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(HARRY GILL) A bus filled with school children develops an electrical problem and starts to burn. A fleet of fire engines quickly rushes to the scene, but the Fire Chief, recognizing the driver as one with whom he has a grievance, refuses to extinguish the flames, endangering the lives of those innocent children trapped inside. Seizing the opportunity to be vindictive, he calls the Board of Education and demands the resignation of the bus driver before he instructs his men to put out the flames. Is the Fire Chief guilty of reckless endangerment? You bet!
Fortunately, the story above is just an analogy, but it accurately mirrors the devious strategy of David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan, to ‘get Rohee at any cost’.
Kaieteur News published an article on New Year’s Day: “International police officers to assist local Force”, in which Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee announced an “elaborate plan that will see, among other things, significant changes within the Guyana Police Force and other entities under the purview of his Ministry. Facing a gag order in the National Assembly, the Minister took the opportunity to use a forum conference to detail his five-year plan that will see a name change for the Police Force, the Guyana Prison Service as well as the Guyana Fire Service; the employment of specialist civilian professionals within the Police Force and the possibility of international police officers as consultants.”


The report added, “The strategic plan for the Guyana Police Force for the period 2013-2017 will see the implementation of a Strategic Management Department, which will have oversight of the plans’ implementation.” According to the report, this strategy will strengthen “the administration of the force, with particular reference to standards, recruitment and retention of staff and succession planning; Integrity/Probity (Professionalization) aimed at improving the professionalism of the Force through strengthening its accountability and instigating a more rigorous approach to development of integrity; and Public Relations/Communications…”
While David Granger said he was prepared to support “any reasonable measure that will make the country safer”, and AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan admitted that “The plan is one I cannot be vexed with”, both were quick to reject a call by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry for them to support Rohee’s initiative, and reiterated that they will not do so under the stewardship of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
Holding the security of a nation to ransom is reckless and irresponsible, and endangers every Guyanese just like those kids on the burning bus.
The opposition in any country is morally obligated to support policies of national interest and security. The Guyana Police Force infamously earned its reputation of being brutal and corrupt. And everyone agrees there is urgent need to enforce integrity and professionalism within the Force.
It may be long overdue, but that’s exactly what Minister Rohee is now doing. Granger and Ramjattan should recognize that this is in the best interest of our people, and offer him their full support in keeping with the oath they’ve taken as lawmakers.
That is the responsible thing to do. The interest of the country must take precedence over any personal grudge, which is what their beef with Minister Rohee has now become.
I have noted with great concern, efforts by the joint opposition to create chaos and mayhem in Linden and Agricola, aimed at destabilizing the newly-elected administration of President Donald Ramotar.
Minister Rohee was cleared by an independent Commission of Inquiry of any wrongdoing in the unfortunate deaths of the three “Peaceful Protestors” in Linden last July. Yet the leadership of both PNC/APNU and AFC continue their witch hunt of fabricating reasons to justify the call for Rohee’s dismissal. In an unprecedented move, aided by the Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman, Rohee is prevented from speaking in Parliament based on a trumped up no-confidence motion that had nothing to do with violating House Rules. This abuse of their one-seat majority in Parliament must not be allowed to compromise our national security.
In an earlier article, “APNU confident in any snap elections” (Kaieteur News, December 28) Granger said he is “confident that the Opposition is more beloved by the population as a whole.” But when asked about forcing early elections by “bringing a vote of no confidence against the current Administration, it was noted by APNU’s Rupert Roopnarine, that there are outstanding issues in relation to any type of election being called which includes local government elections.” Roopnarine added, “There are elements of the GECOM Secretariat that we would like to see back off before we can engage in any electoral process.”
Adding that “There is a lot of preliminary work to be done before any elections could be held”, Roopnarine also noted that “although the Opposition can pass a vote of no confidence against the Government and force snap elections, the issue does not pertain to finance but the proper electoral system.”
This is as much garbage coming from the mouths of the APNU leadership, as I’ve seen littering the streets of Georgetown. Granger and Roopnarine have no shame; lying through their teeth to the media.
If they’re so confident in APNU’s chances of winning a snap election, they would have brought a vote of no-confidence against the Administration already. But by all the above admissions and excuses for not doing so, PNC/APNU is clearly not ready to lose again.
Most Guyanese are terrified by the violence unleashed by APNU’s ‘beloved’ supporters in Linden and Agricola, and Granger is politically astute to know he could never win a free and fair election.
But by using Ramjattan as an accomplice, he hopes to force the Administration to include them in a Government of National Unity. This I believe is their ultimate objective, and defiance seems to be the vehicle they hope will get them there.
Khemraj Ramjattan now has an opportunity to distance the AFC from the radical, destructive path the PNC/APNU has chosen, and give critical support to this Security Plan for easy passage through Parliament. For any political leader who knowingly jeopardizes the security of a country he hopes to lead some day, will certainly perish at the polls.




