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October 25, 2016 Source

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan is once again advocating for citizens and businesses to move away from the use of cash to debit and credit cards and cheques for their transactions, while saying that it has been proven to result in a significant drop in crime.

“Going around with plastic or cheques is going to nip the percentage opportunity of crime by almost 35%, a statistic  I just learned while being at the State Department, at the CBSI [Caribbean Basin Security Initiative] meeting,” Ramjattan, who only returned from Washington, in the United States, on Thursday, told Stabroek News.

Ramjattan said the huge amounts of money that people walk around with is one of the factors that has driven the crime rate and he has pleaded with the Private Sector Commission (PSC) and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association to encourage businesses to move towards using plastic and cheques for transactions. “That is why one of my arguments is that, yes, we must have some increased surveillance at their premises and venues. I noticed that they have done an exposition to that effect, but the one that is primary in my mind is to let the country start the process with going plastic. Going plastic is carrying the debit and credit cards around, instead of carrying $6 million around and then liming at the seawall with that money,” he noted.

Towards this end, Ramjattan called for the business community to assist government to implement plans that would see less cash-based transactions.

“The big point about our business community is that we must go plastic and have everybody having cards. So if they [criminals] are coming to rob somebody, it knocks out the opportunity and it knocks out the crime by 35%. So, with more patrols, more assets on the road, not having the opportunity that you can get couple hundred thousand dollars or jewellery or all, it helps. I did not notice any statements recently, although meeting the PSC and GM&SA… about that. I am proud they had the exposition, but that was with surveillance equipment. That will help too but the greatest help would be making the country go plastic so that people wouldn’t walk around with huge amounts money and criminals would not feel that anybody coming out of a bank would have couple hundred thousand or a million dollars in their pockets, so that they could go and rob,” Ramjattan stated.

However, he noted that some persons in the business community as well as private citizens may not want to see a push for plastic and cheques because of their nefarious activities.

“It is important that we move towards that. But I am now understanding why some people would not like going plastic, because it would mean their transactions would come under the radar of the banking system and so on. So when some people are shouting that the crime situation is getting high, by not going plastic they are always, in a sense, indulging in the high crime rate. It could also be avoidance or evasion of taxes or a variety of reasons. But I would like specifically the business community and the banking association to start the talk about how to get this country [using] more plastic,” he said.

Using statistics gathered from his CBSI meeting, Ramjattan said he plans on discussing with Minister of Finance Winston Jordan how Guyana can see transition to the use of more banking cards and cheques.

He added, “We plan to speak to them on this issue of how we can go plastic. I am not an expert on this, on this issue and I don’t know what it takes but I am certain the business and banking community would know and the Ministry of Finance would know. We require a collaborative effort to get this thing going and of course we have to get the youth employment rates up and a number of other factors… which we have to work on.”

The CBSI meeting also indicated that a number of factors will have to be taken into account pertaining to the high crime rates in the region, Ramjattan related. But while this is so across the Caribbean, he said it was highlighted in Washington that Guyana is doing “a good job in recent times as it relates to catching the criminals.” Those positive efforts, Ramjattan added, should be noted by locals too.

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"However, he noted that some persons in the business community as well as private citizens may not want to see a push for plastic and cheques because of their nefarious activities."


True dat! These are the people who rip off the system, do not pay their fair share of taxes toward the infrastructure and yet complain about the govt not performing as they should.

Last edited by cain

What really is this guy job, Minister of security. Now he wants to dictate banking. People already selling fake credit cards in Georgetown, presently they don't have the personnel to combat credit card fraud.Rumjaat lost the handle on crime, he is bait and switching.

kp posted:

What really is this guy job, Minister of security. Now he wants to dictate banking. People already selling fake credit cards in Georgetown, presently they don't have the personnel to combat credit card fraud.Rumjaat lost the handle on crime, he is bait and switching.

Great point. All he is trying to do is TRY and find excuses.  This is the hallmark of this INCOMPETENT, DUMB Govt!!!!

kp posted:

What really is this guy job, Minister of security. Now he wants to dictate banking. People already selling fake credit cards in Georgetown, presently they don't have the personnel to combat credit card fraud.Rumjaat lost the handle on crime, he is bait and switching.

Maybe he lil confused about his job title.  He thinks it's this security.  I can understand the confusion.

What is a 'Security'

A security is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with governmental body or a corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option. A security is a fungible, negotiable financial instrument that represents some type of financial value. The company or entity that issues the security is known as the issuer.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well, how hard is it to figure out what date is Diwali?  Does he have any other responsibilities?  Other than financial securitization.

HAHAHAHAHA  The Chap has to be a Fan of Rumjhatan. Usually, dummies hang together.

Django posted:

October 25, 2016 Source

Ramjattan lobbies for more plastic, less cash transactions to stem crime.

