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Ramjattan sees parallel between PPP’s stance on sugar workers and PNCR Chairman’s position on jobs for supporters


FLASH BACK: Party Chairman Volda Lawrence delivering the feature address to General Council

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan on Thursday stopped short of accusing the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) of seeking to secure the jobs of Indo-Guyanese in much the same way that People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Chairman, Volda Lawrence had promised to give jobs to her party’s supporters.

“Volda made a statement recently that she’ll get some employment for her people. You want to say that that is wrong but when you state all the time that you got to employ sugar workers, you got to employ sugar workers that is not wrong. That is not jobs for the boys? Oh! That is not jobs for the boys. If it is anything it is also jobs for the boys. You want us to employ your people because you are very strong in the sugar estate areas and we must pump more, we must pump more. No! We will certainly have to bring it to an end,” he said.

Lawrence has since apologised to those who have felt offended by her remarks at the November 25, 2018 Region Four PNCR District Conference. She had been heard telling party members that they should not be afraid to award contracts and hire PNCR members and that her friends are PNC and only party members would get jobs.

Ramjattan called on the PPP not to seek to score political points because of a “certain statement” while demanding that government employ and spend more on the sugar industry.

In debating the 2019 National Budget, Ramjattan flayed the PPP for objecting to the coalition government’s decision to layoff thousands of sugar workers as part of efforts to right-size the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation that had been draining the national treasury of billions of dollars annually.

“They give the impression to deal with this emotion and bias and discrimination as if we, here, never loved sugar workers and that we fool them…food for the base but let me remind members here that indeed from when we started in the administration every month for 36 months Guysuco wanted 1 billion dollars to bail out sugar and we gave it to them and when we gave it to them we started getting criticism that there was no other people in this country,” said Ramjattan who is also Chairman of the Alliance For Change.

Ramjattan contended that the PPP could not have closed down some estates although it was well-known that sugar would have been no longer profitable due to Europe’s scrapping of preferential prices for the sweetener. He noted that Guysuco lost almost US$40 million annually between 2010 and 2014.

2014  97
2015  92
2016  99
2017  90
2018  82

He accused the PPP of spouting “inflamed rhetoric” by falsely linking the closure of  Skeldon, Rose Hall-Canje, Enmore-East Demerara and Wales  sugar estates with increased suicide and domestic violence.

“This is the trouble so you cannot go and link it to say that because the sugar industry had reform and right-size that that is what caused it…so when you are giving the impression here that suicide rates started high as a result of the sugar industry having right-sized,” he said.

The Public Security Minister produced official  figures to show a decline rather than an increase in suicides over the past several years.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

To compare Volda's statement about giving jobs to supporters with the opposition demands to support the sugar workers is being dishonest, at best, and shortsighted.

Though her statement reflects an epileptic " moment of madness", for which she apologized,  it was made by a sitting Minister, who controls  state resources and can implement policies. She is in a position to implement what she says she wanted to do...she is a presidential hopeful...

The opposition is not in a position to do so...sugar workers LOST their jobs (yes, the PPP should have addressed this archaic industry while in office) and are in need of assistance from the government.

On the issue of suicides...a reduction of 13 from 2012 to 2018 is not a great drop in suicide rates. According to Anan Boodram, Guyana has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, per capita, mostly among the rural Indo population. 

Ramjattan would have made more sense had he compared Volda's statement with that of babu John, according to Freddie Kissoon.


How about the lies and make up figures emanating from the western side of the house.

Should they be given a free pass ? When the gov't side present the facts, it's comparing pumpkins, oranges and mangoes.

Django posted:

How about the lies and make up figures emanating from the western side of the house.

Should they be given a free pass ? When the gov't side present the facts, it's comparing pumpkins, oranges and mangoes.

You living in the past bro...the PPP is not in office. Keep your eyes on the prize...they said they were different and they bringing change...they set the bar higher...not the western side.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

How about the lies and make up figures emanating from the western side of the house.

Should they be given a free pass ? When the gov't side present the facts, it's comparing pumpkins, oranges and mangoes.

You living in the past bro...the PPP is not in office. Keep your eyes on the prize...they said they were different and they bringing change...they set the bar higher...not the western side.

