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Ramjattan has demonstrated a willingness to examine new perspectives as he forges his legacy

September 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I will not attempt to support or challenge the veracity of Oswald Craigwell’s examples cited in Mr. Ramjattan will not be leaving an unblemished legacy as Public Security Minister” KN 09/16/15.  However, I have to disagree with the conclusion, since failure, according to the writer, is premised on the belief that the minister will be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of little aggravations vying for his attention.  My contention is that as the official tasked with oversight responsibility for public security policy, he has thus far demonstrated a willingness to examine new perspectives as he forges his legacy. Yes Mr. Ramjattan has made the point that the operational workings of the GPF will be free of political interference, but that should not be construed to mean that he is adopting a laissez faire approach to his responsibilities. Indeed his utterances indicate a philosophy that is not necessarily dissimilar to that of all the politicos who have occupied similar positions.  To have a fair idea of the challenges to leaving an unblemished legacy we should develop an appreciation of the fact that public safety and security is unarguably one of the most difficult portfolios in government. In addition to the GPF the ministry has oversight for two other service organisations in the Guyana Fire Service, and the Guyana Prison Service.  Looking at a cartoon in SN of 09/17/15 we the image of a government with bent back strenuously attempting to lift a humungous “Corrupt Police Force” suggestive of government’s earnest effort to shift the organization to a state of restored public confidence in the police.  Achieving public confidence is crucial to effective policing and ought not to be separated from the core principle of police accountability to the law.  Perceptions of an ineffective, unfair or repressive police force which fails in protecting the public against crime will lose the public’s confidence.  People assist the police and are willing to share information when they trust the police widely. In passing I noticed in a letter “Reforms fail because real emphasis is placed on organizational change and individuals are left untouched” by a Clinton Conway (KN 09/17/15) which I totally agree with, since reforms without a focus on the people side of change will go nowhere.  Therefore in addition to, or subsumed within a broad strategic plan there must be a change management plan which addresses the qualitative changes in people’s attitudes, skills and knowledge, and their perceptions of how proposed changes affect or will affect them.  Intrinsic to such a plan must be benchmarks which speak to the projected changes and levels of those changes, and when they are to be met. I, like many others, accept the pledge of ministerial non-interference on the matter of operational independence.  However I will argue that if the police are to assist the minister as he practices his philosophy of non-interference then the law enforcement environment must feature: a high degree of professionalism; actions that are in conformity with the law and established policies; appreciable levels of public confidence; a willingness to take responsibility for decisions and operations, transparency in decisions; and openness to external scrutiny. On the question of transparency the United Nations Handbook on police accountability, oversight and integrity clearly states that corruption and other forms of police misconduct thrive because of the inevitable secrecy that accompanies misconduct.  It further states that lacking integrity the police very often will seek to “enlarge their operational independence, without any willingness to respond to the needs of the public or to be accountable in a transparent way.  In fact, they desire “operational freedom” without the burden of responsibility.”  In an accusatorial political culture this plays out with one party seeking the slightest opportunity to score points with the police in the middle.  An incorrigible police force takes advantage of this state of affairs by playing the operational independence card to the detriment of citizen security. Finally Editor, a modern police force develops and operates as learning organisation which is characterised by a willingness and commitment to investing in and making full use of advanced technology while revolutionising its approach to training and developing its people.  it is my belief that police reform is an evolutionary process that occurs in organisations open to learning, which, to be successful must engage all groups in civil society in a professional and legitimate way.  Engaging civil society groups enables the public to provide input to police reform operations and other processes aimed at enhancing policing in service to the people. Patrick E. Mentore

Replies sorted oldest to newest

it's all talk and no action for Ramjattan.  He is still to prosecute 150 Police offices for crimes.  Meanwhile, as ponders action against the PPP, crimes  have been escalated beyond belief.   His boss released 41 prisoners who are now terrorizing the country.


I would not use Ramjattan and legacy in the same sentence.  He was blind-sided by the APNU in his greedy quest for power.  They promised him the Home Affairs Minister position.  Then they divided that position and gave most of the responsibilities to Harmon.  Why does Guyana need a Public Security Minister when that should be the job of the Police Commissioner?  Harmon has set this guy up for failure and he doesn't even know.  Or at least he is acting like he doesn't know.  Crime rate is at an all time high under Ramjattan's watch.  He is useless.  I would replace the word legacy with failure.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I would not use Ramjattan and legacy in the same sentence.  He was blind-sided by the APNU in his greedy quest for power.  They promised him the Home Affairs Minister position.  Then they divided that position and gave most of the responsibilities to Harmon.  Why does Guyana need a Public Security Minister when that should be the job of the Police Commissioner?  Harmon has set this guy up for failure and he doesn't even know.  Or at least he is acting like he doesn't know.  Crime rate is at an all time high under Ramjattan's watch.  He is useless.  I would replace the word legacy with failure.



Since PPP LOST crime has been on the upswing, this is because the PPP is sour over losing, they are causing disturbances. The new Govt is now doing their best in curbing these crimes.


So far they have done more than was done during the PPP's tenure.


The sour PPP cry babies will forever cry the blues because the corrupt PPP LOST.

Originally Posted by cain:

Since PPP LOST crime has been on the upswing, this is because the PPP is sour over losing, they are causing disturbances. The new Govt is now doing their best in curbing these crimes.


So far they have done more than was done during the PPP's tenure.


