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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I wanna know how much de AFC Campaign Maninga tek in bribes from Freedom House to convince these chaps that a PNC alliance was a good idea

Gives credence to the accusation that Moses is an inside spy for the PPP.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Ramjattan to AFC Negotiation Team Pre-Session:

Any word on de Ambassadorship to India yet?

Ramjattan: At least I will have my own rubber stamp.


Moses: So in theory if David mysteriously falls down the stairs at State House 39 times, I'm President right?


Right now....some fools (Very Few) refuse to see this as a new page in Guyana Politics.

They Still see Coolie/ Blackman Race.

The Still want Cover-up Rigged Elections

The Still want Cover-up Corruption

The Still want Cover-up Crime

The Still want Cover-up Nepotism

The Still want Cover-up Incompetence

The Still want Cover-up Jagdeo/Ramroop Runnings

The Still want Cover-up Kwame & Buggerism

The Still want Cover-up Wrong Doing and remain in the Past.


When they understand that the AFC

will lead a Collation

although giving up the Presidency...

they will leave with their mouth and Backside open.

Farting animals, or farting something is big laughs…

May 11 will soon be here....

and all de farting will stop

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I know exactly what happened in that negotiation session.


PNC Negotiator:

One Presidency fuh we.

One Vice Presidency fuh you.

One National Budget fuh we.

One Vice President fuh you.

One Army/Police fuh we.

One Vice President fuh you.


AFC Negotiator:

Good. Me been tink yuh guh try an smart me


I don't think that either party need to feel upset with this deal. The AFC will have the ability to recommend ministers and ministerial structures.  APNU will have the final say in whether these measures will be adopted.  I don't think that any minor party has ever had this opportunity. 


If the coalition succeeds in winning they will behave themselves, because if they don't the government dissolves, new elections will take place and even black people might vote PPP in that scenario.


The main issue is whether Guyanese accept, and that is up to APNU/AFC to ensure that they do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I know exactly what happened in that negotiation session.


PNC Negotiator:

One Presidency fuh we.

One Vice Presidency fuh you.

One National Budget fuh we.

One Vice President fuh you.

One Army/Police fuh we.

One Vice President fuh you.


AFC Negotiator:

Good. Me been tink yuh guh try an smart me


I don't think that either party need to feel upset with this deal. The AFC will have the ability to recommend ministers and ministerial structures.  APNU will have the final say in whether these measures will be adopted.  I don't think that any minor party has ever had this opportunity. 


If the coalition succeeds in winning they will behave themselves, because if they don't the government dissolves, new elections will take place and even black people might vote PPP in that scenario.


The main issue is whether Guyanese accept, and that is up to APNU/AFC to ensure that they do.


Oh no. I'm just being silly. I think it's a fine deal. The AFC though opened themselves up to a bit of ridicule for bargaining the additional titles of Vice President to augment Ministerial ranks.


I get it on a certain level. In the UK, Nick Clegg is Deputy Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council, as the junior coalition partner.


But given Guyana's history, it still seems bit silly. However, I'm not voting and I'm not the average coolie anyway. Maybe this helps with selling it.

Originally Posted by caribny:

 I don't think that either party need to feel upset with this deal. The AFC will have the ability to recommend ministers and ministerial structures.  APNU will have the final say in whether these measures will be adopted. 

Nagamootoo: Comrade Granger, we think this is a good candidate for the job.

Granger: I don't like him/her.

Nagamootoo: But Comrade Granger, so far that is the 100th recommendation that you have shot down.

Granger: That is why I am president and you are just a Prime Minister.


First Vice President The Hon. Moses Nagamootoo at Splashmin's Restaurant


Hostess: I'm sorry Sir, we don't have any available tables.


Moses: Do you know you're talking to?

          I am the Vice President of Guyana


Hostess: Look chap, I keep tellin ya'll Vice Presidents to come back when ayuh get wan prapa Minista wuk. De lass Vice President abbe leh in hey didn't even pay he bar tab

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

First Vice President The Hon. Moses Nagamootoo at Splashmin's Restaurant


Hostess: I'm sorry Sir, we don't have any available tables.


Moses: Do you know you're talking to?

          I am the Vice President of Guyana


Hostess: Look chap, I keep tellin ya'll Vice Presidents to come back when ayuh get wan prapa Minista wuk. De lass Vice President abbe leh in hey didn't even pay he bar tab

Shaitaan, jus like de government officials in Berbice.

When restaurant/shop owners say, 'sah, we struggling fe mek ends meet' they reply, 'come and see abie at de office na' [which never materialize].


A shop owner had to break down his shop, due to vindictive officials.


Dem asses must go, so Guyana can recognize equality for all, without intimidation.    


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