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Ramjattan insinuates Amerindians responsible for rising crime

Vice President and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Vice President and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Conceding to mounting no-confidence calls


– insists Govt will still use “dogs” and “horses” to fight crime


By Michael Younge


Just when Guyanese thought the public discourse on crime could not become more “depressing” as described by Finance Minister Winston Jordan, Vice President and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan on Wednesday evening insinuated that the fired Community Support Officers (CSOs), who are largely of indigenous heritage, were responsible for the rising levels of crime and criminality in Guyana.

Ramjattan was at the time addressing the National Assembly as parliamentarians continued Day Three of the debates on the $221 billion National Budget presented by Finance Minister Winston Jordan last Monday for approval.

A bullet riddled wall after bandits attacked in Corentyne

A bullet riddled wall after bandits attacked in Corentyne

The Vice President was seeking to respond to the Opposition’s claim that since the new Government took office back in May, it has been unable to deal with the crime situation or competently implement measures aimed at reducing crime and making Guyana safe.

In his defence, Ramjattan, who has core responsibility for the sector, said that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Opposition was deliberately misleading the public and the fact remained that crime was on the increase since 2014 and continued to soar in February 2015, long before the new Government took office.

“It was growing since February, long before we come into Government; long, around the same time y’all stop paying the indigenous CSOs, the thing start going up around that time,” he said.



While his statement was factually correct, his implied slur on indigenous criminality immediately evoked outrage in the Opposition benches especially amongst those of Amerindian heritage. This forced the Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland to make frantic attempts to return order to the proceedings.

Despite these pleas, the outbursts continued, but this did not stop Ramjattan from continuing his presentation which had him shouting at the top of his voice to drown out the voices of the Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs).

At this point, Chief Whip for the Opposition, Gail Teixeira sprang to her feet, seeking to have the Speaker support her position that Ramjattan withdraw what she referred to as a “racist and criminal” charge made against the CSOs and by extension, law-abiding Amerindians.

“He is making a link between the CSOs not being paid and the increase in crime. It is unacceptable in this House. I am asking that he withdraw that comment,” Teixeira said. Making racist statements in the National Assembly is supposed to be sanctioned.

But as has become the norm, the Government nominated and elected Speaker ignored the Chief Whip and refused to examine the Public Security Minister’s statement for racist imputations. Instead he requested that Ramjattan continue his presentation.

After making the controversial statement, Ramjattan, contrary to the statement being recorded on the Hansard,   denied that he was making a nexus between the firing of the Amerindians and the rising levels of crime

Later on Wednesday evening, the PPP/C in a statement said that the new Government was attempting to do damage control by trying to make efforts to cover its tracks with the implementation of a Hinterland Employment and Youth Services programme especially after the legal proceedings filed on behalf of the 1972 CSOs.

The Party said “in the absence of information regarding this hastily announced statement in the Parliament, seems to be a training programme and not employment for the fired Amerindians. The legal, political and constitutional wrongs have already been done”.

It also argued that “the PPP will only accept a full reinstatement of the CSOs” as it stated that it condemn “the statement by Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan in Parliament, that the crime wave escalated when the CSOs were dismissed”.

“We consider this statement to be racist, irresponsible and most disrespectful to our Amerindian brothers and sisters and indeed to all victims of crime and all law-abiding citizens,” the PPP/C maintained.


Dogs and horses

Despite being ridiculed in both mass and social media forums for failing to present realistic and more serious proposals to fight crime, Minister Ramjattan maintained that he was going to use “horses” and “canines” as an important element in his plan to deal with the phenomenon.

He argued that a lot has already being invested on canine handler training amid canine jokes from various parts of the Parliament.


Test match crime-fighting skills

The Minister also took a swipe at all those who wanted instant and short-term solutions to fighting crime.

He said, “This crime rate is not T20 cricket. This is a Test match we talking ’bout and it will take some time before the crime rate goes down because you have to put a number of programmes and packages together.”

He called for the root causes of crime to be addressed, explaining that greed propelled crime.