The sour PPP cry babies will forever cry the blues because the corrupt PPP LOST.

The PPP is well known for their nastiness and vindictive behaviour when they don't  have their way, EVEN when they have their way.

They corrupt the youth and caused selfishness among the people, who are now killing themselves in large numbers.

This is mainly due to Jagdeo's  leadership. R6 RO, as a Jagdeo follower, was just as nasty and vindictive. He is the most hated person in Berbice.   

Originally Posted by cain:

Since PPP LOST crime has been on the upswing, this is because the PPP is sour over losing, they are causing disturbances. The new Govt is now doing their best in curbing these crimes.


So far they have done more than was done during the PPP's tenure.


The sour PPP cry babies will forever cry the blues because the corrupt PPP LOST.

It is very pathetic that the PNC cannot run a cake shop.  How can they run a Government?  The PNC is useless and so stupid that they had to ask the Opposition for help.  No amount of money can bribe the Opposition Leader.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:

Since PPP LOST crime has been on the upswing, this is because the PPP is sour over losing, they are causing disturbances. The new Govt is now doing their best in curbing these crimes.


So far they have done more than was done during the PPP's tenure.


The sour PPP cry babies will forever cry the blues because the corrupt PPP LOST.

The PPP is well known for their nastiness and vindictive behaviour when they don't  have their way, EVEN when they have their way.

They corrupt the youth and caused selfishness among the people, who are now killing themselves in large numbers.

This is mainly due to Jagdeo's  leadership. R6 RO, as a Jagdeo follower, was just as nasty and vindictive. He is the most hated person in Berbice.   

What a joke, stop blaming PNC incompetency on the PPP.  Guyana has become a mess under the PNC, face it.


What a joke, stop blaming PNC incompetency on the PPP.  Guyana has become a mess under the PNC, face it.

Baseman the PPP had 23 years to transform Guyana.  If they didnt its their fault.  In addition, if APNU/AFC by doing almost nothing (I am really not sure what they are doing) has destroyed Guyana, then clearly the PPP left in it a very fragile situation.


But put this into your Indo KKK cap.


1.  The PPP did NOT build institutions and processes.  They ran Guyana on a "Friends and Family" basis, competence not necessary.


2.  The economy was already on the down swing, because the strong performance sinmce 2008 was due to high gold prices, which spread to the real estate, construction, and retail sectors.  Now that the boom is over, there is less cash flooding to other sectors, hence a slow down.


Can you please indicate SPECIFIC actions which APNU/AFC have done to destroy the economy?


Sorry conversations with racist Indo and Portuguese tycoons do not impress.  These are based on racist notions of blacks, and yet these SAME people ensured that they had assets located in Barbados.


The PNC today is HOYTE.  Business people were quite satisfied with Hoyte.  Given that corruption in the Hoyte era was LOWER than it was under the PPP, and so was crime, what is their beef apart from "blackman in power, so all hell let loose?"


It is also likely that some of the increase in crime comes from


1.  The Phantoms, who are no longer paid at the taxpayers' expense, so must earn income from elsewhere.


2.  People who worked in the mining sector until recently, now facing unemployment.  The lawless among them might be shifting to crime. In addition some who committed mayhem in the interior, attacking those in the gold/diamonds sector, might have shifted to the coast, given that there is less cash in the mining sector. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Can you please indicate SPECIFIC actions which APNU/AFC have done to destroy the economy?
They have put a stop or at least minimized the coke business which Guyana so desperately needs because the previous government made this their main export.


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

it's all talk and no action for Ramjattan.  He is still to prosecute 150 Police offices for crimes.  Meanwhile, as ponders action against the PPP, crimes  have been escalated beyond belief.   His boss released 41 prisoners who are now terrorizing the country.

There are no prisoners terrorizing the country. That is straight up a lie. Each of the kids, yes kids in prison for petty crimes are being strictly monitored and mentored by an internationally funded agency and when deemed fit will be returned to the society with their rights restored.


I do not know what Ramjattan is engaged in presently and that troubles me. However, given he has engaged numerous international agency to fund and to instruct on crime prevention I am assured he will get the job done. We need to get a handle on the PPP drug culture and to rein its legacy of bribe taking and top up as normal

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

I would not use Ramjattan and legacy in the same sentence.  He was blind-sided by the APNU in his greedy quest for power.  They promised him the Home Affairs Minister position.  Then they divided that position and gave most of the responsibilities to Harmon.  Why does Guyana need a Public Security Minister when that should be the job of the Police Commissioner?  Harmon has set this guy up for failure and he doesn't even know.  Or at least he is acting like he doesn't know.  Crime rate is at an all time high under Ramjattan's watch.  He is useless.  I would replace the word legacy with failure.

Ramjattan and Moses are change agents. If they do nothing more for us they will have made the world know the PPP are not invincible and that the political system can be renewed. That alone is a legacy no other politician has left us.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rumjattan is the biggest failure in the PNC. He is probably drunk seven days a week on the job.

probably if u want to know for sure stop buggering with kwame and go find out 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

GDF on the street NOW!


We will be needing to send them to the border. We may send some of t hese bridge sitters and corner huggers to the front line....good way to thin the herd.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

GDF on the street NOW!


We will be needing to send them to the border. We may send some of t hese bridge sitters and corner huggers to the front line....good way to thin the herd.


If mandatory draft is called most Indo's will skip country.

Last edited by Django

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