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan is once again advocating for citizens and businesses to move away from the use of cash to debit and credit cards and cheques for their transactions, while saying that it has been proven to result in a significant drop in crime.

“Going around with plastic or cheques is going to nip the percentage opportunity of crime by almost 35%, a statistic  I just learned while being at the State Department, at the CBSI [Caribbean Basin Security Initiative] meeting,” Ramjattan, who only returned from Washington, in the United States, on Thursday, told Stabroek News.

Perhaps Khemraj Ramjattan has no clue on the crime activities associated with the credit cards.

Also perhaps, he continues dream-up wild and unworkable initiatives while sleeping at his desk.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

What really is this guy job, Minister of security. Now he wants to dictate banking. People already selling fake credit cards in Georgetown, presently they don't have the personnel to combat credit card fraud.Rumjaat lost the handle on crime, he is bait and switching.

Maybe he lil confused about his job title.  He thinks it's this security.  I can understand the confusion.

What is a 'Security'

A security is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with governmental body or a corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option. A security is a fungible, negotiable financial instrument that represents some type of financial value. The company or entity that issues the security is known as the issuer.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

What really is this guy job, Minister of security. Now he wants to dictate banking. People already selling fake credit cards in Georgetown, presently they don't have the personnel to combat credit card fraud.Rumjaat lost the handle on crime, he is bait and switching.

Maybe he lil confused about his job title.  He thinks it's this security.  I can understand the confusion.

What is a 'Security'

A security is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with governmental body or a corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option. A security is a fungible, negotiable financial instrument that represents some type of financial value. The company or entity that issues the security is known as the issuer.

And Rumjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan DUMB and STUPID!!!


The man was touting his Gun Amnesty program last year.  Well that failed miserably.  There are more guns now on the streets of Guyana than when he became Ministaaaa.  Now he is blowing air about plastic card.  Guyana does not have the ways and means to implement an extensive smart card program.  Half of the time people would show up to purchase items and their card won't work.  Plus this would be a cost to the merchants. I think he has his eye (well one of them) on the fees that come with the smart card programs.  Dem looking for ways to collect.

Bibi Haniffa

I bet you all have numerous cards in your wallets but that's ok, dem Guyanese peeps don't deserve to move forward. You people would surely love to see Guyana stay backward nuh, or is it you all have friends and family who would lose out when doing under the table cash transactions?



Bibi, many in Guyana has Credit  Cards. The problem is the machines dont work to process payments, many Merchants do not take credit cards, those that do charge a Fee. Blackout back in full force, hence TK Donkey Cart Economy.  Jug Jug Lamp and Fire Wood cant be purchased with credit card!!!!!!!!!!!!

cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


kp posted:
cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


The so called savior of Indo Guyanese Jagdeo said that,i watched his press conference,only fools will believe that con man.

Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


The so called savior of Indo Guyanese Jagdeo said that,i watched his press conference,only fools will believe that con man.

Only FOOLS will not listen to FACTS!!!!!!

Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


The so called savior of Indo Guyanese Jagdeo said that,i watched his press conference,only fools will believe that con man.

You watched with envy, I know for fact that recently hospital and hotel was robbed and that is no LIE. THE TRUTH HURTS REAL BAD.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


The so called savior of Indo Guyanese Jagdeo said that,i watched his press conference,only fools will believe that con man.

You watched with envy, I know for fact that recently hospital and hotel was robbed and that is no LIE. THE TRUTH HURTS REAL BAD.

Why would i envy??

Did you read the hospital robbery was an inside job ??

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

Ramjattan is doing a much better job so far than the blasted goat man has ever done in all the years he sat his lazy rass in the Ministry's chair.

“It has never been this bad. People are now robbing hospitals (and) they went into two hotels. When you start going into hotels, robbing hotels, then that sends a strong signal on tourism. If criminals can go into a hotel and rob it soon they might go into funeral parlours, who knows,” he added.


The so called savior of Indo Guyanese Jagdeo said that,i watched his press conference,only fools will believe that con man.

You watched with envy, I know for fact that recently hospital and hotel was robbed and that is no LIE. THE TRUTH HURTS REAL BAD.

Why would i envy??

Did you read the hospital robbery was an inside job ??

Inside thief don't count????

kp posted:

To start you cannot entrusted a one eyed man to "see" after crime, only half the job will be done, and he can't even achieve that goal.

That so called "one eyed man" is doing better than the goat with both eyes and quick bicycle tiefin hands.


Going around with plastic or cheques is going to nip the percentage opportunity of crime by almost 35%, a statistic  I just learned while being at the State Department, at the CBSI [Caribbean Basin Security Initiative] meeting,” Ramjattan, who only returned from Washington, in the United States, on Thursday, told Stabroek News.

Looks like Ramjattan is not as learned as his profession would imply.  This is common knowledge and Textiera was saying this for years. Ramjattan just discovered the wheel. 


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