“I had to inform them [the Police Commanders] that crime comes about also because of a terrible human condition called greed… like some people who are former Ministers having eight cars and huge chunks of money,” he remarked.

The usual resources were given to the security forces to fight crime and these included $125 million which was allocated to purchase arms and ammunition as well as fingerprint and ballistic equipment.

Some $193 million was allocated for vehicles, trucks, motorcycles and outboard engines.

That aside, Ramjattan spoke about the installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras on every street in the city and Government’s plan to raise the morale of the ranks of the security forces.

No emphasis was placed on the detailed measures and plans which the new Government had, since in Opposition, for fighting crime or how they would be financed.

Currently, public outrage is mounting as crime and criminality surge, but this has not done anything to force the new Government to move faster to deal with these concerns.

Recently, the PPP/C was called upon to use its position in the National Assembly to declare “no confidence” in Public Security Minister Ramjattan and have him replaced by a more capable Minister in the crucial area of national security.

The call was made by Associate Professor of Political Science at Nassau Community College, Dr Baytoram Ramharack, in his latest column in the Guyana Times. The New York University trained political scientist was involved in Guyanese politics for several decades and was one of the founding members of the Jaguar Committee for Democracy and the ROAR political party.

Dr Ramharack said the crime situation in Guyana, particularly in Berbice, has risen to unacceptable heights and believed that a change in management of the security sector may see a change for the better. Dr Ramharack hails from Berbice.

Using the statistics provided recently by the Guyana Police Force, Dr Ramharack showed a 10 per cent increase in criminal activities by the end of July compared to the same period last year. Murders, he said, increased from 80 to almost 100 within a year.

“It’s reported that 35 murders were committed in Georgetown/East Bank Demerara (A Division), 17 in East Coast Demerara (C Division)and 16 in Berbice(B Division), 12 in the Interior (F Division), and four each in West Bank Demerara/East Bank Essequibo(D Division) and Linden/Kwakwani (E Division), while six were recorded in Essequibo Coast/Islands(G Division). Given our geographical population distribution, these figures indicate that murder is a national problem that occurs throughout Guyana,” Dr Ramharack said.

On Wednesday, newly-appointed PPP/C Member of Parliament (MP) Cornel Damon declared in the National Assembly on Wednesday that Ramjattan needed to go, since the Ministry was failing miserably to reduce or even stabilise the soaring crime rate.

“The Honourable Member has no plan to fight the surge of crime and the senseless killings of our businessmen and women and so the Honourable Minister Ramjattan must go,” Damon exclaimed.

The politician pointed out that in the 10th Parliament, it was Ramjattan who engineered calls for then Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to go when the crime rate was 40 per cent lower than it is today.

Former President Donald Ramotar, during an interview with the Guyana Times, also contended that the Ministry has not performed at all in the area of crime fighting, noting that the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) has yet again failed the Guyanese people.

“When they were in Opposition they claim to know everything, but they are clearly not grappling with the problem that has been created,” Ramotar stated.

He asserted that the coalition Government was to be blamed for the current situation because when it was in Opposition, it established a record of defending criminals and now that it was in Executive Office, the individuals now feel more empowered to commit felonies.

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Dogs and horses

Despite being ridiculed in both mass and social media forums for failing to present realistic and more serious proposals to fight crime, Minister Ramjattan maintained that he was going to use “horses” and “canines” as an important element in his plan to deal with the phenomenon.

He argued that a lot has already being invested on canine handler training amid canine jokes from various parts of the Parliament.


This guy appears to be a joker, as he wants to fight today's criminal with dogs and horses.


Why doesn't APNU/AFC relieve Ramjattan of a job which he clearly cannot perform?   So dumb is he that he was so foolish to conflate the release of the CSOs with rising crime, when there is no connection, nor did he imply that there was any.  But a statement to that effect can easily be twisted.


Clearly APNU/AFC is bad at messaging, and Ramjattan completely lost.  Why don't they give Felix something to do, so he can stop harassing people at the airport.  He ought to know more about fighting crime than Ramjattan.


