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Soldier, three others arrested with illegal shotgun, revolver

About 1030h. today, police ranks on “Operation Dragnet” stopped a motor vehicle with obscure number plates at Regent Street and Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown, and conducted a search during which an unlicensed sawn-off pump action shotgun and an unlicensed .38 revolver with six matching rounds were found.

The police say that the vehicle was being driven by a Lance Corporal of the Guyana Defence Force who was dressed in uniform and a hood. He and three other men who were in the vehicle have been arrested and are in police custody assisting with the investigations.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Stop throwing water on the backs of those two Berbice Ducks. Nothing ain't gonna happen. They  are stooges with no balls to stand for what they believe in or what's good for Guyana. Write them off now. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Arrest is just one step towards justice. Getting a conviction is crucial. Even after a conviction the wheel of justice could reverse with the Ranger's pardon. Don't be so confident in a corrupt justice system have left so many disappointed and bitter for life.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Arrest is just one step towards justice. Getting a conviction is crucial. Even after a conviction the wheel of justice could reverse with the Ranger's pardon. Don't be so confident in a corrupt justice system have left so many disappointed and bitter for life.

Good to see you acknowledge that the APNU+AFC government inherited a corrupt justice system from the PPP/C administration after 23 years.

Kudos to the police.


You can't blame the soldiers, they were denied 50% raise like their masters. So Granger ordered them to get their money the old fashion way, rob Indians. 

It is no surprise that the afc/apnu soldiers are seeking funds outside their paycheck. They too must live, how else Granger expect them to get money for Christmas sport?

cain posted:

Kudos to the Police,,, finally

Is A real good ting PPP lost.

Hey Cain, you used to say "Is A good ting PPP lost."

Now you saying "Is A real good ting PPP lost."

Should we consider this an upgrade?


Drugb posted:

You can't blame the soldiers, they were denied 50% raise like their masters. So Granger ordered them to get their money the old fashion way, rob Indians. 

It is no surprise that the afc/apnu soldiers are seeking funds outside their paycheck. They too must live, how else Granger expect them to get money for Christmas sport?

Drugb too much cheap drugs have left you brain damaged.


These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 


Like some people in the GDF have not yet realized that the PPP is no longer in power and willing to protect  them. The GDF has been corrupted and mismanaged by the PPP over its 23 years reign of terror and oppression. Granger should force more East Indians to join the GDF.


  "Granger should force more East Indians to join the GDF ".  Now you want this  Anti East indian Racist to 'force'. The two  most Racist organisation are the GDF and the GPF. The policy is to beat the Indians out from the inception. Screening is done by names and then those that are given a token  or have Christian sounding names are given a rough time at the training.


What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Ramakant-P posted:

What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Zed posted:

These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 

Correct, President Ramotar is light years ahead of the FOOLS and House Slaves.

Mitwah posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Mits, what are your reasons for suggesting that Rama's post is not truthful? I may agree with you that the 95% figure is inflated, but what else?

Ramakant-P posted:

What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Don't forget Fineman and his gang.

Zed posted:

These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 

Zed..did you give them a raise? you should have taken their names and number and number and report them.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 

Zed..did you give them a raise? you should have taken their names and number and number and report them.

Guyana police force motto is "Leff or Rite". Leave a copule thousand or I write you a citation or arrest you.

randolph posted:

  "Granger should force more East Indians to join the GDF ".  Now you want this  Anti East indian Racist to 'force'. The two  most Racist organisation are the GDF and the GPF. The policy is to beat the Indians out from the inception. Screening is done by names and then those that are given a token  or have Christian sounding names are given a rough time at the training.

A while back i mentioned the GPF should make of individuals that reflect the ethnic demographic of the country,by doing this the people will have more confidence they are protected.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 

Zed..did you give them a raise? you should have taken their names and number and number and report them.

Guyana police force motto is "Leff or Rite". Leave a copule thousand or I write you a citation or arrest you.

Skelly..i will not give a dime,i will accept the citation or arrest,people need to take a stand on the corrupted ones.I have done that back home twice got both citation thrown out,one time they pulled my vehicle,15 mins. after i was out.Bhai..wondering if i can do that currently.

Dondadda posted:
Mitwah posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Mits, what are your reasons for suggesting that Rama's post is not truthful? I may agree with you that the 95% figure is inflated, but what else?

The Freedom Fighters have long been identified in a US court as an assassination team assembled by the PPP drugs lord Roger Khan. One of their task put to them by the PPP was to murder minister Sawh, because he had objected to the sale of some land earmarked by Roger Khan for the cultivation of drugs. 

Dondadda posted:
Mitwah posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

What reign of terror and oppression?  It was the PNC's freedom fighters who waged a reign of terror in Guyana.  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.  Ninety five percent of balcks supported crime which was centrally directed by the PNC.

Mits, what are your reasons for suggesting that Rama's post is not truthful? I may agree with you that the 95% figure is inflated, but what else?

Show us the proof that:  Robert Corbin and Winston Felix went  to Buxton  and consorted with the terrorists.

Why is it that they were never arrested or charged under the Terrorist Act during the PPP/C administration?

Dondadda posted:

Was Felix not the Commissioner of Police at that time? Who is going to lay a charge on the COP? Robert was his leader. Do you think that the COP will charge his leader?

Where is the evidence that a crime was committed?

Mitwah posted:
Dondadda posted:

Was Felix not the Commissioner of Police at that time? Who is going to lay a charge on the COP? Robert was his leader. Do you think that the COP will charge his leader?

Where is the evidence that a crime was committed?

There is NO proof the PPP committed any Crime and therefore MUST go down in History as the BEST GOVT EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

These guys are just out there trying to look good so they can get more money for Christmas. Coming back from Essequibo yesterday afternoon and ran into two roadblocks. The last thing they did was asking for a raise for Christmas. Twice! I think that Donald should get the credit because he suggested the joint patrols which they they had originally scoffed at. 

Zed..did you give them a raise? you should have taken their names and number and number and report them.

Guyana police force motto is "Leff or Rite". Leave a copule thousand or I write you a citation or arrest you.

Skelly..i will not give a dime,i will accept the citation or arrest,people need to take a stand on the corrupted ones.I have done that back home twice got both citation thrown out,one time they pulled my vehicle,15 mins. after i was out.Bhai..wondering if i can do that currently.

Django, If you don't want to be thrown in the lockup with a 5 gallon bucket to shit and piss in with the others, you will pay the ransom.

Mitwah posted:
Dondadda posted:

Was Felix not the Commissioner of Police at that time? Who is going to lay a charge on the COP? Robert was his leader. Do you think that the COP will charge his leader?

Where is the evidence that a crime was committed?

Ask Winston and Robert what they did with the evidence? Maybe, he can share it with you.

Dondadda posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dondadda posted:

Was Felix not the Commissioner of Police at that time? Who is going to lay a charge on the COP? Robert was his leader. Do you think that the COP will charge his leader?

Where is the evidence that a crime was committed?

Ask Winston and Robert what they did with the evidence? Maybe, he can share it with you.

I was expecting an intelligent reply. Anyway have a great day.


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