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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:

It was rumored that Ramotar dug his ass and spit in his right hand before the handshake.

Oh rass how you know Rummouthar spit in he hand and dig he battie? He was lubein it up before he bend over fuh Granger? Keep the secrets of you dirty ole men to yourselves. We don't need to know the details on this forum.


While David Granger said he was prepared to support “any reasonable measure that will make the country safer”, and AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan admitted that “The plan is one I cannot be vexed with”, both were quick to reject a call by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry for them to support Rohee’s initiative, and reiterated that they will not do so under the stewardship of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
Holding the security of a nation to ransom is reckless and irresponsible.


rohee is a waste,and need to do the right thing and quit,the whold goddam country is at a standstill because of one waste fool.the indian people have to send a strong message to the ppp that they are not acting in the best intrest of the country because of one fool.from the day this man visa was revoke he should have been send in some unforseen corner


Khemraj Ramjattan now has an opportunity to distance the AFC from the radical, destructive path the PNC/APNU has chosen, and give critical support to this Security Plan for easy passage through Parliament. For any political leader who knowingly jeopardizes the security of a country he hopes to lead some day, will certainly perish at the polls.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:

It was rumored that Ramotar dug his ass and spit in his right hand before the handshake.

Oh rass how you know Rummouthar spit in he hand and dig he battie? He was lubein it up before he bend over fuh Granger? Keep the secrets of you dirty ole men to yourselves. We don't need to know the details on this forum.


Hey Wendy:
I see. Now you exposed Granger as a homosexual. So you must be a confidant of Granger and Kwame? No wonder you know so much about Granger and Kwam batties and lolos. When did Granger do you in and you realised then that you prefer an alternative life style? Does your domestic partner know this? If so, when did you tell him?

Skeldon_anti_man, you ole demented jackass. Why you cryin on this forum about your homo friend Wendy who left you? You may get better advice from Dear Abby rather than broadcasting your love life on GNI. Did you put your goadie in a pram and carry it out for a walk today? Be careful if you go out as the wind chill is terrible outside. You shoulda tried Viagra and cut your goadie and maybe your boyfriend Wendy would have stayed with you.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC seems to be holding on to the PNC, and it is clearly seem, the AFC and the PNC aka APNU are one

Stupidy man, do you see anyone from the AFC shaking hands in this pic?


I/We see PPP and PNC/APNU doing so. This clearly shows PPP = PNC/APNU

Originally Posted by God:
Skeldon_anti_man, you ole demented jackass. Why you cryin on this forum about your homo friend Wendy who left you? You may get better advice from Dear Abby rather than broadcasting your love life on GNI. Did you put your goadie in a pram and carry it out for a walk today? Be careful if you go out as the wind chill is terrible outside. You shoulda tried Viagra and cut your goadie and maybe your boyfriend Wendy would have stayed with you.

Wan nada ignarant PNC subhuman, negroid terrarist thug. So now you told us about putting your goadie on a stroller, using viagra and relationships with Kwame and Granger, what else do you want to divulge on this board?

I must admit that you discovering putting your goadie on a stroller might just increase stroller sales. Sorry to know that your goadie was such a burden to you. Be move is putting your goadie on a jackass cart.  

Skeldon_anti_man, you not only demented but you're a racist ole fagg0t. Stop buying methylated spirits every day from the drug store and spending all day in a drunken stupor and maybe you can save up some money to cut yuh goadie. You may be able to lure your beloved boyfriend Wendy back into your arms if you cut your goadie and sober up.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should lay aside partisan politics and work with the elected Government towards the development of the country

What sententious protestation from a regime demanding absolute authority to do as it please with the nations money and administration! Development is not defined as what the PPP says. Development according to them is handing their buddies and there sons and daughters plum properties and assignments. Were those coruptocrats  concerned with sound development they would not bring the same ppp lackeys before us as "leaders" for 20 years!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the nation should always be put first, the joint opposition should stop playing partisan politics......

THe interest of the nation is on the first tier when democracy is being forwarded. We on the other hand has retrogressed. The PPP, In their 20 years at the helm has created a totalitarian model of governing in everyday.


Today, politics is to stop these grasping critters in check.  That the believe they have the right to be independent of the legislature and proclaim that loudly is enough reason to stand in their way and search their pockets in every political move. These are well honed crooks and have long lost the sense of remorse and restraint that keeps good men grounded. They feel entitled.


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