Then they can put Ramjattan as Minister of Berbice Affairs, as he ought to know something about that.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Why doesn't APNU/AFC relieve Ramjattan of a job which he clearly cannot perform?   So dumb is he that he was so foolish to conflate the release of the CSOs with rising crime, when there is no connection, nor did he imply that there was any.  But a statement to that effect can easily be twisted.


Clearly APNU/AFC is bad at messaging, and Ramjattan completely lost.  Why don't they give Felix something to do, so he can stop harassing people at the airport.  He ought to know more about fighting crime than Ramjattan.


Then they can put Ramjattan as Minister of Berbice Affairs, as he ought to know something about that.

They should hire the great (my avatar) for messaging advisory services.


BTW, them was always bad but people bit and swallowed.  The cuss-birds were good at it.  Now they have to deliver, clearly they can bark and not bite.


Make Ramjattan Minister without portfolio and Minister of Berbice Bridge toll collection.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Why doesn't APNU/AFC relieve Ramjattan of a job which he clearly cannot perform?   So dumb is he that he was so foolish to conflate the release of the CSOs with rising crime, when there is no connection, nor did he imply that there was any.  But a statement to that effect can easily be twisted.


Clearly APNU/AFC is bad at messaging, and Ramjattan completely lost.  Why don't they give Felix something to do, so he can stop harassing people at the airport.  He ought to know more about fighting crime than Ramjattan.


Then they can put Ramjattan as Minister of Berbice Affairs, as he ought to know something about that.

dude, you must actually believe that the coalition gov't is GNI and that insult as policy enlightens and moves the ball of governance forward



Originally Posted by caribny:

Why doesn't APNU/AFC relieve Ramjattan of a job which he clearly cannot perform?   So dumb is he that he was so foolish to conflate the release of the CSOs with rising crime, when there is no connection, nor did he imply that there was any.  But a statement to that effect can easily be twisted.


Clearly APNU/AFC is bad at messaging, and Ramjattan completely lost.  Why don't they give Felix something to do, so he can stop harassing people at the airport.  He ought to know more about fighting crime than Ramjattan.


Then they can put Ramjattan as Minister of Berbice Affairs, as he ought to know something about that.

The assault on Ramjattan is a bunch of red herring nonsense. He referred to the firing of the CSO's by the PPP. CSO's who were primarily Amerindian. I don't know how that amounts to racism on Ramjattan's part.


Thus far he appears to be another "taak man". Nuff nuff of them in Guyana. That horse and Alsatian shit is woefully inadequate as is his curfew. Granger needs to acknowledge crime fighting as the current #1 priority. Strategic plans for US aid, new crime labs etc are fine but there needs be some tactical solutions implemented to protect the citizenry now.


Oh, and if Seelall is not up to it, then he has to go too.

Originally Posted by redux:
about that.

dude, you must actually believe that the coalition gov't is GNI and that insult as policy enlightens and moves the ball of governance forward



Please outline what initiatives for fighting crime has Ramjattan developed. 

We already know that crime was increasing under the PPP, so why this history lesson from Ramjattan? 


What we want to know is what does he plan to do to reduce crime?  No real innovative ideas as of now, unless you can reveal some.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
about that.

dude, you must actually believe that the coalition gov't is GNI and that insult as policy enlightens and moves the ball of governance forward



Please outline what initiatives for fighting crime has Ramjattan developed. 

We already know that crime was increasing under the PPP, so why this history lesson from Ramjattan? 


What we want to know is what does he plan to do to reduce crime?  No real innovative ideas as of now, unless you can reveal some.

First line, release 60 without probationary conditions!!

Originally Posted by Itaname:

The assault on Ramjattan is a bunch of red herring nonsense. He referred to the firing of the CSO's by the PPP. CSO's who were primarily Amerindian. I don't know how that amounts to racism on Ramjattan's part.


