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Ramjattan attacks NICIL, ‘fat cats’


“Gail Teixeira– $800,000 a month; Odinga Lumumba– $660,000 a month; you got some of the relatives of Ramotar– one of his sons– $3M a month! Reepu Daman Persaud, who could hardly walk these days– he also collecting a salary– $500,000 I understand—as a spiritual adviser!”


Khemraj Ramjattan who made these disclosures, added that those persons have gardeners, enjoy duty- free concessions and “some of them don’t work. “All these old time PPP guys doing nothing but collecting half a million dollars and more every month and then they come and tell you that they don’t have salary increases for you, that GuySuCo doing bad.”


Ramjattan, the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), said that the new dispensation in Parliament is bringing out all of the corruption in government, including NICIL.  He said that the AFC is bringing out this corruption to show that better can be done for Guyanese.



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Originally Posted by Nehru:

iS DEH lIKKA coming from his full stomach. Tell him to stop drinking Piwari and buy some good El Dorado. He is also breaking Laws drinking Moonshine.



English please!


Oops, Nehru Drunka again - sorry!


Look Alena:


Does Gail deserve a million a month when the cane cutter who bruking his back get $50,000 a month?



Never, but she is being paid all that grease to support Team FAGDEO and their maha-illegalities and theft!


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