rights, undermine ministerial portfolios, and violate our laws whether knowingly or unknowingly,” Lewis declared.

He called on the AFC to postpone such salary talks until it has had proper engagement with the unions and worker representatives to hash out a plan with the bodies playing their rightful role with support from the party.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition and APNU chairman David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News ( on Thursday that the coalition is looking forward to the start of the tripartite talks which it believes is important to advance the programme of governance.

Acknowledging that the meeting is being held at the invitation of the president, Granger said they will be going with an open mind but nevertheless they will be looking to put certain things on the table.

These include the improvement of public financial management, constitutional reform and the strengthening of public institutions.

Friday’s meeting is set for 3PM at the Office of the President.

I told you that stupid ass Ramjattan wants to do GPSU Collective Bargaining negotiations. The man does not know Labour Law at all. He should go back to Law School.
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Yuh ole ras., come donk hay an' see how poor poeple punishing. Tax is da least "genius" way to raise money. Keep yuh innovation thinking up deh, Abama needs yu.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Yuh ole ras., come donk hay an' see how poor poeple punishing. Tax is da least "genius" way to raise money. Keep yuh innovation thinking up deh, Abama needs yu.

Maybe you should take English 101 and economics 101.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Yuh ole ras., come donk hay an' see how poor poeple punishing. Tax is da least "genius" way to raise money. Keep yuh innovation thinking up deh, Abama needs yu.

Maybe you should take English 101 and economics 101.

Brassy what is economics 101? Meh son want guh UG. Meh betta ask e to do economics 101 degree?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Yuh ole ras., come donk hay an' see how poor poeple punishing. Tax is da least "genius" way to raise money. Keep yuh innovation thinking up deh, Abama needs yu.

Maybe you should take English 101 and economics 101.

Fogget ma english, tell me if mi wrang nah, tax a de leas' brainbell way fa raise money. VAT even less brin cazz yuh just put am pon everybasy and dem bai juss smuggle and yuh rass leff naked batty. Wah soa "innovative" about datt, datt is like legalize tiefing. BJ wah lil mo innovative in tiefing and natt gettin' kech.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Ow brassy help dis canecutta pay e VAT nah. Yuh still sell out sugga land? Meh can get wan lil piece?
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Ow brassy help dis canecutta pay e VAT nah. Yuh still sell out sugga land? Meh can get wan lil piece?

They don't have problems paying their taxes. The carecutters are earming more than Government employees..

A person living in the country can catch fish and plant their kitchen garden. They can earn a better living than those living in the city.
Combine that with remittances and they are well off..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
If the review of VAT is an issue for the PPP, then they don't to discuss anything thing with the AFC. However, Guyana will see great hardship if they tamper with the tax system. If they want to pay off the national debt, then thye consider leaving VAT as it is..

Jagdeo is genius for implementing VAT.

These unschooled and pretentious Guyanese on GNI have no idea about Government, Taxation and creating jobs.

Ow brassy help dis canecutta pay e VAT nah. Yuh still sell out sugga land? Meh can get wan lil piece?

They don't have problems paying their taxes. The carecutters are earming more than Government employees..

A person living in the country can catch fish and plant their kitchen garden. They can earn a better living than those living in the city.
Combine that with remittances and they are well off..

Yessss brassy meh buddy and sissy dem ah send nuff money fuh meh. nobady nah buy me cow milk and fowl. meh wish dem buy mo fowl. meh want grow meh farm from 3 cow
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
- Stabroek News - -
VAT chop for Ramotar, AFC talks
Posted By Stabroek staff On January 26, 2012 @ 5:31 am In Local |
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is to meet with President Donald Ramotar tomorrow to further discuss issues related to the national budget and is optimistic that the two parties would be able to reach a compromise on issues such as the reduction in VAT and increases in public sector wages.
“We still have hope,” said Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, speaking at a press conference yesterday held at the Sidewalk Cafe. “We are saying that we would like to negotiate with [President Ramotar] the decrease of the VAT, so that all the workers and consumers of Guyana could benefit,” he said. Ramjattan would be engaging the President on behalf of the AFC tomorrow.
He said that this was a call made by a majority of the Guyanese and which was in the campaign manifestos of the political parties including the PPP. “So we in the AFC as part of our list of priorities have indicated that it drops to 12 percent (from 16 percent). We would like to see that and that is what we will go there for. We also want to see an increase (in wages) and we are asking for 20 percent increase. If it does not happen and we get an 8 or 10, fine, we will work along with that. We would want to see a rationale of why it can’t go higher,” he said.
“We would also want to see better governance in Parliament and a number of other things, which we will highlight to him as part of our list of priorities,” he said.
“We believe that if you want to work in this new dispensation there must be magnanimity on the part of all –APNU, AFC and PPP/C. I feel that there can be some concessions by virtue of with arguments and good rationalization,” he said. He added that the AFC would be willing to concede positions also as they strive to arrive at agreements.
Questioned about the Government’s concerns over talks between the AFC and APNU, Ramjattan said that Government need not concern itself about this. “When the AFC is talking with APNU it is talking about that which we want in the national interest and if when we talk in the national interest, the PPP must understand that that is going to be beneficial for their constituents,” he said. He said that Government’s apprehension does not have any foundation. “We are not going to do anything to damage the present regime or that would be untoward to what the new dispensation is,” he said. “We just want the PPP/C party to understand that it has to live with this new dispensation. We have tried to talk to them on very many issues and it looks like now we are going to talk,” he said.
Ramjattan accused Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon of playing brinkmanship and saying that nothing will happen.
The AFC had earlier urged President Ramotar to summon the meeting under the Tripartite Arrangement to examine the 2012 Budget. “The Budget is of critical importance and we urge the Government to treat this matter as ‘top-most’ priority,” the AFC said.
Article printed from Stabroek News:
URL to article:
Copyright © 2010 Stabroek News. All rights reserved.