Thus far he appears to be another "taak man". Nuff nuff of them in Guyana. That horse and Alsatian shit is woefully inadequate as is his curfew. Granger needs to acknowledge crime fighting as the current #1 priority. Strategic plans for US aid, new crime labs etc are fine but there needs be some tactical solutions implemented to protect the citizenry now.


Oh, and if Seelall is not up to it, then he has to go too.

The situation with the Amerindian CSOs had NOTHING to do with that topic, so why did Ramjattan mention that, when he ought to have been talking about initiatives to reduce crime.


He allowed himself to fall into a PPP trap, and it is clear that Guyana Times has become a very effective PPP tool, given that APNU/AFC are clumsy, lack focus, and have a complete inability to communicate.


Let us face facts.  Ramjattan was given a portfolio beyond his capabilities.  I understand that the Cummingsburg Accord suggests that he must be retained, but they really need to get some one who knows how to fight crime, to run that Ministry.


How ironic that a government run by military men seems so inept at developing plans to fight crime?

Originally Posted by baseman:

First line, release 60 without probationary conditions!!

Until you can prove otherwise, I will accept the premise that these were first time offenders who were incarcerated for non violent crimes.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

dude, you must actually believe that the coalition gov't is GNI and that insult as policy enlightens and moves the ball of governance forward



Please outline what initiatives for fighting crime has Ramjattan developed. 

We already know that crime was increasing under the PPP, so why this history lesson from Ramjattan? 


What we want to know is what does he plan to do to reduce crime?  No real innovative ideas as of now, unless you can reveal some.

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . . not really interested in your red herring 'invites'


keep wandering all over the place pretending u don't understand what my comment is all about

Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
How would Stormborn digest what Ramjattan said here?

He would call you a racist, and Ramjattan inept. 


Ramjattan did NOT say that the Amerindians were to blame.  He communicates in a buse down style, so does NOT make his points clearly, and is easily side tracked into traps that the PPP sets for him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

your argumentation is weak


fact is, i involve myself in many "policy discussions" on crime fighting initiatives, even on GNI . . . i simply prefer not to have them with idle people like you!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
about that.

dude, you must actually believe that the coalition gov't is GNI and that insult as policy enlightens and moves the ball of governance forward



Please outline what initiatives for fighting crime has Ramjattan developed. 

We already know that crime was increasing under the PPP, so why this history lesson from Ramjattan? 


What we want to know is what does he plan to do to reduce crime?  No real innovative ideas as of now, unless you can reveal some.

The AFC canvassed on eradicating crime for the 2015 General Election.  Why do you thing that a couple of water washed coolies can handle a predominantly corrupted black police force?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

your argumentation is weak


fact is, i involve myself in many "policy discussions" on crime fighting initiatives, even on GNI . . . i simply prefer not to have them with idle people like you!

So criminals are running all around, terrifying Guyanese, and it is "weak" to discuss crime fighting strategies.


I suggest to you that if GNI is a waste of your time, maybe you shouldn't post here.  Did you ever think of that?


Or are you the new APNU Albert/Conscience?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

your argumentation is weak


fact is, i involve myself in many "policy discussions" on crime fighting initiatives, even on GNI . . . i simply prefer not to have them with idle people like you!

So criminals are running all around, terrifying Guyanese, and it is "weak" to discuss crime fighting strategies.


I suggest to you that if GNI is a waste of your time, maybe you shouldn't post here.  Did you ever think of that?

noo . . . YOU are a waste of my time



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

your argumentation is weak


fact is, i involve myself in many "policy discussions" on crime fighting initiatives, even on GNI . . . i simply prefer not to have them with idle people like you!

So criminals are running all around, terrifying Guyanese, and it is "weak" to discuss crime fighting strategies.


I suggest to you that if GNI is a waste of your time, maybe you shouldn't post here.  Did you ever think of that?

noo . . . YOU are a waste of my time



And yet you waste your time to respond so frequently to me.


I suspect that there is something else afoot.  The inept APNU hasn't provided you with appropriate scripts to rebut those who criticize them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

sir, i am not having a policy discussion with you . . .