So you agree with the western side of the house false statements to score cookie points ?

Mismanagement by the PPP should be swept under the carpet, millions of dollars were borrowed and spent on white elephants, without any feasibility studies.Nothing should be mentioned, yet on a daily basis one can hear the squandering of the Burnham era.

To determine if there are changes, comparisons of the past administration is a factor.

Last edited by Django

ASS KISSER and BATTY WASHER are so plentiful. God help us all if this trend continues. Some has sunk so low that there are no machine/method available to mankind to bring them back up. !!  Shamelessness, lack of pride, plain selfish and inhuman attitudes are as common to them as eating a piece of cake. These Parasites to Society are few but a real danger to Society!!!

Nehru posted:

ASS KISSER and BATTY WASHER are so plentiful. God help us all if this trend continues. Some has sunk so low that there are no machine/method available to mankind to bring them back up. !!  Shamelessness, lack of pride, plain selfish and inhuman attitudes are as common to them as eating a piece of cake. These Parasites to Society are few but a real danger to Society!!!

You graduated to posting more than two sentences but it seems you have not gone beyond the repetition of the same nonsense. One can cut and paste any of your posts on any subject and it is exactly as this one. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Nehru posted:

ASS KISSER and BATTY WASHER are so plentiful. God help us all if this trend continues. Some has sunk so low that there are no machine/method available to mankind to bring them back up. !!  Shamelessness, lack of pride, plain selfish and inhuman attitudes are as common to them as eating a piece of cake. These Parasites to Society are few but a real danger to Society!!!

You graduated to posting more than two sentences but it seems you have not gone beyond the repetition of the same nonsense. One can cut and paste any of your posts on any subject and it is exactly as this one. 

FACTS BABY FACTS, Yuh cant tek wata and wash away FACTS. Some are so shameless you have to wonder if they are from this planet!!!

Django posted:

Unfortunately the above post is noting of substance, empty heads make such statements.

How can it make any sense to you???  That is just not possible and the reason is clearly stated in my post. Ask someone to explain!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately the above post is noting of substance, empty heads make such statements.

How can it make any sense to you???  That is just not possible and the reason is clearly stated in my post. Ask someone to explain!!!

As mentioned the post emanated from an empty head, don't need help to parse.

Nehru posted:
D2 posted:
Nehru posted:

ASS KISSER and BATTY WASHER are so plentiful. God help us all if this trend continues. Some has sunk so low that there are no machine/method available to mankind to bring them back up. !!  Shamelessness, lack of pride, plain selfish and inhuman attitudes are as common to them as eating a piece of cake. These Parasites to Society are few but a real danger to Society!!!

You graduated to posting more than two sentences but it seems you have not gone beyond the repetition of the same nonsense. One can cut and paste any of your posts on any subject and it is exactly as this one. 

FACTS BABY FACTS, Yuh cant tek wata and wash away FACTS. Some are so shameless you have to wonder if they are from this planet!!!

endless after day; a monotonous drone that is non informational  and habitual that they have long ceased to be of interest to me and I am sure of others as well. I am certain  no one reads them for their off color charm ( again long become irksome and tiresome for their clinched banality), I think you need to up your game. Notice I seldom respond except to remind you of the insipid sameness of your posts?  

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately the above post is noting of substance, empty heads make such statements.

How can it make any sense to you???  That is just not possible and the reason is clearly stated in my post. Ask someone to explain!!!

As mentioned the post emanated from an empty head, don't need help to parse.


VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately the above post is noting of substance, empty heads make such statements.

How can it make any sense to you???  That is just not possible and the reason is clearly stated in my post. Ask someone to explain!!!

As mentioned the post emanated from an empty head, don't need help to parse.


“ass kisser” “batty kisser” “empty heads”

reminds me of the argument I saw in April in Guyana wild dem 2 people arguing about Hinduism and the caste system.. 


D2, I will never expect you to condone racist remarks like Vulga preaches. I will never expect you to try to justify Rumjhaaaatan silly attempt to equate  Vulga with anyone. You are not a Filth Head.

Nehru posted:

D2, I will never expect you to condone racist remarks like Vulga preaches. I will never expect you to try to justify Rumjhaaaatan silly attempt to equate  Vulga with anyone. You are not a Filth Head.