Will the AFC promise they will reduce VAT?


AFC is a shipwreck, they have no political clout. Only the big boys in the PPP and PNC can make those decisions.


Neemakharan and Cockeye are just political clowns. Berbicians will crush them to Baigan Choka.


The AFC can go and play in the park like Lil Children.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
- Stabroek News - -
VAT chop for Ramotar, AFC talks
Posted By Stabroek staff On January 26, 2012 @ 5:31 am In Local |
The Alliance For Change (AFC) is to meet with President Donald Ramotar tomorrow to further discuss issues related to the national budget and is optimistic that the two parties would be able to reach a compromise on issues such as the reduction in VAT and increases in public sector wages.
“We still have hope,” said Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, speaking at a press conference yesterday held at the Sidewalk Cafe. “We are saying that we would like to negotiate with [President Ramotar] the decrease of the VAT, so that all the workers and consumers of Guyana could benefit,” he said. Ramjattan would be engaging the President on behalf of the AFC tomorrow.
He said that this was a call made by a majority of the Guyanese and which was in the campaign manifestos of the political parties including the PPP. “So we in the AFC as part of our list of priorities have indicated that it drops to 12 percent (from 16 percent). We would like to see that and that is what we will go there for. We also want to see an increase (in wages) and we are asking for 20 percent increase. If it does not happen and we get an 8 or 10, fine, we will work along with that. We would want to see a rationale of why it can’t go higher,” he said.
“We would also want to see better governance in Parliament and a number of other things, which we will highlight to him as part of our list of priorities,” he said.
“We believe that if you want to work in this new dispensation there must be magnanimity on the part of all –APNU, AFC and PPP/C. I feel that there can be some concessions by virtue of with arguments and good rationalization,” he said. He added that the AFC would be willing to concede positions also as they strive to arrive at agreements.
Questioned about the Government’s concerns over talks between the AFC and APNU, Ramjattan said that Government need not concern itself about this. “When the AFC is talking with APNU it is talking about that which we want in the national interest and if when we talk in the national interest, the PPP must understand that that is going to be beneficial for their constituents,” he said. He said that Government’s apprehension does not have any foundation. “We are not going to do anything to damage the present regime or that would be untoward to what the new dispensation is,” he said. “We just want the PPP/C party to understand that it has to live with this new dispensation. We have tried to talk to them on very many issues and it looks like now we are going to talk,” he said.
Ramjattan accused Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon of playing brinkmanship and saying that nothing will happen.
The AFC had earlier urged President Ramotar to summon the meeting under the Tripartite Arrangement to examine the 2012 Budget. “The Budget is of critical importance and we urge the Government to treat this matter as ‘top-most’ priority,” the AFC said.
Article printed from Stabroek News:
URL to article:
Copyright © 2010 Stabroek News. All rights reserved.

Will the AFC promise they will reduce VAT?

Dis ah stale dhall. Stap try fuh ghotay stale dhall; nobady want stale dhall.


The issue is extremely relevant especially in light of the fact that the people are punishing more under the PPP than they were yesterday.


Your stale dhall.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

The issue is extremely relevant especially in light of the fact that the people are punishing more under the PPP than they were yesterday.


Your stale dhall.



Dis chicken soup looks good.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The issue is extremely relevant especially in light of the fact that the people are punishing more under the PPP than they were yesterday.


Your stale dhall.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The issue is extremely relevant especially in light of the fact that the people are punishing more under the PPP than they were yesterday.


Your stale dhall.



Dis chicken soup looks good.

My mistake. Did ting look like somebady gat really bad bellywuk. Like de food nah digest.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The issue is extremely relevant especially in light of the fact that the people are punishing more under the PPP than they were yesterday.


Your stale dhall.



Dis chicken soup looks good.

My mistake. Did ting look like somebady gat really bad bellywuk. Like de food nah digest.

Bhai, That's Yugi's favorite dish.


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