If initiatives to fight crime aren't fit for a policy discussion, don't cry if there is a PPP mayor of G/town.

your argumentation is weak


fact is, i involve myself in many "policy discussions" on crime fighting initiatives, even on GNI . . . i simply prefer not to have them with idle people like you!

So criminals are running all around, terrifying Guyanese, and it is "weak" to discuss crime fighting strategies.


I suggest to you that if GNI is a waste of your time, maybe you shouldn't post here.  Did you ever think of that?

noo . . . YOU are a waste of my time



And yet you waste your time to respond so frequently to me.


I suspect that there is something else afoot.  The inept APNU hasn't provided you with appropriate scripts to rebut those who criticize them.

perhaps it would enlighten to show where and how i "respond" to your nonsense as i consistently refuse your plaintive, insistent importuning to engage in diversionary "debate"



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

The assault on Ramjattan is a bunch of red herring nonsense. He referred to the firing of the CSO's by the PPP. CSO's who were primarily Amerindian. I don't know how that amounts to racism on Ramjattan's part.


Thus far he appears to be another "taak man". Nuff nuff of them in Guyana. That horse and Alsatian shit is woefully inadequate as is his curfew. Granger needs to acknowledge crime fighting as the current #1 priority. Strategic plans for US aid, new crime labs etc are fine but there needs be some tactical solutions implemented to protect the citizenry now.


Oh, and if Seelall is not up to it, then he has to go too.

The situation with the Amerindian CSOs had NOTHING to do with that topic, so why did Ramjattan mention that, when he ought to have been talking about initiatives to reduce crime.


He allowed himself to fall into a PPP trap, and it is clear that Guyana Times has become a very effective PPP tool, given that APNU/AFC are clumsy, lack focus, and have a complete inability to communicate.


Let us face facts.  Ramjattan was given a portfolio beyond his capabilities.  I understand that the Cummingsburg Accord suggests that he must be retained, but they really need to get some one who knows how to fight crime, to run that Ministry.


How ironic that a government run by military men seems so inept at developing plans to fight crime?

Carib, I find this to be a reasonable and seasoned view on your part...though surprising to me. I find myself agreeing with you here. Tell Redux to not be so defensive and quick to defend the coalition.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

First line, release 60 without probationary conditions!!

Until you can prove otherwise, I will accept the premise that these were first time offenders who were incarcerated for non violent crimes.

Why dont the coalition release the information?? 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

The assault on Ramjattan is a bunch of red herring nonsense. He referred to the firing of the CSO's by the PPP. CSO's who were primarily Amerindian. I don't know how that amounts to racism on Ramjattan's part.


Thus far he appears to be another "taak man". Nuff nuff of them in Guyana. That horse and Alsatian shit is woefully inadequate as is his curfew. Granger needs to acknowledge crime fighting as the current #1 priority. Strategic plans for US aid, new crime labs etc are fine but there needs be some tactical solutions implemented to protect the citizenry now.


Oh, and if Seelall is not up to it, then he has to go too.

The situation with the Amerindian CSOs had NOTHING to do with that topic, so why did Ramjattan mention that, when he ought to have been talking about initiatives to reduce crime.


He allowed himself to fall into a PPP trap, and it is clear that Guyana Times has become a very effective PPP tool, given that APNU/AFC are clumsy, lack focus, and have a complete inability to communicate.


Let us face facts.  Ramjattan was given a portfolio beyond his capabilities.  I understand that the Cummingsburg Accord suggests that he must be retained, but they really need to get some one who knows how to fight crime, to run that Ministry.


How ironic that a government run by military men seems so inept at developing plans to fight crime?

Carib, I find this to be a reasonable and seasoned view on your part...though surprising to me. I find myself agreeing with you here. Tell Redux to not be so defensive and quick to defend the coalition.



wuh yuh friken . . . why you doan tell me directly?

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

First line, release 60 without probationary conditions!!

Until you can prove otherwise, I will accept the premise that these were first time offenders who were incarcerated for non violent crimes.