Too called me that a couple of hundred times inclusive of crab dog, lungera, not limited to the full range of your colorful repertoire of unique phrases!

D2 posted:
Nehru posted:

D2, I will never expect you to condone racist remarks like Vulga preaches. I will never expect you to try to justify Rumjhaaaatan silly attempt to equate  Vulga with anyone. You are not a Filth Head.

Too called me that a couple of hundred times inclusive of crab dog, lungera, not limited to the full range of your colorful repertoire of unique phrases!

I did? That would have been a really hot discussion. I do not remember referring to you as such. You never displayed such qualities. On the other hand some display such qualities daily. If you can find the exchanges I would love to take a look and see if I owe you any apologies.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

How about the lies and make up figures emanating from the western side of the house.

Should they be given a free pass ? When the gov't side present the facts, it's comparing pumpkins, oranges and mangoes.

You living in the past bro...the PPP is not in office. Keep your eyes on the prize...they said they were different and they bringing change...they set the bar higher...not the western side.

You just add to the list who see Django living in the past. Hope you can crack his ead and put some sense long over due. 



Re: "the western side of the house."

You love that phrase, bro? Good for you! Miss Cleo's crystal ball shows APNU+AFC occupying the western side of the house in 2019. By all means keep using it.

Gilbakka posted:


Re: "the western side of the house."

You love that phrase, bro? Good for you! Miss Cleo's crystal ball shows APNU+AFC occupying the western side of the house in 2019. By all means keep using it.

There is no cure for an addiction to  黑色 茄子 (Hēisè Qiézi)
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Re: "the western side of the house."

You love that phrase, bro? Good for you! Miss Cleo's crystal ball shows APNU+AFC occupying the western side of the house in 2019. By all means keep using it.

There is no cure for an addiction to  黑色 茄子 (Hēisè Qiézi)

We are aware it's the short comings hence the infatuation of melanzana. Got to be tough to live under the circumstances all the years, such men are called dharpoke.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

bai...tell the man yuh were high when yuh call him names 

How high he-Nehru went?

Nehru posted:

Top of the new World Trade Center 

Bhai Nehru, you getting higher and higher.  

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Re: "the western side of the house."

You love that phrase, bro? Good for you! Miss Cleo's crystal ball shows APNU+AFC occupying the western side of the house in 2019. By all means keep using it.

There is no cure for an addiction to  黑色 茄子 (Hēisè Qiézi)

We are aware it's the short comings hence the infatuation of melanzana. Got to be tough to live under the circumstances all the years, such men are called dharpoke.

Shucks bai, yuh quick on the draw these days. I thought it would take you a while to google duh. Ah give yuh too much clues, but google good though. 

Last edited by Former Member

Mutwah = GNI cut and paste Guru and most banned expert.

DJ = GNI Certified Google search expert.

Both nominated and are certain to take home those awards. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Mutwah = GNI cut and paste Guru and most banned expert.

DJ = GNI Certified Google search expert.

Both nominated and are certain to take home those awards. 

What about Androuski aka Mascapone, dem bais seh he like them push in and pull out story ever since a small child. 

yuji22 posted:

Mutwah = GNI cut and paste Guru and most banned expert.

DJ = GNI Certified Google search expert.

Both nominated and are certain to take home those awards. 

What about Derika, also answers to Druggie or Sewerhead? Went black and now he can't go back. Indian that love having black bigan from the in.. ah mean out-laws from Newark.

VishMahabir posted:

I meant:

"Ramjattan is COMPARING pumpkins oranges and mangoes"

Sheer nonsense from Ramjattan.  What's the moral equivalency between one political leader saying I got jobs only for my own, people who looks like her vs another leader lobbying in favor of an industry which, true, has 80% Indians and 20% Afro/other.

Volda = Apartheid Head!!

Labba posted:

OMG, OMG, me see dis. Khemraj lass all me respect. he sound like wan career wh&^%e dey. Wonder what we one lover snowie rowie gat foh say bout he bai Khemraj.

Hey Acouri man, whatever happened to your Snowie Rowie? Did you drive him crazy that he had to run and hide?


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