Why dont the coalition release the information?? 

This is what they said that they would do.  If the PPP has information, which suggests that the coalition gov't did other than they said that they would do, then they ought to offer proof of this.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Carib, I find this to be a reasonable and seasoned view on your part...though surprising to me. I find myself agreeing with you here. Tell Redux to not be so defensive and quick to defend the coalition.

Your shocks stems from your notion that any Afro Guyanese who speaks out on Afro Guyanese issues, and who condemns Indian racism is some PNC fanatic.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but as you can see I am not.


If only were you as objective when it comes to curbing the Indo KKK like activity which is rampant among PPP supporters, and increasingly among a few AFC Indo supporters, Jalil being an example.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Ramjattan did NOT say that the Amerindians were to blame.  He communicates in a buse down style, so does NOT make his points clearly, and is easily side tracked into traps that the PPP sets for him.

And this man is one of Guyana's esteemed Vice Presidents?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Now we have to be mind readers to understand what exactly Ramjattan means? Yes mean no. No means yes or something in between?


Ramjattan is CLUELESS.

Originally Posted by asj:

Dogs and horses

Despite being ridiculed in both mass and social media forums for failing to present realistic and more serious proposals to fight crime, Minister Ramjattan maintained that he was going to use “horses” and “canines” as an important element in his plan to deal with the phenomenon.

He argued that a lot has already being invested on canine handler training amid canine jokes from various parts of the Parliament.


This guy appears to be a joker, as he wants to fight today's criminal with dogs and horses.


Ramjattan is now using horses and donkeys to fight crime. Time of him to resign.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
According to the coalition supporters, Ramjattan is the best thing since slice bread.

Ramjattan should be the first to be charged for racism under the new proposed PNC legislation. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Ramjattan did NOT say that the Amerindians were to blame.  He communicates in a buse down style, so does NOT make his points clearly, and is easily side tracked into traps that the PPP sets for him.

And this man is one of Guyana's esteemed Vice Presidents?

Yes sir,  Ramjattan is a Vice President.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Dogs and horses

Despite being ridiculed in both mass and social media forums for failing to present realistic and more serious proposals to fight crime, Minister Ramjattan maintained that he was going to use “horses” and “canines” as an important element in his plan to deal with the phenomenon.

He argued that a lot has already being invested on canine handler training amid canine jokes from various parts of the Parliament.


This guy appears to be a joker, as he wants to fight today's criminal with dogs and horses.


Ramjattan is now using horses and donkeys to fight crime. Time of him to resign.

The PPP used a Goat, that got them nowhere for 23years.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:

Dogs and horses

Despite being ridiculed in both mass and social media forums for failing to present realistic and more serious proposals to fight crime, Minister Ramjattan maintained that he was going to use “horses” and “canines” as an important element in his plan to deal with the phenomenon.

He argued that a lot has already being invested on canine handler training amid canine jokes from various parts of the Parliament.


This guy appears to be a joker, as he wants to fight today's criminal with dogs and horses.


Ramjattan is now using horses and donkeys to fight crime. Time of him to resign.

The PPP used a Goat, that got them nowhere for 23years.

An in less than 100 days crime has escalated under PNC's Rumjhaat.


Berbice vents outrage over violent crime


Waving placards and burning tyres, residents of Number 45 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, yesterday voiced their outrage over the recent spate of violent robberies in their community, and which escalated Thursday with the killing of cash crop farmer Pamela Kendall.
During the approximately hour-long demonstration, residents dumped tyres, utility poles and tree trunks onto the main road. They also set some of the debris alight.
Some semblance of calm only returned to the community after police ranks arrived and spoke to the residents, some of whom threatened to return.
“No more cheap talk, we are not fools,” one placard read. “We need protection now,” read another.
The protesters gathered at around 15:30 hrs, with many having some story to tell about the crime that has overwhelmed the community.
“We don’t need no police, leh we live in war”, one protester shouted. Another resident said that the situation has become overbearing and very little action is being taken to curb the situation.


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